Member Reviews

Callie has a good life living in a ten-acre home in the Adirondacks with her husband, Abel. Their son is away at college and Callie, a writer, is content living a relatively secluded life. Then Abel skids odd the road into an icy lake. No one saw anything. No one heard anything. But Abe; is left in a coma in a Vermont hospital. Things seem bad, but they're about to get worse.

The first third of the book, the pace is slow. Then the pace picks up and I was hooked, I couldn't put the book down, it got so addictive. There were parts that had me holding my breath. There's lots going on in the book, but it all comes together seamlessly by the end. I was never sure where the author was taking us next. I was surprised by the ending.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #JoffeBooks and the author #TJBrearton for my ARC of #MyHusbandsSecret in exchange for an honest review.

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Her Husband’s Lies had me hooked from the very beginning! This is a fast paced, highly entertaining thriller that focuses on our main character, Callie, who starts investigating her husband’s accident that has left him in a coma after a woman calls her claiming to know why the accident happened. You immediately start questioning, how well does Callie know her husband and what was he really doing before the accident. The novel has some great twists and when I thought I had it all figured out a new piece unraveled and I changed my mind. This was my first T.J. Breast on book and I plan on reading a few more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Joffre Books for sending this book for review considerations. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to @netgalley & @joffebooks for this thrilling read!

Her Husband’s Lies follows reclusive writer, Callie. Her husband was just in an accident and is now in a coma. There were no witnesses. Was it really an accident? Callie begins to receive mysterious phone calls from a woman saying she knows something… but does she? While in a coma, Callie learns secrets about her husband, as he becomes a suspect in multiple disappearances of young women. She will do anything to clear his name… but can he be trusted?

This book had me hooked and I finished it in about a day. Definitely a quick, engaging read! I was flipping quickly through pages to get answers. Callie was flawed and relatable and it was easy to connect with her. I enjoy a book where you wonder if anyone can be trusted, and this definitely had me questioning everyone.

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Fast paced, twisty and kept me guessing all the way through. I was utterly gripped and couldn't put it down

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I really enjoyed this book, and went back and forth on who the culprit was the entire time. The story centers on Callie, whose husband Abel is in a coma after a car accident. She isn’t sure why Abel was even in that area when the accident occurred, and then a call from a woman named Althea who claims to know more details causes her to do some investigating on her own. There have been girls going missing in the vicinity; could this tie to Abel in some way?

I liked Callie - this is another one of those books where the protagonist takes matters into their own hands and gets overly involved in the police investigation, but in this case Callie made decisions that I thought reasonable people would make, and she also knew how she was coming off to the police. She was scrappy and smart and I appreciated the thoughtfulness behind the things that she did. The author did a great job in creating questions around who was guilty and what was really going on- the story is very twisty, and when the truth comes out, I did not see it coming but it all made sense.

Overall, I would recommend this book to those who enjoy mysteries and psychological thrillers. It’s a fast paced read with a likable protagonist and an exciting ending. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Her Husband's Lies by T.J. Brearton was a fast-paced mystery thriller. Well-placed twists and turns kept me guessing right through the end. I enjoyed the tenacity of the main character. I found the book to be thoroughly engaging and entertaining.

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Her Husband's Lies is an amazing, hold-on-to-your-seat five-star read! The twists and turns don't stop in this one. Who is telling the truth and who is lying? You won't know until the end.

Callie is an author whose beloved husband suffers a terrible car accident and has been in a coma for six weeks. Something about the accident feels off. Her husband was about an hour away from home and had no reason to be in that area that she knew of. Was it simply an accident on icy roads or was it more sinister? Who was he meeting in the small town that she didn't know?

Between trying to juggle keeping her college-age son in school, a house and finding out more about her husband's accident, and wishing for him to wake up, she's about to break. When a mysterious woman calls to tell her she knows more about her husband's accident, Callie isn't sure if it is a scam or the beginning of her ability to unravel the mystery.

Very, very good book. Readers won't want to put this one down.

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Great psychological thriller. This is my first story from T.J. Brearton and I will be checking out his other published work.

Callie and her husband Abel are loving their best life. Their son is off to college and they are relaxing and living on 10- acres in the Adirondack. When Abel gets into a car accident their once stable life is turned upside down. Abel is in a coma and there are missing girls.

Callie is in a race against time to prove her husband is innocent. When she receives a call from a stranger telling her she knows what happened to Abel. Callie has no idea which way to go and obstacles keep getting in the way. She must decide who to trust and find the truth before it’s to late

While the story started about slow for me and I felt like there was a lot going on I am so glad I read this book. Brearton does a fantastic job of bringing it all together at the end.

Big thanks to Negalley, Joffe books and T.J. Brearton for an Arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Great story by Brearton.
Callie's husband, Abel, is in a car accident and is in the hospital in a coma. Callie, while trying to understand exactly how the accident happened and why her husband was driving in that area to begin with, starts investigating on her own, while checking in periodically with the detective investigating the accident.
The suspense just built and built. As the clues begin to point her in the direction of two missing girls, Callie becomes terrified at the thought of her husband being somehow involved in their disappearance.
The plot development was superb and the intrigue completely riveting. I could not put it down.
A+ for this one.

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Holy moly. Her Husband's Lies by T.J. Brearton was definitely an unputdownable psychological thriller with a very good twist. This book was so good.

Callie has a great life, living in a ten-acre home in the Adirondacks with her husband, Abel. Their son is away at college, and Callie, a writer, is content living a relatively secluded life. Then Abel skids off the road into an icy lake. No one heard or saw anything. But Abel is left in a coma in a Vermont hospital. Then Callie gets calls from a woman who claims to know more about the accident. And the story takes off!

The story was quite addictive and hard to put down. The author did a great job writing heart-pounding scenes that had you racing through the pages. I was not sure what was going to happen from chapter to chapter.

I really liked the relationship between Detective Footman and Callie. Their frustration with each other and also working together to get to the truth.

I wasn't sure I was going to like this book at first, then BOOM, it just took off, and I read it in a day and a half. Her Husband's Lies has a good storyline and a surprise ending.

I really liked the cover by Nick Castle.

I would definitely recommend this book. So good!!

#HERHUSBANDSLIES #NetGalley @JoffeBooks

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by T.J. Brearton
I really enjoyed this book. It had it all, suspense, murder, mystery, and moments that I thought "Ahhh" but, nooooo the twist began. LOved how I never saw the great ending to it. Brilliantly written.

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Recently read Her Husbands lies on netgalley.
Personally found the book boring,with a lot of information that was not needed.The ideas are good but needs to be more polished up,Carey the killer in the book decides to put the blame on the two brothers after he has only seen them twice and then his sister leading Calley on a wild goose chase was a bit difficult to believe.Needs point up a real page Turner

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An interesting and intriguing mystery. With her husband in a coma, I thought the author captured Callie's mood and the delicate situation perfectly, as well as the mystery and circumstances leading to his accident which resulted in his coma.
An enjoyable and satisfying read.

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A man who is in a coma, gets investigated for the disappearance of two young girls. His wife is trying to piece together the truth.

I really loved this story, this not-quite a thriller but most definitely an interesting mystery. While I loved the writing style and most of the plot, I had a few issues with the two main women characters. Callie came across a bit like Anna Duggar, and while her reaction might be the one some women would have in that situation, almost all the women I know have some measure of cynicism and would tear the house apart at the seams looking for more answers. Once doubt enters, everything gets looked at with fresh eyes. She was so eager to believe it was anyone other than her husband. Althea was an interesting addition to this story, but she seemed to show signs of mental health issues that made most of her inclusion here feel implausible and weird. Mac's depiction of his father put suspicion back on Abel, but also on himself for not really having Abel 's back when he was incapable of speaking for himself, which was probably the intention.

Basically, I think this needed a tighter story as I didn't feel as though I knew anything about any of the characters, even by the end. The letter in the guncase is a convenient and cheap tool for books and movies to absolve or explain something away that you couldn't possibly know with key people being dead (or in a coma).

This all probably sounds like I hated it, but I just felt that there were weaknesses in an otherwise great book. Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this.

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Brilliantly written novel and a totally addictive story. The twists and turns keep you breathless until the explosive finale. T.J. Brearton truly knows how to keep the reader glued to the pages and he never lets you down. This novel is highly recommended to all psychological thriller readers and well worthy of five stars.

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Her Husband’s Lies was a little slow to start. One third of the way through, the pace did increase and I then found it hard to put down.

It had lots of great twists. Every time I thought I had part of the mystery figured out, I would find out that I was wrong or it was a red herring and I was still “wrong”. I love a thriller that is able to actually surprise the reader and this book managed to do that.

I give a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. The rating I give is due to the slow starting pace and because I felt it could have been edited to remove some content without losing anything from the story.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a touch of paranormal and a great who done it! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Callie’s husband Abel is in a bad wreck and is in a coma at the hospital. She starts questioning his accident and also discovers that girls are missing in the area. This was a very gripping read with lots of twists. Thanks NetGalley and Joffe Books!

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Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for the eARC
Callie's husband is in a coma after a serious car accident and she visits him often. Since they didn't have health insurance she knows she's going to run out of money soon. But when she gets a strange phone call from a woman who says she knows what really happened to her husband, she tentatively decides to follow up on the information. Is the woman a con artist or is she psychic?
Her world is turned upside down and there are some quite creepy incidents that had me hold my breath. I loved Callie, rooting for her and her son all the way. I also loved the parts about Breezy, their late dog. The writing is excellent; the ending was a real surprise, with a welcome twist.

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I loved this! It was very intense and gripping. Characters are really well developed and the tension and suspense in this thriller is off the charts! I literally read this in a day couldn’t put it down I just had to find if her husband did it!.

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