Member Reviews

What happens when you wake up from a coma and you can't feel love anymore? No love towards your newborn baby. No all-consuming love towards your fiancé. It would surely make you question your life as it was and yourself as you were and, that's what happens to Gemma.

Following Gemma, as she reconnects with herself and re-discovers what love means to her was thought-provoking and kind of introspective.

I connected with the characters, their struggles, the contact between them, and, their growth. Although I did find some miscommunication incredibly frustrating, I think that was the point.

Erin Mallon is a great narrator and I loved all of the distinct voices each character has.

Thanks to Swift & Lewis Publishing, NetGalley and author Sarah Ready for this ALC to honestly review. Get your copy on January 26th, 2023.

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Just like the last josh and Gemma story, it’s hard not to adore them! I love that we get to see the continuation of their love story.

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Well done adaptation of the continuation of Josh and Gemma's story. Erin Mallon is an excellent narrator and I very much the way she brings a story to life. Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing for a review copy of this audio book.

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was excited to listen to the second. It grabbed me right from the start. I love the narration! This book definitely brought out additional emotions from me. I was happy, sad and mad! I felt them all. I'm still here for Josh and Gemma all the way!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced audio copy!

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The first book in the series 'Josh and Gemma Make a Baby,' had me hooked from the start. When I saw that Sarah Read made a sequel I was super excited. Unfortunately I don't think the storyline was as great as the first book. It felt a bit farfetched and in some spots felt like the story dragged on. I;m also surprised there was no mention of Gemma's heath condition that was so heavily highlighted in book 1, Endo. That typically impacts you even after you've had a baby. However, I am glad I got to continue following the story of characters I loved in book 1. I'm hoping another book comes with a emphasis on Josh and Gemma's relationship with less unnecessary obstacles.

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Ok - I have to say first … I LOVED book 1. Josh was one of my top book boyfriends after book 1. It was one of my top reads (of over 400) last year. It was absolutely incredible! I loved the couple, the story, the infertility struggles represented, the difficulties dealing with Ian. It was so real. Such a unique story.

I HATED book 2. I broke up with Josh as a book boyfriend during book 2. He never managed to redeem himself. If your almost wife (literally fell into a 4 month coma AT AT THE ALTAR) had this situation, would any love-sick guy who made all the claims he did run off to California (from NYC), and not sit vigil at her bedside… and be on the cover of every tabloid with his new girlfriend? Disgusting. Ian 100% redeemed himself because he was the one sitting by her bedside for months, he was the one with her when she woke up, he was the one who was with her every moment as she struggled to get herself back through physical and other therapy. Heck, he even does a whole lot more than that.

Sarah Ready - what did you do! Book 1, one of my top of 2022, is now completely tainted after this! I’M SO SAD after reading this book! It was like someone took book 1 as fanfic and completely twisted the HEA around… even though Josh has his excuses, it’s an absolute NO from me. I definitely can’t recommend this to anyone who loved the first book as much as I did. 2.5-stars rounded up.

The only redeeming thing about this is Erin Mallon as the narrator. She’s my number one girl! I kept going and didn’t DNF because I love her voice… and kept holding out hope there was something really and truly wrong with our understanding of Josh’s behavior (told all from Gemma’s POV, so hard to know what he was thinking the whole book).

I received an advance read and listen copy from NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and Members' Audiobooks, and this is my honest feedback.

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I sped through this book. I had enjoyed the first book in the series, Josh and Gemma Make a Baby, and was excited to see where Josh and Gemma's relationship would go once they were actually together and pregnant. The book started off well enough. I was happy to see the progression in their relationship and the weeks leading up to the birth of their baby. There was family, joy, comedy, sexual tension and anticipation.

Then the book took a major turn, and felt *lackluster* to me.

I mean, sure, I can understand the theme of forgiveness, but regardless of the idea of forgiveness, I cannot understand and empathize with the villain of the first book who literally insulted the MC as she was miscarrying. Then to not only to forgive but to become friends with that person - it really upset me and ruined the book for me a bit.

The book also had a lot of lead up and then such a quick ending. I don't know - I enjoyed some of the book, but mostly felt confused and frustrated.

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This was an intense story that really tested the bounds of "for better or for worse." On the day of their wedding, pregnant Gemma falls into a coma just before saying "I do." And Josh is left to pick up the pieces of both of their lives as he raises their premmie newborn with the help of Gemma's parents, not knowing when or if Gemma will ever wake up.

Due to the circumstances, the story explores a lot of what it means when we vow "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health." Especially when Gemma awakes from her coma, but is distinctly different than she had been before her brain injury.

What does love mean? And how long does it last? What if everything changes and the person you fell in love with is no longer the same?

As challenging as those questions are, the author did a wonderful job chasing down what they mean and how they play out in life.

I did not read the first book in this series but am now interested in checking that out too. I must admit, though, that the sex scenes were a bit too explicit for my taste.

If you're looking for a clean light-hearted romance, this isn't it. But if you like your love stories to explore real-life problems and situations, you won't be disappointed by this one!

Thank you to Sarah Ready, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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Thanks NetGalley and Publish for this copy of audiobook, this doesn't affect my review though.

I was very unsure of reading this book, because it gives uneasy vibes but you know what, this book's prequel was my favourite last year and I loved it as well. I so wanted to know what will happen in the future as well and getting this sequel was such an unexpected surprise and I loved it, every bit of it, really.

The beginning is wonderful and makes us question but also puts us at a beautiful place, we get to see the happy couple, we get to see them smile, we see how the future of theirs has bloomed into a wonder and we see wooww this is amazing. Their is also a current of uncertainty because we know something isn't right and that makes us question every move by the characters, what went wrong along the way?

We see what did and the story has its bumps and the tense environment it puts one in is so damn hurting, I was sad but then there were happy moments, moments of truth where it'd hit me oh wow damn. I feel I never expected this kind of journey from this book, it was emotional, heartbreaking, heartwarming and overall touching. It was a pleasure to have listened to this book. The narrator is again wonderful in expressing the speech right and it gets the point through, also I feel like I love the narrator for both of the books, Her narrator is fitting.

This book also makes the holes from the first book complete and makes a circle and that is surprising and lovely.
We see the characters grow and their side we have never seen before.

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Firstly, netgalley- thank you!!
Now, I realised very quickly that there was a prequel to this so I had to stop my listening, hunt the first book down and devour that before listening to this. I thought the audiobook quality was good, narration was great and really brought the story alive. I am very critical of audiobooks as narration can either make or break a story in this format. This made it.

At first I wondered if this sequel was necessary as many of us read rom-coms for that feel good escapism and crave that HEA, but I admire Sarah Ready for dealing with heavier topics in this book which a lot of people experience in every day life. A couple that appears to have it all but behind the scenes is dealing with the changes that a new baby brings, juggling careers and the pressure of maintaining a healthy relationship. I really enjoyed how Ready explored the vulnerabilities of not only the characters but relationships. I think because I was not expecting all these twists and turns that I loved the story even more for it.

This book introduced me to Sarah Ready's work and I look forward to exploring more of it!

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*Arc review*
*2.75 rating
I listened to the audiobook version of this book. When I originally picked this to review I hadn’t realized it was a sequel. I was going to try to read the first book ahead of this but I wasn’t able to. Unfortunately I think my experience of this book was diminished by not having read it. This book is fine as a standalone, but I think I would have liked it more if I had seen the characters development across the first book.

I think telling the story of a woman trying to recover after traumatic birth was well done. I don’t know that it was a story I would have chosen to read while pregnant/trying to become pregnant or as a new parent because it was some of your worst fears realized. With a safe distance from those life events I could join the story without that fear.

The biggest challenge for me having not read book one was Ian’s character. The author doesn’t adequately explain why he is the most hated man in the country. It gets repeated numerous times but we only hear a little bit about why. You can deduce, but it doesn’t make me invested in the backstory he reveals or his redemption arc.

I might revisit this after I have the chance to read Josh and Gemma Make a Baby.

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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**** 4.25 Stars****

Read Josh and Gemma Make a Baby before you pick this one up for having a better experience reading.

I honestly didn’t want to pick up this book up because the first book was so amazing and had the perfect little ending and everything was tied up in a nice little bow, so what more could this story offer you? But I was so wrong.

I would have regretted not reading this book. I cried a million times and I also laughed a lot too, I don’t think I have felt so many emotions in just 300 and odd pages. To whoever is going to continue with this serious buckle up Toto because this one’s a really emotional ride one which you will never be prepared for.

I have never read an author who brought out a twist in the book so early and yet follow through and through with it till the end so beautifully.
Some of the character developments that happened were so shocking and unpredictable. The plot will never leave you feeling bored. It’s fast paced and gripping.

Every chapter there’s something amazing happening.
I would love to talk about some trigger warning in this book that were handled with so much care. I get the authors message so loud and clear and I sympathise with so many issues that we face as humans and maybe not everyone does but you understand the pain so deeply. I don’t know how she managed to put such raw emotions out there.
Absolutely loved this book, I have found a new author to love and I will keep coming back to her.

Trigger warnings : anxiety, panic attacks.

Ps : I read this book in half epub and half audiobook Method and I loved the narrator, I’ll always think about listening to more audiobooks by her.

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received this book from Net Galley as an ARC reviewer. @sarahreadyauthor .
I have never touched this author before and had not read the first book. However, this didn't stop me from understanding or enjoying this story.

I loved the narrator of this story. I felt she did a fantastic job of defining the characters' voices to make it easy to follow.

Josh and Gemma are completely in love. Unfortunately for Gemma, tragedy occurs, and she ends up in a coma. Without ruining the story, what I loved was that this did not follow a straight path.
Gemma has to relearn everything she has ever known, and Josh was lost because he could have lost her.
Well worth a read

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Josh and Gemma the second time around
by Sarah Ready
5 stars

Gemma is on cloud nine with her life she's about to have a baby and is getting married to Josh.
What happens when life decides to throw you a curve ball?
Josh and Gemma have to navigate what can happen when life gets turned upside down and no one knows how to handle it.

I absolutely loved Josh and Gemma make a baby, so when I saw this one squealed I was overly excited to see their journey continue.
Sarah's writing hits home it's a sweet cozy love story with complex topics. I love her writing and have loved almost all her books.
if you read this 100% read Josh and Gemma make a baby first or this won't flow well.

Josh and Gemma have the fairy tale they have their miracle baby due soon and are about to get married, but all of that changes in an instant.
Having woken up and not sure what is going on at all, Gemma is lost on time and day and not being able to feel, and not sure how to handle everything.
Can you survive a relationship when you can't feel love or happiness?
Can you get back to what you missed out on and get back to what life used to be?

This is so emotional in so many ways but like my favorite quote from the book.
Everythings better the second time around.

Thank you, Netgalley and Swift and Lewis Publishing for the eARC for an honest review.

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Josh and Gemma was my 1st read of 2023 and I enjoyed the humor and story so when I saw there was a 2nd one coming out January 26th, 2023 I clicked read now right away.

BUT this was so different from the 1st. I feel like this one isn't needed if it was a brand new story different people a stand alone I would of enjoyed more. Since I already knew Josh and Gemma and was ready to see the happily ever after I didn't enjoy the start over in the story. Like this just needed not to be josh and Gemma book. I just wanted something different for them. So since this was book 2 I just felt disappointed by 2 great charterers that deserved the world.

Also Ian No I was not happy the author seemed to want a redemption arc for him and gave him a different backstory to why he did what he did in the 1st making us feel for him. I felt like it wasn't a good move and I didn't like trying to make him a better person all of a sudden.

Thank you NetGalley for sending me this audio arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I did not read the prequel to this story and I don't feel like I missed anything. The story seems to cover any background characters have with one another.

The narrator chosen for this story was ok. Overall she is a good job, but her voice was stiff and more announcer like.

The story started off boring, but picked up around the 20% mark. I promise if you can get the through the first bit it is worth it. The story has a few shocking moments to the storyline and I was drawn in until the end.

I did not like how Gemma handled Ian's confession about a situation. She brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal. Like it explained so much, but there were no consequences. She accepted it and moved on.

Overall I enjoyed listening to the audiobook. The story progressed smoothly and enjoyable.

Thank you Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

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This book was GREAT! I remember being surprised about the depth of the first book and I feel the same way about this one. It covered some heavy topics and wasn't just a romance. I found myself loving the friendship of Gemma and someone who was from the first book and I just appreciated this book SO much, The authors note at the end was heart warming and I want to read more about her now.

Thank you for my copy of this book- I am a Josh and Gemma fan for sure!

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I read the first book and have to say that this one was a total surprise to me. It starts basically with Josh and a very pregnant Gemma at the altar preparing to say their vows. There is a horrific incident that changes their lives and their love forever. It would be hard to say more without giving the very unexpected storyline away, but Josh and Gemma have to fight to try to get their love back. There are lots of obstacles in their way, but neither ever feels like their love for each other isn't worth the fight.

I listened to the audio version of this book narrated by Erin Mallon, one of my favorite narrators. It was, of course, superb!

Thanks to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley Audio for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this audiobook. I will start by saying that I loved Josh and Gemma in the first book. I liked the story way better than I expected and was really excited about this one.

I will say that in the end, I did enjoy this book and it all came together and it was really sweet and definitely worth the read. It's possible because I have a medical background, that I found some of it not quite believable and it bothered me most of the way through the book. I also found it annoying that Gemma kept saying she couldn't feel love or feelings when she kept saying things that were clearly love and feelings.

This story explained the history with Ian and that part, although it took a while to get to it, was a really good part of the book.

Overall I enjoyed this book and would recommend it,

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Absolutely not. Absolutely. Not. I genuinely don’t understand why this book was written, it was so unnecessary. The first book would’ve been perfectly fine as a stand-alone.

I didn’t like the first book to begin with, mainly because of the writing and the lacking chemistry between the characters, and sadly that didn’t change in this one. A lot of the times, the writing felt overly dramatic, trying really hard to be funny, which just made it cringe-worthy. As for the characters, Josh and Gemma infuriated me so much. There was so much unnecessary drama and miscommunication between them. Most of the interactions (like in the first book, there weren’t even a lot) between them felt forced.

This book is also a great example for “show, not tell” because their “love” was never really shown. And what made everything worse is that Gemma spent more time with Ian instead with Josh. There were more sparks between her and Ian, the antagonist (although not anymore I guess?) which is terrible. Also, why was this book a whole Ian redemption arc. No one asked for that. There were so many things wrong with the plot. The Lisa thing. The Ian thing. The entire brain injury thing??? The entire plot was just absurd.

It feels like the author tried really hard to convey a deeper message about love and whatnot, unfortunately it didn’t work. This book should’ve been left unwritten.

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and Netgally for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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