Member Reviews

I am in actual physical pain typing this out, but I did not enjoy In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune as much as I thought I would.
Under the Whispering Door is my absolute favorite book. I own multiple copies, in multiple formats and have read it several times already. The House in the Cerulean Sea was the book that introduced me to Klune and made him an auto-buy author in my household. When Lives of Puppets came across my radar I HAD to have it and was so very excited when I received the ARC. Since then I have picked up this book countless times, read a couple of chapters and put it back down again to read something else. This book is so painfully slow I just cannot get into it. The characters are adorable (who would have guessed I would say this about an old Roomba?), but nothing is happening and I am just so bored. I will probably pick it up again when the audiobook becomes available, but for now it's a DNF for me. I can't believe I just wrote that!
Why do I still give it 3/5 stars? Just because a slow-burn story about robots isn't my cup of tea, doesn't mean it is necessarily a bad book. If you are a sci-fi/fantasy reader who enjoys quirky characters (especially if you enjoyed the characters in Klune's other books) and you don't mind taking your time to get into the story, you might very well enjoy this book much more than I did!

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If you love Klune’s ability to make you connect with characters, humor and writing style - you will also love this book!

This story itself felt fresh despite being a retelling and I fell in love with a robot vacuum. Only reason this is not a 5⭐️ for me is that I compare it to all of his other stories I love so much and I didn’t leave with the same degree of feels as I normally do.

Definitely worth the read!

Thank you to TOR for providing an e-ARC !

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TJ Klune makes the best characters! They're quirky, and sometimes annoying, but they have hearts so pure you wish you knew them. Vic is so humanly awkward and embarrasses easily so of course his cantankerous Nurse Ratched teases him. She is grouchy and sometimes murderous, but also loyal and genuine. Rambo the former Roomba is almost childlike in his curiosity and openness, to the point that sometimes I was thinking he needed an off switch for safety. But he doesn't he just needs his friends to take care of him and keep him on track. Hap's redemption arc shows that he is defined by his daily choices not his past.
The story starts a little slow and had some spots that were hard to push through. It takes place after a robot apocalypse so pieces are really bleak, but that just contrasts with the beauty of nature. The treasure is the beauty of the human features within the robots, because we are all different, and don't follow one type of programming, and life is weirdness.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced digital copy of this book. The opinions are entirely my own, and I will recommend this title as a librarian to my patrons, family and friends.

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As a newer fan of author T.J. Klune, I was pleased to receive an ARC of his newest book, "In the Lives of Puppets". While it is marketed as a retelling of Pinocchio, I also saw elements from Frankenstein as well as The Wizard of Oz. Raised in the forest in a treehouse built by his android father Giovanni Lawson, Victor spends his days with his self-diagnosed sociopathic nurse machine (Nurse RATCHED) and a neurotic anxiety-filled robot vacuum named Rambo who adores the movie Top Hat. While out scavenging in a nearby junk yard, Vic and friends stumble across a discarded decommissioned android with signs of life. Rescuing it and secretly bringing it back to their lab, they manage to repair and resurrect HAP or Hysterically Angry Puppet. Unknowingly, Hap and Gio have a shared past and this launches our story as Gio is taken away to the city to be erased and reset to his original functions, before he developed a conscience. Unfortunately, this function was to create HARP androids that were programmed to destroy all humans, a feat that they thought they had accomplished.

This launches our crew of one disguised human and three robots on a rescue mission to find Giovanni.

This is my 3rd T.J. Klune book and I love the worlds that he creates. His writing contains diversity, fantasy, sci-fi and a love story. If you loved his previous books, this one will not disappoint.

Thank you Tor and Netgalley for the digital ARC for review.

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In the Lives of Puppets
By TJ Klune

My first TJ Klune book and my opinion is overall very positive. I really enjoyed the writing. I thought Klune was able to really set up an atmosphere. Whether that was the cozy beginning or increasingly more uncomfortable as the book progressed.

I wasn’t completely sold on all the characters at first, but they all rather grew on me. The found family relationship is also one of my favorites so that got me as well 😊 The main relationship I felt like could have been delved into a bit more, but that’s just a minor thing.

My only quibble is how much sex and genitalia are referenced. I get that this is also an exploration of Victor’s sexuality and relationship with love, but it felt a little excessive to me.

So if you like found family; robots; queer representation; explorations of loyalty, forgiveness, and love; and a good mix of heavy and humorous…. this book might be for you!

Thanks to NetGalley and torbooks for this digital reviewer copy in exchange for an honest review!

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TJ Klune has done it again: he has created a tale that is fantastical, yet so very authentic. I finished this wonderful book a few days ago and needed time to process all of my feelings about it. The main characters are all so lovable despite any flaws they may have - and a couple of them were involved in quite horrible things that we are told about. The trio of Victor (the human child), Nurse Ratched (the nurse bot, obviously), and Rambo (the vacuum bot) was one of my favorite things about the book. Their interactions are frequently hilarious and made me laugh out loud several times. This family goes through a great number of trials in order to save their caretaker/father, Giovanni, but manage to see their tasks through by building each other up and being strong for each other - and making a few death threats. Hap (the Hysterically Angry Puppet) and Gio are both characters who allow us to wrestle with the themes of overcoming one’s “programming,” redemption, and the multifaceted nature of love. The story is related to that of Pinocchio, with a “whale” and a “blue fairy” included. However, it is so different that is stands wholly on its own merits. I would have enjoyed it just as much had I not known about that connection. If you enjoy stories of found family, adventure, and what the power of love can truly be, you should read this one.

I will be purchasing the hardcover of this book as soon as it is released and I look forward to rereading it many times in the future. On a scale of 1-5 stars … I need more stars.

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Pinocchio meets Ex Machina meets Swiss Family Robinson.

I mean, obviously. This is TJ Klune we’re talking about. It all works.

Victor was dumped in the woods when he was a baby, left with GIO Lawson - General Innovation Operative. Gio split from City of Electric Dreams for his own reasons thank you very much and now lives in the woods with his son, Victor Lawson.

Along the way Gio and Victor find a few more robots - Rambo (a vacuum) and Nurse Ratched (whom I would die for) to round out their merry crew. Then one day at the scrap yard they find HAP, he has no power source but our Victor does love a challenge.

And boy does that lead to some trouble. Our gang sets off to save the day and meets some even stranger characters on their way back to the City of Electric Dreams to meet with the Blue Fairy.

Everything about this book is wonderful.

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Thank you to Tor Publishing Group, Netgalley and TJ Klune for the ARC!

I rate this book 4.5 stars, but rounded up to 5. I had really high hopes for this one because I absolutely loved The House In The Cerulean Sea. I didn’t love his follow up, Under The Whispering Door, so was hoping this one would be better, and it definitely was!

For a book about robots, it was soooo well done. I absolutely loved all the characters, especially the vacuum named Rambo and the robot who is also a nurse. Their banter actually made me laugh out loud at times. The plot line was very original, and I loved the way Klune was able to set his scenes, so you could perfectly visualize everything, from the treehouse to Heaven.

I didn’t give this a full 5 stars, because although it was super original, I did find it a bit slow at times. I was never dying to read it. I also was hoping for a bit more for the end, but did feel satisfied with what Klune gave us

Overall, if you are looking for a book filled with amazing characters and settings, as well as a plot filled with so much love and hopefulness, definitely try this one out. Don’t be scared off by the fantasy/sci -fi feel, as Klune made the robots super humanized.

This book releases in April 2023, and I’d highly recommend putting it on your TBR!

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This was a very strange book yet, but, as with all of his books, you absolutely love. I can't believe I absolutely loved these robots. Not humans but robots.

This is a beautiful, heartwarming book about love, friendship, and being different.
A definite recommend.

Thank you Netgalley and Tor Publishing.fot allowing me to read this book and give an honest review.

All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This feels like all the best parts of having a family were shoved into a book. The main characters were all very lovable and I spent the entire book rooting for them. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat everytime that they ran into any sort of trouble.

I have just finished reading it and I already want to reread it. TJ Klunes writing is amazing, I could easily picture myself in the forest in the house that Vic and Gio called home. I felt all of the emotions - both good and bad- that the characters were feeling.

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I had a very hard time getting into this book. I ended up DNF it at 32%. I really tried to push through but it’s taken me 4 full days just to get to 32% because it’s not getting my attention and i’ve struggled to keep reading. I feel really bad DNFing but I can’t keep trying to read this, it’ll take me 2 weeks.

I did really enjoy Nurse Ratched, she’s very funny and Rambo was very cute.

For the first like 12-15% of the book, I thought Gio was a human even though I knew he didn’t have a human heart.

When Nurse Ratched was saying “I am your mother.” That was so funny.
I was actually laughing out loud with this book! The humor was definitely needed since this is a big slow burn book.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read this book, I wish I could have read more! Maybe one day i’ll pick it up again!

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TJ Klune's latest book was an enjoyable read with his cozy emotionally-intelligent style and fun characters. The Nurse Ratched character was by far the most entertaining to me. I loved her Engaging Empathy Protocol which often started by her saying "there, there..." as a way to comfort others. As usual, there were funny moments and very meaningful life lessons for the characters that always seem to be a commentary on real life. But the characters felt so similar to The House in the Cerulean Sea. I loved that book and it was a 5 star for me and I still recommend it all the time. I didn't necessarily care for the robot storyline either, but I just couldn't get away from the characters qualities and speech being so very similar to Cerulean Sea. It felt like the same characters in a different setting which is why I have given it 3 stars. I think many people will enjoy it- TJ Klune's usual comforting and wholesome style.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read in exchange for an honest review.

I adore TJ Klune and his last two novels are two of my favorites. This one follows in their footsteps. I laughed and cried. So beautifully written. I can barely wait to get my hands on a physical copy.

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Thank you to Tor Publishing and NetGalley Books for this arc in exchange for an honest review.
Enter one of the most whimsical and magical reads I have had the pleasure of reading. This read has the most incredible cast of characters, which such wit and charm you would almost expect it to feel cheesy, but it’s just so so effortless. The amount of times I had burst out laughing at the insanity of this book is unparalleled. If you love to laugh, love found family, and general queerness, this is the book for you.

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If you’ve read any of TJ Klune’s Books and you thought they were a little weird and on the quirky side and loved them this one tops all those and you will love it. When I seen this available on netgalley I had to grab it and I am so glad I did.
We go deep into the forest and meet a family with a man named Giovanni Lawson who actually is not really a man, a boy that was left off by his parents and some robots called Nurse Ratched and Rambo. Both robots are funny and each had their own personalities Rambo was a little on the nervous side and Nurse Ratched has a little sadistic and sexual sense of humor to her? We follow the robots and Vic on a journey that will change their lives.
This is a cute heartwarming and funny fantasy adventure that is a take on the story Pinocchio, and Swiss Family Robinson meets Wall-E, I highly recommend reading this

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Really enjoyed this book. I love all the authors books. This one was perfect. I can't wait to buy a copy on release day for my bookshelf. Rambo was my favorite character.

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I've enjoyed Klune's work since discovering "The House on the Cerulean Sea" and have loved everything since then. "In the Lives of Puppets" instantly has Klune's blend of whimsical, chaotic, and laugh-out-loud funny. The story takes a unique concept - a lone human in a world of robots - and creates a subtle commentary on human nature. One of the commentaries I found was on human emotion which is exhibited through the different robots with one that's more sensitive and another that tends to be a little murderous. They have a range of differences, emotions, and at times a serious lack of boundaries. But as the story progresses you get to know these different characters through Vic which makes them easy to adore. The story is humorous and completely unexpected in the best way. If you enjoy true originality, top-notch (and zany) humor, wild characters, and a subtle commentary brought to life through imagination, then you for sure need to pick up "In the Lives of Puppets."

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When I heard mid last year that a new TJ Klune novel was coming I was absolutely overjoyed. And then when I got my hands on an advanced copy, it was like Christmas all over again. I had read the description of the book and had no idea what I was truly getting into but I was willing to trust him, and I’m so glad I did.

Deep in a forest lives a peculiar family, Vic, a human, and his three robot family members - Gio, his dad and a creator, Nurse Ratched a sadistic nurse machine, and Rambo, a tiny vacuum with a lot of anxiety. One day as Vic, Nurse Ratched, and Rambo are exploring they come upon an unfamiliar android that they decide to fix up and bring back to life. But when the android they named Hap inadvertently alerts robots from Gio’s former life about their whereabouts, the family is thrown into chaos and become entwined in a race to save themselves.

If you’ve thought Klune’s novels before were weird and quirky, this one definitely takes the cake. This is likely his strangest book yet, but, as with all of his books, you cannot help but fall in love. This time, you’re just falling in love with robots. This book was truly hysterical - specifically Nurse Ratched and Rambo. By the end of the book, I wanted my own robots to hang out with!

This is a beautiful, heartwarming book about the power of love, friendship, and being different. I am amazed every single time about how Klune manages to fit these incredibly inclusive messages into these quirky books. Who knew that a book about robots would have me swooning.

This book will be featured in episode 75 of the Reading Through Life podcast.

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If I can call two people as good of friends as Nurse Ratched and Rambo, I’ll have succeeded. This story is one that makes the reader reflect on humanity and what that means in this day and age. The antics of Ratched, Vic, and Rambo had me laughing throughout, I could hear Ratched’s voice clear as a bell. Outstanding story that I will be thinking about for a long time.

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TJ Klune is arguably my new favorite author of books for adult and mature teen audiences. Like his earlier books, the characters in In the Lives of Puppets are immediately likable. They are well-rounded with positive traits and flaws, and each grows throughout the novel. The protagonist is Victor, who is the only human we meet. The rest of the characters are machines in one form or another. When Victor's life is upended, he sets out on his hero's journey with his supporting characters to recover something they've lost. They travel to a strange and scary city with no idea where to go or who to trust. Readers will have to see whether the group succeeds. But one thing is for sure: they will fall in love with Vic, Rambo, Nurse Ratched, and Hap.

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