Member Reviews

I loved the strong female characters including Kristen, Gina & Dahlia. Their complexity was shown in a refreshing way. Eric, Gunn & Dane were their perfect matches which was fun to read. I loved their chemistry... I just wish we had a book focusing on each couple as that would have helped me to connect to them all more.

I enjoyed the mix of Magic and mythology, that combined with the present day setting made it that much more engaging.

Overall I rated this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️ & I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys mythology and magic with romance.

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Dang what a book, 1st but not last time reading this author. This book made me laugh out loud in places, had good suspense, lots of action, and was a yummy read. The description doesn’t do it justice!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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I have just finished reading first Kyss and it’s a 10/10 from me!

I loved the chemistry that the writer created with all of the characters, the book just flowed so well from beginning to end. It’s a real page turner, I couldn’t put it down and found myself up late at night wanting to read more, not wanting to put it down.

I fell in love with the characters, Eric the burley alpha wolf of the pack, Gunn the joker of the group, Kristin the star of the show!, and Gina her magical and gifted friend.

I loved how well the story flowed, and how the author wrote and described the nine worlds, it made me feel like I was really there fighting the battle with them.
I have never read a book before quite like it, and I really cannot wait to read the sequel when it it’s released next year.

A magical book, a real page turner and I really did enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you

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Quick Summary: A thrilling ride where the contemporary meets mythology

My Review: First Kyss by Madelyn Layne was a fantastic first! This was book one in a new series about modern-day heroes. Steeped in Norse mythology, this particular story introduces Eric, the Alpha wolf leader of a pack of protectors destined to save the world, and Kristen, a tri-being and Alpha lead who vows to avenge those who have fallen.

What I Loved:
- I loved the strong female leads. Kristen, Gina, and even Dahlia all played pivotal roles. They were no shrinking violets. They each had a weight that they had to carry that the others knew nothing about.

- Eric, Gunn, and Dane were the perfect matches for the female leads. Like the women they were attracted to, they were strong and driven to protect what was theirs. I loved how they were fiercely drawn to what I consider to be their mates.

- I loved how each couple had such different dynamics. I am excited to learn the backstory of each and every one in detail.

- I loved the fight scenes. It was non-stop action with each one. They were so well written.

- I loved and appreciated the unique character challenges and struggles. The way they were written added depth, layers, texture, etc. to the heroes.

- I loved the mix of magic and mythology. The present day angle made the storyline that much more interesting.

- The battle between the protagonists and antagonists had a total light versus dark vibe. I kept thinking there had to be a balance, surely. The very best stories all have a good versus evil theme, and that's what I picked up on.

- I loved that the Allfather made an appearance.

- The ending and epilogue were brilliant.

My Final Say: I adore mythology-rich stories. This one made me long to know more about Norse mythology. Readers who enjoy stories with this type of lore will love First Kyss...and I dare say everything thereafter in the series.

My Favorite Scene: I almost fell off my chair when the "bugs" were found and creatively responded to. (Ms. Layne, that entire scene sequence deserves a hand clap. Gunn deserved what he got.)

Other: In general, the pacing was good. There were multiple conflict points that kept the story moving in an upward trajectory. Dual (plus) POVs were present. Many questions were both answered and raised based on the events that occurred.

Rating: 4.5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Status: M
Level: 🌶🌶
Re-read: Yes
Series: Yes

Appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher, and to NetGalley, who provided a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. I voluntarily read this title. The words I have shared are my own and have not been influenced by the aforementioned in any way.

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I really enjoy shifter romances and this was one that I loved. Well written with a compelling storyline and well developed characetrs that I loved. I also loved all the folklore in the book too.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. This is a shifter romance, the main characters were interesting and fun to read about.

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Shifters, true mates, curses, vengeance, and Norse folklore and gods - what a fun ride! Action, suspense, secrets, and some interesting matches that we will surely see more of.

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