Member Reviews

I was immediately fed up by the info dump backstory family history at the start. It felt repetitive and I got the sense that our main character, who's name escapes me as efficiently as Harry Houdini could get out of any straitjacket, was just going to whine and complain about not being good at magic. I got the impression he'd never even tried to practice or take it seriously. If he were dyspraxic I might've appreciated that angle but it just felt like a man mad that he wasn't just handed the skills on a platter

I Thought this Would be the Next Magic Misfits but Alas it Wasn't the Case Hence the 3-star rating But it was a good Read all the Same.
(Thanks to Net Galley for this book).

My grandchildren enjoyed this book very much. They cheered Benjamin on once he discovered the hidden magical book. They now all want a magical pop up book for Christmas or 'real' magic sets. Perhaps a selection of the authors other books might surfice. Great adventure book but had to convince them that an attic and the loft were completely different things.