Member Reviews

Your Place or Mine?
Genre: Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 1/17/23
Author: Portia MacIntosh
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Pages: 289
GR: 3.77

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Boldwood Books and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

My Thoughts: Trigger Warning of cheating. This is not my first MacIntosh book, I love her writing style. I have found a lot of the authors from Boldwood Books write such quality stories and I always enjoy reading them. Serena is hit with a lot at once, when her employer/close friend dies, she is left without a job and home, not to mention the loss of her friend. Serena is invited to her friends house to stay while they are out of town, but the friend’s husband did the same with Ziggy, whoops, unexpected roommates! While they are complete opposites, can they learn to stand each other in order to move on the next step in their journey?

The story is narrated in a first person POV. Serena and Ziggy are definitely polar opposites. A classic enemies to lovers trope that played out well. Serena is quirky, laid back, and has to have everything in order. Ziggy, on the opposite end is very easy going and doesn’t feel like everything should have a place. The tension and pranks was brilliant. The characters were developed well with witty banter, chemistry, and creatively woven throughout the story. The author’s writing style was complex, funny, swoony, and kept me engaged. There were some separate storylines developed but in the end, they all made sense.

This was such a fun, lighthearted story, it just kept me smiling throughout the story. The only con for me is that the cheating plot went a little longer than I would of liked. Now, cheating tropes do not bother me, I just would liked more focus on the relationship. Having said that, this is still a great book to read and I would highly recommend.

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This was fast-paced easy read. There were some laugh out loud moments I enjoyed and the growth of both characters was nice to see. However I felt the way Serena and Ziggy's love was created wasn't the best. The foundation of it felt unrealistic to me.

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A fun read, would make an excellent beach read. Marked down due to the adult adultery I don’t particularly enjoy this as a plot line

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for sending me the Advanced Reader Copy of 'Your Place or Mine?'.

From reading this blurb, I thought this book would be a fun, easy-read rom-com with some of my favourite tropes: forced proximity and enemies to lovers! Unfortunatley the blurb was completely misleading, and Ziggy and Serena's living situation was more of a sub-plot. The overarching plot was Serena dealing with the loss of a loved one, and her dealing with her BOYFRIEND she has until 3/4 of the way through the book..
Aside from the deceptive blurb, there were multiple issues I had with this story.
Spoilers start here:
- The Marilyn Manson reference (why ever reference a criminal like that in a book??)
- Serena sleeps with Ziggy because she gets cold in her room... that's a lot
- Agatha was written like a children's cartoon villain
- Serena and Ziggy went from hating each other to being in love after sleeping together once while drunk
- There were times when Serena broke the fourth wall by talking directly to the reader. It was uncomfortable and strange
- At the end of the book Serena and Ziggy decide to move intogether after being together for a very short time
- The ending felt like a 2000 coming of age movie
- I also felt it was mildly sexist insinuating that a woman would not understand the concept of a fuse being tripped

There were however two points of this story I appreciated. One was that there were some lovely quotes regarding grief.
The other was the storyline of Dirty Di's. I found this witty and charming and I wish this had been explored more. This is what gained the story the extra star in my rating.
Overall it felt the author had a lot of ideas and tropes that were crammed into one story.

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I have laughed and swooned through every Portia MacIntosh book and this book was no exception! 
First off- the reference to All American Rejects and Ziggy looking like Tyson Ritter? YUM! Way to make me fall in love with Ziggy right off the bat!

Serena and Ziggy are both house sitting for their friends and their first impressions of one another are not so great. They secretly declare war on one another throughout the house, which yields hilarious results. Slowly, their dislike for one another turns into a different kind of passion and when they team up together, they are so fun to read about! 

The side characters, especially Al, made for great storylines and character chemistry. I adored Diana and her legacy that allowed Serena to thrive. Overall, a fast paced, fun, loveable book!

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I always love a Portia MacIntosh book and this was another good one. It gave me very similar vibes to the flat share. It made me laugh which is what I always love about a Portia MacIntosh title,
This was an enemies to lovers story and I did enjoy it, I found the parts about her boyfriend cheating a little more difficult to read but I suppose that will always happen with the type of story content.
Overall another enjoyable read, can't wait for the next one

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I wasn't a fan of this one.

Boring storylines, too many storylines, cheating and not calling that person out for a really long time, enemies to lovers (which if done right I'm ok with but this was just ick), MC's that I didn't like, a large cast of side characters that I also didn't like, save 2 of them, and 'funny' parts of the book that just felt like someone was trying too hard - I didn't find this book funny at all.

Overall, a big miss for me.

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My love for Portia MacIntosh books is unreal. Honestly she never lets me down when I need a good romance comedy to get me in the mood,

Yes there were some parts I was confused over and parts where I was like wow wasn't that convenient (but later find out not really!)

Absolutely loved Serena as a main character and Ziggy was a nice MMC too. My favourite part is their plots to try and get the other to move out and its so funny I giggled so much.

I could not put this book down the romance, revenge plots, heist and just overall plot albeit unbelievable was just so enjoyable to read and I can't recommend it enough!

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When Serena's boss and landlord unexpectedly dies, she's finds her life flipped upside down with no home or job. Her friend Taylor offers to let her stay at her house while she and her husband travel. Unfortunately Tim offered the same to his musician friend Ziggy. From the beginning Ziggy proves to be a horrible flatmate taking the better room, throwing loud parties, hogging the tv, leaving the kitchen a disaster...after a while Serena begins to suspect he's purposely annoying her to try and get her to move out. Now it's game on while the pranking ensues.
I loved this hilarious book! The pranking was great, I was laughing so hard at the description of her trying on lingerie, and the spray tan scene... just comedy perfection! This is the third book I've read by this author and they keep getting better!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I LOVE Portia's books. Really. They're exactly what you need when you're looking for a delicious Rom-Com. I really loved the plot for this book and it was the gift that kept on giving. Whilst the story line was a touch predictable (not a complaint, I love this in a romance book), it still had a couple of surprises in store, particularly in terms of career choice which I REALLY liked. Great surprise.

The character choices were great, the relationships were great. I think the choices the characters made might be a bit unusual but it was done well and I really enjoyed it.

I flew through this and would totally recommend.

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*3.5 stars*

I was really loving the synopsis of this book before I started it! While the story did have some funny moments - there were parts of the story that seemed to stray from the original plot line that really gave no help to the story. While the main characters Serena and Ziggy did have some funny banter back and forth, other times their choices and attitude felt quite juvenile and not something grown adults would be doing. I was hoping there would be more romance in this story though!

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC copy of this book!

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I truly think this one would not have gotten published if publishers were not looking to cater to Emily Henry fans on TikTok.

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What a blast this book was, I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. There is drama, fun, mischief and a true enemies to lovers trope that makes books like this so much fun to read.

Serena is an interesting character, but one I instantly liked and was rooting for. She just has no luck and it all seems to happen at once for her. When we meet Ziggy, well it’s clear there’s a spark but crikey me they go head to head it trying to wind the other up. Of course, this leads to lots of fun, laughs for us reading but the inevitable romance. Loved how it played out, enjoyed how other characters adding more comedic elements. You have got quite the villain of the piece, a creep of a boyfriend but all isn’t as it seems and Serenas attempts at outing him are hilarious despite how hurt she must feel.

Written in true Portia style, it was well paced and entertaining. I know what to expect from Portias books and I wasn’t disappointed by this latest book. As always I look forward to reading more.

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This was a fun and cute book that had me turning the pages with a smile on my face. I also enjoyed how Serena was dealing with real life issues: grief/loss, financial issues, relationship issues, loss of a job, etc. This had me rooting for her.

Serena finds herself out of a job and a place to live when her employer Diana, (who is more like a mother to her) dies suddenly. Diana's children decide to see the tearoom where Serena worked and everyone is let go. As Serena lived in a float over the business, she was left without a home as well. Talk about having a lot on your plate. Dealing with the loss of someone close to her and being out of a home, Ugh! Plus, her personal life....

Luckily her friend, Taylor is going to be traveling with her husband, Tim for a few months and tells Serena she can stay in their home while they are away. Tim, not knowing that Taylor has invited Serena to stay in their home, invites his friend, Ziggy to stay there until he gets back on his feet. Woops!

Serena and Ziggy could not be more opposite if they tried. Serena likes quiet and order yet has a quirky personality. Ziggy is a messy musician with an easy-going personality. Neither was expecting to share the home with someone. Soon they engage in pranks in hopes of making the other move out.

For me, Romance books are all about the journey. I enjoyed the journey these characters went on. Both are likeable and their scenes are great. They go from being annoyed with the other to having other emotions. I also enjoyed reading about what Serena was left by her deceased employer.

This book is great escapism reading. I have not read a book by Portia MacIntosh before, and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.

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This was a DNF for me. For one, I’m so burnt out on simpering “everything is awful in my life” because I have absolutely no direction Female Main characters. If that wasn’t enough, the Male main character was (in as far as I got) a man child of his own. He was written to be the useless character that we usually see the main’s dump in order to fall in love with an actual decent man. I usually try and stick to ARCs but I was not down for this ride. My only regret is that I’ll never know how that millennium falcon worked.

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It would seem that I am a sucker for these cute cartoon covers. I am literally a magpie for them and I really need to start being more selective with them because they often end up not being as great as they appear.

When Serena’s boss Diana dies suddenly, Serena’s living and work situations are both in the hands of Diana’s children. It quickly becomes apparent that Serena doesn’t have long to move out of the flat she inhabits and her job at the tea room is also gone. So, when her friend calls her looking for a housesitter for a while, she jumps at the chance. Only when she gets there, it appears that her friend’s husband also arranged a housesitter. A handsome musician called Ziggy. Can Serena stand to share a house with this loud, sociable, messy stranger?

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a love interest as cookie-cutter as Ziggy. The reason for his name is mentioned (his parents were both Bowie fans) but I’m afraid that I do know a Labradoodle who shares his name, so I couldn’t help but laugh. He’s hot, he’s edgy, he’s talented, he’s (probably) misunderstood by everyone who knows him. You know the type!

Of course, Serena fancies him. After all, women are ‘genetically programmed’ to find lead singers of rock bands attractive. Despite the fact that she is a clean freak who appears to have such little personality that it has resulted in her having no friends at all, Serena sees Ziggy as a reminder of her past when she was apparently an alternative angel (there is no evidence of this in the woman that she has since become). It takes her a long time to admit the glaringly obvious fact that she likes him though. This is enemies to lovers but I’m not sure that the trope really needed to be here. The story could have been told just as well if there had been no friction between them at all.

Serena is seeing a guy called Dean, who is a sleazebag gaslighter. There were several times at the start of the book where I wanted to shake Serena into seeing what was clearly happening. Thankfully, when it’s spelled out for her, her attitude changes but Serena is a complete sap for Dean at first. ‘Am I stupid for apologising?’ Yes! Yes, you are!

I didn’t really understand the beef that Diana’s daughter Agatha had with Serena. I get that Diana probably preferred Serena to her own daughter but Agatha is a woman in her 40s. Her actions towards Serena were very much the behaviour of a woman in her early 20s and I was astounded at the pettiness.

Your Place Or Mine? is a light-hearted romance with a few moments of comedy, although it wasn’t laugh-out-loud. I did enjoy the scheming that Serena and Ziggy got up to and I actually think this could have been a great unlikely friendship story. However, I didn’t really believe that they’d date in the real world, so the romance aspect was lost on me. Serena did also make some questionable decisions throughout the book and I struggled to connect with her. There are some great side characters though!

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Portia MacIntosh is an author I’ve been meaning to read for some time and her LOL romantic comedy pitting two master schemers against each other is a keeper.

Serena loves her job at Diana’s Tearoom. The owner took pity on her circumstances years ago and Serena has blossomed into a confident employee and a long-time friend of Diana herself. But there is heartache and loss in store for Serena as she is left without a job and a home and is offered a housesitting job by her friend Taylor. Sounds great, right? Wrong. It appears Taylor’s husband offered the same housesitting job to his friend, Ziggy, the arrogant and conniving musician who deems to make her life miserable. Not one to stand down from a fight, Serena gives as good as she takes. Until one night, the dislike turns to attraction, and the two join forces to snatch and grab a beloved vase, expose a cheating and arrogant boyfriend, and convince a potential employer that Serena and Ziggy are in love. Let the laughter and games begin!

Serena is a hoot with her quirky sense of humor and dogged determination to get what she wants no matter how unconventional her ideas may seem. The whole crotchless tights and knickers ordeal is priceless as well as the elegant Dominoes Pizza and gravy fine dining feast. Ziggy is Serena’s perfect match with his love of heists and his unpretentious manner. He’s also a crazy-good musician which is a plus for any single girl. I liked how they slowly came together after a potential disaster at the house and how he didn’t hesitate to help her with her new and unusual business endeavor courtesy of her lovely friend Diana.

I’ll add that Serena and Ziggy’s friends are a total joy. The adorable, spray-tan Al is not only useful when some muscle is needed, but he’s nice to look at, too. Maël is a great colleague and patisserie chef who provides sage advice and delicious recipes. Jen is a kindred soul to Serena because they share stories about their good friend and boss, Diana. Of course, there are some notable villains like Diana’s grown, selfish children who make Serena’s life miserable and Serena’s cheating ex-boyfriend who puts the douche in douchebag. Kudos to Serena for trying to help a fellow scorned woman dodge a bullet with that one.

I am delighted to recommend this fun, romantic comedy that both pulled at my heartstrings and tickled my funny bone. The characters are kind and unorthodox and the plot is a winner.

Thank you to Ms. MacIntosh for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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Okay, maybe I'm just generally a sucker for the whole "and they were roommates" thing, but I loved this book just as much as I loved The Roommate, by Rosie Danaan, and as much as I am expecting to love The Flat Share, by Beth O'Leary. It's like a scaled up better version of the one bed trope. While the pacing felt a little fast and I didn't feel like I got to know the characters very well or in-depth. However, for anyone looking for a lighthearted cutesy romcom to breeze through while you have a bit of time, I cannot recommend this book enough!

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This was just what I needed! A funny light hearted read. I really enjoy Portias writing style, it's super easy to read, very relatable and just generally a lovely story.

I loved the banter between Serena and Ziggy when they are thrown into the shared living accommodation. This made the book really fun and I found myself looking forward to getting stuck into it each time.

Even though it's a light hearted read, there are mentions of more tough topics but it's all done in a really good way. Perfect for the time of year to brighten your day/week!

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Read it today and you will not regret it. These are the kind of books that you are hooked and will want to read any or all of them. Get it today. Love anything that Portia writes.

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