Member Reviews

This has the makings of an interesting involved story. I just wish it was better presented.
A look into Silicon Valley and the upper 1%.
Chuck changes his name to Charles in hopes of removing himself more from the family.

I usually like satire. This one wasn't quite developed though.
Still a good story on the surface.

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Sucker is a satirical novel about Silicon Valley and a tech company with supicious means and motives. I usually love satire – especially when we're making fun of rich people – unfortunalely, this was just not to my tastes.

My biggest issue with Sucker was the characters. The main character/narrator is unlikeable, more than I think he was meant to be, and his constant attempts to be funny and quirky fell completely flat. It didn't take more than a few pages for the writing style to turn from interesting and different to annoying and trite. I couldn't cheer for him no matter how hard I tried, which isn't always a dealbreaker for me, but it does often help the experience to like the mc. The other characters were too unrealistic to be funny and we were introduced to too many for me to really care about any of them.

Another problem was the plot, which took too long to become interesting. The buildup was long enough that I lost interest before I got to the parts I genuinely enjoyed, which is unfortunate. If I wasn't making this review, and therefore felt a sense of duty when it came to finishing the ARC, I would have put the book down before getting to the good bits.

Taste is subjective, and while I didn't enjoy this read I'm sure others might. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishing house for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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this was a scary concept and worked really well, I enjoyed how well this was written and glad I was able to read this. It was a great concept in the horror genre and it had a great tense atmosphere within it. I enjoyed the way the characters were written and how they reacted to the situations in the book. Daniel Hornsby has a great writing style and I could see a passion for the genre. I can't wait to read more from Daniel Hornsby as I really enjoyed reading this.

"It led to a stairwell, which I followed down. The air here had an earthy, mineral smell. The hidden floor was dark save for the glow of tiny blue lights inside the processors. As I shone my phone around to find the light switch, I heard a spray of Pomeranian yips scolding me from across the space."

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