Member Reviews

I really love Hawai'i by Trisha Kēhaulani Watson-Sproat! Hawai'i teaches kids about it's history culture. I'm a big fan of Hawai'i and love learning aboit it's Royal History. (I wish there was more Royal History in the book.) I was amazed at how different cultures have impacted Hawai'i's culture. I like how the Hawaiian language is expplained in the book. I believe people will learn a lot from Hawai'i by Trisha Kēhaulani Watson-Sproat. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. My review is also on Goodreads.

This basic look at Hawaii, in a series that allows us to tour the Pacific Island nations, can seem a bit too worthy, stodgy, and to my mind too old-school, thump-you-over-the-head-with-a-chalk-board-eraser kind of geography teacher. But it is not absolutely dreadful – it will educate, even if in ways I'd still question and over subjects I'd still doubt the need for. This might have been towards the lower of the star ratings, had I not seen others in the series, and realised that these are all written by natives, and from the viewpoint of what they would wish you to learn. So fair's fair – even if this goes off-curriculum, it can't be too bad to be taught about the islands from an Islander.

This was such an informative book about Hawaii. Simple enough for a child to grasp, while still being informative to an adult audience. I felt all the information listed in the book was accurate and well reflected the essence of Hawaii. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book!

This book about Hawai’i is perfect for older elementary and middle school age students. It is divided into chapters on The History of Hawai’i, Life in the Islands, Island Celebrations, and Hawai’i Today. Each chapter includes photographs of what is being described along with specific examples off to the side. There is a foreword in the book with an explanation of how to pronounce words in the Hawaiian language. The end of the book includes a glossary of both Hawaiian words and English words, an index, and additional resources for learning more.
The book was written by native Hawaiians so it is a true representation of the culture. This would be a great resource to have in schools and libraries for children (and adults) to learn about Hawai’i. This book is one of a series written about Pacific Islands.
Thank you to #NetGalley and #NorwoodHousePress for an eARC of #Hawaii

Very informative and enchanting look at life in Hawai’i by Trisha Kēhaulani Watson-Sproat.
I’m always infinitely jealous by those who get to visit the Hawaiian Islands. As an adult, reading this fed my curiosity and longing to one day go there (if I couldn’t at least put my toes in the sand I could read about it).
Beautiful images, geographic details, cultural background, historical information, pronunciation guides, and current events are all explored in this series.
This would make a great addition to any elementary/middle school library or classroom.
Thanks to NetGalley and Norwood Press for the early review copy!

This title is part of a series for elementary school age students. It is packed with information and photos on the 50th of the United States. The learning begins right from the first page when there is a guide to pronunciation and two grammatical symbols that many will not know. From here, find out the multiple meanings of the word Aloha. Keep going in this nicely illustrated title and by the end, know much about Hawaii and its culture.
Recommended for home and school libraries.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Norwood House Press for this title. All opinions are my own.

I like how the book greets the reader by greeting us in the Hawaiian language. The celebrations were also very interesting to learn about. I learned a lot about Hawaii and would recommend this book to any elementary aged student who needs to research Hawaii.

This nonfiction book introduces young readers to the history, culture, traditions, languages, and people of Hawaii. The book includes a pronunciation guide to the Hawaiian words that form a key part of the book. Full color photos enhance the text. A table of contents and glossary of words assist readers in understanding the content. The text is written in language that is geared to elementary age children, although the Hawaiian words may prove to be difficult to pronounce despite the guides. This book is a relevant and appropriate addition to a nonfiction library.
I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

In my opinion, this Hawai'ian 'voice' merits a 5-Star thumbs up. I can feel the authors' love for their heritage as they bring the reader on a wonderful "field trip" throughout Hawai'i. Lovely pictures and brief explanations enhance the educational experience. I like how the authors have given a mini language lesson on facets of the Hawai'ian language pronunciation indicators and their uses. Besides language, culture and basic geography and history of the Hawai'ian Islands and true native Islanders are main topics. The addenda includes a glossary of Hawai'ian words used as well as anglicized ones. A book list and websites are listed for those interested in further Hawai'ian discovery off the beaten tourist track trial.
~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
November 2022
Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

This is exactly the type of book I would, and did, enjoy in middle school. Incredibly informative with short pages that keep your attention. The information is easy to take in. I even learned a lot that I hadn't know about Hawaii before. The pictures go along perfectly to help you soak it all in. Very enjoyable and absolutely perfect for children.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Norwood Press for my copy of Hawai'i by Trisha Kēhaulani Watson-Sproat in exchange for an honest review. It published August 15, 2022.
This book, and the related series is wonderful! As an adult, I felt like I was learning quite a lot, from origin stories, geographical location, culture, customs, foods, and more, this is an excellent resource for children and adults alike!
This would make an excellent addition to any library or classroom!