Member Reviews

This is the second book I've read by Lily Chu. I greatly enjoyed The Stand-In and was quite looking forward to this book.

Ariadne is a high powered lawyer, trying to advance in the corporate world of her law firm and live up to her parents high expectations. Jihoon is her roommates cousin and comes into her life with some big secrets.

The premise is somewhat similar to The Stand-In--what happens when you date a celebrity? The twist here is that Ariadne doesn't know Jihoon is a celebrity and the way she finds out leaves her shocked and blindsided.

Overall it's a cute contemporary romance. Jihoon and Ariadne both have their flaws and their ways of communicating aren't doing them any favors. Decisions are made that cause them problems and it would have been great if they'd talked more things through, but that wouldn't leave us with much of a story. This book handles the miscommunication and keeping secrets trope a bit better than most.

I really enjoyed the scenes between Jihoon and Ariadne before the big reveal--it gave us a good idea of why they clicked in the first place. The familial expectations of Ariadne's family rang so true and will likely be familiar to many of us from immigrant families--there is a universality to that experience. At one point Ariadne questions when does one simply become Canadian, rather than Chinese-Canadian, and I think that was an interesting thought.

I came into this knowing absolutely nothing about K-Pop and this was a good intro. I learned quite a bit and found it fascinating and much of it unexpected as far as how the boy bands are formed and what the expectations for them are.

Overall an entertaining read. I think I found The Stand-In more emotionally compelling but once again Lily Chu has written an approachable, enjoyable, interesting and informative romance.

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"The Comeback" by Lily Chu is a book I've been eagerly looking forward to, especially after falling in love with her previous work. Having read and adored both books by this talented author, I couldn't wait to dive into another of her captivating stories.

Chu's writing style is a true delight, filled with charm and authenticity. Her ability to create endearing characters and heartfelt relationships is a testament to her storytelling prowess. The chemistry and connection between the characters are a hallmark of her work that I'm excited to experience once again.

With "The Comeback," I'm expecting nothing short of a heartwarming and engaging narrative. Chu's knack for blending romance and emotion promises a story that will tug at my heartstrings while leaving me with a satisfied smile.

In summary, the anticipation for "The Comeback" is real, fueled by the wonderful reading experiences I've had with Lily Chu's previous books. If her track record is anything to go by, I'm in for a treat that will capture my heart and leave me eagerly awaiting her future works.

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Another great story from Lily Chu. I really enjoy her style of writing and her characters and how they progress through the story. Also a main character names Ariadne was a stellar choice.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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I love Lily Chu's style of romance. This is my second book by Chu. It was adorable!

Chu writes relatable and likable characters while weaving in diversity. I love when romance gets the diversity rep it deserves from author's with lived experiences.

This title felt very relevant with hustle culture and the mindset behind success today.

The ending did feel like it fell apart a little but I enjoyed it none the less.

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When I read the synopsis, honestly it did piqued my interest. After a few chapters in, I feel like it's not for me although I did finish the entire book. This is a chick-lit, celebrity romance book and if you're into slow burns then I highly recommend this one!

Received an e-book copy from NetGalley. And definitely, not closing my doors for Lily Chu books.

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Way too cringy.

I know that this genre has so much range, and part of that range includes the overly romantic, syrupy sweet, stereotypical romance novel, and this title is certainly approaching that far end. Now, my rating isn't based solely on that, because it wouldn't be fair to judge a romance on being too "romance".

The protagonist is unbearable, too one-dimensional, and her love interest wasn't any better. I could not understand how they ended up together at the end. The prose was also pretty weak.

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First, I'd like to preface this by saying that, I misunderstood what this book was about which is why it took me so long to read it. Which I hate myself for because I LOVED this book.

This book was absolutely amazing. Like, if I had the time to sit and read this in one day, I would have.
I was hooked from the first chapter, honestly maybe even page one. I enjoyed every second of it.

I adored Jihoon. He was so sweet and caring and just 10/10.
I was rooting for Ariadne, like I wanted the best for her and I am so happy with the way the story ended for her (and Jihoon).
Hana is also a great side character/friend and I really hope we get a book with her story!

I highly recommend this to other romance readers! (Also, can I please have a Jihoon for myself? Thank you.) I believe this is considered a closed door romance? Also great for fans of K-Pop or K-Pop romances!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley, I have purchased my own copy since.

I would like to say I adore Lily Chu and her writing however this one just fell flat for me. I will still support and have a paperback copy that I purcahsed, I just didn't love the main character who was the celb in this one. He felt like he was just plain old mean and didn't learn any real lessons. The laywer deserved better and the MC just wasn't it. Why did he have to call her names and think that was okay? Just not for me.

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Lily Chu’s two most recent books, last year’s THE STAND-IN (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 384 pp. paperback, $14.99) and THE COMEBACK (Sourcebooks Casablanca, 400 pp., paperback, $16.99), also star wealthy heroes, but here, the heroines are the ones who are up to shenanigans. “The Stand-In” is about a young woman whose resemblance to a famous Chinese actress leads to her taking on that actress’s social events, and falling for the film’s sexy co-star. In “The Comeback,” a workaholic young lawyer embarks on a fling with her roommate’s visiting cousin, only to discover he’s a K-pop idol in hiding.

Gracie from “The Stand-In” recognizes action star Sam Yao right off; his celebrity is something she learns to look past in order to get to know him as an individual and potential lover. The inevitable crisis happens on a very personal level, in the hospital room of Gracie’s mother (who suffers from Alzheimer’s). In “The Comeback,” though, Ari and Jihoon are flirting and cooking and planning dream trips together long before she learns of his fame. When their bleak moment comes, it’s painfully public-facing: Ari believes Jihoon sacrificed their relationship to preserve his standing with his fans.

Both books ask, what if you dated someone absurdly famous?, but they have vastly different emotional arcs. “The Stand-In” pulls you into the spotlight immediately, playing on the tension between public and private lives; “The Comeback” allows something secret and vulnerable to flourish, and then blasts it with megawatts of toxic attention. I binged this unusually rich pair of rom-coms back-to-back in one whirlwind summer weekend.

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Never understood the hype around
K-Dramas until I wanted to live in one but a book version?? It just hits different.
THE COMEBACK by Lily Chu is romantic, captivating and fulfills all K-Drama requirements.
When I read, THE STAND-IN, I wanted to read more by Lily and then I was lucky enough to get an arc of, THE COMEBACK, which now makes me crave even more.
Lily's writing has a way of making you feel like you're inside of each and every scene and having a front row seat.
There's love, light, family, reconciliation, a K-Pop Idol, a Canadian lawyer, self discovery and lots of heart within the pages of THE COMEBACK.
If you're into K-Dramas, romance in general and Asian rep I believe that you would be very entertained and happy reading both THE STAND-IN and THE COMEBACK.

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This story captivated me and it read quite quickly. I liked that the supporting characters were just as well developed and part of the story as the first characters. I know very little about K-pop, so it was unusual for me to read about this topic, but nothing bothered me. I'm also an introvert and I really liked that the book had this kind of main character. This made a certain connection between me and the book and I enjoyed it even more. Overall, I enjoyed this book and had a wonderful evening.

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I received an e-galley of The Comeback by Lily Chu from Sourcebooks Casablanca via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

In this cute contemporary romance, Ari is a young ambitious lawyer in Toronto who is determined to make partner. Nothing is going to derail her dreams - though that may be harder than she thought when a new colleague at work seems to prove that sometimes effort does not beat connections. As if work wasn't enough, Ari finds herself a sudden new roommate when her best friend/roommate's cousin, Jihoon, shows up in town. The two get off to a bad start but as they learn more about one another, sparks seem to fly. Just when it seems that things may be developing, Jihoon is exposed as one of the world's biggest Kpop stars. The two are suddenly separated by the physical distance between Seoul and Toronto as well as the trust issues that come from the hidden identities.

I enjoyed the romance in this book - who doesn't want to date a Korean idol? I thought it was cute and we also love a story set in Toronto of course.

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This was just okay for me - a little bit slow paced and I never found myself super excited to read it.

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The Comeback was a sweet but very grounded romance with great characters! This is my second Lily Chu book and I can't wait to read her next one!

Ariadne Hu is a workaholic lawyer struggling to make partner at her firm. Her firm sidelines her to very specific cases -- they are dismissive and racist. But Ariadne wants to please her father, who expects her to follow in his footsteps. After returning from another late night at the office, she finds a Korean man in the apartment she shares with her best friend. After her bestie/roommate vouches for Jihoon, who is also her cousin, Ari tries to make nice with him. Jihoon tells Ari that he left Seoul because of a bad breakup. Over the course of the book. Ari goes from treating Jihoon as a reluctant houseguest to falling in love with him.

One of the things that I found funny was that Ari didn't have ANY idea who Jihoon really was. I mean it's very clear to the reader early on. At first I didn't mind it, but by the halfway mark it became too unbelievable. I think what made it jarring is that Ari is so smart, competent and seems to catch on to things very quickly. I don't think it tracked that she didn't figure out the truth.

But besides that bump, I really enjoyed the progression of Ari and Jihoon's story. I loved that these two characters had some really issues that needed to sort out on their own -- before they could have a happy ending. I thought Ari's struggle with her job, her need to please her father and her fractured relationship with her sister really played into the reason she was so closed off from love/Jihoon. I also thought Jihoon was a great love interest because he truly listened to Ari and try to prove that they belonged together. Also he just seemed like a super swoony guy.

Even with the grounded emotional issues, I think the book has some really funny moments as well.

The only other thing that stood out to me was the ending. I loved the ending, but it felt like it dragged a little after the reveal of Jihoon's true identity and then the fallout in Seoul. I think some of the "breakup time" could've been condensed a bit. But overall, I really enjoyed this book!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A DNF for me early on. The story wasn't too engaging. And the characters were pretty... miserable? for most of it. It wasn't the story I was looking forward to reading.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first by this author, and I'll definitely be coming back for more. I loved the writing style and how this story sucked me in. As I person who also thrives on routine, I felt so connected with Ariadne. The story kept me engaged and hysterically laughing so much that I couldn't put it down!

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A charming, utterly hilarious feel good novel ! Perfect for the kpop fans and those just looking for a swoony book to escape into. Lily is a talented writer and had me up till 3 AM kicking my feet and giggling like a lunatic into my pillow.

The romance is smart, funny, heart-racing, and Jihoon is officially mine. I will not be debating this. 🤤😌

SO GOOD. You won't want to miss out on this.

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After reading and really enjoying Lily Chu’s The Stand-In last year, I was eagerly awaiting The Comeback’s release in paperback! This had such a cool premise and there’s a lot I liked about it, but overall, I didn’t end up enjoying it quite as much as The Stand-In.

The Comeback centres on Ariadne, a career-focused lawyer who’s trying to make partner in a fairly traditional, prestigious law firm. She’s surprised to come home today to find that her roommate’s cousin, the mysterious and attractive Jihoon, has come from Korea to stay at the apartment for awhile. Ari and Jihoon soon develop a close connection that’s on the verge of turning romantic, when Ari suddenly finds herself thrust into the public eye - because it turns out Jihoon is a member of one of Korea’s biggest K-pop groups, and the whole world has been looking for him.

I really loved the premise of this book. It was so cool learning more about K-pop, and I loved how Jihoon had qualities that I don’t traditionally see in male leads - he’s sensitive, appreciates fashion and other elements of physical appearance, and openly managing identity struggles. There were also some dreamy escapist vibes, as Ari gets to experience the perks of being associated with a world-famous pop idol.

My main issue related to Ari herself. I’m big on character-driven stories, and need characters I can really get invested in. Here, I got that in Ari - she’s a strong, intelligent, motivated female lead, and I really liked her - but I got so frustrated by how passive and reactive she was in relation to what was happening with Jihoon, and how everyone diminished her views. She was constantly treated like her extremely valid concerns weren’t important, and like she should compromise all her ideals and goals - even when her concerns all came to fruition, and even worse than she feared. I just wanted so much more for Ari, and it made me rage a bit while reading.

I definitely enjoyed this one and I think it’s such a fun, escapist summer read - but if you get invested in the characters like I do, you might find some frustration there.

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An enjoyable Chick Lit romance set in Toronto and Seoul, with stressed out lawyer Ariadne Hui connecting with her roommate's cousin, Choi Jihoon, who turns out to be South Korea's most famous contemporary star.

That Ariadne doesn't know who Choi really is adds to the drama of the story, and their romance leaves the reader wondering how things will end for two people from such different worlds.

The romantic suspense was worth the read, also the info about how stars can be overwhelmed by their young fans and how they protect themselves while catering to their young audience.

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Enjoyable, great pacing, exciting settings kept me hooked. Fun novel that will be the perfect beach read. Thank you Net Galley for ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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