Member Reviews

loved this romance between a star and lawyer and trying to figure things out. Loved the family and the best friend. I loved that she was trying to figure out her job and the romance too. Good romance.

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I don't have anything really stand out here except that I read it in one instead of vacillating between several books per my usual habit. I'm certain that says something but couldn't know what.

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4 stars

The Comeback follows Ariadne Hui, a young woman trying to make partner at her local law firm in Toronto. One day after a crappy day at work, she comes home, only to discover that her roommate allowed her cousin Choi Jihoon from Seoul to crash on their couch for a few weeks while he nurses a broken heart. As Ariadne and Jihoon grow closer, Ariadne discovers a secret about Jihoon that thrusts her onto the world stage, and she must decide if Jihoon is worth the circus that comes with him while trying to figure out what she wants in her own life.

As a k-pop lover myself, I have been DYINGGGG for an adult romance featuring a k-pop idol as the love interest. For the most part, this book hits all the sweet points I was hoping it would when it came to that. I will say personally I didn't like the reasoning for the third act breakup, given how it was similar to the breakup at the end of act 1 (and why was there even an act 1 breakup at all??) because I thought that Jihoon was acting rationally, but I get why Ariadne was hurt by it. I'm also not a fan of big time skips after third act breakups, but that's just a personal preference. I was also disappointed that the smut was closed-door but that's also just another personal preference LOL

Also as a native to Toronto, I loved all the references to the city and I'm so happy to think that it's where these two started to fall in love.

I would definitely still recommend this book to k-pop lovers who want to satisfy an itch!

Oh and that reference to Ariadne asking Jihoon if he wanted to eat ramen and he nearly blacked out?? KILLERRRRR (because it's basically Korean "Netflix and Chill", though this is something I know because I watch K-dramas. I would have appreciated a quick scene where Jihoon actually follows through on the promise to explain why he was so shocked and then laughed about it later, as this joke would otherwise fly over people's heads).

big thanks to netgalley and sourcebooks canada for the e-arc!!

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"Hearts are strange things. They never do what you wish. Never take the easy path."
"Law is what you do, Ari. It's not who you are."
Sweet, romantic, complicated and kind. These are the words I would use to describe this contemporary romance book. I enjoyed it very much. I grew fond of the characters from the very first pages and I think their story will keep me company for a while after I finished it.
Starting with some very good tropes (the ones we all love like roommate romance and forced proximity) Ari’s story was a bit of a journey with fan parts, sad ones and sweet ones. Like a real life story basically but with the added presence of a very handsome man who had just the abilities to clicked her every box.
I particularly appreciated how the authors addressed themes such as internalised racism while putting it in a conversational context so that it didn’t felt completely out of the blue.
This is book reminded me very much of a story I’ve recently been reading with kind of the same situation happening. Only this time we have a better display of characters’ relationships and I absolutely loved how family is involved in the story and the authors shows the impact that words, coming from people we love and respect, can have on us.
Overall I had real fun getting through this book, despite the minor crying moments.
I can’t wait for it to be out !!
“You don't bleed, ever. You don't know yourself at all.”
“I want to start my life for real, and it's fine if I figure it out as I go.”

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What a refreshing and riveting read! I haven’t been reading as many romance novels as I used to, and now I absolutely must read Lily Chu’s other novel.

I loved both Ari and Jihoon as they blundered and made forgivable mistakes with one another. Each character is believably flawed and lovable.

I don’t know how I feel about the turn of events that led to Ari and Jihoon’s last conflict in the book. The book was a solid 5 stars but became 4.5 after that because I wasn’t fully satisfied with the resolution.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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All right, I expected to read a light romantic comedy when I get "American Roommate Experiment" vibes from the blurb. But this book is not light or easy reading. Don't get me wrong! I enjoyed the blooming love story with the forced proximity trope. Ariadne and Choi Jihoon are well-crafted characters who carry the burden of their parents' high expectations. Instead of romantic scenes, the book deals with heavy issues like mansplaining, racism, and diversity in a thoughtful manner. The cultural norms and dysfunctional family issues are also discussed skillfully.

The book begins by showing glimpses of Ariadne's work life and her ambition to become a partner at the most prestigious law firm in Toronto, which is owned by her father. Despite other opportunities to work in a better environment with better clients, Ariadne remains loyal to her father in her pursuit of a partnership.

One day, she returns home to find a stranger sleeping on the sofa. Her roommate Hana introduces him as her cousin, Choi Jihoon, who has come to Toronto to heal his broken heart.

At first, Ariadne is irritated by Choi's presence, as she wants no distractions before getting her promotion. But she soon finds herself falling hard for him, despite knowing that he is a secret man in her life. The collision between her personal life and career creates a lot of damage.

Can they find a way to overcome this and lead a fulfilling life?

While I enjoyed the book, the last third was overly melodramatic and angsty. The relationship, work, and family issues the characters faced left me feeling suffocated.

Overall, it's a good, thought-provoking, angsty romance with likable characters that earns 4 stars from me!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a digital review copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

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I originally listened to this title on Audible, so of course I had to request an eARC.

This book was delightful. I'm not a K-Pop stan, but this inspired me to want to listen and watch some videos, and they're amazing performers! With similar energy of Lily Chu's first book (famous celebrity falls in love with everyday gal, crazy things ensue), the multi-ethnic backgrounds of characters, as well as the fun vibes of Canada, everything about this story was great! Her prose and fun and fresh, and the characters are relatable. It's not spicy, but it makes you wish it was! Absolutely loved.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

As someone who loved The Stand-in, I thought I’d love this one too but unfortunately it did not match up.

The premise in itself is interesting and quite captivating given the way in which K-pop has blown up in Western cultures. To see a romance between an idol and a “normal” woman makes for very complex and quirky interactions. This was just not the case.

The characters had little to no depth about them. Their main identities were idol and woman who is doing nothing in life. Ari had no real desire. She didn’t want anything strongly and as a result, it was extremely difficult to care about the things happening to her. Her reactions to things were so muted and minimal that it didn’t give off the emotional impact I believe the author was intending.

There was an interesting dynamic between her and her sister. Ari had some lingering feelings of resentment and abandonment which weren’t explored fully. Her relationship with both her parents and sister obviously shaped the way in which she navigated romantic relationships but we didn’t get to see any of that. Ari was lost in a vat of nothing and honestly, she was her own biggest enemy. None of the characters stuck out to me and I could not give you even one quote that shone through.

Now onto the writing. There were so many words that said absolutely nothing. There was no real pacing to the story and the characters didn’t seem to move anywhere. Even the romantic developments felt rushed or cheap because you could not get any sense of emotions from them.

Also, there was a racist scene right at the beginning of the book. Whilst I appreciate the author was trying to depict racism in the workplace, it just didn’t seem right. There was some depth missing and again, the mc seemed to not FEEL much about it.

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Lily Chu does it again. I loved The Stand-In, and with The Comeback, she's created another loveable duo with Ariadne and Jihoon. Ariadne is laser focused on achieving partner at her prestigious law firm. Jihoon is her roommate's cousin from Seoul who needed a place to crash for a few weeks. No big deal. Until feelings start to blossom between the two complete opposites. And then when Ari realizes who exactly has been crashing on their couch, together they have to figure out if their budding romance can withstand the scrutiny of the entire world.

If you love BTS or K-pop in general, you will LOVE The Comeback. I loved it so much, and I can't wait to grab a physical copy to add to my shelf next to The Stand-In. I'm so glad the Audible original is finally going to be available in ebook and print. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my e-ARC.

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I loved this book and enjoyed the escapism. I listened to it during the same period I was watching Partner Track on Netflix and loved the two different stories / how they both sought to support the central attorney character. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.

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I think it's safe to say I'm a Lily Chu fan. I have listened and read both of her books and I loved them!!! She does a great job of mixing your fave trope with very complex and real characters.

The comeback touched a lot of topics very close to my own life and I was not expecting this to make me wonder about my own choices so much. The main character is a workaholic that has a hard time telling people what she feels and needs, work is always a "safe" place to run away from all that. Until she meets someone who makes her question her whole life. The kpop fan in me also really loved how well developed and explored was that storyline. In all this book is fun, sweet and very entertaining.

I really hope is translated into Spanish because I have a few friends who would love it!!

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I would compare this book to a marshmallow. A typical romance that’s neatly tied up and leaves the reader with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

It’s not decedent dessert but more of a little taste. Overall yes the book is good and yes I would recommend it but I wouldn’t say it’s the best of the year

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I loved this book. I'd even go as far as to say it's the perfect contemporary romance! Ariadne is relatable, funny and also really refreshing. I loved her POV!
Jihoon took me by surprise. Don't get me wrong, he is cute from the get-go but is a bona fide book boyfriend by the end. Their friendship is everything, and I adored watching it grow throughout the book.
Lily Chu does an excellent job of highlighting important issues in everyday surroundings. The side characters are great and fleshed out enough to connect to and add to the story.
The balance between not shying away from harsh realities while keeping the book positive and upbeat is perfect. I appreciated the author's choosing to cover these subjects through Ariadne's experiences as a woman and a BIPOC.
Lily Chu writes the most adorable romances. But this is not just a romance book; it's so much more! A must-read book by an instant-read author.

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The Comeback is a cute and lighthearted celebrity romcom for anyone who's looking for exactly that. While in radically different careers, neither Ari nor Jihoon can find a way to define who they are outside of work or what they actually want - until they meet each other and spend the rest of the book untangling where their priorities lie. Jihoon is sweet and genuine, and while Ari is almost unbelievably clueless, she's still loveable and really starts to come into her own as she untangles the mystery of what she really wants out of life. Very little steam, but a lot of sweetness. I also really appreciate anything set in my own city of Toronto, and it was nice to recognize multiple landmarks named throughout the novel. As a bonus for anyone who's read Chu's previous romcom, The Stand-In, they seem to take place in the same universe, with a couple of easter egg style references dropped in. Overall, a sweet and light romcom for a cozy weekend read.

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Thank you Netgallery for this ARC!

I loved this book and the story !! The characters chemistry was amazing! The character development was really great. It’s was a lighthearted book and I’d recommend it!

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Previously an audiobook on Audible and now in print. Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

At the start of this book Ari is a workaholic trying to earn partner at her corporate law firm. She comes home from work one night to find a handsome stranger on her couch - her roommate’s cousin from Korea. It turns out he is hiding out after a ‘breakup’ and her roommate forgot to tell her.

There were definitely some unrealistic plot points from here - the whole ‘twist’ and how Ari didn’t put this together herself since she is supposed to be this extremely intelligent woman who works with entertainment industry clients. Despite how far-fetched a lot of the story is and just completely riddled with tropes it is a fun and entertaining read. Is it amazing and I think everyone needs to read it? No but it’s light-hearted and cute and honestly there is some great character growth.

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Read this and you will become a K pop fan! Such good writing, and I cant stop thinking about Jihoon. I love the growth of Ari, and I think she finally learned to express herself. I love how oblivious she was to his stardom and the reason behind him with his masks and skin routines. It really brought you into their story, and you finish needing more! Definitely can't wait for the next one, and I have to read her previous novel!

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The Comeback is not your typical romance book. Ari and Jihoon's relationship was showcased with a lot of realistic ups and downs IMO. It wasn't just the usual dramatic break up > get back together > the end.
So much character development from Ari and Jihoon sets the standard for men impossibly high (ladies, I know the bar is 6 ft underground so that's not hard but I digress). Cute, funny, emotional, and educational for those like me with little knowledge of K-pop.

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We meet Ari in her perceived element: work. For a big law firm. It’s clear she works hard and this is something she cares about. Right from the start it’s easy to see she’s giving more to work than it’s giving back to her. I have literally never rooted harder for someone to quit their job in a story than I have for Ari.

Enter Jihoon, a stranger sleeping on her couch without notice.

It’s not meet cute, and it’s not meet disaster, but a third thing: meet chaos.

He’s her roommate’s cousin, staying for a bit to deal with a hard breakup. They’re both slow to trust and open up to one another, but when they do it’s a delight. As a reader you know Jihoon, or anticipate that Jihoon, is a K-pop idol long before Ari does. All of the pieces are there in passing and poor Ari keeps missing them.

His secret, while understandable to want to keep, hurts.

Building the backdrop of this budding romance is Ari’s family life, and grappling with feelings of deep rooted abandonment about her sister, and trying desperately to fit into the mold her parents, mostly her father have crafted for her.

Together Ari and Jihoon grapple with their issues, not always in the best way, but they muddle through it to the other side, and break free from the cages they each see as holding them in so they can pursue what they’re truly passionate about.

Chu has a way of writing that’s lighthearted and fun but still has emotional weight. Ari takes Jihoon on a tour of Toronto and it’s a true credit to Chu that she makes you feel like you’re there with them with her wonderful descriptions. And even fit a perfect throw back to The Stand-In.

This book made me smile like a fool while I was reading it, to tearing up, to wanting to fight both Ari and Jihoon for being idiots while also rooting so hard for them. It’s a fast read and I think a lot of k-pop fans will enjoy it.

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Ahhhhh I enjoyed listening to the audiobook of this one so much! It was such a cute and romantic read!

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