Member Reviews

I loved None Shall Sleep, so I was very excited to read the second book in the series. While I enjoyed the first book more, I still had a fun time reading this one.
This series feels like a teen Silence of the Lambs. I love the mystery and the suspense! I also love the relationship between Emma and Travis.
This book felt very similar to the first book in the series. The plot was a tad predictable and not as engaging as the first book. I still had a fun time reading this one. I look forward to the third and final book in the series.
If you enjoyed the first book in this series, you will most likely enjoy this one.

When I heard a follow up novel to None Shall Sleep was coming out I was so excited because desperately needed more from these characters and that's exactly what Some Shall Break delivered. don't want to give too much away about this book but the twists and turns were amazing. I feel if you enjoy FBl, mystery, and serial killer books, you will love this one. Highly recommend.

This sequel to None Shall Sleep is exactly what I wanted. Just as addictive as book one, the characters are eery and had me hooked! The final 150 pages are incredible - might re-read them now I've just recalled.
Ellie if you are reading this I NEED BOOK 3!

Some Shall Break by Ellie Marney was a great sequel! I was truly thankful to have gotten to read this before most people! I would like to purchase this one for my physical library!

This was very gripping and entertaining. I love how author is unafraid to give their characters the authentic storylines, and they do this boldly and without apology. The ending is perfect. One of the best books of the year for me.

Great second addition to the series! I could not put it down. If you enjoy a little horror and fun this is for you. #SomeShallBreak #NetGalley

Loved this sequel to None Shall Sleep! Wondering if there might be another one?
Emma and Travis are lovely together and while the twists were not totally unexpected, they were not totally obvious from the start. Had a hard time putting this one down.

It’s a book that grips you from the start and has you racing through the pages to get to its shocking conclusion, and I loved every nail-biting minute of it.

Some Shall Break: June 6, 2023 (thank you @hbgcanada @littlebrown for my gifted copy!)
I became an instant Ellie Marney fan after reading None Shall Sleep. It's the YA Mindhunter of my dreams as two teens are recruited by the FBI to profile and find juvenile serial k*llers. It's books like this that give me hope that I may still have a chance to get plucked off the street to help the BAU. Swipe for my review of the first book!
I highly recommend you read these books in order as you will be missing key details if you skip book one.
The sequel, Some Shall Break, brings Travis, Emma, and the Gutmunsson twins (Simon in prison) together as they try to find a k*iller who is mimicking Daniel Huxton's crimes and is obsessed with Emma.
Ellie Marney excels at creating three dimensional sociopaths. They're evil beyond belief yet so charming and manipulative that you can see why people fall for them. This is a real compliment. I know Simon is awful, but he is oh so compelling.
Kristin Gutmunsson, the eccentric twin of teenage psychopath Simon, is the star of the book for me.
While Emma carries a lot of the plot and heavy topics, it is Kristin who I was drawn to and it’s her actions that kept my mind whirling the entire book. What’s her motive ? Her endgame? Is she just as bad as her twin? What really happened growing up with Simon? How Flowers in the Attic are the twins ?
The book ends on a note that is just begging for book three. So here I am begging for book three. And a book about the twins past.

post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CtPEQ2jrC8v/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

I was so in love with the first book of this story that I was so excited to get this ARC! I would like to thank the publishers and the author for the preview of this book. I loved getting to see the same characters I did wish for a little bit more character development, but over all I liked this book just about the same amount as the first. I would def rec this book. 3.8 stars

Alrighttttttt this is going to be so hard to review lol I loved it because it was so much like my favorite tv show of all time. BUT I do think this was way too much like my favorite tv show for them to be just effing civilians. It bothered me in the first one, but not too much. This one was solved completely by them and they acted like the police didn’t need to be there at all.
Ok so one of my pet peeves is reading books where the police are there for decoration and where their policies and training would basically get them fired. The first one did this, but this one was over the top. Like the ending where that one person was given clearance to go to the jail whenever they want? Idc who you are, if someone is on death row, THEY ARE NOT GETTING VISITORS WHENEVER THEY WANT. Like that doesn’t even make sense lol And then for a teen (or like a young adult?) to be the one who does it? Like BFFR. It annoyed me.
The other thing that annoyed me was the main character. Lordt did that person have an attitude. And it was the ENTIRE TIME. Like why in the world did you get in the plane if you were going to be like that the whole time? I get it you were hurt and there was trauma, but like you weren’t help to anyone putting all of you in danger like that. And like just all the decisions she made were terrible and I wanted to cuss her out from the very beginning.
Everything else was cool tho. I REALLY liked the plot and the writing style. If this had been an adult book and they were cops or even like retired cops or something I would have given this 5 stars. But since this was about teens, I just didn’t feel the same. It was just like Criminal Minds, dark and twisted and the plot twist made me just shake my head because girl, how you just decide to do something like that with no training or whatever. I wanted to throw my Airpods at her smh lol I think this would have been a bomb ass episode of Criminal Minds tho. (So there can be adults smh lol)
This book was high on my TBR and I knew I had to get my hands on it ASAP. I liked the first one, but it was so long ago and I didn’t really remember what happened in it. I wish there had been a refresher (especially since it was over a year ago) but nope. It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t what I was expecting.

Travis and Emma are back! This time they are working on a case that hits close to home. This sequel was very well written, the characters had depth, and everything felt so real. I was on the edge of my seat. I hope there are more books to come in this series. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced preview.

This was a great sequel to None Shall Sleep! I highly enjoyed it and it gave me The Naturals vibes from Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I would recommend this to teens and adults who love Criminal Minds or CSI.

This sequel to the New York Times bestselling Young Adult thriller None Shall Sleep plunges readers right into the action, as a college student is abducted by a serial killer in 1980s Pittsburgh. When the eccentric twin sister of another serial killer gets wind of what’s happening, she immediately contacts FBI Agent-In-Training Travis Bell. Kristin Gutmunsson and Travis have an unusual relationship: her beloved brother Simon killed his father. Since helping Travis in the apprehension of her own twin, Kristin has been living in a sanatorium to help her recover, while Travis has continued working with law enforcement.
Now Kristin is at Quantico, strongly urging Travis to get in touch with the other young woman who shared their previous ordeal. Emma Lewis quit consulting for the FBI following the events that brought the three of them together, and is trying to live a relatively normal life as a college student back home in Ohio. But when Kristin points out the strong similarities between the new killer’s victims and Emma herself – not just physically, but in the ways the victims are dressed in much the same way Emma’s once-abductor dressed her – the FBI decides to play it safe and take Emma into protective custody, leaning on her experience to help them catch this latest killer as well.
Emma has mixed feelings about working with the FBI again but knows that she has invaluable insight on the subject. Having both survived and been instrumental in the apprehension of several serial killers, she’s spent a lot of time thinking about why they are the way they are:
“These guys don’t just wake up one morning and decide to go on the rampage. There’s always a trigger–a breakup, a job loss, a death. Something sets them off.”
Travis gives her a hard stare. “How do you know all this?”
“I studied it.”
“You studied it. What, as part of your psych course?”
“No.” She is determinedly looking away. “I…researched it. Out of personal interest.”
“Oh–you <i>researched</i> it out of personal interest.” He can’t help himself. “But you still say you don’t want to be involved with the FBI.”
Reuniting with Travis is rekindling a lot of the uncomfortable feelings that Emma’s tried to bury, and not just toward the bureau. At least Kristin’s friendship is relatively uncomplicated, as the three combine forces once again to try to bring another predator to justice.
The more time they spend studying the evidence though, the clearer it becomes that Emma isn’t the only outside expert they need to call in. Simon has continued to take an interest in Emma’s life since his incarceration. He’s more than willing to consult on the case for them, applying his preternatural understanding of both human nature and sociopathy to their benefit.
With other options thin on the ground, our trio goes to visit him in his maximum security psychiatric facility some hours away from the city. Unsurprisingly, the advice he gives them proves useful in narrowing down the suspect pool. But after the Pittsburgh killer slips through law enforcement’s fingers – this time taking another girl with him – the FBI reluctantly agrees to bring Simon closer to facilitate speedier consultation. Special Agent Howard Carter, the senior agent taking point on the case, oversees the transfer with Emma by his side:
Atop the raised section, like some kind of satanic god worshipped by deranged heretics, Simon Gutmunsson sits strapped to a wheelchair.
The chair is locked down to keep it from rolling, and Simon is secured to the chair with canvas webbing. In addition to his blue asylum scrubs, he is wearing a white straitjacket and leg restraints. He has also been fitted with a grotesque mask, like a veterinarian’s dog muzzle[.] Above all this, the blaze of his freakishly white hair and arctic blue eyes.
[Beside Emma], Carter shifts, uneasy. “All this for one boy.”
“Don’t think of him as a boy.” Emma’s voice comes out faint. “Think of him as a rattlesnake in a boy suit.”
Simon has, indeed, more than one deeply upsetting surprise up his sleeve for our protagonists, as they find themselves neck deep in the manhunt for a killer whose connection to Emma is even more twisted than they’d ever imagined. Will our investigators be able to catch the bad guy? And what costs will they have to pay in the process?
Reminiscent of the relationship between Special Agent Clarice Starling and serial killer Hannibal Lecter in The Silence Of The Lambs, Emma and Simon’s complicated bond is one of the highlights of this YA thriller. It takes a while to get used to what’s going on if you’re not already familiar with what happened in the first book in the series, but once Some Shall Break gets going, the thrills and spills are non-stop. Simon is truly charismatic, and his hold on his sister both twisted and oddly believable. Given what happens at the end of this novel, it’ll be really interesting to see where this series goes next.

Some Shall Break by Ellie Marney is the astounding sequel to one of my favorite mysteries None Shall Sleep! This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year & I am ecstatic to say that it delivered! Because my love of the first book is so grand, I was nervous but I shouldn’t have been. Ellie Marney continues to leave me in shock & awe with her one of a kind storytelling, brilliant mysteries & just phenomenal writing. This series to me is an interesting mix of Criminal Minds meets Veronica Mars set in the 1980’s, which I adore so much.
This series follows two young adults, Emma Lewis & Travis Bell, who have both been through horrific tragedies in their own lives. They are recruited by the FBI & its’ behavioral unit to interview criminals their own age that have committed heinous crimes. In doing so, they cross paths with one particular serial killer & it sets them on one hell of a ride. The sequel sees them as another peculiar criminal with ties to the original duo of Emma & Travis that is causing absolute horror & chaos. Can the duo & their band of allies stop the terror before it is too late or will they break in the process? Pick up this serial killer thriller series to find out!
This is a series where you need to start at the beginning with None Shall Sleep & oh what a ride you are in for. This is an unputdownable series sure to captivate any mystery fan. I wish I could insert a picture of my face to show the pure awe, disgust, shock, curiosity & more that I’m sure is shown as I have finished both books. I am now clamoring to read the next & final book in this series.
If anyone is looking for a mystery recommendation, None Shall Sleep & in turn, the sequel, Some Shall Break would be TOP of my list to suggest! I would add to check content warnings because even though it is said to be young adult mystery, this book is quite brutal & gory, so please read according to one’s best interest! Happy reading if you do!
Massive thanks to NetGalley, Little Brown & TBR & Beyond Tours for the free arc, which I voluntarily read & reviewed. I am so grateful for this!
Content Warnings: This book mentions &/or contains violence, gore, abuse, sexual assault, kidnapping & murder.
I’ve also posted on Amazon but I am waiting for the link to go live. I will add it once it does.

Thank you to the HBG Canada for an eARC of this book via netgalley for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
CWs: sexual assault, trauma, kidnapping, drugging (Rohypnol), mutilation, murder, blood, gore, injury detail, serial killers
All I could think as I was reading the last 20% of this book was holy fuck. So many things happened, and I loved the short chapters during this time because they upped the anticipation. The back and forth of the short chapters between the different characters also increased the tension and anticipation, and I thought the author did a fantastic job with the ending in particular. Now I’m desperately hoping for another book!
I enjoyed this book immensely. It was fast-paced, intense, emotional, thrilling, and full of twists that left me gasping. The case in this one is personal to Emma, and I thought the author handled the characters’ emotions and trauma really well. I liked seeing Emma’s strength, and learning more about her past and what happened with Huxton was terrifying. I thought Emma had great growth as a character, and I really enjoyed her relationship with Travis. Travis also had great character growth, and I loved seeing him trying to help Emma and take care of her during this emotionally draining case.
I also really liked seeing into Kristin’s head. She’s such a fascinating character, and her relationship and bond with her brother is so intense.
Simon is a character who fascinates and terrifies me. He’s so interesting, but also scary, and the author writes him so well. I liked seeing how his relationship to Emma has changed slightly after the events of the first book.
The writing style was easy to follow, and it was fast-paced. I flew through this book and didn’t want to put it down.

Wow. Just Wow. It's been a minute since I read a gripping can't put it down YA Thriller. I read None Shall Sleep a couple weeks ago in preparation for this one and it was good but this second installment took it to another level.
Emma is a survivor. Having lived through the traumatic events of witnessing Simon Gutmunsson in action at the end of None Shall Sleep, Emma is back with Travis at the FBI trying to catch a new killer. Her character is so hardened by her experiences but as these stories develop she starts to show her vulnerabilities. Ellie Marney does a fantastic job of showing all the emotions Emma experiences throughout her time working with Travis and Kristin to solve the most recent murders. I felt that this second installment, and getting to show Emma working through her trauma with her therapist, was so well done. I think it's important to show that getting the mental help you need to get through your trauma and learn that it is not your fault is paramount. I just want to reach through the pages and hug her with everything.
Travis is the best partner for Emma. He understands a little of what she went through in dealing with his own trauma. He's chosen to take the anger and resentment toward Simon for killing his father and put it into solving cases. He wants to join the FBI to ensure no one else has to go through what him and Emma did. I love the balance he brings to Emma as their partnership grows. He doesn't treat her as if she is fragile but as another human who is learning to cope.
Simon. I mean, what a villian. He's so diabolical. A true sociopath and I am here for it!! I can't wait for the next book because I need to see more of him.
Thank you to Ellie Marney for writing such an intense thriller. I 100% recommend this! I also picked up the audiobooks and they are fantastic! Anything read by Jake Abel is a must listen!

I was so excited when I saw that None Shall Sleep is getting a sequel because I love the first book and I’d love to get back to meet the characters again, Travis and Emma!
If you're looking for a police procedural thriller story with 80’s setting and serial killer on the loose then you’ll have to pick this one up!
The plot started out 3 months after what happened on the 1st book, Emma was once again called to help the FBI to catch another serial killer. But this is not just any case, this one is personal to Emma which is affecting herself more than she realize by bringing back bad memories.
The characters are complex and well developed, for both main characters and even the serial killer – Simon.
I admire Emma’s character, we see her struggling at first but still remain strong and brave to work and catch the killer so no other girls will suffer the same fate as her.
This book focuses a lot more about Emma’s feelings and thoughts, so it feels like Travis is being pushed aside a little bit. I wish we got to see him more in action and his feelings towards Emma and his new job.
As for the romance, the progress is slow but I can feel the strong bond of trust between them. I hope their feelings will be a lot more explored in the next book.
Overall, it’s a good sequel to None Shall Sleep. The last few chapters are really tense and gripping which makes it so hard to put down!
⚠️ 𝐓𝐖: Murder, gore, trauma, sexual assault, sexism, violence, drug use, racism
Thank you to TBR and Beyond Tour, Netgalley, author and publisher for giving me an e-ARC of the book and for having me on this book tour. I’m leaving this review voluntarily!

Enjoyed this immensely. It was like Criminal minds for teens. Young adults, being part of an FBI investigation to catch a teen serial killer. Like how fun! I loved the dark and twisted villains. The fact that Emma has to talk to and use Simon to help her get into the mind of another serial killer. Definitely Hannibal Lecter vibes.
It did get bit slow in the mid, and it did feel predictable in parts. But I still enjoyed the journey and the book overall. Highly recommend.