Member Reviews

This didn’t grab me. It’s very English in its references and not overly universal. That’s fine, but I don’t have the patience to research every reference to English history I don’t understand. It’s odd really wordy too. I like farce, but I can’t deal with wading through all the long winded writing.

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I loved the way this book uses the Arthurian legend to add to the story, it had a great premise and delivered on its premise. The story was what I was hoping for and really worked both as a retelling and as a original story. The characters were well-developed and I enjoyed the way they were written. Thomas D. Lee has a great writing style and I can't wait to read more from him and hopefully able to read more retellings.

“It’s taken me two hundred years of very careful selection to bring out the right traits, to isolate the right enzymes. At first I was confined to spellwork and incantations. But it’s much easier with modern technology. A bit of high-tech genome splicing, a bit of old-fashioned hockety-pockety, and I made my own special fungal cocktail! What do you think of that, eh? I’m rather proud of it.”

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