Member Reviews

This is good to have on hand, the recipes are easy to follow and there’s pictures. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy.

Love when a recipe book has added info about the menus and ingredients.
This book has some great eats, great options to choose from and some pretty photos.
Reading this within the NetGalley app that eventually disappears or expires is not the most ideal - especially for cookbooks that I'd love to have access to after it pubs.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Please excuse my tardiness in posting my review. My TBR list is continuously growing and I keep finding so many amazing books being requested + added to my pile! I have so much gratitude for this copy that has been shared with me.

There were some great recipes that I tried out and will be adding to my meal plans in the future. But there are also many more that I want to try. What i really liked is how easy the recipes are, which doesn't make it overwhelming to try them out.

*received for free from netgalley for honest review* Pretty good cookbook, We did keto for awhile and i really wish i had read this when we were doing it, would still make the recipes though

Easy Keto Cooking contains around 45 recipes to get you started on starting a Keto diet.
There are 5 chapters in this book with the first one explaining the science behind the Keto method and how to begin and 4 dedicated to recipes:
- Breakfast (17)
- Light Dishes & Appetizers (8)
- Lunchboxes Dishes (14)
- Dinners (28)
The recipes include the serving size, time it takes to prepare, cooking time, ingredients with both imperial and mertric measurements and easy to follow steps. Each recipe also comes with the Nutritional facts along with the macronutrient ratios. Each recipe also has a key that indicates if it is diary, nut, egg or nightshade free or if its vegetarian, ideal for intermittent fasting, high in electrolytes or induction-friendly. Not every dish comes with a colour photograph.
NOTE: The content of this book was previously published in 'The Beginners KetoDiet Cookbook) in 2018.
As it's a repeat of a previous book, it's a little disappointing that there is no new dishes to try.
I received this book from Netgalley in return for a honest review.

This Keto cookbook is different from the others in that the recipes are not just full of meat and cheese.. The recipes are varied and full of fish, vegetables and sound delightful. The butter chicken was excellent and the Masala Cauli-Rice with grilled halloumi was fantastic. I have lots of recipes bookmarked to try from this book.

Title is definitely fitting for the book. These are really easy to follow recipes. Not your average keto cookbook fare either. My favorite section was the breakfast (that’s also my most hard to eat healthy meal) there were so many great options.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Fair Winds, for an ARC of Easy Keto Cooking in exchange for an honest review.
Easy Keto Cooking by blogger Martina Slajerova is a very good book for beginner keto followers. She provides a very detailed description of the food plan and how the Keto lifestyle works. People who have previously researched keto may not find this section as helpful but it does have a lot of good information. She then includes a nice variety of recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She does have some of the basic keto type recipes like egg cups, zoodles and cauliflower rice. However she has some nice additions like Irish Pork Pie, Crispy Cinnamon Waffles and Pizza Dutch Baby. Each recipe includes an ingredient list, detailed instructions, and nutritional facts. She has included an icon legend to indicate what type of recipe it is i.e. nut free or high in electrolytes. Not every recipe includes a photo and the ones that do are a little basic. Overall this is a great cookbook for Keto beginners and has a few additional recipes for keto enthusiasts to add to their repertoire.

I’m always looking for a new recipe to try out and if they are something good and visually pleasing, even better because I am that person that will eat or make something just because it looks good compared to how healthy it may be 🙈.
I loved this book overall. I have tried a few recipes and I found the structure and way of working around them very easy to follow and make. They are much more tasty that I have imagined and I’m honestly looking forward to try even more recipes from it.

5.0 out of 5 stars YES to Easy Keto Cooking!
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2022
Keto can be an expensive undertaking. I've tried Keto before and it was a fail. The recipes, the time, cost and the taste didn't do it for me. The only recipe that I still make from my first Keto try is Cole Slaw—that recipe is quick and simple and is my go to side dish for sandwiches.
2023—Is a new year and my goal is to make changes and healthier choices, so I'm giving Keto another try and this is the book I believe can get me where I want to go.
The ingredients are easily found at the grocery store and the recipes are easy to follow, they both look and sound tasty. Best of all, most of the recipes, include full-color pictures. I'm confident I can be successful this time around, with this book.

Thank you for the advanced copy.
Some really great recipes in this book. The introduction is a little long.

Not my favorite cookbook. Personal opinion was that the intro was too wordy for me, I didn’t like how it looked, and there was not enough pictures. I feel like a cookbook is meant to make you feel inspired and this book didn’t do that for me. The recipes also looked boring. But I can also understand how a no nonsense approach to a cookbook would appeal to some. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to be honest in my opinion of these books even when it isn’t favorable.

A very informative book about Keto, which gives great detail and recipes.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

I have followed the author's website for a long time, her recipes are always well thought out and useful! This book goes above and beyond - giving an excellent explanation of the keto diet and how to get started and has tons of wonderful recipes so you won't be hungry or at a loss for what to eat!

Easy Keto Cooking by Martina Šlajerová is is a cookbook and recipe collection full of keto compliant recipes inspired by a wide variety of cuisines. Due out 27th Dec 2022 from Quarto on their New Shoe Press imprint, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
The introduction covers the basics of the physiology behind blood/glucose/and insulin, as well as an intro to the keto lifestyle/diet, including a surprisingly complete primer on ketosis, macronutrients, tips, ingredients, tools, supplies, and how-to.
Ingredient measurements are supplied in imperial (American) standard units with metric measurements in parentheses (yay!). There's a conversion chart for metric measures in the appendices. Extra tips or recipe alternatives are listed in the recipes. The recipes themselves are fairly straightforward and are made for the most part with easily sourced ingredients (not all though, sweeteners and some base flours for example, will likely need to be sourced from specialists). Many seemed complex to me, as a relative neophyte, with a lot of ingredients. Beautifully prepared and tempting, but not recipes I would reach for on a weekday when I'm tired after work. These recipes will need some planning (weekend cooking + meal planning for the week to avoid being too tired to cook dinner? Maybe).
This is a nice collection of recipes and even allowing for the fact that some of them are very similar to others in the same category, this will keep keto-cooks going for ages. Many can also be adapted to be compliant with other specialist diets (fodmap, aip, etc).
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

The keto lifestyle is a healthy one...but that doesn't mean it's easy, especially at first. However, Martina Slajerova details information on what to expect for those beginning to foray into keto from conquering cravings to keto flu, the three phases of a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, good fats and total carbs vs. net carbs. She also describes her firsthand experience.
Though not new to the keto lifestyle, I do need motivation and this book helped me to remember the mental and physical health benefits. The 150 recipes include simple keys, how to serve and nutritional information. These aren't "just" keto recipes but recipes with healthy additions and subtractions, a balanced approach. The standouts in my mind include Flavoured Butters Twelve Ways (I am especially drawn to Salty Anchovy Butter for something different) and Vanilla & Cinnamon Cream Butter. Grain and nut free Garlic & Herb Focaccia looks tasty as does Spicy Chorizo Cloud Eggs. I am eager to make the Crispy Ranch Chicken Wings, Multiseed Keto Crackers (am always on the lookout for keto crackers) and Bacon-Wrapped Beef Patties with "Chimiole". Vegetable Rose Pie is on our Christmas menu as it looks extra beautiful. Mushroom Stroganoff...mmmm! As a mushroom forager I'm seeing all sorts of combinations in my future, starting this evening as we have a basket of fresh wild mushrooms. The Salisbury Steak with Quick Mash sparks my interest, too. It's been awhile since I've made Salisbury Steak of which I have warm childhood memories.
I really like that there are a few original ideas in this book which would appeal to beginner to expert cooks alike. At the very least it is great inspiration to amp up your motivation! For the visual cooks, many recipes do include them. My only wish is for 150 baking recipes, the most difficult to master while staying sane.
My sincere thank you Quarto Publishing Group - Fair Winds and NetGalley for providing me with an early digital copy of this marvellous book!

Keto recepies and healthy advice, sometimes too many ingredients for me but interesting. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

I wish she hadn’t put easy in the title of this book because it is a nice keto cookbook but I would not call the recipes particularly easy. Where the book shines is that the recipes tend to be quite healthy. They use real food and concentrate on really nutritious ingredients you don’t often see in mainstream keto cookbooks like sardines and flax seeds. For those who like international recipes, there are lots of choices. And the macro information and nutritional info is great. There’s also really in depth information on starting and succeeding with keto.
The downsides for me is not enough photos and the recipes really seem rather long and complicated. This is mostly just based on the design elements as there’s a lot of small text on every page with a description, nutritional information and very detailed instructions and ingredients. The ingredients are listed in multiple measurements (often three different measurements), which I know matters to people who don’t all use the same measurements but makes it feel longer and busier. Easy to some people means spelling everything out and listing weights and imperial and metric measurements but it makes it feel more complicated for me. I have to admit my favorite cookbooks are my 80 year old ones with 4 ingredients and half a paragraph of text.
This is still a very nice keto cookbook. It’s not one I’d reach for often but some of the recipes sound great.
I read a temporary digital arc of this book for review.

I am ALL about any cookbook/recipe book that features the word "easy" - it is exceedingly hard to find the meeting point between trying to be healthier and stick to keto, and finding foods that don't taste like cardboard. These recipes are in fact easy, and - yes - are delicious, as well. I can't recommend this one enough!

“Easy Keto Cooking, adapted from Martina Slajerova’s best-selling The Beginner’s Keto Diet Cookbook, distills the key information you need as you start out with the diet and the best-of-the-best recipes to make while retaining the expertise of one of the best-selling keto authors on the market today. The book offers an introduction to the science behind the ketogenic diet, a basic guide to following it, and abundant practical solutions for the beginner, including navigating the first tricky few weeks as your metabolism readjusts to burning fat rather than carbs.”
With my family’s host of dietary restrictions, I’ve found that keto comes the closest.
This book has a lot going for it. There’s a tonne of information on the keto diet, the science behind it, and tips and tricks to make your transition easier.
I’m not interested in the weight-loss part, so let’s skip to the good part, shall we?
First off, the pictures for the food are gorgeous. They’re not only informative (it’s nice to know how things should look) but also artful.
The recipes, themselves, are varied and delicious. Often grain-free recipes rely heavily on almond flour, and while this is a great option, I liked that she used a variety of ground bases (coconut flour, cauliflower, and zucchini for instance).
Our family particularly liked the Multi Seed Keto Crackers paired with the Macadamia Cheese dip (we subbed in pumpkin seeds), the Turkey Nuggets with Kale Slaw (we did a strawberry vinaigrette), and the Pan-fried Salmon with Superfood Mash (we subbed broccoli for the cauliflower, so it was a little more mess and a little less mash).
Improvements I’d love to see:
The beginning chapters were super-informative, but the huge blocks of text were a little overwhelming. A graphic or two would have been an appealing way to break up the content.
There was no Recipe List in the Table of Contents. I prefer a list of recipes at-a-glace.
The recipes were laid out inconsistently. I’d like to see them all the same.
All things considered, I think this book was well done. The recipes would be helpful for anyone interested in keto, or, like our family, grain-free.
Thanks to NetGalley and Quatro Publishing (Fair Winds) for this appetizing ARC.