Member Reviews

I LOVED this book! I listened to it on audio nonstop for a day and couldn’t bring myself to pause.

I love the podcast clips intertwined with the storyline and I appreciated how they all became connected!

Five stars from me!

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Dark Corners" by Megan Goldin and would give it a solid 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating. This gripping mystery/suspense/thriller had me hooked from the very beginning. The combination of a podcaster, a serial killer, and a missing social media influencer made for a compelling storyline that kept me eagerly turning the pages.

One of the standout features of the book was its well-crafted and complex characters, with Rachel being a particular favorite. Goldin's writing is impeccable, and the narrative flows seamlessly, making it hard to put the book down. I especially appreciated the interspersed podcast chapters, which added an intriguing layer to the story.

I would wholeheartedly recommend "Dark Corners" to fellow suspense and mystery enthusiasts. Special thanks to #NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Megan Goldin for providing me with an ARC of this book. My opinions are entirely my own and given voluntarily.

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I absolutely loved The Night Swim when I read it a few years ago and had no idea a sequel was in the works! Dark Corners can be read as a standalone, but I wouldn’t pass up reading The Night Swim first. As a big fan of true crime, I loved the podcast element featured in the books but definitely wish more of the transcripts had been included in Dark Corners! Also I don’t know what it is about books with short chapters but it always makes me read so much faster. Loved the fast pace of this book and the twists were so good! Rachel Krall is probably one of my all time favorite characters. She’s so intelligent, strong, and incredibly clever! If you’re looking for a twisty thriller, add this one to your TBR immediately. Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press, Megan Goldin, and NetGalley for my gifted e-ARC!

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I hope it won't be as long for the next adventure of Rachael Krall and new possibilities. I enjoyed the book and her previous books but all those influencers and their shenanigans were not my favorite part of the story. The story is intricately woven around the influencers, Rachael-a podcaster, the FBI agent Martinez, a soon to be released from jail man with a questionable criminal history along with snatches from the real killer and other affected parties. A lot of people to keep up with and all the events happen over a few days time. It will keep you reading into the night. Keep pushing through the detail, you'll finally make it to an ending. Good read. I was provided an advanced reader copy of this book but was under no obligation to provide a review. The opinions expressed are my own. Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book.

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I devoured The Night Swim three years ago, about podcaster / journalist Rachel Krall. I was excited that Megan Goldin was continuing her story in a second book with a new case to follow.

Dark Corners was a slow build up of these various people and stories that you knew were connected but we’re trying right along Rachel to figure it out. Around 75% I feel like the dots were connecting and I could not put the book down.

I hope this series continues and continues because I am not done reading about Rachel and all her podcasts (and maybe a glimpse of Joe too!).

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Thank you for Netgalley for the ARC of this book!

I read this while also listening to an audiobook version and it really added to the experience of the book! While I could tell the parts that had been changed in the published copy, I did find the small changes (mainly wording or adding more details) I noticed defintely helped clarify some things that may have left the reader confused or not understanding what was happening completely.

I cannot recall if I read Night Swim by the author, but even though this is the second book with Rachel Krall, I did not find I was missing out too much from not reading/remembering Night Swim. I enjoyed the twists and turns and the social media conference was so relevant to all these TikTok and Instagram influencers you see everywhere. I found I was kept on my toes trying to figure out exactly what was going on and who was the actual bad guy. Defintely recommend to any thriller fan out there!

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Rachel Krall, host of a popular true crime podcast is enlisted by the FBI to look for Maddison Logan, an influencer who goes missing after visiting suspected serial killer Terence Bailey in prison. Although the beginning was somewhat intriguing, this one was all over the place. I found myself wondering how it would all tie together and by the middle I just did not care. Thanks to NetGalley & St. Martin’s for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, you do not need to read The Night Swim before opening up this book. I read The Night Swim years ago, forgot what happened and was still able to enjoy this book.

Second of all, I loveddddd the influencer aspect of this book. As a book influencer myself it made me appreciate our little corner of the Internet more because this can be a wild and competitive field to be in when you really look at it. I thought it was all really well written as well as eye opening.

Next, I enjoyed this book! The mystery wasn’t exactly a mystery for me and I wish we got more clarity on the “why” aspect, but I still enjoyed learning about what was happening towards the end. I don’t feel the romance was necessary, but it was sweet at the end of the book.

I did the audio of this one and I enjoyed the theatrical aspect of the podcast parts of the book. I actually preferred listening to this one rather than reading it!

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While I am not a fan about books about Influencers this one actually worked for me.

I LOVE the audiobook narrator for Rachel and the audiobooks are done so freaking well it literally ups the book level for me.

I figured out the Major plot twist pretty early on but the rest of the twists were surprises so that is a plus.

I only hope we get more Rachel Krall books because I am loving them.

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This was the sequal I didn't know I needed! I was content with Night Swim being a one and done story, but I'm so glad Goldin brought us back Rachel Krall in another twisty mystery! I absolutely loved the podcast bits, but also just loved watching Rachel do her thing and get the info she needs without pretending more than she has to to be someone she isn't. I was also very into the little romance situation between her and Joe. I'm kinda hoping we get another book that featuring them both, even if it's without the romance, because just their working chemistry was great! All in all, this was another great read from a favorite author!

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We're back with Rachel Krall in Dark Corners after we met her and her True Crime podcast back in The Night Swim!

Ehh, this was so-so. I remember gobbling up The Night Swim years ago and I just didn't get the same vibes with her second story. Rachel felt like a completely different character than who we met in her original story and lacked common sense in to many situations this go around. I saw a review that said Rachel needed a Snickers bar and they were definitely not wrong 😂

This was a decent enough thriller, but after years of reading this genre it takes a lot more for me to hoist a 4 or even 5 star review. Dark Corners had a good amount of clues and twists, but sometimes it felt like it too a bit too long to get to the point. You almost need a notebook on the side while reading to make sure you have all the side characters straight because many plot points were planted and forgotten for chapters on end. Would I read another book in this series? Maybe, but we'll have to see if the author can create a captivating enough premise!

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True Crime podcasting in books is something that appears to be happening a lot lately, and I understand why. I was afraid this may feel like something I've read before, but Goldin puts a unique enough spin on it to make me keep turning pages. I enjoyed every second!

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i really enjoyed THE NIGHT SWIM and was excited to see how rachel’s podcast and story continued in the sequel. rachel is still a very likable main character, as was the main investigator joe. the book ended with room for more cases in the future for rachel to solve (aka more books in the series?!).

this thriller was definitely unlike others i’ve read. it moves quickly and jumps around between characters and separate plots that ultimately connect. it didn’t really shock me or have any crazy plot twists. i also don’t love reading about social media/influencers, so that piece of the story didn’t do it for me. i was surprised that her podcast didn’t feel to play as big of a part in the plot this time around either. overall, i preferred THE NIGHT SWIM over DARK CORNERS and STAY AWAKE!

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But a very interesting book. I really liked it because it tied a lot of different subject Covere Rachel was really awesome because she's a broadcaster and she liked crime Stories. She was sent to Florida by the f b I two interview guy named b a I l e y. There was another woman who came to the prison to talk to bailey. She was a strange one because she was. At the convention for tiktok instagram datona beach florida. She went by vanilla on instagram. There is also A Serial killer On the L o s s. Women were being killed and everybody But that bailey was doing it but he was in prison. Everybody had something to do with this book. And everybody was tied to it in a certain way. Rachel was the leader of this, and she tied it with a really Good detective Work. She went to the Connection to find out what really is going on. And why These women were getting killed. The title of the book called dark corner is the term cops is when they cannot see what's around the C o n e r. It's well written because everything seems to tie together. And I really find it really. What happens with the end?

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This is the Mystery Suspense, and this is the second book in the Rachel Krall series. I have read the first book in this series before picking up this book, but I think you could read this book as a standalone. If you do read this book as a standalone you will miss the backstory of the main character in this series Rachel. The mystery in this book had me pulled into. I really loved getting to know Rachel better. I also loved how this book shows how influencer are fake. I listening to the audiobook of this book, and I really liked the narrator. I was kindly provided an e-copy and an e-audiobook of this book by the publisher (St. Martin's Press) or author (Megan Goldin) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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This is one of those types of books that you can read in a day or two. In the style of a crime-solving tv show or podcast, a mystery is laid out and clues given with a resolution by the end of the episode. The "star" of this story is Rachel Krall, a true crime podcaster. She is undercover for the FBI to help them locate a social media influencer who disappeared. If you can suspend your disbelief for a bit, this isn't a bad premise. It will appeal to the reader who is familiar with the influencer lifestyle (though you don't have to be) and all that goes with it, from the popular conferences to the cutthroat competition for the most followers. This isn't PG-13 content, however; there are some disturbing scenes within this book. You'll be taken inside a maximum-security prison to get up close and personal with the last person to see the victim. These are the scenes that set the pace for a creepy and sinister story. I thought Goldin did a good job of writing interesting characters who contributed to the story nicely. Everything had a purpose and it was wrapped up nicely.

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When I picked this one up, I didn't realize it was the second in a series, the first being The Night Swim. I listened to a few minutes, and quickly realized I'd enjoy it more if I'd read the first one. So I found The Night Swim and listened to it, then jumped right on into Dark Corners (something I rarely do with books in a series, but it was right there all cued up, so I rolled with it). I'm actually glad I did it that way, especially when I see some of the reviews of Dark Corners. I enjoyed both books, despite the fact that they're different in many ways. Maybe the differences were less jarring for me since I didn't have a fair amount of time and fond old memories of the first - in fact it worked in my favor because had the formats been too similar I'd have been bored. Instead I enjoyed the fact that this was quite different, in their settings, in the type of crimes Rachel was investigating, even in the fact that she didn't do an actual podcast this time around. I liked the different points of view and having a heinous villain giving us his twisted point of view. And I liked the insight into the world of "influencers" and just how ridiculous that world can be. (People who love following influencers on social media might want to steer clear lest they have their bubbles burst.)
One small quibble - this book is set in Florida, where I live. At one point it's mentioned that a victim was left out in the open where it could've been devoured by jackals and other scavengers. That stopped my reading in my tracks - jackals? In Florida? I googled to be sure -the only jackals here (or anywhere in the US) would be escapees from the zoo. There were a couple of other phrases that I'm familiar with because I read a lot of British mysteries/thrillers. "Sleeping rough" isn't a phrase used here. I do wish editors would catch these things - a simple change from jackals to coyotes or buzzards or heck, even gators in this instance, could've worked.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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Rachel never turns down an opportunity to get involved in a case or run away when things get dangerous. After a phone call from the FBI, she agrees to travel to Florida to meet with a prisoner. Terrance Bailey has had one visitor in six years, Maddison Logan and now she is missing after requesting an audience with Rachel. There's more to the story than Rachel has been given but what.

This books has a lot going on and a lot characters to keep track of. I loved discovering who Terrance was and his untold story through Rachel's thorough investigation. Some storylines were there for confusion. I was not a fan of the forced romance. Goldin did well inventing a true psychopath and murder.

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"Dark Corners" by Megan Goldin is a riveting and suspenseful thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. With Rachel Krall, the engaging protagonist from The Night Swim, at the center of the narrative, the story seamlessly blends true crime, social media intrigue, and a chilling cat-and-mouse game that keeps readers hooked.

The author's writing style is crisp and engaging, drawing readers into the world of influencers, podcasts, and dark secrets. Goldin's ability to build tension and maintain a sense of unease throughout the story is commendable, and her exploration of the potential dangers lurking behind the façade of social media is both thought-provoking and timely.

Goldin's exploration of the impact of social media on our lives is a highlight of the book. The portrayal of the influencer culture, with its veneer of glamour and success, is contrasted with the dangers and manipulations that can thrive in the digital realm. This theme adds a thought-provoking layer to the thriller's fast-paced narrative.

"Dark Corners" is a gripping and chilling thriller that seamlessly blends the world of true crime with the perils of social media. Megan Goldin's skillful storytelling, well-developed characters, and tension-filled plot make this book a must-read for fans of suspenseful mysteries. The novel overall delivers an engrossing reading experience that will leave you contemplating the sinister aspects of the digital age long after you've turned the final page.

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You cannot go wrong with the Rachel Krall series! I love the writing, the character development, and the cases that Rachel is able to help solve. Book #2 didn't disappoint! I sincerely hope that this author has more stories in this series!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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