Member Reviews

This is one of the most impressive and illuminating books I've ever read. It's an easy five-star for me and I will recommend it far and wide.
As a Jewish woman of 60+ years, I grew up learning about Israel and supporting Israel. However, like many American Jews, I found my support for Israel becoming more and more unsteady. I could not understand some of what was happening there, nor why. I found it puzzling and a little hard to grapple with. The world seemed to be doubting Israel as well. So, what happened?

Gordis is able to give the reader a crash course on the whys and hows of Israel, starting from before its very existence. He does this by explaining the concept of Israel and the original intent--and then explains just exactly why impossible takes longer; the title is very apt. I thought I knew something about Israel, but I learned that I was missing a lot of the pieces of the puzzle.

Has it changed my current view towards Israel? I am not sure, yet. But it has certainly given me more information to digest as I take a fresh look at the Jewish State.

The writing is beautifully done and this reads smoothly and logically. Every temple and synagogue in the diaspora should start a study group using this book as a text. And, obviously it is perfect for Jewish book clubs.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It's simply excellent all the way around!

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The seventy-fifth anniversary of Israel’s independence will arrive in April. In this book, Daniel Gordis, Koret Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College in Jerusalem, looks back to the nation’s founding. Using the Declaration of Independence and its goals and principles as his guide, Gordis considers how well Israel has performed in achieving its founding vision. He not only discusses Israel’s extraordinary successes, but also he offers instances where these principles and Israel’s early history create challenges to the concepts of democracy and human rights. For its sweeping view and the connection Gordis’s analyses have to the founding principles, this book is a five star for me.

Thank you to Ecco and NetGalley for allowing me to read this eARC.

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A beautifully written, nuanced, and informative consideration of an incredibly complex topic. I'm neither a scholar nor a causal expert on the recent history of Israel, and so I especially appreciated the author's clarity and vision for the scope of this project. There is no way to consider this question without it being somehow controversial, and yet the author's tone and perspective prompted curiosity and interest rather than discord. I am very glad to have had the chance to spend time with this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book.

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This is a great retrospective as well as reflection on Israel’s seventy five years through the lens of its founding document. While I do not always agree with Rabbi Gordis his writing is clear, thought-provoking and a challenge to all who love Israel and dream of her fulfilling her founding vision.

Some will disagree with Gordis’ analysis from the get-go but I really appreciate is presentation and analysis. May Israel reach the vision of her founders while the author so beautifully lays out, with its challenges as well.

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