Member Reviews

The True Love Experiment is creative and hilarious and I had so much fun reading it! Every time I put the book down, I immediately started to feel excited about the next time I could get back to it. It was a little steamier than I usually care for, but I loved Fizzy and Connor so much that it didn’t even bother me. This is one of Christina Lauren’s best (if not THE best) and will definitely be a top 5 contender for me this year!

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I haven’t read a lot by Christina Lauren, but this book was so fun and easy to get into! She writes the characters as full well rounded humans and I was so happy with the ending! Can’t wait to recommend this to everyone when it comes out!!!

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Christina Lauren's books are hit or miss for me, sadly with more misses than hits. Once again, I am in the minority because The True Love Experiment missed the mark for me. Unfortunately, I didn't really connect with the characters, although I liked Connor more than Fizzy, who I found to be annoying and immature. The book seemed unnecessarily long - probably because I was so bored with it. I don't typically DNF, but I certainly considered it with this one.

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Fizzy and Connor met all of my Christina Lauren expectations! In fact, this one might be my new favorite novel from the dynamic duo. I loved the banter and romance. This one should be added to everyone's beach bag this summer.

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I absolutely loved and devoured this book. I was a little wary because the main character is a person of color and both authors are white. But I liked that they addressed this at the end of the book. I really enjoyed the relationship between Fizzy and Connor. I wanted maybe a bit more of the smaller moments so you could see them fall in love a bit more. That is my only complaint but I love Christina Lauren! They are great authors and I was pleased with this book.

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I loved The Soulmate Equation so much, and I loved how much it made me think about science and soulmates. I was delighted to see that Christina Lauren wrote another book in this world. And even better, it included my favorite trope: a romance competition. This book grabbed my attention and kept it until I was finished.

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Thank you Netgalley and Gallery Books for my advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

Let me start out by saying that I did not read The Soulmate Equation. I know our main character, Fizzy, was a character in that book as well. I don't feel that I missed anything by picking this one up as a standalone. This is my second book by this duo, The Unhoneymooners, was my first, and I didn't love either.

In the True Love Experiment Fizzy is a well known romance writer agreeing to star on a reality dating show where matches are based on DNA. In my personal life I am not a fan of any reality tv shows, I thought maybe I would feel different reading about them, but apparently not.

As Fizzy prepares for the taping of the show, she finds herself completely drawn to the producer, Connor. I do admit that I enjoyed the banter and flirtation between the two. Fizzy is a very strong female character and I can always appreciate that. And I love that Connor is a guy's guy. And I kind of loved the single dad aspect of this as well.

Overall, it was cute but I didn't seem to really connect with these characters.

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💕 I didn’t know this was a sequel to The Soulmate Equation! Thankfully, this read as a standalone IMO, but I will be going backwards now & reading The Soulmate Equation soon!

💕 This is absolutely my favorite Christina Lauren book to date! I loved it. I felt like the relationship progression was realistic, the characters were genuine, and the dating show premise was very current.

💕 Fizzy is fantastic! I loved how strong & independent she was, but I appreciated that she also had a vulnerable and sometimes insecure side. And Connor… swoon! He’s the ultimate Dad archetype! But he’s also vulnerable and flawed. Fizzy and Connor never felt unrealistic to me. They seemed like people I’d know. I appreciated that.

💕 One thing I really dislike about most romance novels I read is the manufactured third act controversy. While the controversy in this story included its own petulance on Fizzy and Connor’s part IMO, I at least felt like I understood why they behaved the way they did. And I appreciated that they didn’t drag out the situation and quickly talked to one another about it.

💕 The secondary characters were great (particularly River and Jess) and really added value to the story.

💕 I also truly appreciated that Connor and his ex-wife had such a great relationship. Forgiveness is powerful, and it is nice to read about a positive co-parenting and respectful relationship after a breakup.

💕 I’d read another Fizzy/Connor story in a heartbeat. *hint hint*

Thank you @Netgalley and @GalleryBooks for an eARC of this book, which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Absolutely loved it.

I truly loved this story! I enjoyed The Soulmate Equation, and Fizzy was a large part of my enjoyment of that first book. I was so pleased when I learned Fizzy would have her own book!

Felicity "Fizzy" Chen is a well loved romance author who finds herself in a romantic dry spell.

Connor Price III is a documentary film maker who finds his career on the line when he is assigned a dating reality show.

Connor enlists Fizzy to be the focus of the show and ties in the dating app DNAduo as proof of the connection Fizzy will make on the show.

As Connor gets to work, he also gets to know Fizzy. They are both surprised to find how well the get along and enjoy each other's company.

They resist their connection in pursuit of doing the best the can for the show, aptly titled "The True Love Experiment".

Fizzy and Connor are hilarious, sensuous, and destined to be together. Their shenanigans are fun, cute, and spicy!

Fizzy of course also has her best friend Jess to commiserate with, a friendship that I thoroughly enjoyed in the first book as well.

Romance fans will surely love the lively banter, the forbidden love, and exciting love scenes. I highly recommend it!

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I loved this book soooooo much! It was funny, it was touching, and it was hot. Fuzzy has so much joy and I loved that she was unapologetically herself. And Connor is so soon. Also, loved getting the update on River and Jess.

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This was good I enjoyed this book way more than I expected too it was a fun book to read over the weekend

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THE TRUE LOVE EXPERIMENT is everything, it is why rom-com fans adore the duo of Christina Lauren, and why readers are never disappointed by their well-crafted stories and excellent character development. I never read TRUE LOVE HYPOTHESIS but readers absolutely do not need the backstory to immediately fall in love with Fizzy and laugh out loud over her clever quips and hot takes on men. This book was SO MUCH FUN start to finish!!!

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I always love a book written by Christina and Lauren, they always take you on such a fun romance ride! When I pick up a book written by Christina and Lauren I know it’s going to be a cozy romance read, that I can devour in a day! In this book I particularly love the growth of the main character Fizzy, though at a pivotal moment of the novel I wanted to scream at her turn around I knew she had to do some soul searching. This book is perfect for the summer to read relaxing by the pool or beach, overall rating of a 4.5.

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CL are the best writing duo there is. This book was amazing. The soulmate equation still ranks as one of my top books . This is an excellent follow up to the book. River is just as drool worthy in this book. You could read it as a standalone. There is not a ton of app focus. I love the idea of a dating app and a dating reality tv show. The book gave me all the feels.

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I haven't read a romance book that was this joyful all the way through in a while. And a wonderful follow-up to The Soulmate Equation from the dynamic duo of Christina & Lauren. I did not realize just how badly I wanted to read Fizzy's book until she got a story of her own and I could not put it down. There were so many components of this book that I loved. I felt like even though Fizzy and I are very different, I could connect with her. From laughing out loud to crying into tissues, I loved every single page of this story. So memorable and so much more emotional than I thought I was prepared for. This was just...amazing.

Hope you enjoy it too!

And as always Happy Reading!!!

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I am a sucker for Christina Lauren and was ecstatic to get this ARC via Netgalley. Fizzy was a fun side character in The Soulmate Equation (5 stars!!) and I was happy to return to these characters again. This romance was everything you would expect: banter, humor, heart-warming moments, and passion. I was taken in by how deeply these characters were drawn as well. you really feel for Fizzy and just want her to have her moment. Christina Lauren is an automatic-read author for me and this book is another great example of why.

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What an absolute JOY! Such a breath of fresh air to read about romance in this light. The tension was everything I wanted it to be and I could. not. put. it. down. Connor is my new forever book boyfriend.

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Can Fizzy and I be friends? I loved her in Soulmate Equation and more in True Love. She had me giggling throughout this book. & I adored her and Connor’s relationship and how they spoke to each other. I especially enjoyed how honest she was with Connor and how they actually communicated throughout the book. My favorite part was the end of this book. Although I saw it coming it was still so sweet to read! ♥️

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Ok first off, thank you NetGalley and Gallery books for the arc. Now to the good stuff. This book is CRAZY STUPID cute and funny. I LOVE Fizzy (and Connor i guess is a good runner-up). The banter was great and the chemistry was phenomenal. I don’t even know why i act surprised by this rating. Christina Lauren will always knock it out of the park for me.

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I think this will be my last Christina Lauren book. I know many people love them, but they're just not for me. I didn't appreciate the language, in particular using the names of God as cursing. I also felt like this story was quite a bit to lusty for me. I didn't need to be in the bedroom with our couple. And even when they weren't in the bedroom so much of their language about the other was about their body and wanting to have sex.

I was really looking forward to the reality dating show setting, but it ended up not being quite what I expected. I was hoping for a bit more behind the scenes of the show it self or more details about the particular dates or something, but we got very little development of the show itself.

What I did enjoy were the friendships and family of Fizzy and Connor. I loved seeing a glimpse of some of the cultural traditions when Fizzy's brother got married and would have loved more of that. I also liked that Connor and his ex-wife had such a healthy post-divorce relationship. It was nice to see them coparent in a positive way.

Overall this will be a 3 star read for me. I know Christina Lauren have their audience, I just don't think I'm it.

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