Member Reviews

Wow! This was a fun book to read. It combines puzzles, religious symbols, killer dolls, egotistical billionaires and a great lead character and his dog. Mike Brink suffered a brain injury while playing high school football. This injury caused him to acquire savant syndrome, which in his case made him able to create and solve all manner of complex puzzles. Mike leads a quiet life with his best friend and dog Connie and makes his living creating puzzles for the NYT and his own books. Mike is an MIT graduate and still has contacts with the university but didn't want to become an academic himself. The story starts when Mike is asked to visit a prisoner named Jess Price who is being held in a secluded prison in the Adirondacks Jess was accused of the brutal murder of her boyfriend and has not spoken a word in many years. One day she presents her doctor with a puzzle, one in which Mike's name is written on the bottom.

Told in multiple time periods, viewpoints and locations, this book is about an ego maniac trying to solve the "God's Puzzle" which he believes will lead to immortality and lots of other symbols, religious iconography and computer programs. I particularly liked the journals of the French doll maker in the early 1900's who went to Prague to learn to perfect his abilities and who was obsessed with his dead daughter Violaine. The story becomes a race to find a way to help Jess, save Mike and his dog from evil fiends, and there are puzzles to solve along with way. I would love to see more of Mike and Connie in future books and really appreciated the research the author has done on the various topics. Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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"The Puzzle Master" is the first book I've read by Danielle Trussoni, but it certainly will not be my last! Fans of Dan Brown and of Blake Crouch will love this book. The author seamlessly blends science fiction, the paranormal, and religious tradition to create a wildly entertaining and fast paced read. This cerebral read kept me engrossed in the plot and guessing at what would happen next. Packed full of intrigue, twists and turns that completely blindsided me, and interesting characters, "The Puzzle Master" is a book not to be missed and will certainly be one of this summer's sensations. Five bright, shiny stars!

Thank you NetGalley for the privilege of reading an advanced copy of this tremendous book!

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I really enjoyed this book! It’s got thrilling aspects but it’s definitely not your average thriller. Brinks new found ability to solve the most intricate puzzles was very interesting to learn about and made him really fun to follow. The only issue with this I had was the changes between view points and characters (including flashbacks) were jarring and a bit hard to follow. I couldn’t acclimate myself to where we were or who was talking until a few pages into each chapter. Overall a very enjoyable read that will keep you on your toes.

Thank you to NetGalley and penguin books for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Mike Brink suffered a brain injury that gives him the ability to suss out patterns in everything he sees. This makes him an uncanny expert when it comes to the mystery surrounding the woman convicted of killing her lover during her stint as a house sitter at an isolated estate. At its core, The Puzzle Master is a mystery, but there is so much more. Danielle Trussoni has crafted a novel that weaves in and out of different genres: mystery, science fiction, with touches of horror thrown in that cast a few effective scares. While the extensive explaining of puzzles and patterns was expected, the elements of haunted houses, spooky dolls, demons, Jewish mysticism, and quantum physics wrapped up in the middle of the plot is a welcome surprise. The intrigue of what all of this means is what propels you through each chapter’s cliffhangers. There are complicated explanations because of the subject matters, but Trussoni spins them in entertaining ways. I couldn’t put it down. There are constant twists and surprises that keep the reader engaged. It is a difficult book to put down.

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In Danielle Trussoni’s June release The Puzzle Master, a football injury left Mike Brink acquired savant syndrome. The injury left him able to solve puzzles differently than ordinary people and gained him fame around the world. When an author serving time for murder sends him a partially completed puzzle, Brink is too intrigued to refuse seeing her. As Brink starts to unravel the puzzle of the unfinished puzzle, he might just have landed himself in the greatest puzzle of all & endangered his life in the process.

With a mix of mystery, suspense, secret organizations, and Jewish mythology – Trussoni has put together such a complex story. & I mean COMPLEX. All the interwoven stories, myths, puzzles, people, etc got a little confusing for me. It’s clearly well written, thought out, & researched but the overall story just got to complicated for me, especially when discussing the intricate puzzles and deep diving into religious mythology and lore. I found myself skimming some of these parts just because they would get extremely philosophical.

I loved learning more about Jewish Mythology and puzzles, and it’s woven together amazingly. But getting lost on more than 1 occasion brought this down a star for me. Highly recommend going into this one blind – which is why my review isn’t super detailed. If you like puzzles or The DaVinci Code, then this is the PERFECT read for you!

The Puzzle Master comes out June 13, 2023. Huge thank you to Random House for my advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion. If you liked this review please let me know either by commenting below or by visiting my instagram @speakingof.books.

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The longer I think about this, the more I'm certain, this one just wasn't for me.

In theory: yes! I love a good mystery/thriller (especially with a handsome lead and a silent and mysterious lady at the center of the mystery!). Throw puzzles into the mix, I thought this wouldn't miss!

Unfortunately for me, I kept getting slowed down by the time jumps. I'd get really into the story and what was going on, and then suddenly, someone was stopping to read a diary entry (from 5 years ago) or a really long letter (from 500 years ago). Which, I get, we need that information, but it totally took me out of the story, and I found myself not caring about the people in the time jumps. I wish there's a better way that information could have been conveyed without the choppy jump.

I stalled out for a long time at 50%. I usually can read a book like this in a day or two, but this one took me two weeks.

The story was good, I just think, personally, for me, it could have been better.

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Puzzles, ancient secrets hidden through time, and a plan to finally achieve immortality weave throughout Danielle Trussoni’s new novel, The Puzzle Master. Part suspense, part horror, and all mystery, The Puzzle Master explores the idea of old religions and how they mix with modern technology. Is it possible to find an answer to ancient questions using today’s methods and science?
Mike Brink sees the world differently and this has been a boon and a bane throughout his adult life. It was not always this way for him. Brink was once a high school football star and while his dreams for the future were not anything exceptional or novel, they were his dreams. He planned on college football and a family and the quiet, satisfied life after a small amount of fame had brightened his life. Instead, he suffered a concussion that led to a rare medical condition, synesthesia. This condition can cause some people to smell in color or hear numbers as sounds. In Brinks case, patterns would simply jump off the page and with this gift; he could break codes and solve puzzles with a mastery rarely seen before.
When Brink receives an invitation to look at a puzzle drawn by a convicted murderer from an event that was splashed all over national headlines, he is intrigued. After driving out to a remote, high-security prison, he is surprised to find that his is the only communication the murderer, Jess Price, has sought out in her time in prison. Stranger still, she seems to know the answers to one of the oldest puzzles in existence. Along with this incredible knowledge, Price know more about what is happening in the outside world that Mike would expect. She knows enough to warn him that he is in danger.
Immediately, Brink finds that Price is correct. Multiple people want Mike on their side or out of the way. They are part of a group to solve what they call the God Puzzle. Unfortunately for Brink, he cannot step aside, especially now that he is beginning to realize how deep this plot goes and that Jess Price may have been innocent the entire time. The Puzzle Master is liberally bestrewn with puzzles. Readers who enjoyed the Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code will find Trussoni’s novel a treat!

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I really enjoyed The Ancestor by Danielle Trussoni, and when I read the synopsis for The Puzzle Master, it too sounded like something I would really like, but, while there were elements that were good, there were also a lot that were not.

I felt like there was a lot going on in this book, and some of it felt like it was added just because they are newer sensations in the media. If Trussoni had stuck with the history, ancient societies, and Jewish mysticism, without adding in all the cryptocurrency and AI it could have worked. But there was just too much going on.

Besides all the various ideas, there was a lot of repetition with the main character, Mike, replaying his trauma and other events that had happened in the past. If Trussoni had cut out a lot of this repetition, she would have had more time to solidify the history, mysticism, etc…

And when we find out the secret message about God, while I agree with it, the message felt like it was also ripped out of the current headlines. Lots of great ideas here, the story just needed to be tightened up. Maybe include some of it into a second book…

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The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni is a hard book to classify. It has a whole lot of everything - brutal murder, haunted dolls, demons, and conspiracy theories. The closest analogues I have for this book are National Treasure or The Da Vinci Code.

Mike Brink is a savant who acquired the ability to quickly parse puzzles after a traumatic brain injury ended his football career. Now a puzzle writer with a degree from MIT, he finds it difficult to resist a challenge. When he receives an invitation to look over a puzzle written by Jess Price, a woman serving 30 years in prison for murder, he can't resist the challenge. What unfolds is a complex journey that jumps from a prison in the Adirondacks to 1800s Prague to a haunted old mansion in New England. The puzzle Mike Brink is trying to unravel may be bigger than he ever imagined - big enough to hold the secret of eternal life.

I found this book a little frustrating. It felt like a big mashup of books and I struggled to connect with the Kabbalah/golem/cosmology pieces of this book. The ending was predictable and kind of frustrating. I know that a lot of work went into the puzzles included in the story, but the story itself felt slightly underwhelming. I enjoyed this and read it quickly, but wouldn't go out of my way to read it again.

Thank you to Danielle Trussoni and Random House for this ARC through NetGalley. The Puzzle Master will be available for purchase June 13th, 2023!

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Based on the description, I thought I would really enjoy this book. I imagined it to be a fast paced page turner which may be why this book was not for me. The beginning of the book sucked me in, but as the plot continued to thicken I started to lose interest. I have never read a book like this one, and I think there are people who would absolutely love it! However this book was not for me.
For me, there were too many different storylines and side characters to follow. I found the part of the story set in past fascinating, but the present story line not as much. I really struggled to get through this book. I think I expected more of a puzzle aspect where to me that seemed to be more of a side piece. I do think this was a very intricately written and well thought out story but ultimately it was a little too complex for me.

A huge thank you to netgalley and Random House for this arc!

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After a football game leaves Mike with a Brain injury he finds he can solve puzzles that other can’t. So when he asked to help a women in jail that hasn’t said anything in awhile he decides to help her. She draws a puzzle that will unlock a mystery. This was a Interesting book with puzzles and mysteries. I did get a little confused out Times. If you enjoy puzzels and figuring out mysteries this books for you

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Mike Brent is the Puzzle Master. After a high school sports injury results in acquired savant syndrome, he sees patterns in everything and has a sort of synthesis. He adapts and makes his living constructing puzzles and solving them. One day, he receives a letter from a psychiatrist at a women’s prison that contains a scrap of a puzzle and a plea for help. Thus begins a labyrinthine tale that involves creepy dolls, succubi, Jewish lore and cyberpunk villains.

A fun read. Recommended.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC, in exchange for an honest review!

I’m not quite sure how to feel about this book. The blurb that was posted alongside the book to get readers to request it caught my attention right away. However, I don’t think the blurb accurately captured what the book was truly about. The beginning of the book was very interesting, but then we were suddenly hit with a very religious turn that I did not expect or appreciate. For a book that claims to be full of puzzles, there certainly was not a lot of puzzle solving, at least not in the sense that I was expecting. There were times that felt like you weren’t figuring out the clues on your own, you’re just being told what things mean in some info-dumping chapters. The ending seemed rushed and ended abruptly; the build-up throughout the book came to a disappointing conclusion for me. Since I did finish the book, there must have been some redeeming qualities, but none specifically come to mind when figuring out what my thoughts are for this book.

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As someone who loves puzzles, this was an easy read. While it is hard to reference this book without thinking of The Da Vinci Code, this book stands alone.

Mike Brink suffered a brain injury resulting in a real life savant condition that allows him to solve puzzles in a truly amazing way. In doing so, he gains a reputation and is asked to meet with Jess Prince, who is in prison for murder, and may provide the most difficult puzzle for yet.

Great read that I highly recommend.
Bonus points for a dog named Conundrum!

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The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni is a thriller that follows Mike Brink, a young man with acquired savant syndrome after a traumatic brain injury as he gets pulled in to a mystery spanning over 100 years and following various family members who become pulled in to the puzzle, some against their will..

The strength of this book is the main character, Mike Brink, and how the POV travels back in time to explore the way that the God Puzzle has followed and tormented those who discover it for decades. However, I think the books strengths end there. The "solution" to this mystery involved a lot of info dumps in the form of letters or past diary entries that read as if they are written directly to Mike to tell him what he needs to know, rather than being written by people actually living with the puzzle.

This book starts off by focusing on the God Puzzle and the mystery of what happened to a woman accused of murdering her boyfriend who has not communicated with anyone since the crime occurred 5 years ago. However from that point it delves into Jewish mysticism, demons, and spiritualism. It seems that this book had a lot of ideas about where to take the mystery, to the point where it is difficult to keep all the different elements of it straight, especially when the first half of the book is incredibly slow to get to the meat of the book.

I also was very uncomfortable with the relationship between Mike Brink and Jess Price, the prisoner he is supposed to be helping. It felt forced and had a bit of a weird power dynamic.

Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book. However, I do think that there are people who would love this book, those who are into the DaVinci Code and enjoy thrillers that focus on mysticism and demons.

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"No puzzle constructor would create a system that couldn't be solved. The whole point is to connect, through time and space, with a solver. Connection is everything."

So many genres blended into one dynamic package.

The positives; this book was fast-paced, with short chapters that ended on cliff hangers-- laced with tense energy throughout. Mike Brink is a charming and unique main character, one that you can't help but root for from the very first few pages. The reader is then introduced to a wide array of friends, foes, and multiple timelines in the 67 chapters that follow. There were many twists and turns, some predictable and some very intricate and clever. Overall, this book definitely held my attention and I think might be a great choice for someone who enjoys their mysteries mixed with supernatural forces.

In my opinion, one of the main downsides of this book was that there was actually too many genres in one. Trussoni painted a narrative of the history of religion, supernatural dolls, puzzle masters, and computer coding into an almost too contrived story. This might be enjoyable for some, but to me, by the the time we reached the conclusion, it really started to feel like a reach. The mixture of topics and genres require constant explanations, and I've seen other reviewers also bring up that some of the descriptions of the puzzles and the history of the hidden names of God/Shem HaMephorash etc were a bit arduous and distracted from the main plot.

I also had a personal pet peeve about how the character of the pet dog was portrayed. Even though this book was fiction, it really rubbed me the wrong way seeing misrepresentations about healthy diets and even just day-to-day care for dogs. He claims he loves that dog but continued to abandon it pretty much throughout the story, claim dachshunds need 'carnivorous diets' (they do not), and then uses terms like emotional support animal and service dog interchangeably. Last but not least, without giving anything away, the romance subplot was really unnecessary and not fleshed out adequately in my opinion.

All that said, this book was a 3.75 star read for me. I can see how maybe I was not the target audience for this, and even so, I couldn't put this book down once I started, so I still think many people will love it. Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the opportunity to read an advanced reader's copy of this fascinating book!

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This was a gripping page-turner of a read! For fans of The DaVinci Code, The Puzzle Master is a fun mix of puzzle solving, Jewish mysticism, and history (with a slight touch of fantasy). Trussoni delivers all this in a twisty plot that unfolds from the perspective of the main character, letters and journals.

Highly recommend!

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Suspenseful, intriguing and mind-bending, The Puzzle Master is a seductive blend of mystery, horror, the supernatural and the psychological. A thriller that has a little bit of everything while navigating a labyrinth of ciphers, clues and mysticism. Danielle Trussoni has crafted a stimulating journey of human discovery within a quest for justice and love.

Mike Brink is an expert puzzle constructor and solver, the result of a brain injury sustained while playing high school football that left him with the rare ability to see the world differently than anyone else. It’s this unique talent that brings him to meet Jess Price who is serving a long prison sentence for murder and has drawn a complex puzzle that no one understands. Immediately Brink is transfixed by this puzzle and by Jess herself, creating an obsessive desire to solve the puzzle and help Jess prove her innocence. Kicking off a pursuit that brings Brink into a world of ancient Jewish mysticism, cutting edge technology, and the pursuit of immortality. All of which puts him in direct conflict with a wealthy and menacing billionaire, resulting in danger at every turn. But Brink won’t let anything stand in his way of solving this cryptic puzzle and saving the alluring Jess Price.

Equal parts entertaining thriller and mental stimulation, The Puzzle Master takes the reader beyond the present-day physical world we know and into the art of the possible. Looking at both past spirituality and future planes of existence. How the enigma of eternal life can conceivably be solved by unlocking the puzzles of the past. It’s a deep and provocative narrative wrapped within an entertaining story featuring a damaged but likable protagonist’s search for justice, affection and righteousness. A fast-paced thriller with elements of history, faith, Sci-Fi and the age-old tale of a good guy trying to outwit the bad guy…and hopefully win the heart of the girl at the end. It’s an enchanting tale that will test your mental capacity for the extraordinary while providing hours of twisting enjoyment. A perfect novel for those who wish to be thrilled and challenged at the same time.

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This book has so many things that I like: a protagonist with a special skill for creating and solving puzzles, secret societies, the supernatural and occult steeped in religious history, a little science fiction, but towards the end, it all gets muddled and confusing. The writing is excellent, and I truly enjoyed reading this book, but I wish the parts came together as a more cohesive product by the end. I'll leave out spoilers that might explain this better, but I'll sum up by saying that I recommend this book with reservation. Each element is well presented and engaging, which made it a worthwhile read.

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In "The Puzzle Master," Trussoni skillfully weaves a complex and captivating tale that explores the fascinating world of puzzles and human connection. This thrilling novel takes readers on an exhilarating journey through the mind of Mike Brink, a brilliant puzzle constructor who possesses an extraordinary ability to solve puzzles due to his acquired savant syndrome. This unique premise sets the stage for a story filled with intrigue, suspense, and unexpected twists.

One of the strongest aspects of this book is the depth and authenticity of the characters. Mike Brink is a protagonist who tugs at your heartstrings, as you witness his struggle with isolation and the lingering effects of a traumatic brain injury. The author delves into Brink's psyche, allowing readers to empathize with his challenges while also marveling at his exceptional puzzle-solving skills. The introduction of Jess Price, a mysterious woman imprisoned for murder, adds an extra layer of complexity to the narrative. The evolving relationship between Brink and Price is portrayed with nuance, adding an emotional depth that elevates the storyline beyond a simple puzzle-solving adventure.

The plot is intricately constructed, offering a series of interconnected enigmas that gradually reveal a larger mystery. The author's meticulous research shines through as the story takes readers to diverse settings, ranging from an upstate New York women's prison to nineteenth-century Prague and the secret rooms of the Pierpont Morgan Library. These vividly described locations not only serve as backdrops but also become integral parts of the puzzle-solving process.

The true highlight of "The Puzzle Master" is the incorporation of the God Puzzle, an ancient cryptic prayer circle created by Abraham Abulafia. This enigmatic element adds a spiritual and philosophical layer to the narrative, exploring profound questions about humankind, technology, and the future of the universe. The author expertly combines history, mysticism, and modern technology, creating a thought-provoking blend that keeps readers engaged and eager to unravel the secrets within the pages.

The prose is elegant and polished, showcasing the author's skill at crafting vivid descriptions and maintaining a brisk pace throughout the story. The writing style strikes a balance between accessibility and complexity, making the book accessible to both casual readers and puzzle enthusiasts alike. Additionally, the author's ability to build tension and suspense is commendable, ensuring that the reader remains on the edge of their seat, eagerly turning pages to uncover the truth.

"The Puzzle Master" is a delightful blend of puzzle-solving, suspense, and human drama. It successfully combines the intellectual challenge of solving intricate puzzles with a deeply emotional exploration of human connections. Whether you're a fan of thrillers, mysteries, or simply enjoy a well-crafted story, this book is sure to satisfy. Prepare to be enthralled by the genius of Mike Brink and the secrets he unravels, all while pondering the enigmatic nature of life itself.

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