Member Reviews

A tender and illuminating book about holistic health and healing. Not your typical "no pain no gain" approach, but a gentle invitation to journey with God as you seek Him first, even above and beyond your pain and goals for your body.

This book gave me what I didn't know I needed. When thinking about a wellness book, I go immediately to my physical body. That is a big part of the book but on a much deeper level. Keeton looks at the spiritual foundation of who we are for wellness and how it ties to our physical bodies. She also addresses our history to bring readers to a place of healing and freedom spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
My favorite part was the extras provided at the end of each chapter. Using the audio components takes the book from something you read to something that changes you in the best way.

The Body Revelation is a great book for someone who is looking for a health and wellness book written from a Christian perspective. Alisa Keeton does a really good job connecting a persons fitness journey to pain in their past that could be hindering their journey. Each chapter provides an opportunity for the reader to self-reflect by providing questions on the mind/body/spirit connection. I really appreciated how real and transparent the author was about her own journey. In addition to great information throughout the book that is Bible-based, the author also provides helpful links to workouts and a food journal template.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

The Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton is a life changing book! If you feel like you've done all the things and still feel stuck with dis-ease and discomfort in your body, this book will help you break through those chains and find FREEDOM!
Highly recommend you look for a Revelation Wellness Instructor to help walk you through the book! It's always better in community!

The Body Revelation: Physical and Spiritual Practices to Metabolize Pain, Banish Shame, and Connect to God with Your Whole Self by Alisa Keeton is a life giving, shame freeing, whole body redemption book. It is a powerful look at how deep Christ’s redemptive work goes, to the deepest hurts we carry. Pick up this book— I can’t think of anyone who would not benefit from this life changing book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

The Body Revelation: Physical and Spiritual Practices to Metabolize Pain, Banish Shame, and Connect to God with Your Whole Self by Alisa Keeton is written with authority and conviction. Keeton quotes Scripture and does not tickle the ears of her readers. The author boldly tells readers her opinions on the journey to wellness. She writes, “Instead of hating what we see in the mirror, we can begin to celebrate and bless what we see. We can move from counting calories to counting our blessings; from weighing our bodies to weighing our hearts.”
This book is well-researched with quotes from scientifically written medical research and articles. She digs for facts related to her keynote message. Keeton also quotes her conversations with Jesus, such as: “I woke up, took a deep breath, and exhaled, “Jesus, help.” Then these words rose in my spirit: Alisa, don’t you know it’s the job of My Holy Spirit to help you eat adversity for breakfast and poop joy by lunch?”
This book references the Message Translation and The Passion Translation. I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and purchased a copy of the book for my library.

Alisa Keeton, the author of this book, is the founder of a Christian fitness program Revelation Wellness. This book is a well-researched look at the mind/body/spirit connection. This is a fitness and wellness book written from a Christian perspective to help the reader heal from physical and emotional pain. Each chapter includes self-assessment questions for the reader to answer as well as a prayer. The most useful part may be links to the author's website that give workouts and meditations to go along with the theme of each chapter.
This could be a helpful book to those who are struggling with their health and want to use both fitness and the Bible to help them heal. As a Christian and as a nutrition professional, I found this book to be a good addition to the literature.