Member Reviews

This was such a fun read for littles. It was super interactive encouraging readers to tap the page, clap, repeat after the book, flip the book upside down, etc.

The story was also really fun. The Monster’s ball is in danger of being ruined and it’s up to the Boo Crew to help. With the help of the readers the Boo Crew works to make the Monster’s a success.

Little likes will love this book because it’s such an engaging story. Nearly every page encourages children to participate in the story.

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It was a cute rhyming book with lots of interactions. My son loves the pictures of all the monsters. It doesn’t translate as well on the phone as it would in physical form but he has already asked to read it again!

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“The Boo Crew Needs You” by Vicky Fang and pictures by Saoirse Lou is a delightful, interactive picture book that will kids participating with the story. The reader gets to be a part of “The Boo Crew” and save the day! A fun Halloween book.

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I received a free copy of, The Boo Crew Needs YOU!, by Vicky Fang, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. What an adorable story, i love the illustrations. The boo crew needs your help, this is a great interactive book for kids and families.

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My 2 year old daughter loved this book! As soon as it was done, she asked me to read it again! We will definitely be purchasing this book for her to have. She liked participating in the calls to action as well!

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This is a great book for young kids! The illustrations are great, the story is fun and the different prompts on each page help the kid stay attentive to the book. This is a great Halloween book for my son and I really enjoyed reading it with him.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book!

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This book is adorable!! I read it to my kiddos, and they loved it! The illustrations are great, but the interaction piece is awesome! That’s something I always look for, and for it to be done well, because my kiddos definitely stay more interested in the longer books if there’s some interaction. This book is a little longer so I don’t think it would work as well without the interaction piece. Overall, a 5 star read and we will be adding it to our Halloween collection!

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC!

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The illustrations are adorable! Such a cute and fun book for kids for spooky season. I would love to get this for my neices!

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I read this to my four year old daughter and her friend and they both loved it. I liked the interactions they have written for the kids to do on each page. It has spooky fun illustrations throughout the book. It put us in the mood for Halloween!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of "The Boo Crew Needs You!" All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Like with most children's books, as a reader your eyes are drawn to the pictures. This book does a great job with inviting graphics and showing an wide variety of characters who display different backgrounds. I was a little confused with why only part of the each page rhymed. The last sentence did not rhyme with the rest of the page and my teacher brain did not like that. It was odd. The story overall reminded me of the "How to Catch" series. I did appreciate how interactive the story was for kids. For a classroom, some of the action would be a little difficult.

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"The Book Crew Needs You" is a fun, festive and interactive read! The rhythmic storyline flowed easily and the illustrations were so eye-catching and vibrant. I think this could easily become a Halloween favorite for young readers!

I will definitely be adding this our collection!

Thank you Vicky Fang and Saoirse Lou , NetGalley & Source Books Kids- Source Books JabberWocky for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Such a fun, interactive book for kids! It reminds me of ghostbusters, but instead of calling the ghostbusters to get rid if ghosts, you call for the Boo Crew to help fix Halloween! Every other page offers an interactive thing your kid can do, like push a button, flip a switch, etc so it is sure to keep them entertained!

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Thank you to Net Galley for this advance e- copy of The Boo Crew Needs You by Vicky Fang in exchange for a honest review..This is a perfect interactive book for Halloween for the preschool and emerging reader..There are many interactive adventures in this story for kids to explore as they help the Boo crew- Luna, Bones and Fang save Halloween.

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This was such a cute book! I love Halloween kids book, but I think this one takes the cake. I love that it is interactive.

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This book is the perfect Halloween read for young children. My son absolutely loved this book. He thought it was so funny. It was the perfect amount of spooky for him to enjoy and not be scared. The illustrations are fun and the rhyming text engaging. Highly recommend this book!

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A cute, interactive book for kids! This one is perfect for Halloween season and gets kids involved with easy actions, like clapping, tapping etc. I loved the Boo screw and the illustrations were so cute!!

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