Member Reviews

I LOVED Christina Lauren’s new book, The True Love Experiment!

The plot of a dating show, combined with being matched with your true love through DNA was a brilliant storyline! Kept me engaged and interested the entire time. I loved all of the characters, and the fun and witty dialogue throughout.

Such a great story, I highly recommend picking it up!

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Wow. This book kept my interest from page one. I was quickly turning page after page to see where this story would end up and what kind of match they would find in the end.

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I think Christina Lauren did it- they created a sequel that is better than the original book! I love Fizzy’s story. Love it love it love it. I never would have imagined that Fizzy could be vulnerable, given that she was such a lovably obnoxious character when we met her in the first book.

Connor, the hot Brit, is a fantastic leading character for Fizzy. He isn’t perfect, but he has learned from his mistakes. I think I would rather have that in a man than one who claims perfection.

The original cast of characters make appearances in ways that stay true to then (hooray!).

This is an entertaining, 5 star book that will make you love Fizzy and her story.

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I loved the premise for this book! A romance author is cast as the lead on a reality dating show and falls for the producer / director. As a long time fan of the Bachelor series, I always love reading about reality dating shows.

Fizzy is an excellent main character and inspiring lead. She is relatable but says what she means without holding back or for fear of rejection, well there is still that fear but it doesn't actually hold her back. However, she is also a bit too much for me at times and the book was far steamier than my normal liking.
The story drags on a bit for me as it took almost half the book to get to the reality dating show and then the normal parts we love in a dating show set up - the casting, characters, and dates themselves were minimal it made me forget they were actively shooting a reality show. I did really like how the DNA Duo love match was incorporated in this book and with the show. This book was far steamier than my normal liking.

Recommend if you love 
Single parent trope 
Swoony grand gestures 
High comedy flirting and banter 
A British main character  - I bet this would be great on audio!!

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I absolutely loved The Soulmate Equation and was excited when I realized that this is Fizzy's book because I enjoyed her character. This story did not disappoint. The premise was intriguing and not like other romances I, personally, have read before. It does follow a somewhat predictable trajectory but that is part of its charm and why we all enjoy these types of books. If you liked The Soulmate Equation I definitely recommend this book.

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I really love Christina Lauren. They will always hold a special place in my heart. But the last two books have been somewhat of a let-down. I really struggled to get through this - usually I can speed through a romance novel in a few days, but this took me a few weeks, as I kept putting it down. It wasn't BAD, it just wasn't up to par with what they normally write. I wish I had better things to say! I will still read their next novel, obviously. This one just didn't do it for me.

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Another home run for these 2 authors! A delightful and humorous read that explores what ifs and what can happen if we take a chance - or 2- in our lives.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this ARC!
Four years ago one of my best friends introduced me to Christina Lauren while I went through the worst breakup and the hardest time of my life. I was immediately hooked and read every one of their books within three months. Since then I have been a devoted fan. I adored The Soulmate Experience but, wow, The True Love Experiment is impossibly better. Fizzy’s story is every reminder I need in my life right now- that joy is within reach, and to chase it when you can. I also love that she is a 37 year old heroine, who is unapologetically single but also learning to embrace love, even when it’s scary. I loved every second of Fizzy and Connor’s story, and I hope there’s a new book for “season 2.”

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Christina Lauren is very much one of my “swing” authors, meaning that the majority of their books I’ve picked up and finished have been mostly “mid.” I read the Soulmate Equation when it debuted and felt like it had good execution and characters; however, it just didn’t hit the mark of being spectacular (3.5 overall stars)
I was excited to see where C & L took this spinoff story. I was unsurprised that it took almost half the book to get to the main plot point (reality dating show). I feel like it’s super common in CL’s books for the main plot to drag while the character relationship builds. I did like Fizzy as the FMC - she was relatable and provided a few LOL moments, but she did become borderline crude in some scenes while didn’t bode well for the overall feel of the story.
I found myself wanting to take so many breaks out of pure disinterest. The True Love Experiment has some good bones, but there were too many moving pieces that just didn’t line up and overall I just wasn’t super satisfied.
I don’t have a great track record with CL books (most of them have been 3 stars or under) and this one really wasn’t any different,

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The True Love Experiment is the perfect sequel to The Soulmate Equation! I adored Fizzy in Soulmate and it was fun to explore her love story in True Love. Fizzy is such a great lead- she is so witty, smart, and has a lot of depth to her character. She is truly delightful!

This book had me rooting for her the entire time and I loved the ending so much! While it was fairly predictable, it still made me feel all the things and I got a little teary. I really enjoyed the reality TV aspect of the plot, it was very enjoyable!

If you like romance or Christina Lauren books, you HAVE to read this one.

Thank you netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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A great follow-up novel from the soulmate equation! Christina Lauren are very popular and prominent in the romance genre, and this book shows you exactly why that is! They know their craft, how to suck you straight in and make you fall in love with both the characters and the story! I highly recommend ANY of their books for anyone trying to break into the romance genre for the first time!

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I loved this second installment of the Fizzy and Jess novels. I actually went and read the Soulmate Equation first then dove straight into this (recommend to do if you haven’t read the first one about Jess). The chemistry was great in this one and the plot was creatively fun.

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Absolutely loved this one. You can really see a change in their writing style from previous novels. The first couple of chapters are still a little off with chemistry, but it builds way faster than their other novels and ABSOLUTELY KILLS IT.

BASIC SYNOPSIS: Beautiful Asian romance writer gets into a shitty relationship and one year later she is struggling to write new novels. Enter handsome, sexy, abs of a God, male lead who is being forced to give up his documentaries and produce a super lame reality show. He decides to try and convince the romance writer to join but she replies with a list of demands. She wants the show to cast eight hero archetypes (the cowboy, the bad boy, the prince, the one that got away) AND he has to spend an absurd amount of time with her so they can get to know each other. The show is an absolute hit and she convinces the sexy British man to interview her every episode which shows off their insane chemistry.

Well, the rest is for you to find out. All I have to say is that it was a great book and I did love it. No doubt it will be an absolute hit.

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I love Christina Lauren books and this one was no exception. The synopsis sounded cute, but I was a little skeptical about the idea of a reality dating show. Man, was I wrong! Such a cute story between Fizzy and Connor. I adored their friendship and the flirty scenes between these two characters! Connor was adorable and equally amazing! I enjoyed The True Love Experiment so much more than The Soulmate Equation. But I do not feel like you would have to read that one first. I think this absolutely could be a stand alone read! This book is a perfect combination of sweet and spicy, and was just a relaxing, take a break from reality, read! Such a cute premise for a book! Definitely recommend this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Galley books for an Advance copy of The True Love Experiment in exchange for my honest review.

This book will be released on May 16, 2023!

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DNF at 41%. While I have really enjoyed many Christina Lauren books, lately they seem to be pretty hit or miss for me and this one was definitely a miss. I didn't love Fizzy as the horndog best friend in The Soulmate Equation and I really didn't care for her as a main character here. This book is supposed to be the authors' big "love letter" to the Romance genre, but it included some of my least favorite tropes:

*The main character is super Extra and only a very special man can understand her and keep up with her.
*As I mentioned earlier, she was the horndog best friend in the first book, and having that whole attitude as the main POV was pretty trying for me. If a male character was saying all the same stuff, it would have come off as super creepy, yet we're supposed to find her saying it as refreshing?
*There's an eyeroll-worthy subplot on "finding joy."
*While I didn't read far enough to get to it, I saw in other reviews that there is also a cheating plotline.

I really tried with this one, but there were just too many things that didn't work for me and I couldn't make myself finish it. That said, I know there will be many people who don't have problems with the things I did and will probably really enjoy this.

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Gotta love Christina Lauren! I love all of her books and this is no different. Perfect jump from The Soulmate Equation, there were refreshers along the way. The relationship between Fizzy and Connor is swoon worthy, the flirting and suspense was just right. One of my favorites from CL thus far!

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I have been a huge fan of just about everything I’ve ever read by Christina Lauren, and I particularly enjoyed The Soulmate Equation, so it’s safe to say I had high expectations for The True Love Experiment. I did not, however, expect it to be a high five star joyride that I couldn’t put down, one that made me cry on multiple occasions. There was just something about this book that absolutely worked for me. The characters, the challenges they faced, I loved all of it. It wasn’t perfect (there’s some inconsistency in character decisions, and a little flimsy plotting at times) but to me, it sort of was. I loved my time with this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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As someone who is a sucker for reality romance shows, this book was so entertaining to me! I've read a number of Christina Lauren books before but this was my favorite so far. I like Fizzy as a character (except her name) and appreciated her style of humor and bluntness. I like that she was generally positive throughout the story. Connor was adorable and so easily likeable with the single father and British accent trope! What's not to like?! He seemed genuine and honest and I love that he was just trying to be a good person. It was so fun reading how their friendship/relationship builds and unfolds while still also being invested in the dating show storyline and outcome. The ending/grand gesture/romantic spiel, while predictable, was exactly what it needed to be, both for the characters and the tv show setting.
My one critique is that I felt like the book felt a little long.

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This is Christina Lauren at their absolute best. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried a little at the end. This book is pure joy. Wish it was a movie so that Brett Goldstein could play Connor and Stephanie Hsu could play Fizzy.

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This is a wonderful follow up to one of my favorite books by Christina Lauren. The story line was fun, tugged at my heart strings and felt a bit like a book within a book since our main character is a romance author. I always enjoy the dual POV when we can get feel a bit of what each character is thinking. I would highly recommend this to someone for a great beach read or if you are a fan of The Bachelorette!

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