Member Reviews

Loved this book! The comfort of a predictable HEA grabbed me from the start. I love when an author writes companion books. This was a funny follow-up to The Soulmate Equation from the dynamic Christina Lauren duo. Fizzy's character was amazing from the start. I loved her internal dialogue and her banter was great. Connor is almost every girls fictional crush. Who doesn't love an accent? I loved every single page of this book - full of banter and some spicy moments, what more could you ask for? This was a great book to start off my summer reading.

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Christina Lauren IS romance books to me. They write such adorable and fun romances and this book is a great example of their ability to write hot, funny characters with great chemistry.

Not only do we get a fun glimpse of Jess, River, and Juno, but we get the adorableness of Connor Price and his daughter. I love a single dad romance and loved his relationship with both his daughter and his ex-wife.

But the highlight was Fizzy. She was hysterically funny on every page. I am always down for a reality TV premise and this book did it well, balancing the show with the true relationship happening behind the scenes.

A fun and flirty read!

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What a frothy little palate cleanser! Admittedly romance isn't my go-to genre, but I absolutely devoured THE TRUE LOVE EXPERIMENT by Christina Lauren. I love the way the authors developed the characters fully and I couldn't help but root for them despite their flaws. The dialogue came across as genuine and it didn't feel cheesy or distracting to me. I picked this up as we were transitioning from spring to summer and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. This was my first book by Christina Lauren and it certainly won't be my last.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic ARC in exchange for an honest review

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What can I say about 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧 that hasn't already been said? Fizzy is my new favorite MC and this is my new favorite Christina Lauren book. Just read it already.

Thanks to Gallery Books for the copy to review.

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I loved this book! I thought that it was a super fun read and I loved all of the characters. I couldn’t predict the ending, either, which is always impressive with a rom com!

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The True Love Experiment is the sister novel to The Soulmate Equation, following Jess' best friend, Felicity "Fizzy" Chen, as she lands herself on a reality tv show in the hopes of finding love. The True Love Experiment was funny, well written, and a much stronger addition to the pair.

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This duo knows how to write engaging romantic comedies that make you fall in love with the characters as much as the characters themselves fall in love. What I love about Christina Lauren's books is the relatable feelings of Fizzy. Sure, we may not relate to the reality tv scenario, but the will she/won't see back and forth is chef's kiss. And Connor is just a well-rounded character. Definitely a recommended read to my loyal romance patrons.

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This was my favorite Christina Lauren book to date. Lots of fun characters, and a swoony love story that I really enjoyed. I like that this is a woman who gets pigeon-holed as one thing, but is recognized for being so much more. She's paired with a man who she initially pigeon-holes... who is also so much more. They were both delightful, and their chemistry had real zing. It may have been predictable (I mean, beyond the obvious that we know they will end up happily ever after) but I still kept wondering how the authors would pull it off. :But they did! I'm not a romance reality TV watcher or K-Pop fan... but neither inhibited my enthusiasm. A great summer read!

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THanks Netgalley for the digital ARC!

I enjoyed this book, loved seeing characters from the Soulmate Equation.

Def would reccomend to a friend!

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I really enjoyed this book!! I want to be friends with Fizzy!! She is funny, sassy, down to earth..... real. My favorite Christine Lauren character! The True Love Experiment had the right amount of spice! love it

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Fizzy’s a wildly successful romance author who has no success in her own romantic life. Connor’s a documentarian who’s been assigned to produce a reality show so that his company can stay profitable and relevant. Connor conceives of an idea for a dating show and asks Fizzy to be on it as the single looking for her soulmate. She agrees only after he caves in to her outrageous demands. During filming, the two who initially didn’t jibe, become closer because Fizzy insists that the always serious Connor learn how to have fun. And they fall for each other which is inconvenient since she’s the star of the dating show he’s producing.

It’s entertaining, and one where romance itself is the heroine. Connor starts out skeptical of the genre but soon learns of its reach. I liked his character as someone with a steadfast work ethic adapting to his new circumstances, and sticking to his principles.

I had a harder time with Fizzy, partly because I didn’t read 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗘𝗾𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 where she was introduced. I love her confidence, and straightforwardness, but she’s also a steamroller. She consistently pushes for a physical relationship even though it’s a no no, and he’s told her it could be detrimental to his career. Even after she promises to behave she recklessly crosses that boundary. It seems it only matters what she can say or do while disregarding the ramifications for others. Connor’s not innocent, either. He gives in because he wants to. Only towards the end when another crisis arises does she concede there’s more at stake for him than for her. They’re adults and have to deal with the consequences.

I still loved their chemistry and the fun they had together. The spice was full on and well done. Christina Lauren fans should all be happy with their latest!

Thanks to @netgalley & @gallerybooks for my ARC.

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This book brought me back to the days when I first started reading Christina Lauren books. I was hooked from the very beginning and devoured it in one sitting. It encompassed a lot of my favorite tropes combined with the high stakes of romance with a reality tv show.

I love having one of my favorite secondary characters from a previous book come forward with their own romance. Felicity or Fizzy, was one of my favorite characters from The Soulmate Equation. And she's now one of my favorite MC's by this author duo.

I think this book started off really strong with Fizzy's narration. Her frustration and doubt, setting the scene with her writer's block. Wondering if she, as a romance author, will ever experience the love that she writes about. Although it did start off strong and I immediately felt attached to Felicity's story. It took me a little bit longer to come on board for Conner. I'm not usually a fan of a male character that comes off mean and never has to atone or explain his harshness or behavior at any point. Once I was able to get over Connor's prickliness I was really able to enjoy their romance unfold.

Forced proximity is one of my favorite tropes so if you add that with workplace romance, a witty and funny fmc, a single dad, and a dash of spice, you get the perfect cocktail. These characters had really great chemistry and banter. I found myself laughing more often than not.

Overall, this was just a really fun and enjoyable romance that I've come to expect from this author duo.

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I loved Fizzy in The Soulmate Equation, and I loved her even more in The True Love Experiment. Moving from best friend to heroine in this novel, romance author Fizzy Chen is invited to participate in a reality dating show where the heroes are based on romance hero archetypes. Fizzy has lost her writing mojo and also her belief in true love, so she agrees. Enter Connor Prince III, buttoned up producer of the show and single dad. As a condition of her agreement to do the sow, Connor and Fizzy must spend time together to "find joy" in the weeks before the show starts. This works a little too well as Fizzy and Connor both catch feelings.

It was fun to be back in this world again. I've read a lot of Christina Lauren's books, and this is up there with my favorites. It felt like a love letter to romance fans, and I am here for it!

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I liked the switch up of the man wanting something serious and the woman only wanting a fling. Women shouldn't be shamed for that, so points to Christina Lauren for that. I loved Fizzy in Jess and River's book, so I knew her book was going to be a trip and a treat. It did not disappoint. Connor came in with the accent and he understood Fizzy from the beginning and that's all she had been looking for in a partner. Prior to filming a dating show were Fizzy is the star and Connor is the producers, they bonded during their "joy excursions". We all know these excursions were actually dates, and I loved seeing their personalities come to life during these outings. Overall, super good book and I loved the character development. Ends with an HEA!

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Fun, sexy, and smart, The True Love Experiment was a wonderful romantic ride. Fizzy is absolutely amazing. She's confident, intelligent, full off life, and makes no apologies. Connor is tall, dark and handsome, driven, and devoted. Together the two have bucket loads of chemistry. An added bonus is that both characters are in their later thirties, and Connor is a dad. The scenes with his daughter Stevie are fun and heart warming. I adored his co-parenting with ex wife, Natalia, and his recognizing his short falls as a father.

This book has plenty of heat, heart warming moments and laughs. While it can be read alone, I strongly suggest reading The Soulmate Equation. Readers who have read the first book will get a bit more background and will recognize Jess, River, and Juno. Overall, a fun read.

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I loved this book, I loved this book, I loved this book!!! Christina Lauren, you dynamic duo, you always nail it for me!

My heart soared when I found out we would be getting to see Fizzy's quest for her Happily Ever After. I adored her in The Soulmate Equation and to get more of her was perfection! I also loved being able to check on my sweet lovebirds from The Soulmate Equation.

Felicity "Fizzy" Chen is in a slump. For the best selling romance author, writer's block isn't an option. However, when she delivers a commencement speech, something just seems to break for her. Since then, she's been stuck. Enter Connor Prince, who is a bit of a stick in the mud. His career as a filmmaker is being tested, when his company tells him he has to produce a high-rating realty TV show, Connor is absolutely miffed. However, once he meets Fizzy, he can see the show's potential. Fizzy is unlike any woman he has met before, she challenges him.

I loved watching these two bicker, butt heads, laugh, and support one another through the pages of The True Love Experiment. A HUGE thank you to Gallery Books for granting me access to this title. If you are. fan of Christina Lauren, I highly recommend you read this! Just remember, it does have some spoilers for The Soulmate Equation if you don't read them in order!!

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This quickly became my new favorite Christina Lauren book! I loved the plot, the sassy characters, and the writing. It was all perfection to me.

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This book. Ahhhhh. I don’t even know where to begin.

In terms of general audience readability, I would say this book hit it out of the park. Like you couldn’t have a more adorable character than Fizzy (which I already knew from her role as “best friend” in The Soulmate Equation) or a more sturdy and charming love interest than Connor. Predictably, there is some off the charts chemistry and the HEA in the book was amazing. Plus, I love a reality tv plot line. It mixes my two great loves: reading and trash television. So for me, this book was highly anticipated.
I have to acknowledge, though, I had some misgivings. While I enjoyed the plot and the characters very much, there was a message to this book I couldn’t get behind. Love has to be consensual and no matter how much you believe you’re meant to be with someone, I do think it’s problematic to suggest it’s okay not to take the answer you’re given. I won’t say more to avoid spoilers and this isn’t, like, a trigger warning worthy thing, just a note on something that I felt I needed to speak on.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 4/5

I don’t know why I waited so long to read this book! I absolutely loved The Soulmate Equation and my love for The True Love Experiment is no different. In this book, we follow Fizzy, a romance writer with an immense following. Fizzy writes swoon-worthy love stories, but for some reason, hasn’t been able to find her great love. Enter hot Brit and single dad, Connor, who is a documentary filmmaker forced to switch gears and enter into the reality dating stratosphere. After a chance encounter, Connor feels that Fizzy would make the perfect lead for his new show, but he soon finds that he may be getting a bit too close…

I was gifted the audiobook by and let me just say, Connor is SWOON-CITY! I was sucked into this story and didn’t want it to end. I loved seeing Jess, River, and Juno again and enjoyed the tie-ins from The Soulmate Equation. This is definitely a great read for summer!

The True Love Experiment is the sequel to The Soulmate Equation! You don’t need to read the first in order to grasp TTLE, but it definitely provides some great backstory!

Thank you to Christina Lauren, Gallery Books (@gallerybooks), and NetGalley for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Adored this romcom that had me hooked from start to finish. It's 400 pages but I would have read 400 more of colorful Fizzy comments and dreamy Connor. This is my fave from this writing duo, ah!

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