Member Reviews

This is a fun and silly book that will draw readers in and keep them engaged. The illustrations are great and entertaining. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book!

In this very comic rendering of the Big Bang, emphasis is placed on the more gassy elements of evolution and the creation of the earth. The title alone will draw readers in and the facts will keep them engaged.

As the mother of two now grown boys, I have to say that I learned early on that the way to get a boy's attention is through fart jokes. The sillier, the better, as far as they're concerned. Just the word itself could cause an eruption of giggles.
So a book that sneaks in science and history lessons behind the veil of, like, ten different fart jokes is pure genius. Does it make a lot of sense? Does it provide all the science-y and historical details you'd want a kid to learn? Of course not, but that's not the point.
The farts open the door. And now, hopefully, our kids will want to investigate, to learn more.

This massively silly trip through history with PFFFT sound effects should elicit tons of giggles from the pull-my-finger crowd. Cute, and goofy, and sure to get the little ones too riled up to sleep.

Thanks NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada, and Tundra Books for access to this silly little arc!
5/5 stars!
This was an adorable and funny way to explain the major extinctions and some historical events in the past that will appeal to kids of all ages. Were these reasons scientifically accurate? Definitely not, but it's a great way to get the conversations started! Loved this, already ordered for my store, can't wait to see the physical copies!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist!
This book tells the story of an adult mouse with their little kiddie mice, sitting down to watch a history show - that’s all about farts! It’s such a goofy little read, I enjoyed it.

💨 I enjoy reading and reviewing children’s books that contain a little potty humor (literally!). I think stuff like that appeals to kids and, if done correctly, provides a great story and even a learning opportunity.
💨 I think this book could have been a great learning opportunity, but it didn’t quite work IMO. The whole premise that events in the world happened because of farts (i.e., the dinosaurs died off because of a fart, the Ice Age ended because of a fart, Mona Lisa’s smile is because of a fart, etc.). Funny right? Of course it is. But I wish there had been a little more information included to create a learning opportunity vs. simply making fart jokes. And some of the scenarios required some background information to “get the joke”. For example, will kids (ages 4 to 8 years old) understand the Mona Lisa Smile reference? Perhaps they will, but I’m thinking not. That said, while I feel like the story missed some potential, maybe the parents can participate and provide the additional information I personally feel the book is lacking.
💨 If you are seeking fart jokes and cute illustrations, this book is a win. But be prepared to explain some of the humor.
Thank you @netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada/Tundra Books for an eARC of this book, which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

The Big Bang and Other Farts is just plain fun. This is based on the premise that all big changes in world history happened with a fart. This can be used to talk about timelines in history and perspective. It’s also fun to not be so serious all the time.

ExSTINKtion, priceless! Dads everywhere are going to use that in a future joke for sure. I don't care how old you are, farts are hilarious and this was a cute and fun picture book about farts throughout history. I loved all of the fart puns.

A good book for the youngster in us all. Children will enjoy this just because of the funny aspect of using farts to explain historical events. All ages can enjoy it, just for the pure comedy. A good and quick read.
Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This picture book was a light-hearted take on the “farts” that created big moments of impact in history. It’s a funny concept and the illustrations are hilarious! I highly recommend closely looking at the changes in facial expressions and activities between each scene - characters hide, run, pass out, vomit, etc., and it’s all background to the text. Parents and teachers could help their kids develop cognitive skills by finding all the changes between scenes! It’s a fun book. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

A funny funny book! Our young readers are going to love it. Even though the ‘history’ aspect is wildly inaccurate I think it brings up enough to make kids curious.
A funny and well illustrated beginners guide to a little bit of history and a lot of farting!

The book presents itself as a humorous way to learn about history. The humor is well-geared to kids, but the book is not informative at all. It references events throughout history (Big Bang, evolution, Vikings, Sphinx, Mona Lisa, etc.) and makes fart jokes about those events, but doesn't really provide any information. If you don't already have a background understanding about what happened, it's difficult to follow the references.

Kid's will love this one, because...farts! What do you think killed all the dinosaurs? Why do you think the Mona Lisa is smiling?

Hilarious story that kids will love. Gives just enough facts in an entertaining way. Highly recommend.

This is a really cute nonfiction book that I think kids will really like. The illustrations are cute and silly and very bright and vibrant.

My six year old and I enjoyed this silly take on Earth’s history. It certainly open up a dialogue about history as well as bodily functions! Fun for kids that love history, science, and gross-out humor.

This book was a silly and giggle filled read, perfect for any kid who loves fart jokes.
I think this can open up a conversation on the reality of these historic events, and if kids are more interested in learning about them after this book, more power to them!
I especially liked the Sphinx page, but all the illustrations were adorable.

As the mom of 2 littles and a 2nd grade teacher, I hear a lot of fart talk. This book made me giggle on each page. I could relate to the mouse family sitting on the couch asking who farted as my kids do that all the time!

My son (Joey, age 7) and I read this book together and let me just say kudos to the author. If there ever was a book to appeal to my son, or any other first grade boy it would be this combination of not only farts, but also historical events being CAUSED by farts. A real winner with the bathroom humor age. Illustrations were very cute and we were both giggling the whole way through. This is a great book, according to Joey; we even read it a second time. Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for letting us enjoy this book in exchanged for an unbiased PFFFFFTTTT ( 'scuse me) review.