Member Reviews

Thank you so much to @gallerybooks for the @netgalley arc of my first five star read of May (and only my second five star of the year so far)! It publishes tomorrow 5/16. Swipe for goodreads synopsis.

This is a standalone sequel/spinoff of THE SOULMATE EQUATION which I’ve also read and loved. You don’t need to read that one first but I’d recommend it to better understand Fizzy and Jess’ relationship and the DNA Duo technology.

I absolutely adored Fizzy (and related to her as a single woman in my 30s) and loved the dialogue in this so much. It’s dual pov and there’s some spice! The love story was just absolutely adorable. I really have no complaints it was a delightful read and got me in my feels in the end. Of course I also enjoyed the San Diego references.

Read if you like any kind of dating reality shows like THE BACHELOR and liked THE SOULMATE EQUATION.

⚠️: mentions of infidelity

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Fizzy Chen is a romance author whose whole world got shaken up by accident, and suddenly she's not to in love with the idea of "love" and is thrown into a terrible tailspin when she tries to get started on a new book, and there's just... nothing. Connor Prince III is a documentary producer whose tiny film studio decides they want to go on a TOTALLY different direction: reality TV. They meet when Connor tries to get Fizzy to be the start of his to-be-developed dating series.

There is never a day when I am able to slow down while reading a Christina Lauren book. They are masters of the art of romance writing, and I love every second of their books. This was no exception. Fizzy is even more of a delight than she was in The Soulmate Equation, and Connor is yummy and thoughtful. I liked the resolution to the TV show situation. I appreciate that the conversation about the way that romance writers get accosted with inappropriate questions about their sectarian experiences and whether their parents approve is so relatable and makes so much sense. The romance is written very sweetly. Well done, ladies, you've 100% done it again.

The ONE thing that I wish was resolved, and wasn't, was how Connor and Fizzy ALMOST get a meet-cute, but they don't because neither approaches each other at the bar, but Connor 100% knows it was Fizzy the whole time... Why wasn't that addressed further?? Phooey.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy via NetGalley in return for sharing my thoughts on this book. Thanks so much to the author and publisher for this opportunity! I loved it!

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I am so glad we got a Fizzy story! It just made me so happy. It's funny, heartfelt and I just want Fizzy and Connor to be real so that I can root for them. it's the perfect summer (or really any time of year) rom-com.

If you love Christina Lauren and/or reality TV dating shows then you will enjoy"The True Love Experiment." Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I think the concept for this book is quite fun. Fizzy has lost her way. Her spark should I say seems to have fizzled out. Which is a problem when you are a romance author. Conner is someone who would rather create shows that help the world then be saddled with producing the networks next big dating reality show, yet that is exactly what he is being asked to do. When Conner and Fizzy cross paths, Conner sees someone who not only has a huge fan base already built, but someone whose personality is large and proud. Together can they pull off making a reality tv show based off a new concept?
I enjoyed this book. It is an easy read. One that will sweep you away for a bit and wrap you up in the building relationship between Fizzy and Conner. Readers will truly enjoy this romantic journey. You have two dynamic characters, and the perfect situation of forbidden love.
Thank you so much to Gallery Books and Netgalley for allowing me to read an advance copy of this title.

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Have you ever been so immersed in a story on Netgalley, that you promptly ordered a hardcopy? I've done this a handful of times, and THE TRUE LOVE EXPERIMENT was a prime example of reading... oh, the first chapter and immediately ordering a copy. I loved THE SOULMATE EQUATION and was thrilled with a focus on Fizzy. The idea of a documentarian and a romance novel, both inspirationally stuck, and brought together in a bizarre twist of fate, made for entertaining reading. THE TRUE LOVE EXPERIMENT is on shelves tomorrow. It can be read as a standalone, but bonus points for reading THE SOULMATE EQUATION, as well.

why my nose was in this book:
i have a love/hate relationship for dating shows, it's a dime-a-dozen these days, so a story about another dating show, would make me hesitant, except for the unique twist of a popular romance novelist as the "bachelorette", if you will dating eight suitors with the widest range of personalities
i was captivated by fizzy's strong personality, her self-deprecating humor that papered over her insecurities, the way that she was so relatable, honest and raw about her struggles in her career made me instantly warm to her
i was drawn into the reality tv process - the candidates with their specifically kooky backstories and characteristics
the hot and cold chemistry and terrible timing of fizzy and connor would usually annoy me, but i kept flipping the pages, needing to know whether they broke the rules, or kept it as professional as they possibly could... while she was "dating" either other guys on the show

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I’m gonna go ahead a declare this my fave book so far of 2023. You can stop reading this review now and just go buy the book bc trust me, it’s fantastic. Then come back, finish reading the review, and tell me how great I am as an influencer (and tell me I’m pretty and funny too #praisekink).

This novel is a gift from the dynamic writing duo @christinalauren to all romance readers and writers. It’s full of everything you want as a romance reader- sexy sexed up sex scenes, tormented yearning, sex positivity, a sassy and witty heroine, a dashing emotionally available hero, loads of validation about the romance book industry, and not ONE miscommunication to be had…thank god bc I like it when my pervy and longing lead characters can actually say what they need and express their feelings to each other like mature adults who have had a ton of therapy.

Fizzy is a romance writer and a floozy- in the best way ever. She hasn’t found “the one”, despite testing most of the peni in the greater San Diego area and now she’s lost her pleasure and smut writing mojo. Connor is a TV producer who is voluntold to produce a reality dating show. He enlists Fizzy as his lead and she joins hoping to get her mojo back, but insists he pick her dates based on a variety of romance hero tropes. Unfort, Fizzy and Connor realize that they are 100% horny (and perfect) for each other, but…the show must go on. So Fizzy goes on dates with all these hot men that Connor has handpicked, while he has to watch like the tortured cuck that he is.

Ugh- I loved this so much it hurt to finish! I wanted to flip it over, spank it, and then read it again. There is so much romance joy to be had in these pages! Fizzy is just a delight- smart, blunt, and a little bit of a wackadoo. Connor was a little more quiet and broody, but also sweet and kind…and SPOILER ALERT: he used both a warm and a cool washcloth to clean up after sexy times. Come on…where did he learn that baller move? He has ruined me for all other book boyfriends. True Love Experiment drops tomorrow- do yourself a favor and read this one!!

Smut- 2.68
Romance- 5 stars
Story- 5 stars
Testing all the peni- 16 stars

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This author duo has been hit or miss for me. I continue to read them as I am always waiting for the next book of theirs to wow me like "The Unhoneymooners." Well, I am so excited to have found it!

I loved everything about The True Love Experiment. Everything. Fizzy was quirky, outspoken, genuine and funny. Conner is sexy, a little too serious, but able to have fun. Their love story with the reality television background was wonderful. All the side characters were so fun, too. Fizzy's best friend relationship with Jess was top notch.

Fizzy and Connor slowly falling in love throughout the show was just so touching and sweet. (and forbidden-gasp!)

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book. I had not read the Soulmate Equation, but it really did not matter overall. I laughed and cried throughout the book. The characters were well written. I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed reading this book. I would highly recommend.

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I loved this book!

If you're looking for a book with:
• single dad
• witty banter
• found family
• friends to lovers
• workplace romance
• laughing out loud moments

Please give this one a shot, you will not be disappointed.

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I would read anything Christina and Lauren put out, hands down. And I want to be Fizzy, I want to adapt her quirky but super lovable personality and have the confidence she does. How does one think up something so good that I continuously can't put down?!

Fizzy is a successful romance author who everyone loves and wants to be, but she is stuck in her own romance department after men have burned her in the past. Connor is a DILF who produces earthy documentaries that he is passionate about. Fizzy and Connor's worlds collide when he is tasked by his company to produce the next hit dating show and he decides to cast Fizzy, everyones beloved romance author, as his lead looking for love. Immediately Connor falls for Fizzy's wild but confident personality and recognizes that he likes being near her when she convinces him to search for JOY in life while getting to know her to produce the show. While I thought the book was predictable in knowing at the end they were going to fall and love and be together, I was entranced in their love story and struggle to figure out how to get beyond producer and show lead. Their chemistry was off the pages and was so easy to imagine on the big screens and in real life. The book itself and the words from the authors jumped off the pages and brought you to a whole other world where you could imagine the characters interactions in real life and yourself watching the show. I cannot say enough good words about this book and the authors. I love how they took the best friend character from another of their beloved books and turned her into the star. Seriously, go read this book and fall in love like I did while flipping the pages! 5 stars because I loved it so much!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book thanks to Christina and Lauren, Gallery Books, and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Felicity "Fizzy" Chen may have an incredible career as a romance author with several bestselling books under her belt and an audience just itching for her next release, but she's lost. It isn't until she's invited to give a commencement speech when she realizes that she hasn't been practicing what she's preached - she's never been in love, never had that all-encompassing can't-live-without-him moment with any guy that's come her way. So when Connor Prince, a documentary filmmaker and single father, is forced to create a reality T.V. dating show to keep his job and stay close to his daughter, he approaches Fizzy with the chance to be its first contestant, because he knows that showing the queen of romance herself falling in love on his show is sure to bring in views. So what does Fizzy do? She turns him down - or more accurately, says no unless he complies with her long list of demands she wrote to scare him off. Well, Connor is determined to keep his job and make the most of this situation so, surprising Fizzy, he agrees to everything. Thus, The True Love Experiment is born, and while Connor and Fizzy take chances on living life leading up to filming and the show's debut, they start to wonder if true love can be in the cards for both of them.

While I wasn't a reader who was itching for Fizzy's story after finishing The Soulmate Equation, now that it's written I'm glad to have picked it up. Something I definitely wanted more from The Soulmate Equation was River's perspective - the entire thing is written in 3rd person from Jess's point of view. But The True Love Experiment delivers with dual POV, so at all times we understand how Fizzy and Connor are feeling. Fizzy is such an interesting character to me because she is nothing like me yet I want to be her best friend - she understands that people may have perceptions about her because she's a romance author, but that doesn't stop her from living her life as truly as possible. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, have a little fun, and try to go after exactly what she thinks she deserves. Then we have Connor, who moved across the country to be closer to his child (co-parenting with his ex wife) and will do anything, including not taking his father up on any offers of support, in order to make sure he doesn't lose his job, including making a reality dating show even though he knows nothing about, and doesn't even like, reality television. And that's clear to Fizzy from the offset, so she makes sure to put him in his place and only accept his offer to be on the show if he vows to take things seriously, because that, being authentic to herself and to her audience, matters. I also loved how Connor's ex wife, Natalie, definitely talks some sense into him after she senses him looking down on romance books and reality television - then later on in the book, when other people express unsavory opinions towards romance books, and Fizzy as an author of them, he comes to her defense almost instantly and understands how bad a take it is because he used to believe it himself. I wasn't sure how I would feel about the pacing, since the actual filming of The True Love Experiment doesn't start until about half-way through, but that first half really built up the chemistry between Connor and Fizzy, and then we see how difficult it is for both of them on set - how Fizzy can't stop looking towards Connor when on camera, and how strained Connor is to see Fizzy connecting with these men, even though he chose them. I loved Fizzy's request to have all the guys fulfill a romance hero trope, and I really appreciated how drama-free the set was - I'd say the only drama present was that Fizzy and Connor couldn't be together during filming due to a contract, while not all of the guys clicked with Fizzy and some had more flaws than others, I was never hoping for someone to be eliminated. I just had so much fun getting to see Fizzy and Connor find love after feeling lost in their lives - I laughed, I cried, and had a great time.

In conclusion, I'm sure fans of The Soulmate Equation are going to love seeing Fizzy find her man, just like in all her own romance novels. Jess and River, and a few other characters, are sure to make their presence known, so while this isn't truly classified as a sequel, I would highly recommend reading their story first. Fizzy and Connor's banter and chemistry lights up the page and their romance is sure to make any reader smile. *Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Gallery Books, for the early copy, all thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for this advanced copy!

No surprise here that this is another 5 star read! Christina Lauren deliver another swoon worthy, JOY FILLED, romance worth binging.

This is everything I like packed into one novel. You are getting a romance author, a sexy Brit pirate DILF, a dating show, and sooooo much sexual tension.

Obvi, you should pick this up tomorrow when it is released!

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4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

I’m one of those readers who fell in love with Fizzy in The Soulmate Equation.   I eagerly jumped at the opportunity to read her book. It was worth it!  Fizzy’s lovable personality shines.  This was a great sequel but can also be read as a standalone. There are some references to the first book that make more sense if you’ve read it.

Romance writer Fizzy has hit a block, not just a writing block but in the area of romance.  At first, she resists Connor's request to star in the dating reality show that he’s being forced to produce.  Fizzy is the type of person who doesn’t hold back her thoughts, Connor, a single dad, has a serious demeanor and usually produces documentaries.  Neither are excited going into the show. A successful show can save Connor’s career and possibly help Fizzy rediscover romance.  Fizzy will agree to the show if Connor follows her requests, which include spending time together before filming.

Honestly, going in I thought I knew what was going to happen.  Yes, some things happen as expected, but there were enough surprises along the way that made this a unique and entertaining read.

First off, the plot was so much fun. The entire premise of the show based on Fizzy’s career as a romance writer and references to tropes was a lot of fun and never came across as cheesy. I enjoyed the behind-the-scenes and all the dating show details. The dating show really came off of the pages visually. 

But, my favorite part was watching Fizzy and Connor’s relationship develop. Their chemistry filled the pages.  I loved the time they spent getting to know each other and of course all of their verbal sparring.  Let me tell you Chapter 50 increased my love for the story so much.

There were times when the pacing felt a little slow for me personally.  Then the last few chapters felt a little quick.  I enjoyed the unique way this writing duo found to creatively share what Fizzy and Connor’s future looked like.  I was left wanting more, I feel like I still needed an epilogue.  Overall this was a fun well-rounded, well-written, steamy romance.

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Absolutely 100% IN LOVE with this book. CoHo is a go to author of mine so when I got accepted for this one I squealed with excitement! I'm so glad that Fizzy got her own book so we could learn more about her and see her get her own HEA! Could not put this one down!!

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Fizzy and Connor are my new favorite couple from Christina Lauren!

Fizzy is a hilarious, delight who you’ll be rooting for the whole time. Beloved romance author who is asked to be the star of a new reality show? Yes! And falls for sincere, sweet producer, Connor? Yes!

This duo is the perfect balance and definitely go on this journey with them!

Oh and you definitely get a bit more Jess and River!

Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read and review.

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Loved this story! So cute and the main character was everything I want in a female main character. The reality television setting was very creative and enjoyable.

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4.5 stars!! Wow I loved Fizzy and Connor so much. Fizzy is everything I want in a FMC. The reality tv setting was unique and SO much fun. 10/10 banter and LOL moments. It was so nice to get glimpses of Jess and River throughout the story. Definitely recommend this one!!

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It's been a few years since I've been this head over heels with a new CLo book but this one....damn. It was SOOOO good. I read it in less than 24 hours as we drove from Michigan to Florida and it truly got me through the middle of the night hours. It made my stomach riotous with butterflies, had me quietly cackling, and most of all, it just made me fall in love all over again with their writing. And honestly? It reminded me how special the world of romance in books and media is and how lucky we are to have authors like this telling these stories. You're DEFINITELY going to want to check out Fizzy's story when it's out.

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I loved it! Fizzy and Conner are such a perfect rom com couple, and I loved their banter and everything about this book. I was immediately hooked and drawn into the story. I absolutely loved how this story was paced. I wasn't so sure I would love this one since I liked, but didn't love The Soulmate Equation. The True Love Experiment was better, which is also super rare for a sequel. Overall, this book only confirmed that Christina Lauren is at the top of their game.

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Thank you to the publisher for the gifted copy.

Fizzy got a book!! I was so thrilled when I found out that CLo's new book would be about Jess's best friend, who was my favorite character in The Soulmate Equation. Fizzy is such a fun and quirky character and she was super fun to read about.

Making a reality show based on River's DNA matching software is a pretty genius idea, and Fizzy was definitely a fun contestant. The chemistry she had with Connor was amazing, and when they FINALLY acted on it - whoa. There were several parts that had me giggling out loud, and the banter was really funny.

I actually enjoyed this book more than the first one, probably because I liked Fizzy and Connor more than Jess and River. It's predictable in the best way, and the ending was great.

4.5 stars

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