Member Reviews

Loved it. Fizzy is a fun character. Loved this follow-up (sequel) to the Soulmate Equation even more than the original. It was fun reading about these 2 falling for each other.

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Thank you to NetGallery for this arc! I devoured this book in one sitting with a grin on my face the entire time. It was great visiting San Diego again after The Soulmate Equation, and the glimpses of Jess and River are delightful and added into the story in the perfect amount. I loved the Soulmate Equation, but Fizzy and Connor’s story quickly became my favorite.

Fizzy is a funny, relatable, and smart FMC. She elevates the romance genre and says to people what I think many readers have wanted to say when others look down on the romance genre. Connor is everything you want in a leading man, British accent included. Their banter is top notch, and you crave the next scene with the two of them. Fizzy and Connor are dynamite together.

Their friendships with the supporting cast round out their characters and you love both of them not only together, but apart. The scenes of Connor and Stevie will melt anyone’s heart. The level of angst in this story was the perfect amount - the drama was relatable and not overblown.

The only downside is I wish we got an epilogue just because I want more of these two.

I loved the alternating POV chapters, and the use of the transcripts was perfect. I could literally feel the chemistry between Fizzy and Connor.

Beyond the romance between the two, I also loved the journey of re-discovering joy that Fizzy goes on. I think a lot of readers will resonate with how Fizzy was stuck in a place in life and will love see her and Connor rediscovering joy of life together.

Christian Lauren never disappoints and this is one of my favorites from the writing duo. I will be purchasing a copy of this book for my shelves, and I can’t wait for a reread!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the amazing author for the ARC of this book.

Christina Lauren has done it again!

I loved every single thing about this book. Fizzy is fantastic (although I don't love her nickname). Connor is a dream Dad, ex-husband, and current boyfriend. I give him an A++++

Pick this book up and read it. I think it would make for a fun book club pick. Can't wait for it to be available in print. I've already pre-ordered my copy.

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I am a big fan of the writing duo, reading everything they have written. I have to say The True Love Experiment was an absolute delightful read. The characters are so believable, vulnerable, and real.

I highly recommend this read! Thank you Netgalley for my ARC.

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I'm a fan of Christina Lauren and particularly loved The Soulmate Equation that tells Jess and River's love story. I was so excited to see that Fizzy, Jess' fun and flamboyant best friend, was the lead character in this novel and we get a deeper look in her life.

Fizzy is a successful romance writer-or at least she was, but currently she's experiencing epic writer's block. Her fans are eagerly clamoring for more of her work but she feels stilted, unable to put words to the page when she is experiencing a personal dry spell in the romance department.

Sick of dodging her agent's calls, she agrees to meet with Connor Prince, a television executive who wants Fizzy to star in the reality dating show he is helming, called "The True Love Experiment."

Initially dismissive, Fizzy reconsiders when she realizes that meeting and dating men might be a way to resuscitate both her writing career and her love life.

As Fizzy and Connor begin to work together to create the show and assemble men that conform to romantic archetypes to vie for Fizzy's heart, their initial tension transforms into a true friendship-with underlying romantic and sexual tension.

As the show debuts and climbs in popularity and viewership, Fizzy becomes conflicted about her role in the show-especially as the man that she is truly falling for is not one of the contestants.

The team of Christina Lauren does it again-I loved this spicy and fun rom-com! You will fall in love with Fizzy's journey and it's a great bonus to see cameos from Jess, River, and Juno in the pages.

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Received an eArc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t know what it is about Christina Lauren books, but they consistently capture my whole attention and I end up flying through them. This one was no different. I have to admit that I did not look much into this book. I saw the author and knew I would end up reading it, so I didn’t do any research. I did not realize it was a sequel to The Soulmate Equation, which is one of my favorites CL books. I wasn’t sure whether I felt like that book needed a sequel at first, but Fizzy and Conner’s story quickly had me reading through the night. While the third act conflict wasn’t my favorite and River seemed super wooden, the chemistry between Fizzy and Conner and that ending swept me away.

4.5 stars overall.

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Christina Lauren never fails to HIT SO HARD. TBH I forgot that I read Soulmate Equation and as I was reading this book I was like 'wow so many things seem so familiar.' But there is absolutely NO WAY that I can forget this book. Reading the premise I thought it would follows the current Reality Dating Show in romance trend where the main person ends up falling in love with someone not in the contestant pool, However, this book really extends so much farther. Every moment you see Fizzy and Connor falling in love, and the Dating Show component really takes a back seat to all of their little interactions of 'Finding Joy'. From the beginning, this book felt like Christina Lauren's love letter to romance readers and writers and feeling so loved made me love this novel even more.

The main characters are SOO AMAZING. Fizzy is so exuberant you just want to soak in her joy and her love for life even in the moments when she's sad. Connor is the perfect love interest for her and I just ABSOLUTELY ADORE the little nod towards the Prince trope. The two characters are so understandable and mature human beings and they're perfect foils for each other.

Christina Lauren also always writes the most beautiful relationship development. Every little moment between the two is just so magical. The banter and the chemistry just POPs and the sexual tension is absolutely sizzling.

This book is so beautiful and honestly makes me want to fall in love.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the free eARC in exchange for an honest review

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We get Fizzy's love story!!! Y'all, my whole heart. I absolutely loved the vivacious and effervescent Fizzy from "The Soulmate Equation" and was so excited to see Christina Lauren was blessing us with her story after all. Filled with their signature rom com magic and charm, this story was a JOY to read! The premise was so fresh and fun and essentially a love letter to romance lovers everywhere. Connor was a hunky, sincere, single dad British dreamboat of a romantic lead and his chemistry with Fizzy sizzled off the page. I love their flirting and banter, as well as the glimpses of Jess and River from "Soulmate Equation."

Thank you Gallery Books and Netgalley for my copy.

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“The True Love Experiment” is a must read for all romance fans and the perfect sequel to “The Soulmate Equation.” This book can be read as a stand-alone, but you would get more if you read “The Soulmate Equation” first. I think that this has become my new favorite Christina Lauren book. There's nothing better than a rom-com that really leans into the romance and the comedy. I was so glad when I saw the Fizzy was getting her own story! I absolutely loved her in “The Soulmate Equation” and wanted her to find her HEA. Her sex-positivity, bluntness, and humor made her so likable and there was something special about watching her find joy in a place where she least expected to. This book has the best banter and there were sooooooooo many times that I was laughing out loud. I loved how sincere, caring open and honest Connor was. The way that he fell for Fizzy and appreciated who she was, was perfect. Both of the MCs were easy to root for and their chemistry was insane. You can feel their connection through the pages. I had steam coming off of my kindle at various times I loved that the book was a dual POV. I think that dual POV is excellent in rom-coms as it allows the reader to see interactions from both MC’s perspectives. It also allows you to connect so much better with them. We really needed to be in both of Connor and Fizzy’s heads. I was surprised, but glad at how big of a roll that Jess, River and even Jude played in this book. It was nice to see how happy they are as a family. The authors did an incredible job with the reality show concept and creating the wonderful ensemble cast of crew members and contestants. Casting the men as romance tropes was iconic! Stevie and Juno were an absolute delight throughout. Everyone and everything in this book was a delight! You’ll find yourself rooting for every character, and left feeling pure happiness at the end. Connor’s grand gesture was spectacular! Christina Lauren has become an auto-buy author for me! I have yet to read a bad book from them. Thanks to Christina Lauren, Netgalley and Gallery books for an e-arc in exchange for my thoughts. I can’t wait to read whatever they write next!

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I watched so many Bachelor and Bachelorette shows growing up, that I'm kinda over them at this point. But put them in a romcom and I am all over them! This is definitely the case with The True Love Experiment.
We first meet Fizzy in The Soulmate Equation where she hangs out a lot with her bestie Jess. She's a super fun and bubbly character who is a romance author and has a fun social/ dating life. Fast forward a bit and Fizzy is struggling with not only her romantic life, but also writing her next romance. She's lost her muse and is having a hard time getting her words down.
Connor Prince is a documentary filmmaker and single father.
He's not big on reality types of TV shows, but his boss tells him the network needs him to come up with something big. When Connor realizes that his ex-wife's favorite romance author is
Felicity Chen aka Fizzy -a beautiful woman who Connor recently saw at a bar - Connor immediatelv realizes this is who he wants for the reality show. But their first encounter doesn't exactly end on good terms. Felicity thinks Connor is a bit of a douche-bag and immediately says no to the show, unless Connor agrees to her very specific terms. When Connor says yes, Fizzy realizes this could be fun and she could potentially find her soulmate.
The more these two work together, the more they realize that their chemistry seems to be flaring offset while the rest of the contestants wonder who Fizzy will end up picking.

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This book was everything!!!! I loved it so so much and laughed the entire time. This will definitely be in my top 10 favorites this year. So so so good.

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The True Love Experiment is another great book by Christina Lauren. We met Fizzy before in the Soulmate Equation and I'm so happy she got her own HEA! Connor is a great hero for her. They are both complex characters that need to figure some things before they can truly be together. I absolutely loved all of the little 'odes' to the romance genre. I loved the premise of this dating show. I'd so watch it. I liked that none of the guys were truly awful and I liked it even more than none of them stayed on the show for entertainment value.

I did think the book started a little slow. It took me a while to get into it, but once I was in, I was hooked. I also had some trouble believing the reasons for the third act break up. However, I'm more than willing to overlook that because the way they got together again was just perfection!

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I really enjoyed this book. It was so lighthearted and cute. I really liked it. I was smilling all through reading it. I still liked the first one in the series better but this one was more than great too. This series continues to delight. I find it fun and exciting and this book was no exception. I liked the concept of the story and paired with authors' writing style made it a fast read. Fizzy and Connor's story was entertaining. I loved that they both had their own insecurities and they were not "perfect". Both of them were such a wonderful match, these two flawed, yet fantastically strong individuals finding each other was a complete treat to witness. Them falling in love was very nicely done and believable as it didn't happen overnight but it took time for their affections to grow. I really appreciated that. And I also enjoyed the wider dynamics of the reality tv show. Good banter, great MCs, and a bit of family drama. I was a bit sad when it ended because I wanted just a little more, but it also did end at a perfect time.
Overall, I have no regrets whatsoever reading The True Love Experiment. It satisfied my craving for a sugar sweet happy ending and made me giggle a lot. Will I wait and crave Christina Lauren's next book? Yes, I will.

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The True Love Experiment was just as good as it's predecessor. It was a cute story about falling in love with the wrong person in the wrong timing. I found myself reaching to pick it up whenever possible to see what would happen next. I figured out the ending about 3/4 through the story but it was still an enjoyable read for me.

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The True Love Experiment
Christina Lauren
Pub Date: May 16, 2023
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Chick Lit
This is my favorite book so far by this duo!, I loved the plot, Fizzy, Conner, the flirting.
And all the pop reference cited.
I loved this book. I am recommending it to anyone who likes forbidden-love and a British hero,

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This was an adorable book about joy and love. It had some definite laugh out loud parts mixed with some swoon worthy parts. I really enjoyed it! Can we also take a moment to admire this gorgeous cover! I'm in love with it!

Thank you @netgallery and @gallerybooks for this ARC!


Fizzy Chen ( who we met in The Soulmate Equation) is struggling in all areas of her life. She is a well known romance author who is having major writers block. She's realizing she is writing about love and romance but also noticing she's never had those feelings for someone. Enter Connor Price, a dad and documentary filmmaker. His money hungry boss forced Connor to make a reality TV show and who other than Fizzy to play the romantic lead. Connor's work is cut out for him when Fizzy orders certain demands that need to take place. When all eyes are on her, she might realize who she truly is interested in and it could be right behind the camera!

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This book is great as a read alone in itself; however it is technically the sequel to The Soulmate Equation and has several overlapping characters that bring the story more context. The love interests in this spicy rom-com really couldn't be more different. Connor is likable, charming, and thoughtful. Fizzy is bossy, outspoken, yet playful and funny. The two main characters don’t seem like they would hit it off at first, however their chemistry ends up simmering into something that makes you want to devour every page. Christina Lauren's books never disappoint in the chemistry department and leaves you swooning until the very end!

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Well, Christina Lauren went meta on this one. Part love story for a love story & part commentary on our “reality” obsessed culture, this one was truly a fun read. Fizzy is irreverent, untamable, & exactly who I want for a friend. I have been listening to more than I have been reading in print lately & I am so glad that I encountered it in this format. I had to look back at some of Fizzy’s one liners a number of times because they were just so good! I would not have been able to appreciate them as much in audio format. The writing is fresh & moves at a brisk clip. I suspect that this will be the big summer read on lots of booktok accounts!

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The True Love Experiment follows Fizzy from The Soulmate Equation. This story follows up in a way that both connects and stays true to the integrity of the dating app from TSE, but also is it's own story with it's own loveable characters.

Fizzy is eccentric and quirky, as well as quick witted and intelligent. She writes a lot of romance novels and has a large fanbase, which attracts her to Connor, a single father who gets asked to produce a dating show. Every twist and turn is presented through quick and fun banter. I found myself highlighting so many phrases that were just so lively.

I am pleasantly surprised at how fun it was to read about the production of a dating show. And the steam was great, too!

Love this and I think fans of Christina Lauren will continue to find themselves impressed with and engrossed in this story!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Christina Lauren crew for the ARC of the True Love Experiment. If I could give a review in one word it would be “awwwwwwwwww!” I absolutely loved this book with all my heart. When I was awarded this ARC I didn’t realize that it was the second in a series so I had to read the first one first (took me one day it was that good!) and couldn’t wait to start this one. Highly recommend this book (and the first one)!

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