Member Reviews

This book is for you if you’re looking for an emotional MC romance that isn’t too dark. Natalie grew up in the middle of the MC environment and now as an adult has vowed to not date a biker. Well that’s until Atlas. I love the dynamic of the characters, the writing, and I look forward to reading more by this author.

a gripping blend of romance and suspense, with well-developed characters and a plot that keeps you guessing. While some pacing issues may slow the narrative, the chemistry between the protagonists and the unexpected twists make it a worthwhile read for fans of the genre.

Natalie want to clean cut guy in a suit, not the hot biker Atlas. But the heart wants, what the heart wants and that is Atlas and Natalie being together. Fernando gives all the emotions with this couple from laughter to why with tears streaming down my face. This gives a great peek of into the inner workings of the MC plus seem past couples from other books makes me happy.

I am loving this MC! Great characters once again by this author. Love seeing next gen stories intertwined with the OG characters as well. Atlas and Natalie had a connection but I found myself wishing for just a little more ummpff to the story. Not my favorite of the three but still a good read.

Natalie long ago decided that she wanted a man that wore a suit and not a cut. Nothing wrong with the guys in the MC, just Natalie wants to come before the MC not after. Meeting Atlas has Natalie questioning her logic, but she isn't going to go down without a fight.
Another Wind Dragon Princess finds herself in the middle of chaos. I want to dig so deep with this review, but at the same time I don't want to spoil anything. I will say hold on to your hats, this is one heck of a ride. If you haven't read the previous stories, then I highly suggest you do, or you will be dazed and confused. I'm a bit mad at the author at the moment, but I will get over that. I give this 4 stars.

Natalie is a lawyer and daughter of Rake from the Wind Dragons MC. She doesn't date bikers, just suits. She meets Atlas but he's from a rival MC and she doesn't date bikers no matter how attractive they are to her. Atlas doesn't need distractions with his work for the Knights of Fury MC. He's hunting a rival gang leader. He meets Natalie at a bar and is instantly attracted to her. He tries to move on and forget but he keeps meeting her all over town. Natalie ends up in the middle of trouble when a client that is a rival to her father's mc and Atlas ends up being her firms client. Atlas ends up saving her and the two hit it off with plenty of steam.

My first reaction when I finished Answering Atlas?
It may take me a little while to recover from this one… for… reasons. #EvilAuthor
That #EvilAuthor thing? Yeah, it was well earned. It’s been a while since I finished Answering Atlas and that pain is still well remembered. The author has been known not to pull any punches, but this? Yeah, it wasn’t an easy one to read. *sigh*
As much as I hated the way things turned out, I still loved the relationship between Atlas and Natalie. She may not have wanted the life she grew up in, but sometimes it’s not easy to walk away. What Atlas and Natalie had was strong enough to withstand tragedy and even though their HEA was a struggle, it turned out to be what they both needed.

I recived a complimentry copy of Answering Atlas in exchange for an honest review. This was the typical motocycle gang trope. I did enjoy the beginning when Natalie met the twin. That was an unexpected gem and kept me motivated to read more. The whoe rival gang member killing other members was a little over the top, but the romance and story were overall worth the read.

I absolutely loved this book! It runs the gamut from on the edge of your seat suspense to gut wrenching emotion, with plenty of romance and humour sprinkled in along the way. Chantal Fernando is fast becoming my go to author when I’m in the mood for mc romance. I loved the inclusion of secondary characters from previous books and that this book features the grown up children of characters from earlier series. It really makes you feel a closer connection to the characters and the world they inhabit.

If I see a Chantal Fernando cover on Netgalley, I know I’m in for a fast and bumpy ride. And although you can read the stories as a standalone, I would recommend that you read the different, interrelated series. Because it will give you so much more insight into the MC dynamics. This story is about Natalie, Cara’s sister. Having been brought up in the MC world, she has chosen to leave that part of her life behind. Enter Atlas, being taken into the MC family when he lost his family. So, needless to say: he is living and loving the ma world. When Natalie and Atlas’ paths cross, they can’t deny the sparks flying between them….. until Natalie finds out, Atlas is from a me. Atlas is convinced you can take a girl from the MC, but you can’t take the MC out of the girl. So, he is determined to show Natalie that they are perfect for each other. However, there is still the issue with the assassinations on Atlas’ MC members So, he can’t afford the distractions.
When Natalie’s new world collides with her me youth, she has to make a tough decision: trust Atlas and resolve matters on the wrong side of the law, or stick to her oath as a lawyer. An impossible decision. And she is running out of time.. As usual with Chantal, we have unexpected twists and turns, wonderful banter between a sexy as sin guy and a feisty woman. And sparks flying everywhere. With a tough of drama and a lot of feel good. Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

ANSWERING ATLAS is one of the best of Chantal Fernando's Knights and Dragons MC series.
Reviewed by Annetta Sweetko for Fresh Fiction
Complete review: https://freshfiction.com/review.php?id=81531

Depuis que j'ai découvert les "Wind Dragons" de Chantal Fernando, il y a quelques années, dans la Collection Eden, je suis l'auteure et lis avec plaisir ses nouvelles parutions, en anglais. J'ai bien sûr fini la série originelle et depuis, il y a eu plusieurs trilogies qui se déroulent après : ici, nous sommes dans le dernier tome de celle intitulée "Knights & Dragons MC" puisque elle met en scène les clubs de bikers des Knights of Fury, menés par "Temper" et celui des "Wind Dragons" dont le président est désormais "Rhett", le jeune garçon rencontré dans le tome 4 sur Rake. Or, Rhett a des ennuis depuis le tome 1 et il a rompu avec son amour de toujours, Cara, afin de la protéger mais est depuis tombé amoureux de la demi-sœur de celle-ci et attend un enfant avec elle Con. travaille pour les Knights of Fury donc, autant vous dire, qu'ils sont tous très liés. Mais la menace est toujours là et Rhett est toujours menacé : les deux clubs ont passé un accord et essaie neutraliser l'homme qui menace leurs deux clubs. Dans le tome précédent, les choses ont beaucoup avancé (je n'en dis pas plus) et Aries et Atlas, les jumeaux des Knights, ont découvert que leur demi-frère avec un lien avec cet homme et qu'il devait se cacher.
Atlas va alors rencontrer Nathalie, la fille de Rake et Hayley, devenue adulte (on la découvre à la fin du 4) et qui est devenue avocate : bien qu'elle cherche à s'éloigner du monde des bikers et souhaite un homme BCBG, en costume et surtout avec une vie plus calme, elle va craquer pour le biker, malgré un début houleux. Mais elle aussi a ses propres combats à mener pour être associée dans son cabinet et lorsqu'on lui confie le dossier de l'ennemi juré des deux clubs, elle est déchirée entre son histoire naissante et sa carrière : quelle décision va-t-elle prendre? Comment Atlas, sa famille et leurs amis vont-ils réagir en découvrant qu'elle doit représenter leur ennemi, celui qui cherche toujours à tuer son frère de coeur, Rhett? eh bien vous le saurez en lisant ce dernier tome de la série qui est plus que réussi tant la romance est bien faite mais déchirant par d'autres aspects. Franchement, je ne m'attendais pas à ça et ai été triste de lire certains passages et je suis sûre que vous le serez autant. Bref, malgré tout, je ne suis pas prête à laisser partir ces deux clubs et espère qu'on les retrouvera, ainsi que les Ravens.
Vous pouvez retrouver les chroniques des deux premiers tomes des "Knights & Fury" sur le blog ainsi que les trilogies précédentes, ayant un lien avec ces deux clubs.
Vous dire que j'ai adoré serait un euphémisme...j'adore ces personnages depuis le départ et même si c'est la nouvelle génération et que ça ne va pas comme je l'aurais aimé (j'aurais aimé, par exemple, le roman entre Cara et Rhett, pas que l'auteure les sépare) je suis attachée à ces personnages et avais hâte d'avoir enfin l'histoire d'Atlas, l'un des deux jumeaux vraiment attachants des Knights of Fury. Comme je le pressentais, lui comme son frère, Aries, est un type bien (même si ce dernier est plus séducteur avec les femmes) mais tous deux sont fidèles envers leur club et leurs amis. Ils s'investissent et même si c'est Aries qui a repéré Nathalie en premier, c'est bien Atlas qui est vraiment séduit : ceci dit, il n'est pas ravi de savoir qu'elle a des idées arrêtées sur les bikers et ça ne lui plait pas, surtout qu'elle a grandi dans ce milieu-là. J'ai beaucoup aimé ce mélange à la fois de patience et de séduction, tout en n'hésitant pas à lui dire ses 4 vérités. C'est un homme protecteur qui adore son frère jumeau avec lequel il a une relation fusionnelle et son demi-frère qu'il protège. J'ai aimé la manière dont sa relation avec Nathalie évolue et j'ai trouvé ça crédible car même s'ils sont attirés l'un par l'autre, il ne va rien brusquer et va attendre qu'elle réalise qu'ils sont faits l'un pour l'autre et qu'il est là pour la protéger, tout en la respectant dans son choix de carrière. Mais lorsqu'il découvre qu'elle est amenée à défendre leur ennemi juré, il pourrait être moins compréhensif.
Nathalie est une jeune femme qui sait ce qu'il veut : princesse d'un club de bikers, elle a choisi de se tourner vers la loi (comme Faye) mais pas pour défendre le club : elle cherche à obtenir un poste d'associés et est prête à faire les sacrifices qu'il faut mais elle est déchirée car elle est loyale à son club et à Atlas et elle sait très bien que cela va lui causer des ennuis. J'ai beaucoup aimé aussi la relation complice qu'elle a avec sa soeur, Cara et elle sait ce qu'elle veut : elle a grandi près de bikers et donc a appris à se battre très tôt et c'est cette force de caractère qui fait que c'est un personnage intéressant qui ne peut qu'attirer un homme tel qu'Atlas, une fois qu'il a brisé le mur qu'elle a érigé autour d'elle. Elle m'a toutefois agacée par moment car Atlas ne méritait pas toujours ses décisions : ceci dit, avec le caractère qu'elle a, il lui fallait un tel homme pour être à sa hauteur
Comme toujours, Chantal Fernando alterne la romance et le suspense et sait nous frapper là où l'on ne s'y attend pas. Le roman nous tient en haleine jusqu'au bout et même si j'ai hurlé en lisant certaines lignes voire ai "pleuré", j'avoue qu'une fois commencé, on a du mal à le lâcher. J'ai aimé aussi retrouver les membres originaux des deux clubs, même si on n'a pas vu assez Dex à mon goût. J'aime toujours autant Temper, le président des Knigts of Fury, à la fois imperturbable et très humain. On a aussi des nouvelles des couples des tomes précédents et ça, comme toujours, c'est top.
Bref, une réussite malgré un énorme regret (vous comprendrez en lisant) J'espère qu'on n'en resterait pas là et qu'on retrouvera tous ces personnages dans d'autres romans.
En attendant, si vous lisez en VO, foncez! Vous ne le regretterez pas.

The dynamic between the two protagonist was so cool and nice to follow that i couldn't read stop read it. recommended for those who love bike romance

Answering Atlas is my first read by this author and I’m a big fan of motorcycle club romance. My first impression of the book was it was going to be good and steamy, with a lot of the same characteristics of the other MC books in my library. After reading a bit, i discovered it was a very tamed down version.
The story was overall very good, i loved the enemies to lovers aspect and the relationship build up was very nice. But as far as a MC book, the level of violence and steam was minimal. I prefer a lot more detail and action in these types of stories than Atlas provided.
I will be recommending this book to readers who want the context of a MC read without all the heavy steam and gore.

I've been a fan of Chantal Fernando for years and I've enjoyed all of her stories. So it kills me to rate this one so low but I just didn't enjoy it much. The romance between Atlas and Natalie felt very bland and at times was shoved to the background by things going on with the club. Natalie's change from not wanting a biker to being all in with Atlas was a super fast change that didn't have and lead up at all. It was just a sudden realization for her out of nowhere. At the same time their romance was lacking the drama with the Club also felt underdeveloped and ended up feeling out of place every time it was mentioned. There just wasn't a good blend of storylines in my opinion.
Add to that this had an ending that I really really hated. And not only because of what happened (though I despised that and think it was out of place for this series) but the fact that after such an emotional scene the book then skips a month. A month of time where Atlas and Natalie aren't even together, we get to see no emotions or scenes to know how they're dealing with certain events, and then all of the sudden the character that left is back, they're together and everything quickly becomes fine, and then the story is over. There was a little more than that but nothing that held my attention and this was after the 80% mark so nothing that took up much page time.
Overall, I'm still a fan of this author and I'm excited to see what she'll do next but this book wasn't for me.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
Mary – ☆☆☆☆
Natalie grew up in the clubhouse and knew she didn't want that life, so she went to law school. Now she is a lawyer working for one of the top law firms. When she meets a guy at a bar, she knows she doesn't want anything from him. So, the next day she saw who she thought was the same guy and it turned out to be his brother.
Atlas has gotten confused with his twin, Aries, many times. So it was no surprise when Natalie thought he was Aries. But when she refuses to date him because he is in the MC, he is okay with that until he finds out she grew up in an MC. So now he has to find out what the deal is and why she feels that way.
The chemistry is there just under the surface between Natalie and Atlas, neither wants to admit it. He has club business and wants to forget about her, but she keeps turning up and he keeps her on his mind. Atlas' MC, Knights of Fury, and Natalie's father Rake's Wind Dragons MC are rivals and will help each other when needed. When Natalie gets a client that is a common enemy of both MCs, she is pulled into the world she tried to avoid. Can they work together to protect her and keep her safe? Will she realize that Atlas is exactly what she needs?
I enjoyed this story as I have the other in this series and the other series connected to it. It is filled with family, friends, MC brothers, loyalty, trust, pain, love, and loss. I found that once I started reading, I didn't want to put it down, I enjoyed the banter between Natalie, Atlas, Aries, and all of the club's members. I can't wait for the next one.
Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
A girl and biker meet at a bar, the girl says no thanks to the offered drink and the biker walks away. Leaving, the girl sees said biker about to hook up with not one but two other women. Shaking her head, the girl reiterates to herself that bikers are not for her.
Natalie grew up as the daughter of the Wind Dragons’ president, Rake. She's lived that life and she definitely does not want to live it again. She wants to date a man who lives the white-collar life, where they are not constantly in danger from unknown entities or where her life would be centered around MC life.
Atlas is both fascinated with Natalie and upset at her because of her judgmental attitude. The first moment she met him, she pegged him as just "another biker" without really noticing what made him tick. Unable to help himself, he puts himself in her path again and again.
As Natalie and Atlas begin to really get to know each other, outside forces work to tear them apart. A foe from the past threatens Atlas's brother and in turn, the Wind Dragons and Knights of Fury.
Love and heartache is ultimately what this story is about and how love can overcome the worst tragedy of all.

This one was sort of meh for me. Good drama and a good wrap-up but unremarkable. It falls in line with the series. I did enjoy revisiting all of the previous characters Wind Dragons and Knights of Fury.
Natalie and Atlas, have a connection but she refuses to give in because she knows the life of a biker and wants no part of it.
Threats are flying and Natalie's job is a factor and causing problems. Atlas is absolutely gutted when tragedy strikes and is hell-bent on revenge. Natalie and the girls devise a plan and as expected it all goes wrong.
MC comes to the rescue and Natalie's opinion change.

4 stars
Answering Atlas is the third book in the Kings Knights and Dragons world. Although having a backstory for their largest rival would be beneficial, it's not necessary and these books can be read as a standalone.
Natalie basically grew up in the MC, as one of the daughters of its foremost members, she knows exactly what life in the club is like. She decided long ago, she didn't want to get caught up with a biker. Instead she focuses on her budding law career and the suits she's so attracted to. She soon learns snakes wear neck ties.
Atlas is intrigued by the beauty right away, when she gives him the cold shoulder and mistakes him for his twin brother. There's no denying their instant attraction but the stubborn woman tries anyway. But when he steps in to help her out of a jam, she realizes she judged him too harshly. As sparks fly, banter is exchanged and their romance builds, the MC struggle to find the enemy out for their blood.
Great book, not as much conflict as expected, but heartbreaking losses (deeply saddened we'll never see a story for one of them. He deserved better.) Cute banter and great storyline. I enjoyed the growth in Natalie and how Atlas helped her to get there!
AnnMarie - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

Reading previous books in the series would give you some background to the characters, but I did feel that it was fine to start here and jumped into Natalie and Atlas’ story. Natalie and Atlas belongs to two different MCs, with Natalie’s father being the President of an MC. She wanted to set herself apart from that lifestyle, so she became a lawyer and was very interested in dating suits. She disregard Atlas because of his lifestyle, and made some judgments about him in the beginning, not knowing that he was a twin. The story really centers around her deciding if she would give Atlas a chance, and how her job conflicted with her loyalty to her family. The writing style was a lot of tell and not show, the dialogue wasn’t as engaging, and the story lacks spice and action. I think this would be great for those who want that second gen feel and have been following the series (and the author’s other MC series), but my attention wandered a bit with this book.

THE READING CAFE: http://www.thereadingcafe.com/answering-atlas-knights-dragons-mc-3-by-chantal-fernando/
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5334821895
AMAZON CA: https://www.amazon.ca/review/R2517L6L1GX9S6/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8
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