Member Reviews

This book was such a fun read especially because I am such a (somewhat recent) K-pop fan! Being able to get a closer look at what the behind the scenes could be like was fascinating.

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I was so excited to get the ARC of The Comeback by Lily Chu, especially after reading and enjoying The Stand-In. I thought I knew what was going to happen in this story, but what I thought would happen came to be about 50% through the book. There are some plot twists that I didn’t see coming and I thoroughly enjoyed each of them. This book has also convinced me to add Seoul to my travel bucket list.

You’ll enjoy this story if you like
🎤Finding yourself
🎤Fade to black romance
🎤Family drama
🎤Secret identity
🎤A little bit of drama

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Three and a half stars.

Ariadne Hui is putting all her effort into making partner at her Canadian law firm. It doesn't matter if she works 14 hour days and weekends, just to see her father's pride in her achievement will be worthwhile. But it's an uphill battle, the law firm is snooty and old-fashioned. She's been offered more rewarding jobs by clients, jobs that appeal to her more than corporate law, jobs with a better workplace culture, but her father is old-fashioned and has set his heart on her making partner at the most prestigious firm in Toronto.

One night Ari gets home to the apartment she shares with her friend Hana only to find a strange man sleeping on their sofa. After the initial shock Hana tells Ari that the man, Choi Jihoon, is her cousin from Korea who has had a messy breakup and has escaped to Canada to get away from it all. Most importantly, no-one from the family can know he is in Toronto.

At first Ari is annoyed that she will have to act as hostess to a stranger, particularly when she is working so hard to get promoted, but over time she finds Jihoon to be a fun companion, thoughtful, as well as strikingly attractive. But just as the two of them start to fall in love, Ari makes a shocking discovery, Jihoon has a secret identity which will change everything.

Overall, I enjoyed this, but it did start to drag about two-thirds of the way through and I think that's because there was too much angst. Ari has sibling angst, parental angst, career angst, racism angst, and boyfriend angst. It seems to be a theme of the (admittedly small) sample of books I've read featuring Asian heroines that their parents have huge expectations of them, so I can understand that may be a cultural norm but the rest of it was too much. I think TBH the HEA could have come without the trip to Korea and the angst that ensued, there was enough work and family drama to sustain the plot.

I felt that all the other characters did a lot of psychoanalysing of Ari and her behaviour, but not in a kind way. Her sister, her 'friend' and even Jihoon on occasion berated her for her behaviour when IMHO Jihoon's behaviour was far more heinous and damaging to Ari both personally and professionally. Also, why do so many romances require the female MC to abandon high-flying jobs because the realise that actually they are more fulfilled doing something more creative (like organising walking tours)? It feels misogynistic as if we poor delicate little flowers are only good at creative things like cooking and sewing and should leave all the difficult stuff to the men (grrr).

I wanted to read The Stand-In but never got round to it. I understand this is the same author.

Anyway, I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed the education about K-pop and Alex's staunch defence of the genre was an eye-opener (more Alex please), i wasn't so keen on the 'all white people are racists' undertone, but perhaps it was just 'all snooty lawyers are racists'. I would definitely read more books by Lily Chu.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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That was really cute!

I admire Ari and can totally relate. The pressure to succeed and not even asking yourself what you truly want or what makes you happy…so many of us struggle with that.

I can appreciate that both struggled with their own pressures and external expectations but ultimately made decisions for themselves and chose paths that make them happy.

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This is the second book from the author that I had the privilege to read and give feedback and I loved it . What a cover ! Ari is a Canadian Chinese lawyer who tries to be partner but she is not very happy with her life . When her best friend and roommate being away for few days tells that her cousin from Korea will stay at their place is she shocked . At first she is not happy with a total stranger in her home but Jihoon makes her open up to him . Every day they spent together they come closer and closer . Jihoon escaped to Canada because he is an Idol , he is a member of a K Pop group and he needs time for himself . He kept his identity secret from Ari and that was the first time she felt that he didn't trusted her . When she has the chance to go to Seoul for her work they meet again and they give their love another chance . What happens when his fan find about thei relathionship ? Will he choose her or the group ?
I received this book from netgalley and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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A lawyer finds herself falling for the most unlikely person ever, the shy but cute guy who is her roommate’s cousin.... who is hiding the fact that he is in fact a K-pop Idol. Ariadne Hui lives on a strict routine, she loves being in control and has worked so hard to make her parents proud and is so close to being made partner in Toronto’s most prestigious law firm. But when she comes home one day to a stranger sleeping in her living room she’s on high alert until her roommate/best friend tells her its actually her cousin Choi Jihoon, freshly arrived from Seoul to mend a broken heart. Jihoon is just needs a break and is being off the radar. Ariadne and Jihoon soon find themselves spending more time together and becoming friends, going on fun adventures, talking about trips together, and falling for one another. But to Ariadne’s completely surprise... Jihoon’s other friends, (turned bandmates) appear to take him back to Korea to fulfill his contract and work on the tour stuff... and reveal to her that he has bene hiding who he was the entire time. Can she forgive him for lying to her? Can she even be in a relationship with someone who lives such a completely different lifestyle to her own? Will long distance work? Ariadne soon finds herself thrust into the world of K-pop Idols and their struggles of making music, maintaining privacy, and the harsh views of fans. She’ll have to ask herself if she is willing to risk it all for someone who might not be ready to give it all up for her. Ariadne’s job, reputation, and heart will be on the line as she struggles to find not only what she wants to do with her future but where her heart truly lies and how far she is willing to go for love. This was a fun read, it’s perfect for fans of k-pop idol drama (seriously its got so much drama).

*Thanks Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca, Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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The Comeback is a JOURNEY. Ari is trying to make partner at her law firm but isn’t taken seriously and appears to be a diversity hire. Her world is turned upside down when her roommate Hana’s cousin Jihoon unexpectedly visits for a month from Korea while Hana is away, and romantic feelings ensue as Ari and Jihoon spend more and more time together. Then a big secret is revealed which shakes the trust Ari had built in Jihoon and the roller coaster continues.

A big part of the story is Ari’s relationship with her sister, Phoebe. Phoebe left home when she was 20 and Ari was 13, and Ari has always felt abandoned by her sister. They don’t talk much, but an incident brings Phoebe back home and they cautiously attempt to mend things. I’m such a sucker for a sister plot line. Ari’s character is an endearing blend of strong and stubborn, vulnerable and capable.

Ari also has a love for travel and even creates amazing itineraries for others. Yet she’s never been on a plane and travel is merely a pipe dream for her. It’s a very sweet aspect of the story that gives Ari more humanity (not that she was lacking!).

I also appreciate the dialogue that Lily Chu offers in regards to Ari only being seen as a Chinese woman even though she doesn’t speak the language and hasn’t been to China. She’s Canadian but others always force their perceptions on her and don’t allow her to just be seen as Canadian. There’s a similar dialogue regarding celebrities and the control fans try to have over them but I won’t spoil that part of the story.

Jihoon is the catalyst for sparking huge changes in Ari’s life, and I quickly became invested in watching her character growth, rooting her on as the drama continued to unfold. At one point it seemed like things were resolved and would soon wrap up, but there was a lot more story after that point. So while there was a brief lag for me, once we dove back into Ari’s journey, I was solidly recommitted and flew through the rest. I laughed and I cried, and this book will be one of my favorites from here on out.

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This. Book. Is. Sooooo. Good!!
Everything-Jihoon and Ari-their imperfections, their mistakes, their relationship, the Korean food, the family dynamics…ugh! Just read it!! I loved every minute of this book!

Read for….
-Complicated characters figuring out themselves, each other, and life
-the POV of being stereotyped, put in a box you don’t actually fit in
-a dash of family drama
-K-pop 💜
-Korean food
-fantastic closed door romance

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Not your average romance! Realistic view of elite corporate America and how the powers really play out joined with the grit of high profile entertainment driven by fans and profit. How can a hard working, idealistic lawyer find love with a super idol, who is really a nice guy in hiding - and what about those family expectations? Great story and strong characters that will hold you to the satisfying end.

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Loved this! I will read anything this author comes out at this point because the book are just great!

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After reading and loving The Stand In, I was excited to read The Comeback. I do love a celebrity romance and this one was no exception!

I really enjoy how Lily Chu writes her characters. Ari was flawed but loveable and felt authentic as a character. I also became very attached to Jihoon and loved the way the forced proximity trope was executed in this book. Overall this was just a really fun read!

I would have loved a little more at the end but overall really enjoyed this book and look forward to more by Lily Chu in the future.

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Like most romances, you can call the ending early on. I am not sure if that's why the middle feels so slow to me. There are so many parts before there is any drama, and it feels like filler. I think maybe I needed more character building before the meet cute, or maybe some more interesting hijinx. Regardless, I found that the book had its charm and humorous moments. If anything, it just needed some tighter editing to cut down on the dragging middle.

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