Member Reviews

Her Husband's Lies is a twisty and suspenseful read about having everything you could wish for and then it all falling through your fingertips. This is now Callies reality. Callie had everything - a ten-acre beautiful home in the Adriondacks with her husband Abel, a son at college, the seclusion she wants and enjoys. But this all comes crashing down when Abel is in an accident which has left him in a coma. But if that wasn't bad enough, things are about to get twisted really bad and really quickly in Callies world. I loved all the twists and turns and curve balls this book throws at you. This would make a great movie! The book is tied up nicely at the end with everything explained.

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Callie has a great life, living in a ten-acre home in the Adirondacks with her husband, Abel. Their son is away at college and Callie, a writer, is content living a relatively secluded life.
Then Abel skids off the road into an icy lake. No one heard anything. No one saw anything.
But Abel is left in a coma in a Vermont hospital.
Things seem bad but they’re about to get even worse.
Now Callie is getting calls from a woman who claims to know more about the accident.
Callie is skeptical, though a few things do line up, and she’s always wondered why her husband was where he was at the time of the accident.
Then every spouse’s worst nightmare: police tell Callie her husband is a suspect in the disappearance of two teenage girls.
Callie will do whatever it takes to clear his name. But is she really ready for the truth about her husband . . .

Wow!!! A great thrilling and gripping read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable.
Great suspense and found myself second guessing every thought I had continuously.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I was provided an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher. This is my own honest voluntary review.

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I didn't love it. It wad a hit too slow for me and the 2 parallel themes of the accident na dthe the missing girls just didn't seem to connect for me. The writing style was OK but I just didn't care about the character and I struggled to stay interested. And I am obsessed with psychics and love getting g readings done but..... would I run off doing my own wee investigation because some random claims to be psychic and have an insight?! Absolutely not! Can we verify this person is genuine?! Can we not just pass tips to the police? And if she is psychic then why not just explain what's happened instead of giving hints?! Either you are psychic or you're not. Noone is psychic a little bit

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HER HUSBAND'S LIES by T.J. Brearton.
Callie has a great life, living in a ten-acre home in the Adirondacks with her husband, Abel. Their son is away at college and Callie, a writer, is content living a relatively secluded life. Then Abel skids off the road into an icy lake. No one heard anything. No one saw anything. But Abel is left in a coma in a Vermont hospital. Things seem bad but they’re about to get even worse. Now Callie is getting calls from a woman who claims to know more about the accident.
I did enjoy this book. Great story. I liked Callie. Wasn't sure about Althea though. I liked the cover. That's what drew me to this book. 5*.

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3.5 stars, actually

I've read and thoroughly enjoyed two other books by this talented author, so I was looking forward to this one - but alas, it was a little disappointing. While the plot itself is well-written and drew me in, I just couldn't get excited about the characters - especially Callie Sanderson, whose husband Abel is in a coma as a result of an auto accident she's convinced wasn't an accident as the police investigation concluded. The main reason she's convinced is that she was told by a "psychic" named Althea that he drove into a tree while trying to get away from someone.

Honestly, I'm not opposed to the notion that there are folks who "see" things others don't, but Callie's determination to go off on her own despite good advice from people to whom she should listen - i.e., the police - was a turnoff (the main objection I have to the female leads in cozy mysteries, BTW). But not only did she - a grown-up with a college-age son - not listen to reason, her on-my-own sleuthing never once, as far as I could tell, turned up any facts the police didn't already know. Finally, there's that title thing; all the way through, I kept waiting to find out what "lies" her husband told. And for the life of me, while he didn't always spell out in detail what he did and where he was every minute of every day - who does? - I couldn't find a single time in which he told an actual untruth.

All that said, the story itself held my interest throughout (I just sort of ignored Callie's relentless questioning of her own thoughts and those of everybody else) and focused on what was actually happening. It seems that two young girls recently went missing and haven't been found - and little by little, connections between the girls and Abel come to light. Is it possible her beloved husband had something to do with their disappearances? After all, he did go out a few times without telling her specifically where he'd been. Still, Callie can't believe he's involved, but the plot thickens as she digs deeper, egged on by Althea's newfound remembrances. Neighbors in the rather remote area of the Adirondacks become suspects just because of something they said (or didn't say); even Abel's estranged brother Garr, who suddenly turns up, isn't immune from her suspicions. Meantime, the police, led by detective Footman, continue to work the case despite Callie's constant harping about issues they're already investigating.

Overall, this is an enjoyable book I think most readers of this genre will enjoy. Many thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for offering me the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy.

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Callie’s husband, Abel, was in a car accident and is in a coma. Callie is suspicious of Abel’s accident knowing how careful her husband is. As she digs, she finds out more secrets.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. What caught my attention was the cover. The house set on an ideal piece of land, the sky directly above clear but higher above, storm clouds. This cover describes the book perfectly. At first you think everything is ok but them find out it’s not.

This story kept me guessing. Was Abel a good man? What happened to the girls? Are psychics real? These are all questions I wanted to know more about. The book has twists that will keep you reading until the very end!

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This was an enjoyable thriller that kept you guessing until the final pages on what happened to Callie's husband Abel who had an accident and ended up in hospital in a coma, and a missing girl investigation.

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This was another really good book. It starts somewhat slow but the pace picks up midway through. I enjoyed the twists, turns and the unexpected ending.

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I received this arc through net galley and the publisher.

I was very quickly drawn into the story and needed to race through to find out if the husband had anything to do with the girls that had gone missing.

A fast paced read and I will be looking for more by this author in the future

4 stars

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Joffe Books for an advance copy of Her Husband’s Lies, a stand-alone thriller set in the Adirondacks.

Six weeks earlier Callie Sanderson’s husband, Abel, was in a car crash and now he lies in a coma. A terrible accident the police say, Callie isn’t so sure and then she gets a call from a stranger, Althea Cooper, telling her she knows what happened to Abel. As Callie tries to investigate the police tell her that Abel is a person of interest in the disappearance of two teenagers.

I asked to read Her Husband’s Lies, because I like the author and he generally offers a good read. I was a bit disappointed as I found the going slow and it lacks the undefinable hook that pulls the reader in and keeps them reading.

The narrative is mostly from Callie’s point of view with the mysterious Althea chipping in from time to time with her visions. I must admit that I found it baffling that Callie would even entertain her, never mind follow her lead, although I don’t know why as so many novels billed as psychological thrillers have normally sane people doing incredulous things. So much of the novel involves Callie running around doing silly things with no real goal. The final third of the novel is where all the action and twists take place and it even offers a bit of tension. Some of it is very good, some of it feels overly complicated and some of it is hard to believe.

Her Husband’s Lies is a solid read.

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I’m never keen on clairvoyants being in stories. I can’t take them seriously so it colours the book for me. I do think they are a bit of a lazy way to move the story on. I did try to get passed it but unfortunately that wasn’t the only part of the plot that didn’t ring true but I won’t say mor3 because that would give away some of the action.

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Complex and complicated story which twists and turns. Husband in a coma,wife not believing it was an accident ,missing girls and a psychic!

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Callie lives in the Adirondacks with her husband, Abel. Her son is living and studying at a nearby (ish) college. Abel skids off the icy road, resulting in him being in a coma. A young woman comes along, who claims to know more about the accident. There are also two young girls that have gone missing in the area.Now, Callie is curious. She begins investigating and uncovers some unsettling information. Is her husband really who she thought he was?

This was a fast-paced read that kept me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed the plot and the beautiful imagery used for the scenery. This was my first read by TJ Brearton. I definitely look forward to more from this author!

Thank you Joffe Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very well-written thriller. Sometimes I felt like it dragged a little bit but other times I was completely drawn into it and could not stop reading.
The book is full of unexpected twists and as the story progresses, we learn more and more things about our characters.
A very interesting read with a great plot but I am sad to say that I found the ending a little disappointing.

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Thank you to #NetGalley, #Joffe Books and T. J. Brearton for the opportunity to read an advance copy of HER HUSBAND’S LIES, to be published 15 December 2022. I enjoyed this domestic thriller because it slowly rolled out information about who the husband really was around a conglomerate of situations in which he had participated unbeknownst to his wife. There are red herrings and even a clairvoyant involved. It was an interesting read.

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I really enjoyed this book. I was hooked from the beginning. Lots of twists, turns and was hard to put down. I definitely recommend.

Thanks Netgalley and Publisher..

All thoughts and opinions are my own and aren't influenced by anyone else.

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Many thanks to both Joffe Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of Her Husband's Lies!

Can you imagine having a great life, living in a home on ten acres in the Adirondacks with your husband? You're a writer who has a son away at college. Yes, it's a fairly secluded life, but you are content. Now imagine the bottom dropping out of your world. That is what happens to Callie when her husband's truck slides off the road and ends up in an icy lake. Now he's in a coma and no one knows if he will ever awaken. As if that's not bad enough, things are about to get worse ... and much stranger. Welcome to Callie's world.

Her Husband's Lies was quite twisty and suspenseful!! The young woman who claimed to know information about the accident intrigued me. Callie is inspired by her to investigate the circumstances of Abel's accident on her own. A further complication is the disappearance of three girls. Abel couldn't possibly have been involved! (Could he??)

My least favorite aspect of the book was all the explanations given at the end in order to tie up the many threads of the story. But before the pesky explanations, we had wonderful suspense, twists, sinister vibes, and intrigue!!

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This was a fast-paced, intriguing story that led me in different directions before the ending. The various plot lines are interesting and set me up constantly to question different family, law enforcement and character relationships throughout the novel. Good mystery!

Thanks to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Callie is trying to come to terms with the fact that her husband had an accident, ran off the road, was almost drowned and is now in a deep coma. Th police treat it as an accident, she's convinced otherwise. Callie starts getting phone calls from a sort of psychic who "knew" what happened. The police start thinking that her husband might have had something to do with local missing girls. Callie starts taking thing into her own hands and I'm amazed at the apparent tolerance of the police and the man in the fancy house in the woods whom she is, in effect, harassing. I have mixed feelings overall, sometimes the pace was fast, intriguing and well-written, at others convoluted and slow. The unexpected ending at least drew things together but this is a book that I kept picking up, reading a bit, getting frustrated/fed up, putting down, repeat. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this crime/mystery novel which had an interesting cast of characters and enough suspense to keep me reading and wondering. The characters' actions were believable and there was a good amount of tension. It was well written and easy to read. I did find the ending a little complicated, not that I didn't understand it, but with perhaps too much to explain to the reader. I will definitely be seeking out other books by this author.

I received this arc from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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