Member Reviews

In this story by Daisy Bird, the characters begin by watching a show about a topic they do not find exciting at all, until a major environmental occurs happens because of a fart. Throughout the book, more events are explained by someone or something letting one loose. While not exactly factual, this story is silly and entertaining, and can lend itself to further exploration of major events throughout our world’s history.

This book follows events in history told through a TV show that explains everything through farts. For example, dinosaurs extinction, Vikings traveling, and the Mona Lisa’s smile were all due to farts. While I think kids will laugh because they think farts are funny, it may end up being confusing for them in the long run.

This book was very humorous while also giving facts throughout history like the ice age and dinosaurs. My one year old loved all of the fart sounds throughout the book and the silly pictures.

I read Big Bang and Other Farts with my two children, aged 8 & 10. For two kids who rarely agree on anything, they absolutely loved it! We'll definitely be buying the book this summer for our own collection.
They knew of many of the stories from history and were able to tie things together. Their favourite was why/how the Sphinx lost its nose. They also enjoyed the illustrations and made a game of trying to figure out who farted on each page.

The Big Bang and Other Farts was a silly little children's book. My son thought it was funny but was surprised at how abruptly the book ended. While it made us laugh, I would have enjoyed more dialogue about how the earth has evolved instead of only focusing on the humor of a fart, and we are no prudes!
Thank you, Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books, and NetGalley, for the chance to review the book early.

I am a mother of three boys. Farts (and poop jokes) are hilarious in this house, even if all I do is just roll my eyes and walk away. When I saw this title pop up, I knew it would be right up the alley of my boys. The oldest, who is ten years old and reads much better on his own than I could read to him, sat and listened and laughed the whole way through. This should tell you enough about how fantastic this book is.
The book gives a somewhat accurate description of events in history (I mean, who really is to say that the reason why Mona Lisa only half smiles in the painting is due to a toot needing to get out??) in a hilarious way. The illustrations by Marianna Coppo are gorgeous and funny, giving the kids a little bit of a search and find on some pages to find out who farted and caused a chain reaction, which impacted our world in a big way.
The only criticism I have is that the jumps from the way-back-times to recent times seemed to have been a bit abrupt. Also I wish the book was a bit longer! Maybe we could sequel to the book? My boys would sure love it!

"The Big Bang and other Farts. A Blast through the past" is an interesting book mainly aimed at younger readers. Together with my son, we could go back in time. Together with the heroes of this book, we watched the most important moments in the history of the world. Among other things, we saw dinosaurs. Why have they died out? See how our heroes reacted to this film. Did their mother react the same way? My son is very pleased with this book. Too bad it ended so soon. We like the illustrations for this story. My son loves dinosaurs. We encourage you to learn about the most important moments in the history of the world.
We recommend this book, mommy_and_books and son.
Our rating 9/10
#netgalley #TheBigBangandotherFarts #mommy_and_books

This book is a silly look at historical events that might be overwhelming to kids but they are made easy to understand with fart humor.
I read this silly kid’s book on my own first and thought it might have had more concrete details to bolster its broad claims that farts altered the course of history. I anticipated the author had unearthed new scientific data to show that gases in these events could actually be related to noxious fumes.
Then I read the book with my kids and those details didn’t matter. The author must know how when you add farts to any story, the kids often laugh first and ask questions later.
Overall, it was a silly and funny look at history that my kids enjoyed.
Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of the book to review for honest feedback.

The Big Bang and Other Farts is a funny, loose telling of the Earth's history. The illustrations are amazing. My 4 year old had lots of laughs and my 8 year old wishes it was more in depth.
Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley for this ARC!

I was completely confused by this book. Maybe because it was a digital version? It seemed like complete sentences were missing. I know it’s a very young children’s book, but it skipped around too much and was “dumbed down” to where some pages didn’t even make sense. I think I just got a bad copy. I would also work on the connection between the idea of farts and other main events in history. It took me awhile to get the connection; a clearer exposition would help for sure.

"The Big Bang and Other Farts" is a humourous, (very) loose rendition of earth's history that children are sure to love.
As a parent of young children, I know they will enjoy the silliness of a book full of earth-shattering farts. Be sure to spend some time looking over the illustrations on each page as there are so many great images to explore.

I am sorry, but I cannot honestly say I enjoyed reading this book. There was great potential to write something humorous and fact based, but this was neither. Children might enjoy it, but I really feel it is confusing. Is this supposed to be a board book? I cannot give this more than one star, and I feel if I could give it less than half, that would be more than it deserves. I am sorry to be so harsh, but as a former teacher, this is not great.
Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Farts! It’s what makes the world go round! Or take what makes the world a little be more hilarious! This book may not be the most believable when it comes to some things that farts may have caused through out our worlds existence but it definitely opens up the conversations and questions to come with very funny possibilities! My son got a kick out of this book. The farts were having his rolling on the floor with laughter! The illustrations are perfect! The best combination of cute and quirky! This book is a new instant favorite for my son! Maybe we will never know what truly caused all these occurrences in time but I think they were onto something with exSTINKtion! Haha! This and many more laughs await you in this wonderful read!

I never knew history could be so... gassy. In this hilarious picture book, history is rewritten with particularly rotten smelling farts. The Big Bang? One big fart. Evolution from the ocean? To escape one big fart. The Mona Lisa's secret? Yup, you guessed it... a fart.
I like how it goes over major and minor historical events and blames farts for the fall out of each one.
I think it would be better read aloud with the fart sound effects added in for flavor. I can see little kids laughing each time.
I also love the simplicity in the art style. It has alternating POVs from a family "watching" this farty history and the actual gassed up history depicted.

This was an ingenious way of teaching on a kids level from the Big Bang feat to the dad farts. at alevel all kids just understand. Eruption of volcanos explained in a very humorous,, nonsensical way, children universally will understand. I will definitely be recommending. Two arm up, all ten fingers. Yes Yes Yes.

This cute children’s book is all about how history has progressed due to farts.
Yes, you read that right. Farts.
A comedic take on history designed for children, this book quickly goes over major events in history, from the Big Bang to multiple mass extinctions, to the discovery of America to the painting of the Mona Lisa, and the outcome of each event only occurred because of a fart.
I can see this being very popular among the elementary-ages crowd, especially if the reader uses voices and sound effects.
Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

I requested this book to read to my 2 kids. They tend to find this type of thing very humorous and after reading the title, I thought it would be the perfect book to make them laugh. This book was just silly. It did make me laugh a few times, but I was hoping that it would be funnier. I feel like it could have had a lot more potential. Farts can be very funny, but this book missed the mark.
Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Review to come early August to my blog/goodreads/other places.
I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.
I just had to get this book! I mean, I know that I am 18+ but farts still make me laugh and snicker + I was curious about all the farts in the documentary!
In this book a family of rats (dad + his two kids) are watching a documentary, the kids are expecting it to be very boring because it is about important moments in history so they are complaining. But oh what a turn that documentary takes. Dad wished he had checked the tv guide before being so excited about it. XD Because all the historic moments? Are defined by farts. Yep. Farts. BIG ONES. small ones. itty bitty tiny ones. But all had something in common, they marked a new era. Thought the dinosaurs died due to a comet/meteor? WRONG! It was a volcano letting out a fart! Think that Ice Age going away was because of the temperature heating up.. sure, but that was actually a baby mammoths fart that caused that heat to happen. Yep. And that is how many more moments go and in between seeing that documentary we get comments from both the kids and dad. The kids are, of course, very excited about this documentary, and dad is offended because FARTS and incorrect facts! In the mean time I am just rolling around laughing because it was just so silly.
And the art also helped with the funny events. We would first see a perfectly nice scene, but what is that, there is someone farting. And the next scene is the farter looking very embarrassed (or very happy) and everyone else trying to run away and not puke or get sick. It just had me in complete stitches and I loved it. Loved checking out all those expressions. See a big or tiny cloud of green noxious gas go up in the air.
Yes. I loved it. The ending was a bit sudden, it was funny, but it was just boom, over. I was checking my copy to see if something was missing, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
All in all, I had fun and laughed so many times! I would highly recommend this one. It will be a hit with adults like me and kids!

Thanks to Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy.
My kids loved this book! It had them laughing throughout. The illustrations are delightful. It also teaches the kids, subtly, about different ages throughout history. Definitely a fun one!!

What an adorable book! As a mom to two boys, and fart humor is a win in our house! This book was funny yet educational! The illustrations were beautiful. I look forward to buying this book for my kids and as gifts!
Thank you to NetGalley, Daisy Bird, and Penguin Random House Canada for this arc!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.