Member Reviews

The first third of the book doesn't seem to go anywhere. I haven't read the other two books in the series. I am reading this book because I was gifted the ARC by the publisher and Net Galley for my unbiased opinion. I don't generally read westerns but I went in with an open mind. However, when the dogs started having conversations with the characters, it really didn't fit into my comfort zone, the twists where obvious where they were going the plot got more and more outrageous. I powered through but it wasn't an enjoyable read.

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Hilarious!! Definitely had me laughing out loud at these two’s shenanigans! Fun and flirty, awesome book!

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Before reading this, I was unsure if this would be good and I feel like I'm not going to like it due to low number of people who read and rated this on goodreads. BUT at the end I like it actually. This is one the books I feel like I found a good gem that only few people know. The book cover can be discouraging but you have to try it and see how it goes.

Actually at first, it has a rocky start. The transition of each scenes was confusing and some are fast. The personality of the characters seems not right for their age. The fmc is kinda quirky at the beginning, and I didn't like the book much at that time but I push through it and the book got BETTER.

The characters aren't made perfect, they have insecurities and trust issues as every character does in books but what I like about this book is the fact that they have to keep try and trying to make the relationship work despite what's happening in their lives. It didn't happen just as a one time thing. They tried to communicate as much as they can and learn to really trust each other 🥺. I'm glad what usually happens in romance books didn't happen here 💖

Now I'm pursuaded to immediately read the next book 😭

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Rating - ⭐⭐⭐½

Recommended - Yes

Hale + Rayne

◆ Boss's Son
◆ Workplace Romance
◆ 30 h/ 33 H
◆ Push/ Pull
◆ Steamy Scenes
◆ Both Experienced (view spoiler)
◆ Cliffhanger

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What a fun story! Loved how the back stories for each of the characters as slowly unwound. All of the characters had relatable elements, and very true to life strengths and foibles. My only disappointment was that this is the first in a series, and now I have to wait on resolution of some questions!

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This book had me laughing so much! At first I wasn’t a fan of the heroine. But if you get past her quirks you really begin to see who she is! And hale…. Swoon worthy! Pick this book up and read it

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From the get go, I did not want to like this book. “Calamity” Rayne started out annoying me. She was vulgar, immature, messy, and annoying. She doodles male body parts for kicks, for gosh sakes! Despite being over 30, she acted like she was a child when it came to life and sex. Not exactly what I look for in the heroine of a book! I was determined from the first page that I was going to hate this character and dislike this book.

Boy, was I wrong.

Once you get past the vulgar, messy, immature outer shell, you find the inner, gooey, vulnerable center that is Rayne Meyers. She is the type of person that, if I could just get past this outer shell, I would absolutely love to be her friend in real life. She’s not a complete hot mess, nor is she really a “calamity.” She is an intelligent person who is a loyal friend, has an irreverent sense of humor, and who will stand up for anything and anyone she believes in.

Rayne becomes the personal assistant to super wealthy Remington Davenport (doesn’t that sound exactly like a rich man’s name???) and meets his oldest son, Hale Davenport. Despite her messy “calamity” self, Hale is smitten with her and an attraction blooms. I would have immediately fallen for Hale, myself. He is intelligent, handsome, well-dressed, and all over swoony. We readers are treated some quite spicy, steamy romance from these two characters, and it was easy to see how their personalities balance each other out.

The book ended on a cliffhanger of sorts, but thankfully it’s easy to pick up the next book and continue enjoying the growth of this character and how she impacts those around her. Run, don’t walk, and get yourself a copy of this book!

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Rayne Meyers needs a change of environment, so she becomes a personal assistant for one of the wealthiest men in the world, Mr. Davenport. She’s unfamiliar with this world but that doesn’t change her from being her authentic self, despite how her employer feels. One thing threw her off, Davenport’s attractive son, Hale. The pair are total opposites in every way imaginable. Hale finds Rayne refreshing and unlike the other women he’s known. It turns out, they could just be what they didn’t know they needed.

Calamity Rayne Gets a Life is freaking hilarious! My stomach hurt from laughing from the very first chapter and it only got better from there. Rayne may be one of my all-time favourite characters, she’s awkward as hell and totally awesome. She’s also not afraid to sugar coat shit for anyone. I really enjoyed this book. It was a super cute and steamy rom com that will leave you needing more! Just a heads up that the book ends on a wild cliffhanger, book #2 is out!

Thank you netgalley and Valentine PR & Literary Management for a copy of this book!

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“An awkward girl’s account of inexperience, sexual mishaps, and too much tequila…”
Calaimty Rayne: Gets a Life by @ is a riot! This book had me cracking up with the first chapter and never let up! Calamity needs to be my best friend. The girl doodles d*cks! I have never connected with anyone more in my life🤪.

Ok seriously, this was a very funny and also heart warming rom com that I devoured in a day. Calamity is a wonderful character who might be slightly awkward and out of her element working as a personal assistant for a very wealth family, but she owns it! Perfect book to curl up with and escape the frigid temperatures outside. Loved that the story had some depth as well as romance and spice. Bummer that the book ended on a cliffhanger and I now need book 2 😫.

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I had hopes for this book.

The heroine was a thirty year old woman who acted like a child, enough said. Oh and of course the hero was some type of sex god who was the first to make the heroine feel some type of way during sex.

I didn’t know this wasn’t a standalone when I started reading but that doesn’t matter much now since I didn’t even finish the first one.

I thought this book was going to be a light-hearted romcom but it definitely was not. Disappointed by this book.

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This book make me happy, i laugh at her awkward and her way. Somehow i can relate how lost she is. Rayne in her 30 feel lost and without direction. In her birthday she wish something change and then oppurtunity came. New job lead to new love.

Rayne dosnt understand why people ao crazy about sex, she not find it eart shatering like people tell. It is because she not yet meet Hale. Hale is the first man who make Rayne overwhelmed with his present,first man to bring any level of pleasure worth mentioning, he was also the first man to make love .Rayne and Hale was so intens, almost twenty chapters i just realise that they relationship was very new (a week!). Beside the drama i really enjoy living in Rayne head. Lol.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#CalamityRayneGetsALife #LydiaMichaels #ValentinePR #ValentinePRLiteraryManagement #NetGalley

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I loved this book! It pulled me in super fast. The characters were amazing. I love how Rayne is a strong and quirky person she really shows her emotions. When she starts working as a rich man assistant she really steps up to the job and starts being able to do other tasks for him. while working for Remington she starts having feeling for his son, Hale, who is Raynes complete opposite. They form such a wonderful weird connection. The plot twist in this book made my jaw drop. It was such a cute book I cannot wait to read the next one.

Thank you to Netgalley for sending me this book.

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Fun, whitty, easy read!
This book hooked me from the cover and I really enjoyed reading it. If you want a nice chill book, that'll take your mind off everyday life, this is a good choice!

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3.5/5 starts

All around funny and lighthearted book. It was heartwarming to watch Rayne and Hales relationship grow and evolve as the book went on. I loved the writing there were parts of the book that I was laughing and smirking to myself.

I really enjoyed how as the book went on she stayed her quirky and awkward self but she matured and grew more confident as the book went on.

The comedy of errors was almost a little too much for me, I felt at times it was really pushing the “funny” onto the reader.

Warning there is a cliff hanger but the second book is out so you can go and read that right away!

Thank you NetGalley for gifting me a copy of this book in turn for my honest opinion.

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First 2/3 of book 5/5: Hilarioussssss! Absolutely adore the writing style it's so fun funny and fresh! This book was an absolute joy to read I didn't want it to end! Haven't had so much fun reading a new book in a long time. I was LOLing from the second page on and every couple of pages after that! Really love what a fun relatable hot mess Rayne is! The ducklings scene swoon swoon swoon. Hale is seriously a dream boat.

Final 1/3 of book: 2/5: how is this the same book??? Everything changes and I'm not loving this. It's literally like it's a completely book and writer I'm so confused how it does 180.

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One crazy thing after another, that's Calamity Rayne in a nutshell, she's just turned thirty, has been waitressing at the same place since high school, and see's everyone she knows and cares about moving forward full steam ahead with their lives.

So what's she going to do about it? Use every connection she and all of her friends have to get an interview to be the new personal assistant to a billionaire healing from more than a heart attack and broken foot.

Hale Davenport is the son of one of the wealthiest men in the world and he knows it, he spends every day trying to live up to his father while making better choices for himself and everyone around him.

One choice, in particular, makes the last quarter of this book something I just couldn't put down. From parties to properties to soft and fuzzy lambs, there's more than one side to Hale and all of them are exactly what Rayne needs.

With Calamity Rayne on the job you never know what's going to happen in the kitchen, the boardroom, or her bedroom but one thing is for sure, I need more Rayne and Hale in my life, and will be counting down the seconds until I can get my hands on the second book in this series.

Witty and entertaining, we have what feels like a perfect storm of good and bad that makes you wonder about how often one phone call with a stranger can completely change your life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Valentine PR & Literary Management for providing a copy of this ebook, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Calamity Rayne Gets a Life is such a cute read. I really enjoyed this one. Rayne is a bit of unfocused and a little bit of a mess. I love how as she's working as a personal assistant to Remington that she really starts to grow and shine. I love her spark and energy when it comes to working with Remington. You feel the chemistry build when it comes to Hale, Remington's son and the banter is just fantastic. This was such a fun read and I could not put it down. I cannot wait for more of the Calamity Rayne series to come. You will just fall hard for this one as you giggle along the way. Go one click this one now.

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The best part of this heart-warming story was the giggle-worthy humor! I laughed out loud all throughout Calamity’s hilarious inner monologue and verbal diarrhea. I also really enjoyed seeing Rayne’s growth as she worked through her insecurities and sexual inexperience. Hale is Calamity’s exact opposite, which worked so, so well in this hilarious rom-com and am looking forward to the next chapter in their story.

Thank you NetGalley and Valentine PR & Literary Management for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Rayne has trouble committing to things, but she's all in for an adventure working as an assistant to a billionaire. Yes it's far fetched she'd even make the cut, but work with us here, it's a book not real life. When are you even going to pass a billionaire on the street? So, it's a fun read where you get a glimpse into the lives of the rich and see that we're all a dysfunctional mess. And Hale may be too good to be true, but damn he's yummy.

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SPOILER ALERT; this review contains a few details about the plot.

To be fair, I did know this wasn’t a standalone, but it definitely should’ve been. I thought the second book would be like some sort of “next adventure” with new drama or even a long version of an epilogue, but it seems to be almost 400 pages of unnecessary drama due to the poorly developed plot in the first one. I was having quite a lot of fun with Rayne’s sense of humor and the good pacing of the story, and then things got bad towards the end. Suddenly the male lead started acting extra territorial, demanding things that were already settled between them, and Rayne’s actions related to her abandonment issues became a nuisance to him. While his mood swings and trust issues related to previous relationships were supposed to be her responsibility and accepted without question.
The book could simply be a little longer in order to wrap up the main drama, but the author pressed their issues too much in an attempt to layer the characters, but most of those situations had no closure and leaving all of it to be resolved in the sequel just doesn’t do it for me.

Thanks to Valentine PR & Literary Management and NetGalley for providing this edition in exchange for an honest review.

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