Member Reviews

There’s No Place Like Home by Jane Lovering is a contemporary adventure novel that entertained me from the start.
The premise is a reality tv show shot in the wilds of the Yorkshire moors, with contestants on the hunt for evidence of a big cat. Financial reward beckons as the group of five and their leader channel their inner Bear Grylls! The bleak wet, winter landscape comes alive under the author’s masterful pen.
They are an eclectic mix of characters from various backgrounds who all want a share in the £250,000 prize money.
At first it is the money that binds them together but as they open up, friendships begin to form.
Everyone is hiding their true identities. As they spend time together, the shutters slowly begin to rise and the true identities shine through.
Everyone wants a place to call home. Sometimes home is not bricks and mortar but home is found in another person.
One character seems to be privy to the secrets of all. Her openness draws others to her, like moths to a flame.
I thoroughly enjoyed There’s No Place Like Home. I casually wandered through the book, joining the characters on a relaxing (for me), jaunt. I was an interested party observing the action, and then – wow! I became a part of the action with heart racing and instincts on high alert, wondering whether to flight or fight! I joined the characters in their abode. What an exciting crescendo.
This is a marvelous book that I can highly recommend – just don’t read it before bedtime – I can pretty much guarantee that you will not be in the mood for sleep!
I received a free copy from Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Set in Yorkshire, a reality TV show is being filmed, searching for big cats. A mix of characters all with their own reasons for being there - Izzy wants to keep her reason to herself and leave with as much money as possible - will the connection with Mac change that for her?

I really liked this book. Great writing, an interesting plot, and characters to care about. Great read. highly recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this. This was a story that raised a smile or two, and one that definitely offers a little light relief.
Izzy has signed up to join in a reality TV show with a difference. She, along with a number of others, has signed up to spend ten days on the Yorkshire Moors searching for evidence of the existence of a big cat. Whatever your view of the likelihood of such a creature existing, it was quite entertaining watching them all go about their business.
Over the course of the time we learn about each of the contestants and their motivation for taking part. We have some troublesome wildlife moments and things end in a positive way for most.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.
Izzy is taking part in a reality TV show along with other people who are sent out to the moors to look for proof of a big cat existing.
Each person who is part of this show, is there for their own reasons, some have guilt, others are taking part for money, whereas others, have something to prove.
It was a fun read, with a realistic storyline.
I recommend this book.

I struggled through this. The plot kind of made no sense. Who would sign up for this? The characters were disjointed and strange. Nothing worked here for me.

Izzy is taking part in a reality tv program on the english moors. very enjoyable read,, kept my attention.

This took me awhile to get into. It was the setting. The whole story was in the same setting, that of the Yorkshire moors. That said, it did reel me in eventually. I liked the mystery of the group searching for the big cat. I liked getting to know the characters. Izzy was great and I enjoyed reading about her getting her life back on track. Mac was great too. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.
I loved the author's other books I have read. Sadly, I did not love this one and just couldn't get into it. Sorry, it's a DNF for me.

Overall I really enjoyed reading this book and thought the plot was really original. It did take me a little while to warm to some of the characters and in particular Mac who I didn’t really see as the leading man at first. But it was an entertaining read and at times really funny. I would definitely see myself rereading it when I fancied something comforting to read! I look forward to reading more of the authors books in future.

I think this book is well worth giving a chance. I will admit it took me a few chapters to get into my stride, but it really does pick up and get better and then it's hard to put down as you really are invested in the story. Great concept for a book as so many people love watching reality TV especially if there's a possibility of things going wrong. A good mix of characters and each one having an interesting take to tell.

Izzy is the main character taking part in a reality TV programme looking for a large cat on the Yorkshire moors. All the supporting characters had their reasons for taking part and chose Izzy to confide in. It was an ok read but it could have ended sooner and then progressed to what happened to Izzy and Max afterwards

I didn’t enjoy this as much as previous books I have read by this author as struggled to get into the concept of the storyline as it came across as quite far fetched.
The story focused on the characters including the main one Izzy who had signed up for a reality tv show to look for a big cat in the middle of Yorkshire. Izzy I’d desperate for her life to change and is hoping taking part in the show will help her.
I would have loved to have know more what happened to Izzy after the show and what direction her and Mack headed in.
I didn’t find the book as engaging or interesting as this authors others books

Izzy is part of a reality TV show, where a bunch of people are sent out on the freezing moors trying to find evidence of a big cat (which half of them don't believe even exists). The contestants are all there for their own reasons - for some it's money, for others it's family guilt or a chance to prove something.
This is a fairly quiet book, the story is almost entirely character driven. There were some bits which were genuinely laugh out loud funny (especially the bit with the Portaloo - it takes some doing to make a Portaloo funny!).
I galloped through this book. It's a good fun read. The romance storyline was, as always, realistic and wonderful.
I received an ARC from Netgalley.

Join Izzy and five random strangers camping on the Yorkshire Moors for a new reality TV show where groups attempt to find proof of mythical creatures which roam outdoor spaces like the Beast of Bodmin Moor, or in Izzy's group's case, an alleged puma.
Izzy is more motivated by the £100 a day salary which, if she lasts the full 30 days, will give her enough money to put down a deposit on a flatshare than the share of £250,000 for incontrovertible proof that the animal exists, although it would mean an end to sofa-surfing in friend's flats.
Joining Izzy is misery-guts Mac from Glasgow, a Notting Hill socialite called Kanga who thought it would be more like Love Island, a married farmer called Seb, a young very religious girl called Ruth, and an American Big-Foot hunter called Junior.
Everyone has their own reasons for agreeing to be on the show, and everyone has their secrets, is anyone who they seem? But as they fight the elements and track the mysterious puma, is someone laying false trails or is there really something out there?
This was pleasant enough, but I didn't really get engaged. Maybe I needed the book to either start earlier in the story or continue after the reality TV show ended. Either way, I just felt like the problems each of the characters faced were told to the reader rather than being shown and, as a consequence, were less vivid. Not, in my opinion, one of Jane Lovering's better works.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

It was Ok and would give it 2.5 stars. I LOVED A Cottage Full of Secrets and The Forgotten House on the Moor , so I was excited to rea this. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into it and it didn't have the same feel as the previous books I read by the author. I didn't love any of the characters and never felt like I really got to know them. They all seemed to be playing a specific part. There had to be more to Izzy and her mom's relationship? Her mom believed a man over her own daughter. This had to be the worst reality show ever filmed. Shouldn't there be camera guys filming the participants every move? Mac and Izzy were continuously turning their cameras off. They really didn't do much to actually find proof of big cats. They sat around a lot and never had their camera on when they thought they saw something. No one thought to turn on their camera and actually get proof of the big cat!!! Everything just seemed so far fetched. Why not put some meat out and a camera or set a trap? I'm surprised no one got eaten. It would have made the story a little more interesting.
I didn't hate the story, just didn't love it like the previous books. This is one reality show I wouldn't watch, I'm pretty sure there isn't enough footage to make a single episode. Look forward to reading more books by the author. Loved the cover of the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Boldwood Books, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

There's No Place Like Home by Jane Lovering
Read idea for a book !
I don't particularly like reality tv but something drew me to this book and I enjoyed getting to know the characters and the situation they found themselves in.
All from different backgrounds and all had their reasons for putting themselves forward to participate in the show ,
it was interesting to see how they gelled together and also worked out their differences and came back together after squabbles.
In fact a great idea for a reality show , I'd watch it !

There's no place like Home,wow! I wasn't completely sure about the story line as it involved Reality Television; I went ahead, though, since Jane is one of my favourite author's. I must say I wasn't disappointed.
There is a certain,unexpected, intimacy in this story as it touches some sensitive emotions of the characters. And if you pay close attention there's also some light hearted humour and drama all of which makes this a great read for me.

This sounded right up my alley. But I found the book hard to get into and the characters never really hot me invested in them. I think the attention is that we?, like those on the show, don't know about each other at first. Which I understood but it made it hard to enjoy.

This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read