Member Reviews

I loved The Soulmate Equation so I knew I HAD to get my hands on The True Love Experiment. And it did not disappoint. You would be able to read The True Love Experiment without having read The Soulmate Equation first, however, I would highly recommend reading The Soulmate Equation first.

As always, the duo Christina Lauren wrote an awesome love story with actual substance. Connor Prince has been assigned as the producer of a reality "finding love" show by allowing the viewers to vote on who they believe had the most chemistry, even though he isn't excited about the task. The show will compare the results from the audience to the DNADuo to determine if the audience found the "Gold Match." Connor Prince decides that romance author, Fizzy Chen would be the perfect candidate for the show that he isn't too excited about producing. What he didn't anticipate was also falling for Fizzy. How can he fall for someone who is expected to fall for someone that she has been matched with for the show? His job is also in jeopardy if he follows his heart and acts on his feelings.

I was able to guess how the book would end pretty easily, but it still did not stop me from wanting to know exactly how it played out. This was the book I needed to get me out of a book slump.

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This may be my most favorite Christina Lauren book yet (and I’ve read loooots of their books)! A romance author on a dating show, but not just any dating show…one where specific types of contestants were selected and matched with a DNA program. The results are heartwarming and perfect!

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LOVED IT!!! Oh my goodness this book is pure perfection!

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of these ladies. I could not get enough of Fizzy. She truly runs the show of this book and just adored her.

And ooooo that sexy and sassy banter that I love about their books is BACK in this one and it's SO much fun seeing Connor and Fizzy rise with that steam ;).

Connor and Fizzy have the butterflies, the silent looks and connection, the pure and raw love energy that floats around them, and their passion that tells their story beautifully.

This book was oh so fun, delightful, tender hearted, and just what I needed in the romance gods.

The True Love Experiment is a must read for all my romance fans! Phenomenal characters, amazing storyline, and so passionate.

5/5 stars

Thank you so much to the publisher for my arc in exchange for an honest review. Btw, this package I got in the mail was so much fun!!!!

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The True Love Experiment is another Christina Lauren hit. This is a follow-up to The Soulmate Equation and far surpasses that book in my opinion. I loved every character but especially the main female, Izzy. While I can’t even remotely relate to her life as a famous romance author, I could relate to the struggles she experiences just like everyone. Izzy is also hilarious. The dialogue throughout the book is engaging and entertaining and the chemistry between the main characters is undeniable. An overall well-rounded book that I think most romance readers will love.

Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC.

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I am officially fangirling over Christina Lauren and their latest love story! As one who doesn’t fully read summaries of books prior to reading in order to avoid spoilers, I was pleasantly surprised to revisit characters from The Soulmate Equation. Our heroine Fizzy is quirky, confident, full of personality, and I feel like she got the story she deserves! I enjoyed the premise of the authentic dating show that should make the Bachelor/Bachelorette producers rethink everything. The True Love Experiment, that’s a show I would like to watch! This story has it all: humor, heartache, angst, spice, a strong heroine, a swoon worthy hero, family, and supportive friendships. This book truly is a love letter to romance, fandom, and fangirls!

Thank you to Christina Lauren and NetGalley for the privilege of reading an advanced copy of this book!

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Just like Fizzy, I have been in a slump. Not a romance or writing slump which is Fizzy's specialty, but instead in a reading slump. I move from book to book, but nothing stays with me, especially from one of my favorite genres, romance, which just seemed played out and tired. Well, HELLO, Christina Laurens! This book woke me right back up and reminded me of just how fun romance books could be.

The story picks up from Soulmate Equation and pulls romance author Felicity (Fizzy) Chen front and center. Through a series of amusing and slightly improbable events, she's invited to star in a reality TV dating show showcasing River Pena's "scientific" matching algorithm (Soulmate Equation). She agrees largely to annoy tv producer Conner Prince III because, of course, that's his name. She'll provide casting categories straight from her romance novels, and if he can find these eight men to fit these categories (pirate, hot nerd, cinnamon roll), then she's in! But of course, sometimes the best thing doesn't fit the categories and is outside all the rules.

There is just a lot of joy and fun in this book, and I thank Netgalley for the eARC and Christina Lauren for restoring my faith in the genre. Releases the middle of May 2023.

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me this ARC in exchange of an honnest review. I've read a couple of Christina Lauren in the past, and enjoyed very much my reading. So I was very thrilled to receive this one.
Fizzy is a romance writer. She is used to describe love in her books, yet she has never trully experienced it herself. But she has a very active dating life.
And one day, she realises that she is a fluke : how can she be a trustworthy writer, talking about love and romance, when she has never been in love ? And just like that, she loses her mojo, can't find inspiration, and is not interested anymore in dating.
She meets a TV producer who ask her to be part of a dating reality show, based on a meeting app (see The Soulmate experience) where she will have to meet 8 hero archetypes (the Bad boy, the Cinnamon roll, or the Hot Geek...).
But along the way, she becomes friend with Connor, her hot-charming-very british producer. And perhaps she doesn't have a type, after all...

I couldn't put this book down : reading until the middle of the night, while eating, instead of doing my yoga every morning... I wanted to discover every part of their story. I discovered by reading the aknowledments that this book was sort of a sequel to The Soulmate experience, which I haven't read. And that is frankly not a problem.
The relationship between Fizzi and Connor is sweat, supportive, fun and steamy. They are irremediably attracted, but they fight it along the way. I felt joy, and sadness reading this book, and I was happy that all the clichés of the romance were turned over. One of my favorite this year!

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I will admit heading into this book I was skeptical. As a follow up to The Soulmate Equation per say I was hoping it was better as because I didn't love that.

But I was blown away. Fizzy is now one of my all time FMC and Connor is everything I need in a book.

I love their story and how they work through everything to get to the ending.

Writing is on point and keeps you engaged.

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It’s finally Fizzy’s turn to find love friends! When she loses her mojo, aka her writing ability and her drive for dates and sex, Fizzy is worried she is broken forever. When Connor asks her to be the lead on the new show The True Love Experiment however, she has a hard time turning it down. Too bad her feelings are starting to pop up again, just not for any of her suitors.

Ahhhh yes! We have all been impatiently waiting for a Fizzy book, and it is finally here! Good news for everyone, it is as wonderful as we thought it would be! I adored Connor and Fizzy, and the setting of a bachelor type dating show, but where the audience votes off the men was just absolutely fantastic. As the bachelor is my guilty pleasure tv show (though I shouldn’t call it that anymore according to Nat!) I love any book that has a similar idea behind it! Fizzy was the perfect best friend in The Soulmate Equation, and turned into the perfect main character here! I just adored it all!

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The True Love Experiment is basically a love letter to romance and romance readers! It gave me lots of joy and really just so many good feelings while reading it. I smiled a lot! Fizzy is the best She if funny and real and she struggles just like the rest of us . Fizzy with Conner made my heart so happy! And Stevie too! I just can't write this without adding lots of exclamation points!!! I am SO glad that C & L decided to give Fizzy her own book. I can't imagine a better story for her. I am generally not a fan of reality TV, unless you count The Great British Baking show, but I would watch Fizzy's dating adventure experiment in a heartbeat. TTLE is the sequel that I didn't know that I needed. Catching up with Jess, River and Juno was so much fun too!

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This was a fun, lighthearted follow up to The Soulmate Equation. The story follows Fizzy, romance author extraordinaire, as she embarks on a new journey as the lead in a reality tv dating show produced by hot single dad Connor. I liked the idea of the plot in theory, but wish it had been more of a slow burn between the two main characters. I didn’t enjoy the way the plot developed prior to the dating show beginning. However, I did like how everything wrapped up in the end (even if it all felt a little too convenient at times). 3.5 stars

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Even though I do no reality shows this was a fun quick and witty read.
Fizzy a romance write is slated to be the contest on a new love reality show. Connie the EP has fallen hard and fast. Drama at the station railroads their potential relationship but…… who will be Fizzy love interest!

Thanks NetGalley e ARC.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy. This book was fine. The main character was fun and super likable, but I did think it was a little off for these two authors to write a Chinese American main character. Like…if you need to list 3-4 sensitivity readers in the acknowledgments…maybe you shouldn’t be writing that character?!?! Also, I thought the conflict
that initially pulled Connor and Fizzy apart was pretty weak. It just didn’t ring true that Fizzy got that upset over an action Connor took a decade ago. I don’t know…it just felt a little overblown and like the authors were reaching for conflict. Overall, the story is entertaining and it’s probably going to be one of the beach reads of the summer, it just wasn’t really for me.

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I was pleasantly surprised by the True Love Experiment. To be honest, the only book I've read from Christina Lauren was The Unhoneymooners -- a big miss.

This book reads like an actual season of the Bachelor, and even though I hadn't entered the "world" of the story through The Soulmate Equation, the Gattaca-style DNA pairing was readily easily explained. Connor and Fizzy make a lovely pair, although I admittedly let out a couple giggles when I would just be suddenly reminded of Connor's British-ness through some offhand slang.

It was very sweet! The "ode to romance novels" tone is pretty omnipresent and may come across as a bit self-indulgent to some, but I'll definitely be recommending this book to lovers of the genre.

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Christina Lauren have wowed me with so many of their romance novels but this is truly one of their best. A passionate love letter to romance and its readers and I’m so grateful!

I’ve loved so many of their novels and unique stories that this author duo is still a one-click writing team for me but I really couldn’t wait to get my hands on this story.

Yes, I was interested to get Fizzy’s story (who we first met in Christina Lauren’s The Soulmate Equation) but once I saw what this was about, I was chomping at the bit.

Now, I should say that I am NOT a fan of reality TV. In fact I avoid it like the plague, but a reality TV show starring a romance author with men representing different romance book hero types is something I could definitely get behind and watch.

I think it’s hilarious that Fizzy threw out that idea anticipating it would derail her chances of being cast on the show but Connor stepped up and delivered (the casting of a vampire was genius!).

And so launches Fizzy’s entrance into reality TV, which she’s hoping will either distract her from her current writer’s block or simply inspire some joy and spiciness in her life again. She just didn’t anticipate clicking and then falling for the producer of the show!
This book is all about Fizzy. I found her to be refreshingly “real” in the sense that she was a woman who lived life on her terms – writing romance and dating tons of guys – even if others may judge her for it.

There were so many one-liners that had me laughing out loud because this woman just said what was on her mind and I loved it.

I felt for her struggle to get words on a page and to wonder if she’d ever find the epic love that she once easily wrote about.

There are some nods to familial expectations related to her work and lack of finding a partner and starting a family compared to her siblings, but these were just nuggets to give more context to her character but didn’t weigh down the focus on her growing relationship with Connor.

Connor was a different character in that his personality slowly came to light the deeper you get into the story. He wasn’t easy to flush out at first but it worked because what finally did emerge was this hero that surpasses any stereotypical romance hero.

I loved the backdrop of the reality TV show to grow their “forbidden” connection. It totally reminded me of the made for TV movie, The Reality of Love, starring Bradley Cooper. (If you have a chance to watch it- definitely do!).

But even without having a visual representation of this TV show to watch, I could “see” the chemistry jump off the page between Fizzy and Connor in so many moments and I adored their confessional tapings.

What I love most about Christina Lauren’s storytelling is that every book is so fresh and their writing only gets better and better. Their plotting and character development is spot on in this one. While it might have been a tad slow in the first quarter, they really set the stage for how the book later progressed.

Even the moment of conflict was really perfect - not what I expected and yet it wasn’t this drama filled event. It fit these thirty-something characters and showed their maturity which I adored.

Thank you Christina Lauren for this love letter to romance. I loved it and can’t wait for even more. Truly one of the best of 2023.

*Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.

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This book was SO cute!! I really loved the main character Fizzy. I will definitely go back and read Christina Lauren’s other book The Soulmate Equation, because there are some overlapping characters in this book. You do not have to read them in order though. I read this so fast and I couldn’t wait to see what happened in the end. I am not usually a huge romance fan, but really liked this story line.

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Christina Lauren have done it again! The True Love Experiment takes us back to the DNADuo story but this time Fizzy gets her chance at finding love through a reality show using the DNADuo and potential matches that all fit a certain romance leading man trope.

This was such a cute story and had me hooked from the start. I mostly read this book in the middle of the night while feeding and/or pumping for my newborn, and I loved having Fizzy and Connor for company during those late nights. I also have been on a reality tv kick lately too so that definitely didn't hurt that the storyline involves a reality show that I would 100% watch. Fizzy is such a likable character that I remember loving from The Soulmate Equation so I was very happy that she got her own book entirely.

Some of the sex/banter was a little over the top for me, though I feel like that fit in with Fizzy's character quite well so it made sense for the story.

I am so excited to have gotten this as an ARC - thank you to NetGalley and the publisher. I would absolutely recommend picking this one up later this year when it comes out!

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I would give this book 3.5 stars it’s a fun idea and story! Quick and easy beach read. I really liked the characters but felt they were a little too perfect. The chemistry between them was great! If you are a fan of reality romance shows ala Bachelorette you will love this!

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you know that book that gives you literal chills, sobbing tears of joy, actual laugh out loud moments, and all of the squealing because the characters are just too damn cute and made for each other?

yeah, that’s this book 💝

it took me approximately a year (lmao, more like a month) to read this one because I wanted to savor every chapter and every moment of our queen fizzy chen!!! after completely falling in love with her in THE SOULMATE EQUATION, I was beyond ecstatic for her to finally get her happily ever after too 🥹🥹🥹

and connor, woooo boy connor, is our british daddy KING (and yes, even the fans in the book know it) 😮‍💨 I love a good mutual pining between two characters who are absolutely perfect for each other but somehow believe that the other is too good for them!!!!

I loved the concept of a bachelor-style show for fizzy because it was realistic and so adorable for our hot mess of a FMC 🫶🏼 and of course, seeing jess and river again was an added bonus

the ending, however, was what sealed the deal for a 5 star review for me 🥹🥹🥹 I literally was simultaneously sobbing and squealing at 1am because when I tell you, it was absolutely perfect - I’m not lying

so moral of the story: please read this one, it may take the cake for being my favorite christina lauren novel yet!!!!!

a ginormous thank you to netgalley and gallery books for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review! I’ve already pre-ordered my copy!!!

rating: 5 stars
wine pairing: sonoma coast sparkling wine

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Ok. This was a DNF for me. I have read these ladies' books before, and they can be a hit or miss for me. I just wasn't in the mood for this one at the time. I might try it again at a later date.

Thanks Netgalley for the ARC.

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