Member Reviews

What a unique read. Skillful writing and kept me on my toes. It’s slow, but the author does an amazing job of world building so it’s necessary. I don’t usually do scary or dystopian because I read as an escape, but I was intrigued by the premise of the book. The parallels between this post apocalyptic world and depression are very obvious. I don’t regret reading it, but it did take me longer than normal to complete it for that reason and I likely won’t read another for a while.

I received an advanced digital copy of this book, courtesy of the publisher, via NetGalley.

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Big thank you to Netgalley, Edward J Cembal, and Lovecraft Press for allowing me to read and review this book as an ARC! I was first drawn in by its gorgeous cover, then the description of this book; it's pretty fast-paced, which I appreciated, with a really unique plot. I was drawn in by the beginning of the book and enjoyed its commentary on mental health and our own "monsters". This book is quite descriptive with some graphic content, so definitely be aware of that before starting. I'd classify this as a dystopian horror novel with a twist of sci-fi thrown in. If the synopsis sounds up your alley, I'd recommend checking it out.

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Fabulous read. Fast paced with gut wrenching, edge of your seat, "gota know whats next" feeling. Likeable characters while there's always one you can't wait to see if they die.. overall, good creepy read.

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The Monsters in Our Shadows by Edward J Cembal
A century after the human race has almost been completely eliminated, the city of Atlas still stands. People are afflicted with "Shivers", odd monsters that stalk them over time, and eventually eat them. Anthem is the city Exhilist, shepherding people out of Atlas when the time has come for them to be eaten by their Shivers. Anthem has been trying to gather information about the Shivers during his exiles, as his own time is running out.
This book has a unique and interesting premise, and the author does a great job of creating a very bleak future and instilling dread. The story started off slow, but then the pacing picked up about halfway through. There were definitely deeper themes beneath the surface, but at times it was a little corny. There were some plot holes that irked me that can't be discussed without spoiling some of the twists. Overall, I liked this book but didn't love it.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book

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I received an ARC copy of this book, this is an honest review.

I went into this book knowing a little bit about it, but I did not know the actual plot line and wow... When Shivers devour people when it is their time to die, its tragic and gripping and sad.. but when they come after one of your own... the stakes are higher. This book wont disappoint and I will be very surprised if it is not one of the finalists for Goodreads choice awards this year!

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As someone who is not much into science fiction, this was an interesting story. Parts of it seemed dragged out and unnecessary, but overall, it was a good story. The morality and religious undertones were intriguing to consider. This book was much deeper than just the basic plot line. It’s one to truly make you think.

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Wonderful story, creative plot- like nothing I’ve read before. Dystopian, post-apocalyptic, it was well written and moved at a steady pace. Thanks #NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Monsters in our Shadows by Edward J Cembal came as something of a surprise to me. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it, with me being no real fan of horror or suspense. What I found was a thoughtful, fast-paced, well-written, engaging story of love and death and defiance.
I'm never one for spoilers or descriptions in my reviews, but suffice it to say that if you're interested in thrilling reads with dark, fantastic themes, I don't see how you wouldn't enjoy The Monsters in our Shadows. It's a book I'd keep in my store and recommend without hesitation.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review of the book.

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I have wanted to read this book due to its cover because it was dark, creepy, and assumed to be a Rorschach test to test psychological perceptions. This novel is written is well and fast paced. It depicts the monsters that really resides within us, including our shadows. I love a future based sci-fi horror and this one did it for me!

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this ARC!

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I received this eARC from Netgalley. This in no way impacts my honest review.

The pacing in this was mostly fast [imo]. There were some places it was a little slow/medium [like the very beginning, but overall I would categorize this as fast.
There were SO many things that happened that I did not expect and I really appreciated that!
I LOVE horror or anything creepy so this book was 100% in my lane and everything about it was just *chef's kiss* on point for me.
The writing was phenomenal. I highlighted so many sections in my eARC that were just beautifully written, impactful or both.
The beginning, as I mentioned did start a bit slow, but eventually, it did pick up.
There were times when the MC annoyed me, but that was really more of a me problem than a story problem.

Y'all - this is currently my #1 read of the year. I can't give it my 5-star rating because I want that to be for the really special books but this is damn close. I really enjoyed this book and will be immediately preordering my copy & recommending it to all my friends.

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I don't normally read alot of Sci Fi fiction but this was a wonderfully action packed and fast paced read! There never seemed to be a slow or dull moment and this book kept me on the edge of my seat. I would definitely read more from this author in the future!

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An action packed adventure in an apocalyptic world filled with horror. Adult themes and weaved with messages for managing your nightmares. I loved it on so many levels…

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy of The Monsters in Our Shadows before its release! Some spoilers may filter in below, so read this review with care!

Going into this book, I wasn't sure what to expect except that it was a horror book, and the cover gave quite a bit of promise of what goes bump in the night. Believe me -- this delivers, in such a spectacular way.

The Shivers as an allegory for mental illness in all its destructive and horrifying nature is well written, and though sometimes it feels like the author is trying to hammer home his message on how to "treat" (or survive with, rather) mental illness, I still appreciated the message behind the story. Beyond the allegories written within this book, it's a genuinely good, scary story.

Anthem's inner turmoil as the adventure he goes on seems bleak and hopeless really hits home, only to highlight the relief of finding a light at the end of the tunnel, is wonderfully written and honest in how it shows Anthem's growth and development through the adventure. The betrayal that strikes him down, only to be lifted by a new ally who shows him a way to survive with his Monster absolutely reminded me of my own struggles with mental illness and the depths of depression that can precede the brighter spots in my life.

This is a fast paced read, and I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend picking this up when it comes out if you're a fan of horror stories, a hero fighting for what seems like an impossible achievement, and the light that waits at the end of a long dark tunnel of depression and hopelessness.

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A story where our shadows are the enemy and our minds might be even worse. The people of Atlas have survived the unimaginable but just barely. All of them are waiting around at the drop of a hat to be next. That's where our MC Anthem comes in. This story was such a refreshing and original take on the usual dystopian post-apocalyptic genre. I didn't want to put it down and when I had to I was immediately ready to go pick it back up. It's fast-paced and action-packed in the best of ways and you really are taken along for the ride with Anthem as he has to decide within himself whether his morals outweigh the easy choices everyone else wants to make. The simplicity of the twists and turns the author gives us only adds to our story. I can't wait to reread this book once it's released.

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I am blown away by this debut novel by Edward Cembal. It was such an amazing, fast paced speculative fiction novel.

High level this is a dystopian horror sci-fi speculative fiction. It follows Anthem an excilist for the last city on earth Anthem. The world has ended after the great consumption, when these shadow creatures appeared.

For some reason random people are afflicted and have a shadow monster following them until it finally has to feed (eat the person). This is where Anthem plays a role and helps others reach the next stage of life and essentially exiled to what's known as the dead lands. This story sets up with this information and then Anthem is later sent on a mission to find more medicine to help the inflicted.

From the very beginning of this book it had me captured and I couldn't wait to see where it went next. It never really let up or had slow spots. This book is uncomfortable and graphic with the monsters at times but I was there for it. It's tastefully done.

Beyond this being a monster dystopian book the core of this book is a take and look into mental illness. How we can feel like we are being devoured by anxiety, depression, stress etc and that there is no way out, for some of us this is something that will always be there and have to know how to cope with it. Keep it in check before it's too late.

My favorite phrase that came up multiple times in this book was "the other side of what you're going thru could be one step away. Take the step. Keep going."

I would highly recommend this book to at fans of horror, dystopian or sci fi. It's so well done and I look forward to what Cembal does next,

Thank you to NetGalley and Edward Cembal for this advance reader copy. My review is voluntarily my own.

I will be posting my review on my Instagram page the.Floofs.booknook and retail sites on or near publication date

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What a unique read! I really liked the creativity of the plot and the entire book is really well written. I did find the book to be a tad slow because of the extensive world building but that didn’t really take away from my reading experience. If you’re looking for a one of a kind Dystopian novel, I would definitely recommend The Monsters in Our Shadows

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Civilisation has collapsed. The last city, Atlas, is all that remains of the human race after "the consumption". The soil is barren, insects becoming the main food source as everything else has died out. The dwindling population lives in denial of the monsters that haunt their very existence, that feed on their fears and insecurities, growing in the shadows. Always keep smiling, do not look at them, do not acknowledge them, let no one see your fear lest the Reaper Exile you to the Deadlands.

In the city at the end of the world, the remnants of humanity are afflicted by monsters called Shiver’s, things that grow from our shadows, ever hungry, waiting for the moment to devour their host. A drug called Felixodine keeps them at bay for a while, till the inevitable happens. That’s where Anthem comes in. Anthem is Atlas’s Exilist, known and hated by the rest of the population as The Reaper. It’s his job to be there when the afflicted’s time comes, and ensure a painless end. Pamphlets tell the citizens of Atlas of a world outside the walls, where the afflicted can live in peace, their monsters untethered - the pamphlets are a lie and ignorance is bliss. But Anthem seeks the truth. Why is it that we are plagued with these monsters, can life truly not survive outside the walls of Atlas, and is there a way to defeat the Shivers and kill them once and for all?

Edward J Cembal’s debut novel, The Monster in our Shadows is an incredible piece of speculative fiction. From the very first page I was on the edge of my seat, what fresh new hell was Anthem going to face next? Cembal’s quite masterfully weaves together dystopian, horror and science fiction and asks us to dig deep down and confront the monsters that terrorise the darkest recesses of our minds: depression, anxiety, paranoia, loneliness, amongst many others. The society of Atlas is teetering on the edge of destruction, where admitting the existence of any of those feelings means expulsion from the civilised world.

The Monsters in Our Shadows is a powerful commentary on mental illness. Along Anthem’s journey to discover the truth, he wrestles with his own monsters, both literal and metaphorical. Just like the Shiver’s, when we refuse to acknowledge the darker parts of our mind, the shadows grow and fester till the darkness consumes us from the inside out.

A skilfully written and powerful allegory that will keep you ravenous for more till the very last page. I cannot recommend this book enough, please, I urge you, preorder this book (from your local independent bookstore), gift it to a friend, suggest it to your bookclub!

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The Monsters in our Shadows is a post apocalyptic world where people are haunted and eaten alive by their own personal demons, and once finished with their choice person, eventually turn on every living thing in sight. It's Anthem's job to take these people out from within the city's walls to protect the population which is not afflicted. It's a dangerous job and there is no cure to rid oneself of their parasitic monster. Once your Shiver shows up, you're time is limited. At face value and taken literally, it's a creepy story and I was startled and grossed out at several scenes. The book does a good job at capturing terror and hope all at the same time. Taken metaphorically, I think it's an interesting concept that traumatic events in our lives can devour us or--when shared-- even make us stronger as a group. Tragedy can bond people together, and I think often times, the strongest people are those who are able to overcome the struggles they face. There's also a message that you can't really ignore the bad things; sometimes hiding the pain does more damage. I really enjoyed Anthem and how he was compassionate and seemed to be the only person actively looking for a way to save people from such a grisly death as awaited them. He was a fighter and I loved his relationship with his daughter and how she really was the driving force that kept him going, but she also wasn't the only reason. Anthem is just genuinely a good guy, albeit quite cynical at times. (How could he not be, though?)

The writing is pretty great and believable and I think if you're a fan of creepy monsters and dystopian societies, this might absolutely be up your alley. One thing that I found bothersome was parts of the dialogue that just sometimes didn't feel authentic. Like how Melody, Anthem's daughter is often baby-fied. That's not much of a negative though because it didn't ever distract me enough that I lost my flow of reading. It's just a minor thing which could even be chalked up to personal taste.

Ultimately, I'm really happy that Netgalley provided me with an ARC to read and review. This is an easy four star review from me and I can't wait to see more from this author.

Thanks again, Netgalley.

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Atlas is the last city left, and within it people live in fear of the Shivers - monsters who lurk in a person’s shadow and eventually devour them. Anthem is an Exilist, the man tasked with taking those poor souls outside the city’s wall before they get eaten and their Shiver escapes into Atlas. Anthem knows his own end is coming soon and in seeking out a way to stop the Shivers, he ends up on the wrong side of the wall.

This dystopian story is done perfectly, it is fast paced and crafted to keep the reader engaged and excited to continue. I love finding this type of book, where a debut author has done so well that I just want more and more from them. This is absolutely a book worth picking up!

Note: ARC kindly provided in exchange for honest review.
5 stars

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I actually liked this book wayyyyy more than I thought I was going to! I don’t even know where to begin! Sci Fi horror types of books are real hit or miss for me, but this nailed it. The descriptions of the shivers was horrifying and amazing. The post-apocalyptic meets zombie apocalypse vibe kept me wanting to know more about what lives outside the wall. There were so many different elements and all of them were executed perfectly. I felt like I was living through Anthem and experiencing all the horrors and beauties of the world through him. I caught on to the link to depression very early on, but it worked flawlessly with this story and was such an amazing metaphor for the mental health struggles that many face. That depression can often feel like a monster that is slowly consuming you until there is nothing left. I truly can’t say enough good things about this book. Thank you to NetGalley for sending me this ARC, it will be available on February 28th please please read it.

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