Member Reviews

I was offered this book as an ARC via NetGalley and firstly have say that this is far from an introduction to the current financial situation. I do have some understanding of economics as my father is incredibly interested and discusses the topic with me regularly. One challenge as a UK resident is that there are some differences between our systems and the US but not significant enough to make this an impossible read. There are a lot of acronyms to try to keep straight in your head! Stockman did come across at times as though he had an axe to grind however that does not mean that his arguments are incorrect. There was certainly a lot of interesting information in this book and it felt like a bit of a peek behind the curtain. Did I understand it all? No, but then if anyone truly understood what was happening in the financial world they wouldn't need to read this book! The final chapter certainly provided, what to my mind, was sound financial advice but nothing especially surprising.