Member Reviews

I was thrilled when I learned that Fizzy from The Soulmate Equation was getting her own book! You do not technically HAVE to read The Soulmate Equation first to enjoy this story, however if you are planning on reading it, I would recommend reading The Soulmate Equation first to avoid spoilers.

We all knew Fizzy had main character energy, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Fizzy was so much fun to follow in this story. She’s funny, fiery, brutally honest, and unapologetically herself.
Connor was an excellent love interest. Despite having some past issues, Connor was open, genuine, and sensitive. I also appreciated that he was a single Dad, and his relationship with his daughter and ex-wife. I enjoyed the forbidden romance trope and thought these characters had great chemistry on the page. Their flirting and banter was everything!

I was a tad apprehensive about the reality dating show aspect. I’ve read a few books with a reality show component that have fallen way short. The authors did a great job of balancing the reality show with the rest of the plot, however if you are looking for a heavy focus on the reality show, you might be disappointed.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing the ARC.

As a self-professed Christina Lauren stan, I was very excited to see that they were continuing the storyline from The Soulmate Equation with Fizzy. Fizzy was one of my favorite characters from that book and I really wanted to see more of her. However, this book, overall, did not live up to the standard that the first set.

It wasn't because of Fizzy though. I enjoyed her banter and her perspective on life. I loved that she championed romance authors and readers, that she was the best auntie to Jess' child and to Stevie, and that her character grew and understood things about herself. It wasn't even Connor, even though I found him harder to like and just a bit boring. But the plot was really wild for me to get my head around, and it coupled with a leading man who isn't quite as swoonworthy as some of the others that have come out of the minds of Christina Lauren led to a less than satisfying experience.

Is the book poorly written? No, it's still at the same level as the majority of CL books that I absolutely love. Are they characters badly portrayed? Also no, I just didn't jive with the book as much as I wanted. But the book will likely be some people's favorite - just not mine.

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Loved this! Love this writing duo! Fizzy is the hilarious, intelligent, strong woman we love to read about and Connor was her perfect counter balance. Their love story was adorable and what a creative way to write their love story within a reality show setting. Another great love story from Christina Lauren!

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From the first scene of Fizzy giving her speech about finding joy, I knew that The True Love Experiment would be another perfect rom-com from Christian Lauren. Like The Soulmate Equation, TTLE has the perfect blend of chemistry, banter, humor, tenderness, and spice — it is everything romance readers are looking for.

The premise of this novel and tie-in with DNADuo was great and made for a really funny and angsty plot. It moved so quickly, and I did not want to put it down. It was so fun to see Jess and River again. I loved how CLo worked them into the plot without taking away Fizzy and Connor’s story.

Fizzy is such a great character. She is so real and vulnerable, both quirky but also mature. I think so many can relate to her search to reclaim her joy. Connor is also a great rom-com hero — I loved his quiet but intense love for Fizzy. They are the perfect counterparts to one another.

There is also an amazing homage to romance and the “love of love” in TTLE. CLo tied in so many well-known romance troupes. Between Fizzy’s internal dialogue as a romance writer and the reality TV show, it was so joyful and absolutely hilarious.

This book is pure joy; I had so much fun reading it. I would recommend this to romance fans and those who love CLo’s other books. These two authors keep getting better and better.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the eARC.

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Brilliant— ebullient, effervescent, swoony. My favorite romance of the year. When a documentary filmmaker and a romance author team up reluctantly to make a better reality tv dating show, they aren’t supposed to fall for each other but inexorably do.

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Christina Lauren have done it again! Fizzy's story was begging to be told after their last novel, and did they ever do her justice. This book is a fun, thoughtful romp that pays homage to the romance genre. A must read for all HEA fans!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the e-arc!

4.5 ⭐
Fizzy finally got her own book and I am living for it!

The beginning of this book felt very slow. I didn't really like the way Fizzy acted at the start, but I also understood why she was written that way and by the end of the book, I adored her. Her character development was great and I really appreciated how she was herself no matter what happened between her and Connor. I loved Connor from the start. I have a soft spot for a workaholic character and he fits the bill. His relationship with his ex-wife and daughter was great to see and his daughter was adorable.

I loved the premise of the reality dating TV show. Books in the past with the same idea always fell flat to me, but this one did it soooo well. There was enough information about each guy in the show that you were able to follow along, but it didn't linger too long on the little details of each date. The banter between Fizzy and Connor in between the shoots was amazing and was the main reason why I liked the filming scenes so much.

I really felt a connection between Fizzy and Connor and the conflict between them made sense to me, which in other Christina Lauren books was not always the case. All in all, I highly recommend this book.

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MORE Jess, River and Juno?! Finding a love story for Fizzy?! COUNT. ME. IN!! I really enjoyed this one and Connor is a 10/10 (ok, he did have a red flag, but I loved him SO MUCH.)

A few years have passed since Jess and River fell in love through River's new dating app, GeneticAlly, Fizzy gets her own taste of the app and finding love. Fizzy is struggling to write a manuscript, or find someone she is interested in dating. Here comes in my man Connor. Connor is a TV Producer who is picked to come up with a new dating show. Since seeing the sale of GeneticAlly on the news, he figured he should include it. He finds Fizzy and what other person would make a better leading lady?! (Or, maybe there would be since Connor may have caught some feelings.....)

Fizzy and Connor decide to "find joy" before the show begins filming.. and one thing leads to another and.... you'll have to read to find out!!

This one was steamier than my typical read, but not overpowering. Fizzy's wildness and Connor's seriousness are a match made in heaven and I love how it ended. I guess I'm a fan of the reality dating show trope??? Not shocking. A great "seuqel" to The Soulmate Equation!

Thanks to NetGalley and Gallery books for the ARC!

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I adored this book! It was such a fantastic read as I knew it would be as there hasn't been a book by this author duo that I haven't loved!
Fizzy, our female MC was amazing. She's quirky, bubbly and hilarious. I just loved her from start to finish.
The male MC, Connor, was an absolute beaut too. New book boyfriend material? Most definitely! He was such a kind and caring man and the scenes of him with his daughter made my heart melt.
I loved the storyline and the romance was both adorable and HOT. There were some decent smut scenes thrown in there too.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren is one of the best romantic comedies I have read! As soon as I finished, I read The Soulmate Equation, other book set in this world. Go read that one if you haven’t already! Christina Lauren is brilliant when it comes to writing her characters.

Fizzy and Conner made this book great. The chemistry and and banter was perfect and the steam was well written. It was not corny or drawn out.

I normally hate romance books because they all seem to be similar. Fizzy changed that for me.Im paraphrasing, but she makes a comment about the sameness is what brings the reader comfort (or something to that effect). Since reading this, I've become drawn to RomComs when I need something relaxing to read.

So Christina Lauren, if you are reading this, I am now admitting to loving romantic comedies. Thank you!

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This book was so good! This is only the second book by this author duo, and it completely captured my heart. I am so in love with these characters. I cannot wait to see where these two take us next.

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Christina Lauren, you all have done it again!! I didn't think anything could top Jess and River's story but you all did it! Fizzy and Connor were pure perfection. Between their instant attraction, mind blowing chemistry and ease with one another, this story was all I could've ever wanted. I do wish there was an epilogue so we could've seen how their relationship played out a little more in the future, but all in all, so good!!

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It is a light and fun read; but I liked it less than Soulmate Equation. It’s apropos for our times since reality TV/the bachelor is so popular.

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I have found my new favorite Christina Lauren romance. I have enjoyed almost every book I have read by this author duo, but this one stands out as superior. Both the characters and the plotline are mature and believable, which is refreshing.

This is the story of Fizzy, who we first met in <i>The Soulmate Equation</i>, and Conner. Fizzy is a romance author who has lost her desire to date and as a result is struggling to write her next novel. Enter Conner Prince III, television producer and single father. Conner needs a leading lady for a new dating reality show, and he believes Fizzy is the perfect choice. The story follows the two during the filming of the show as they develop a friendship and try to stifle the obvious attraction they have for each other.

The characters make this book shine for me. It is nice to have two main characters that actually communicate openly and are honest throughout about their expectations and feelings. I am usually frustrated by the miscommunication that often permeates romance novels, but there is none of that in this book. It made my heart so happy to watch these adults behave like adults. They are both relatable and likable, and it was a joy to watch their relationship unfold.

The plot of this romance is not entirely unique, but it is well developed and adds a creative twist to the dating show trope. The DNA dating app introduced in <i>The Soulmate Equation</i> is carried over into this companion novel. The use of romance novel stereotypes is entertaining, with Conner having to cast men who fit the hero types such as "cinnamon role," "hot nerd," and "vampire."

I loved the experience of reading this book and highly recommend it to anyone searching for a romance with adult characters who communicate openly and a fun storyline that keeps you engaged throughout. Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the advance review copy.

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I am convinced that people who think romance isn’t the best fictional genre just haven’t read the right Christina Lauren book yet.

The True Love Experiment follows Felicity “Fizzy” Chen who’s feeling lost. Sure, she’s got an amazing career as a beloved romance novelist, but she hasn’t written anything new in ages. Stuck in a rut, Fizzy realises that as much as she’s written about love, she’s never been in it herself. Connor Prince, meanwhile, is a documentary filmmaker and single father who’s happy with where he’s at in life, even if there is no romance to speak of. When his profit-minded boss orders him to create a reality TV show to bring in the big bucks or get fired, Connor is out of his element. Desperate to find a romantic lead that will make the show a success, he finds the perfect solution in Fizzy. What if he could find the queen of romance her soulmate on live television? When Fizzy eventually says yes, and the production of The True Love Experiment begins which brings them in close proximity and sparks being to fly, Connor wonders if he’s met his perfect match—only to have to see her find her happily ever after with someone else.

The premise of this book? 10/10, would recommend. The execution? Somehow even better. I mean, come on, this is set during a reality TV show that casts hero archetypes as potential suitors and has a romance novelist fall back in love not only with writing but with love itself. What more could you possibly want? Breathtaking characters and relationship dynamics that will have you grinning like a Cheshire Cat? Whoo boy, are you in for a treat.

Our main characters Fizzy and Connor are just the absolute best. Their banter felt so natural and completely in character and what’s more, throughout the entirety of the story, you could actually feel the bond between them strengthening. Yet despite them becoming romantically entangled, they never lost that spark, that connection that drove me absolutely mad with love. I adored that even in their steamier moments, you could still tell that these two are also just genuinely best friends who have more fun together than apart. Rarely have I ever read about such a well-balanced couple. There is literally no way that you can read this book without falling in love with Fizzy and Connor on their own and then fall in love with their relationship.

Don’t get me wrong, both Fizzy and Connor are not perfect (but yes they are), they have flaws (no, shhh, these babies are flawless) and they make mistakes but that’s okay because they learn from them. There is a bit of drama added because, well, Fizzy is literally the star of Connor’s reality show and supposed to find her true love within the show, not behind the cameras. We also explore ridiculous and antiquated stereotypes about the romance genre and I loved seeing Fizzy and later on Connor calling people out for not seeing how breathtaking romance fiction can be. We also have an incredible cast of secondary characters, for example Connor’s daughter and his ex-wife, not to mention Fizzy’s best friend Jess (who you’ll be familar with if you’ve read The Soulmate Equation). There’s also tons of personal growth and learning from the things you have done in the past and there’s a strong focus on what it means to love and to be in love, especially when you think you’ll never really get it. Watching Fizzy relearn what it means to love and falling in love for the first time after having written about it for ages and then see Connor struggling to pursue Fizzy’s happily-ever-after even if he isn’t a part of that equation was nothing short of riveting. I couldn’t put this story down even if I wanted to because these characters just wouldn’t let go of me.

It’s incredible that Christina and Lauren have written thirty books together and somehow they still manage to surprise me with every single one of them. These ladies don’t get older, they just get better and I can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with next.

An homage to romance writers, readers, and lovers alike, The True Love Experiment is an unputdownable read following a romance novelist falling back in love with writing while participating in a reality TV show that’s supposed to help her find her soulmate on live television—only for her to fall in love with the man behind the camera.

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"No matter what poetry tells us, love isn’t always patient; it is urgent and hungry, eating up all of the blank space in my head."

I really wanted to meet you two but missed the second day signing. Next time!
This is in the same universe as The Soulmate Equation with Jess' romance author friend Felicity (Fizzy). I just love grumpy sunshine and opposites attract romances. They are the best!
Connor is a 6'5" well dressed business executive producer type, but also a DILF as fizzy calls him.
Their chemistry and banter as they shot a reality show where she was the bachelorette type using River's dating app was swoonworthy. Connor didn't want a hookup but couldn't stay away. And he really should have since he was the producer and not one of the contestants. Loved getting to know Fizzy and also totally appreciated the healthy co parenting relationship that Connor and Natalia had. Not all divorces have to be bad, end of romances don't have to be end of friendships. With work they can turn into something symbiotic and with children involved it's important to try.

Thank you gallerybooks for the e-ARC for my honest and voluntary review.

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Okay WOW. I love Christina Lauren’s books but this one ranks high on my list. I reread the soulmate equation not too long ago so it was fresh in my mind but I didn’t realize this was Fizzy’s book and when I did, I knew I was in for it. I was HOOKED from the beginning. Connor is my favorite type of man in a book and he did it so well. And throw in the single dad trope? You’re kidding. I was rooting for these guys the whole time, I loved the way it played out I loved them together and of course I was so happy to see grumpy River making some appearances. Dare I say this might be my favorite book of the year…

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This is my first Christina Lauren book, and I totally get the hype now! The True Love Experiment had me hooked because of it's sci-fi/dystopian Tinder app meets The Bachelor reality TV show premise, and it was absolutely what I wanted it to be. Fun, flirty, and easy to read!

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Fast paced, romantic fiction, I read it in less than 24 hours. I enjoyed the romantic premise and modern twist similar to The Bachelor. The characters were relatable and had good chemistry. However, I didn’t enjoy the crude and vulgar language, or the steamy romance. For this novel, it was much harder to skip through those unwanted parts. For these reasons I have rated at three stars..

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Let me tell you something LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. This book is perfection.

I've liked quite a few of the Christina Lauren books that I've read, but I've never read one that blew me away or that I absolutely loved. This is that one!

Put aside the fact that it's about our fantastically funny romance author FMC Fizzy, put aside the fact that our MMC Connor is British perfection... this book has a band BASED ON BTS IN IT. Very brief and we don't see them on page (except from afar at a concert), but it counts, guys, it freaking counts.

The authors in their authors' note said this book is a love note to fandoms, fangirls, and BTS. I felt that with everything in me and adored every second of reading it. Throw in a reality tv show plot and I am HERE TO STAY.

Dare I say I am a Christina Lauren stan now? Time to read the backlog and see if any gems have eluded me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early e-arc copy in exchange for my honest review.

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