Member Reviews

I chose to DNF this book at 45%. I just couldn't get behind Fizzy as an MC and the story wasn't interesting enough for me to look past that. I liked her as a side character, but she wasn't likable enough to be an MC for me. I get that Fizzy is supposed to be unique and outspoken, but to me, she just came across as rude and shallow. I liked Connor and his POV, but I really disliked Fizzy's POV. I'm not a big fan of dating shows, so that wasn't enough of a draw to keep me reading, even though I did think the concept was pretty cool. I especially liked Fizzy's idea to cast LI types from romance books. I'm sure I'll be in the minority, but this one just didn't click for me.

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Another hit for Christina Lauren! A "spinoff" from their successful novel, "The Soulmate Equation," this one centers on Fizzy, the energetic and sassy best friend. She os center stage as she agrees to participate in a reality dating show with a specific scientific bent. But in true CLo fashion, things go haywire along the way, and her loyalty to her own heart is tested.

This one is a great entry into the CLo romance/rom-com/steamy genre. They are truly masters when it comes to writing a fun, fast paced, yet moving story. Their characters have depth and range, and this is ultimately what draws their readers in so quickly and thoroughly. Huge fan!

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If you read the Soulmate Equation then you'll recognize Fizzy, the lead character of this book! She is a romance author who finds herself in a bit of a rut. Her love life has become stagnant and she can't seem to get any words on paper. When she is approached by a producer she thinks he wants to adapt one of her books for a movie but instead, he wants her to be part of a reality dating show where the fans decided who gets eliminated each week. Fizzy type cast Connor as the billionaire executive and initially says no but after further contemplation she agrees but only if he meets her demands. She wants the men on the show to fall into romance novel categories, Navy SEAL, Cinnamon Roll, tattooed bad boy, and even vampire. Connor meets these demands and as the 2 spend more and more time together trying to find joy, their mutual attraction becomes undeniable and despite how hard Fizzy tries to put a label on Connor none of them seem to fit. Getting involved will put the show and Connor's job at risk. They both agree it is a bad idea yet pushing down their feelings for one another becomes harder and harder.

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Fizzy is the ultimate MC. She's hilarious, she's self-aware, she's bold, and she loves so fiercely.

Connor is the ultimate swoon. Tall, dark, handsome, in touch with his emotions, a great parent and coparent.

This book is spicy. It's funny. It's sweet. It's sad. And it's set on the set of a reality TV dating show!

This might be my favorite CLO yet!

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LOOOOOOOOOVED this book! Thank you to Simon & Schuster, Gallery Books & Christina Lauren for the beautiful (and SO fun) package and ARC!

This is Christina Lauren at their best. A bit of a spinoff from Soulmate, this book is centered around Fizzy, a romance writer. We get a glimpse at what romance writers go through creatively as well as the criticism they endure and the pressure they feel to deliver for their readers.

We also have Connor who, in order to save his career, has to produce a reality dating show, even though it’s far from something within his wheelhouse.

This is The Bachelorette + forbidden love + romcom. It’s absolutely hilarious, sweet, steamy, and just so, so good. I’m a Favorite Half-Night diehard, but this might be tied for first in my opinion!

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Snarky, sexy romance novelist Felicity “Fizzy” Chen was one of my favorite secondary characters from Christina Lauren’s novel The Soulmate Equation. She was one of those fabulous characters who stole every scene she was in and so I was thrilled to hear we would be getting her story in The True Love Experiment.

When we meet Fizzy in this book, however, she’s struggling a bit in the love department and it is spilling over into her professional life, giving her major writer’s block. She would do just about anything to give her personal life a much needed kick in the pants so she can meet her publisher’s deadline.

Enter Connor Prince, single dad and producer of nature documentaries. Connor’s boss wants to pivot from documentaries to reality TV and although Connor is not thrilled, he wants to stay with this company since it means he can live in San Diego where his daughter lives and see her more. Connor has been tasked with coming up with an idea for a reality TV dating series and a chance meeting with Fizzy gives him a perfect idea…if she’ll agree to it. Fizzy at first refuses, but then says she’ll do it, if he meets all her demands, including a hilarious list of hero archetypes that Connor must pull from in order to find acceptable dating candidates for Fizzy.

The chemistry between Fizzy and Connor is absolutely off the charts! It was pretty clear from their first meeting but only becomes more intense the more they work together and interact. I loved how hard Connor worked to find dating prospects that he truly thought would be great boyfriends for Fizzy, but then it was so freaking adorable how jealous he got behind the scenes if she actually seemed to like any of them. The reality TV show was also well done and a lot of fun to read about. I also loved that there was a forbidden love element to the story as well since Connor is technically Fizzy’s boss. It really added some juicy layers of sexual tension that kept me turning those pages to see what would happen between them.

I also adored being back in this world and seeing River, Jess, and Juno again. I thought it was an especially nice touch having the DNA technology from The Soulmate Equation play a part in Connor’s show. With my love for the first book and for all of its characters, especially Fizzy, The True Love Experiment was, no surprise, one of my most anticipated reads of the year and I’m thrilled to report it was everything I hoped it would be and more!

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This is one of my favorite Christina Lauren books I've read, and I've read most of them. I really love when storylines intersect, so I was excited to see that the protagonist was Fizzy Chen, a secondary but much beloved character from The Soulmate Equation. She was just as fun as I remembered, and Connor's character was perfect too.

Thank you to the authors, Net Galley, and Gallery for an ARC of this novel.

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If you love reality dating shows, then this books is definitely for you. Christina and Lauren write yet another hit with The True Love Experiment! Fizzy is a romance writer but is having trouble with her writing recently. It may be due to the non-existent love life that she currently has. Connor Price is asked to do something new other than his normal documentaries and is tasked with producing a reality dating show featuring Fizzy. What happens isn't what either of them planned for.

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To begin with, I loved The Soulmate Equation! I was thrilled to read this companion novel with characters that connect back to it.

The True Love Experiment is a fun romantic comedy that follows Fizzy, a romance author trying to get her romance writing mojo back. I loved the banter, the plot, and the cast of characters. It’s a fun read perfect for sitting by the pool or at the beach! Christina Lauren is a romantic wordsmith and her pen delivers the magical touch!

Thank you to NetGalley, Gallery Books, and the author for this digital ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Christina Lauren have done it again! This book is an absolute dream of a romance! Fizzy is maybe my favorite CLo heroine ever, I absolutely loved her and watching her journey. This book felt like a love letter to romance authors and the romance community, with signature CLo humor, heart, and heat. I loved every second of it!

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Simply OBSESSED!!! Probably in my top fave for the year and definitely in my top fave romances of the year. Fizzy is my soul sister -- I loved her immensely. I loved soulmate equation but damn do i love this more! CLo has outdone themselves

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The chemistry! The banter! The 🔥! This one is so fun!!

Felicity Chen is a romance writer who hasn’t found her soulmate. She writes about it, and tells her readers about it, but she’s never been in love. She’s had a slew of encounters, but no love connection. Add insult to injury, she’s got writer’s block.

Connor Prince is a single dad, and a filmmaker who only wants to make documentaries. But in order to make his beloved films, he’s got to produce a reality tv show and turn a profit. From the moment he sees Fizzy Chen, Connor is intrigued. And he wants her for his leading lady. Basing the show on the science her best friend Jess’ husband River Peña developed (The Soulmate Equation) Fizzy agrees.

There were laugh out loud moments, and chapters I couldn’t help smiling through. Fizzy Chen made an appearance in The Soulmate Equation, where she was cute, irreverent, funny and heartwarming, but her personality truly shines in her own story. Jess and River are back, along with Juno who has a new friend, Connor’s daughter, Stevie.

This book is pure Christina Lauren gold, and a love letter to my favourite genre, romance.

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This was a good book, as are most Christina Lauren books. They have the formula nailed down for sure.

I didn’t really like the main character, but that’s on me. I’m not usually a fan of the whole accompanying book with a previous side character as a main character. I didn’t love fizzy in the first book, and so I didn’t love her now. I feel like some of her drama was forced. However, aside from that, it was an objectively good book. Christina & Lauren are good writers.

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I had no idea this book had a character from THE SOULMATE EQUATION and it was such a fun surprise! I have trouble remembering details from books once I finish them, but now that I know I can't believe I forgot Fizzy!

This is such a feel-good cute story. I loved the premise of connecting GeneticAlly from SOULMATE EQUATION to this storyline! River was the most precious character- in and out at all of Fizzy's bold and awkward comment - and he is just such a good book husband to Jess. Jess's and Fizzy's friendship continues to be the best.

Speaking of characters- Fizzy is just crazy. Like totally confident in herself and what she has to offer. So many of her qualities are my own wishes for myself - who has a very different temperament than her 😅. She is the kind of person you want to be friends with. "Fizzy gives that everyone I've met is the most impressive, or interesting, or adventurous, or creative person to have ever lived" is the best kind of person. She is just amazing. One weird detail is that I could not disconnect her name from Ms. Frizzle (Aka Magic School Bus) so I kept picturing crazy red hair and outfits, even though that isn't her at all.

One more small detail was that I really admired Connor and Nat's relationship. Co-parenting with no animosity at all is impressive and their platonic love for each other and their daughter was so evident.

ANYWAYS, a cute little Christina Lauren book that is perfect for light romance readers!

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Thanks to Gallery Books, the author, and NetGalley for the free gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

So in love with the concept of this book, I absolutely loved the reality tv plotline that spiced up a classic office romance trope. I really loved all of the characters in this book it was such a fun and steamy read.

I loved Connor he was such a great male romance lead and had the perfect mix of good traits and flaws. I loved reading this romance it was so fun and just another reason I will always buy and read Christina Lauren's books!

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Okay so The Soulmate Equation is one of my absolute favorite CLo books (even if all the science talk went completely over my head). And since then, I have been DYING waiting for Fizzy’s book.

When I tell you it was worth the wait!!!!

The banter was witty and perfection, which is no surprise since banter is what CLo excels at. I love Fizzy as our heroine, and Connor is just a gushy cinnamon roll I want to eat right up. The chemistry between these two was off the charts, and the spin on a reality dating show was *chef’s kiss*

I can’t wait to hold a physical copy of this one and read it over and over!

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Felicity "Fizzy" Chen's life is falling apart. While giving a college commencement speech, Fizzy realizes that she may write perfect love matches for a living as a romance writer, but she has never been in love her self. Oh, she has a very busy social life, just feelings are never involved.

Connor Frederick Prince III's life is content making environmental documentaries because then he can still live close to his ten year old daughter Stevie, whom he shares with his ex-wife Jessica. When Connor's boss, Blaine wants him to do a dating reality TV show instead of a documentary, he is not happy. After Conner's chance meeting of Fizzy he decides he wants her to star as his reality heroine and comes up with the idea of finding true love for the romance author. Fizzy only agrees after Connor accepts her fun list of demands.

What starts out as something really outrageous, turns into something really exciting. The only problem is that the more time Fizzy and Connor spend together, the more their sparks start to fly. All the while Connor has to watch from the sidelines as the woman he has grown feelings for has to date other men. As Fizzy is trying to find her true love, outside forces may be having a problem with that. After all the dust settles, Fizzy will actually end up finding true love in the one place she never expected.

I just adored this sweet, funny story. Fizzy was such a great character and so full of life. I loved her attitude about everything. Connor was so sweet and straight laced it was enjoyable with the two of them together. You just couldn't help but root for these two. Overall I LOVED this book! I hope they get some little novella in the future because they were so fun.

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The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren
Rating: 5 stars
Steam: 1 chili
Pub Date: 5/16

Now this is what I’m talking about when I say rom-coms are my jam! Christina Lauren can do no wrong, and The True Love Experiment hooked me from the very first page.

The story follows Fizzy, a famous romance author who is struggling with writer's block and has never experienced true love herself. When she is invited to be on a brand new dating show, she never expects to fall head over heels for Connor, a smokeshow single dad and the creator of the show.

The chemistry between these two is simply electric! Fizzy is hilarious, and their witty banter had me giggling out loud. I found myself rooting for them to get together from the very beginning. The writing duo that is Christina Lauren has done an incredible job of building up the tension between them, and when they finally do get together, it's a moment of pure joy that had me grinning from ear to ear.

What I loved most about this book was its perfectly balanced romance, humor, and heart. The characters were all so relatable and likable, and the writing was so engaging that I found myself completely invested in their journey. I also appreciated how the author tackled deeper themes, such as the fear of vulnerability and the importance of taking risks in life.

Overall, I absolutely adored this and gave it an enthusiastic five stars! I laughed, I cried, and I definitely swooned! It left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a fun and contemporary romance with great characters, incredible banter, and a whole lot of heart. Connor is serious book-boyfriend material, and I can’t wait to reread this when my physical copy arrives!

There are a few spoilers for The Soulmate Equation, so just be prepared for that if, like me, you haven’t read it yet. Thank you so much to Gallery Books and NetGalley for my advanced copy to read and review.

Read if you like:
*Single dad
*Reality tv
*Romance author heroine
*Pop culture references
*Forbidden romance
*British accents

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Oh man, what a sweet book. I loved it and it's always hard for me to love a sequel more but I sure did with this one! Fizzy is truly an amazing MC and I was glad to see her back after reading The Soulmate Equation - you'll definitely want to read that one first so you have the backstory of the characters. I loved the reality show aspect and really enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes play out. Connor was a perfect match for Fizzy and I couldn't get enough of their banter. This is definitely up there for favorite rom coms for me!

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Romance novelist Felicity Chen (Fizzy) is in a rut, both romantically and professionally. How can she continue to write happily ever afters when she is starting to wonder if they even exist? Eco-documentary filmmaker Connor Prince III has just been told that in order to increase ratings, he will be producing a reality TV dating show to appeal to the female demographic. He is unenthusiastic about this prospect until he happens to see Fizzy across the room in a crowded bar and later sees her photo in the back of one of his ex-wife’s romance novels. A crazy idea forms, he agrees to Fizzy’s hilarious and outlandish demands, and a reality TV partnership is formed.

The True Love Experiment picks up where The Soulmate Equation left off, so even though this book could be read as a standalone, it will make more sense if readers have read The Soulmate Equation first. As the snappy sidekick in The Soulmate Equation, Fizzy wasn’t all that memorable for me, but as the heroine in The True Love experiment, I found her to be endearing in addition to being witty and quick. My favorite thing about Fizzy was her relationship with the girls (Jess’ daughter, Juno, and Connor’s daughter, Stevie). My only complaint is that Fizzy’s reaction to Connor’s confession toward the end of the book was way too over the top, but the resolution made up for my disgruntlement. Recommended for adults. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Gallery Books, for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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