Member Reviews

Jamie Spellman is the dreamy, sexy, mysterious man everyone women dreams of, but his head, just his head, ends up in a hotel room sitting on top of a bible passage “an eye of an eye”. Seven woman all have reasons to want him dead and form a group to figure out who murdered him. The local investigating officer sets out to find who murdered him, but she also has an alternative motives. Great read!

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4 stars

This is a superb and fast paced thriller. The storyline was solid and the characters were well developed. I read this over the course of a day and can’t wait to read more by Rose Wiliding if this is what I can expect.

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Okay, part of this has to be me managing my expectations. When I read the description, I thought they were trapped in a room with a severed head and that they wouldn’t get out until secrets are revealed. Note: it doesn’t SAY that, but it was my expectation.

It’s absolutely nothing like that at all. Yes, severed head. Yes, they’re all in a room with that head. But then they all go their separate ways and tell us all about dead dude in various points of view, flashbacks, etc.

I thought that severed head dude really did deserve to be severed head dude.

I really did NOT care about WHO turned him into severed head dude.

And when we find out who did it and why, it’s this weirdly rushed reveal ending that left me realizing that I really did not care.

This one simply didn’t work for me.

• ARC via Publisher

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I started this book two days before Christmas. I wrapped presents in-between chapters. As of today, Christmas Day, I have not wrapped all of them. I only wrapped the ones that I needed to take to my moms so that I could finish this great, wonderful, un-put-downable thriller. I finished it, and was only 10 minutes late to my mom's. It's about a group of women that want to take revenge on a sorry, psychopath of a man that deserves it. He has done each of them wrong, so they all had motive to kill him. This is a 5 star read. It is one of those that can make you hesitant to read another book right away because you just know that no matter how good the next book is, it just won't compare to this one. I was honored to receive a digital ARC from NetGalley and Minotaur Publishing. This review is my own opinion.

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Seven women meet to discuss how avenge the psychopath who wronged them.. When he's killed the policewoman,Nova, must figure out what happened and why.

This is a fast paced, interesting book. It touches on the difficulty women have being taken seriously, especially when their credibility is undermined by "charming" man adept at playing the victim.

The author touches on the nature-nurture debate of psychopathy..

This is an engrossing story with interesting characters.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers and the author for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC. This is my honest review.

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Awesome tale about a devil that ran among the living. In Speak of the Devil, seven women meet to determine how best to hide the death of a man that impacted them all. As we already know, the more people who know a secret, the harder it is to keep it. One of the women is actually dating an inspector assigned to the case and we are able to view the investigation from the inside. In this atmospheric and quickly moving case you don't know who to trust nor where anyone's loyalties truly lie. If you like a story about a bad man receiving his comeuppance, enjoy police procedurals or just want a claustrophobic story of revenge, Speak of the Devil is for you!
#StMartins #SpeakoftheDevil #RoseWilding

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