Member Reviews

This book is a great guide to apply to your life, and your Christian walk. Everyone’s lives and perspectives are different, but one thing we all have in common is that God will never forsake us. He is with us through all journeys, big or small. It is important for us to keep this in mind always, but especially in the midst of struggles. Ministry comes in many forms, and this book is no different. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

Amazing book! I love Micah Tyler's music and was interested in reading more of his story. It was inspiring and a great read. I enjoyed how the book is broken down into steps and it made me think of many Bible stories in a new light. I would recommend it!

Walking Free was one book that I was interested in reading.
This book was all about Jesus. it is great read to keep your focus on Jesus

I was unable to finish this book, I just could not make it fit into my current season.
I have nothing else to,say

In Walking Free, Micah Tyler has invited reader through a forty-two-day journey in getting free from whatever things that our holding us back. He first began the book by sharing a story from Kyle Idleman Bible Study. He since grew on the story and did more research on the topic. The United States created a special job force to assist people during the Great Depression. They would choose what jobs they would want to participate in and they were provided to accomplish the tasks. In one town, they hired a lot of unemployed men to help build a road that used to be wilderness. They were all hopeful and excited for the work. They would come in early and stay late to work on the road. They finally got the courage to ask the government official where the road was going to be leading to and he told them it was a road to nowhere. It was created only to help make money. They eventually lost the motivation and production decreased and people stopped showing up for work. They lost their purpose.
This led to Micah in following his God given dreams of pursing music and ministry. He also explained how becoming a songwriter that this opened the doors for him to be tested and challenged. One of the stories, he shared was about the song he wrote entitled, “Walking Free”. His brother, Daniel has battled cancer twice. He beat it the first time and then it returned in 2020 and they were able to remove the tumor. The cancer has since come back in 2022 with even more tumors and he’s still battling it today. You would have thought his brother would have stopped serving others. He goes through treatments one day and then he will still go back to his students. Micah explained how this song is about walking free alongside Christ through whatever we may face. He is with us when we go through the fire.
A powerful lesson he discussed was on how they lived in a single wide mobile home. They all shared it as a family all three kids. The younger child didn’t even have a room and he had to share with his brother in a twin bed, This taught them to live peaceful in tight quarters. They did eventually save up to build their dream home. His younger didn’t have his own room until he was six years old. One day, he asked him what he preferred the trailer or the house. He was shocked when his son, Seth told him the trailer. His response was because all of his memories are there. He learned to bike, share a room, and much more. His son was fulfilled where he was and he didn’t know that there could be anything better. This taught him to reply on God and appreciate the waiting process. God may be building us up inside so when we do get what we are hoping for we will have room in our heart to be grateful for the blessing.
I would recommend this awesome book to anyone is seeking a book to assist them in walking free from anything that is hinder them from growing. I really enjoyed reading about how he got signed as a Christian artist and how God caused him to be in the right place at the right time and he was networked by divine connections. I liked how he shared some of the background from some of his songs and how they came to be. It was cool in learning from the songwriter perceptive and I was able to relate even more to the stories told in his songs. I liked how he designed the book to be daily/ or weekly journey and readers can take small steps each day. I also liked how each day contained next-step questions to help readers dive deeper into the message.
"I received this book free from the publisher, K-Love Books for my honest review.”

I am a huge fan of Micah Tyler’s music so this book intrigued me. I enjoyed the back stories of some of his songs and how he wrote them from a personal place of struggle and brokenness as well as joy. I very much appreciated the questions at the end of each chapter. The questions were thought provoking and encouraged healing and growth. This book would serve well as a Bible study as I can see some healing discussions taking place. I am grateful that I have taken the time to read this as well as apply some of the lessons to my life.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book. Opinions are my own.

Micah did a wonderful job on this title. I admit to being a Micah fan when it comes to his singing and am not a fan of his writing too. Take the journey with Micah it is worth your time.

Some of the biblical passages quoted are well exegeted, while others are not. That part was a little disappointing, though I can tell it wasn’t done in malice or anything like that. Also, I think The Message was quoted too much, since that’s not a word-for-word translation. When it was all done well, which was more often than not, I really enjoyed the book and felt encouraged and challenged in my own walk with Christ.

I enjoy Micah Tyler’s music. Not surprisingly, I especially liked hearing the inspiration and stories behind many of his songs. Paired with truth from God’s words, Tyler’s experiences encourage the readers to evaluate their relationships with God. Bullying, financial struggles, his brother’s cancer, church experiences, ministry, etc. - he made it all relatable to the reader because we have the same God of grace, mercy, and love.

I would give this devotional 10 stars. I will say A LOT of times when Christian artists decide to do a book its extremely disappointing. However, Micah Tyler presents the path of a Christian life in a totally new way.. This was one of the best devotionals I have had the pleasure to read. I learned so much from this book. Now, that I've read through it. I am going to go through it again and see what new thing the Holy Spirit will show me this time. Even If I had not received this for free I am still going to buy a physical copy.
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book.

Amazing! I loved hearing Micah's story and it is truly inspiring. Five Stars
I loved hearing God's promises

I enjoyed this book and love the authors music.. Draws you closer in relationship with Christ and helps you to redirect your focus to God.

Micah Tyler has captivated the audience on stage and has done it again through this book. It is both captivating and convicting! Each step is broken down to the bare bones of scripture. Then those scriptures are woven into stories relatable to our day-to-day living. This book could be used as a daily devotion stand-alone, shared intimately with a friend over coffee dates, or even used in a small group setting as a study. By the end of the 6 weeks, your hearts will have been given the opportunity to grow in your spiritual journey with the Lord. The first step is bold, but that first step leads to a long walk in freedom, and friends…it’s worth it!

After listening to the e-book, I can’t wait to get the physical book to dive in again and highlight so many pertinent points that will help me grow my spiritual life and my physical life. Micah has done a. Fantastic job writing this book. It should be in the hands of everyone who wants to grow and change through a season of life that might have some challenges, or feeling stuck.

The impression I got from reading this book is that the objective is to lead and guide an individual step-by-step from a position of down and out brokeness, to uplifted freedom living in Christ. Brokeness from addictions and/or criminal activities, or even from life's severe difficulties that weigh a person down. Readers will be able to see that Jesus cares as does the author, Micah Tyler.
I like that this author chooses examples from the Scriptures, drawing the reader in to relate to a particular aspect he wishes to expound upon that can potentially help a person towards sustained transformation in Christ and through the Holy Spirit. Transformation from what one was and how they'd been living, towards "walking free" of ones' baggage.
Each chapter is actually called a "Step". At the end of each step are "think-about-it" questions, which Tyler terms, "Next-Step Questions"! I'd suggest to the serious reader who wishes to transform, that he or she write these questions into a journal and answer each question as honestly as possible. Don't rush through. From time to time, the author asks the reader to retrace their steps. If one has journaled along the way, then he/she would be able to see their transformational growth better.
Additionally, some of the steps include tidbits of autobiography of Micah Tyler, a singer, songwriter, as well as book author. He refers to some of his songs and relates the background story of how and/or why he wrote them. I've listened to some of these and found that they can be very healing to listen to and to ponder upon. No wonder he shared them.
I'm going to give this author a 5-Star commendation. I feel thankful and privileged to have been able to read and review this "grow" book. I strongly believe many readers and their families will be helped along life's way to freedom by applyoing the many suggested steps, to their lives. May God bless each on who does.
~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
December 2022
Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Encouraging devotional. Loved it. It really spoke to me.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

Walking Free is an encouraging devotional that teens and adults of all ages can appreciate. The daily readings are personal and Scripturally-based. I enjoyed learning more about Micah and truly felt his heart for people suffering and in need of finding freedom in Christ.

5 stars
Walking Free
by Micah Tyler, Robert Noland
What an excellent 42 day devotional book. Micah Tyler shares his heart for Jesus while sharing scripture and teaching. He starts with Scripture, followed by a short devotion with action steps and questions.
This would be a great gift or book for anyone in your life. I thoroughly enjoyed Walking Free and learned quite a bit from it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley.