Member Reviews

I love Fizzy’s story maybe even more than Jess’s. Such a good read. I couldn’t put it down. Connor was such a good character that I was fighting for him the whole time.

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Incredibly fun and heartfelt, loved the tension, chemistry between the two leads. All the feels and all the heart eyes. Highly recommend!!

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I adore Christina Lauren. These two ladies have written some of my very favorite books ever and I always squeal with glee when I get my hands on a new title of theirs, which is why it pains me so much to say that I did not finish The True Love Experiment. I quit reading at 57%. This did not feel like a romance novel to me, and Fizzy is better suited as a side character. I just didn't like her. Also, there's more spice (that's more lust-based than romantic) in this book than I've seen in CLo's more recent releases, and it was more than I wanted to read. I'm disappointed, but will never give up on Christina Lauren! You can't win them all!

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I love a Christina Lauren romance. So of course I had to jump on the opportunity to read this adorable extension of The Soulmate Equation. In The True Love Experiment, we follow Fizzy, Jess River’s best friend, on her journey to find love. You’d think it’d be easy for the best selling author of romance novels, but Fizzy can’t seem to find “the one”. Add in the fact that she’s in a writing slump, and you have one lost Fizzy. So when a genius deal falls in her lap from the British hunk that is Connor Price, Fizzy and Connor begin a partnership that ends up being more than they could’ve imagined.

All the love to CL, I loved the Soulmate Equation and don’t even get me started on Love and Other Words. This one wasn’t my favorite. I found Fizzy to be mostly likeable, but there were moments when I didn’t really care for her. The beginning was a bit slow for me as well. BUT this wasn’t by any means a bad read. And to my CL gals, you’ll probably really enjoy this book. Get ready to meet Connor and Fizzy on May 16 as they find true love.

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I always look forward to the latest Christina Lauren books, and I think like a lot of readers I was so excited to hear that a secondary character from <i>The Soulmate Equation</i> would be getting her own book. <i>The True Love Experiement </i> gives Fizzy a chance at finding love, and she is aptly named for the book. It's a light, fizzy romance that's classic Christina Lauren style. I think other readers who have been anticipating this book are going to love it. The characters are great, and it's such a fun, breezy read. I already cannot wait for their next book.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC of this book.

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This is the perfect romance novel. Fans of Christina Lauren will love it. It’s a fun, cute story with very likable characters. I honestly don’t know why I don’t connect more with their books. But I would definitely sell it to others!

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I wasn't a huge fan of Fizzy when I stared the book, but the authors know what they're doing and by the end I loved her. It was pretty obvious how things would end up, so the stakes didn't seem that high, but nothing wrong with that!

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...."but why should I feel guilty for reading something that makes me feel happy?"

My new favorite CL book which is deemed a love letter to romance writers and readers. A fresh trope about a romance writer, Fizzy, looking for love and a documentary film maker out of his element as he creates a dating show based around her. The dual main characters are well developed and easy to root for. This book is for the lover of romance novels who expect the happy ending and aren't fazed by a smidge of predictability.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

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✨️ E-ARC Review ✨️

jokes on me requesting this ARC not realizing it's a follow-up to The Soulmate Equation (which I hadn't read yet 🤡)... but also jokes on me because I ADORED BOTH OF THESE BOOKS

Book: The True Love Experiment
By: Christina Lauren (icons)


✔️ first of all.... Connor 👏 Prince 👏 the THIRD 👏 - divorced dad, tall, BRITISH, a literal angel of a man... I could not ask for more

✔️ reality TV (think Bachelor-esque) with a romance author as the lead


✔️ Fizzy is legitimately such a likeable FMC - she's bold, fun, quirky, and is on a mission to find her mojo (& get those pants feelings back 🤪)

✔️ if you're a 'grand gesture' lover, PLEASE just read this & you'll thank me later

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK!! you *need* this book in your hands on May 16th if you're any kind of romance lover! 💓

thanks to @gallerybooks and @netgalley for this advanced e-book copy!

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I loved this book. I was a big fan of the Soulmate Equation but I was not sure how I would feel about the True Love Experiment, especially given that I am not a dating show fan. However, I loved Fizzy in the first book and was interested in her journey. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Christina Lauren didn’t take away who fizzy was in the first book, but rather enhanced it. I loved Fizzy because she was so unapologetically her in the first book. And despite the fact that Fizzy was the lead in a dating show I never felt like it fell under the dating show tropes I can’t hate (like the woman fawning over all these men for no other reason except because they are men on the show). I highly recommend reading this book if you loved Fizzy like I did, or if you want to read a book with a strong female heroine who is unapologetically who she is.

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I love this author. These ladies know how to write a book. I will read anything they write. I was so happy to see this book's info. I loved soul mate equation and I am so glad we were not done with those characters yet, This is a perfect example of writing romance books for the modern time. They deal with real issues and have real reactions, (not the stereotypical canned responses that we often see when people do not want to truly react to something). This felt like the couple could be real. (Despite the outlandish plot line). This is a must read.

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LOOOOOOVED reading Fizzy's story! I can't get over how incredibly good Christina Lauren are right now.. They have always written fun, sexy books, but their last three have been so phenomenal that I can't get over it. TRUE LOVE is beautiful. Fizzy is asked to go on a dating show because she is a bestselling romance novelist, though she has pretty much given up on love. Her journey is so so so good.

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This is so cute! If you love a good rom-com, this will be perfect for you!

I didn’t realize this is a sort of second book to “The Soulmate Equation.” You don’t need to read these in order since they are pretty much a stand alone book. The book just has some continuation of characters. I would love to see how those characters got together.

The plot is super interesting. It’s not completely a new thought since it is a play on the Bachelor/Bachelorette, but the DNA testing along with the audience deciding on who Fizzy with be matched with us pretty fun.

The one thing that I wasn’t super keen on was the repetitive love/hate relationship and how constantly raunchy Fizzy was thought out the book kind of annoyed me. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book, but this was just part of the reason the book wasn’t five stars.

Now I need to go read “The Soulmate Equation.”

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I really enjoyed Christina Lauren's newest contemporary romance. It was delightful to see characters from The Soulmate Equation and I loved watching Fizzy and Connor fall for each other. Another sure to be hit from this fabulous author duo!

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UGHHH THIS BOOK!!!!! If you loved The Unhoneymooners and The Soulmate Equation - you HAVE to read this book!

First off, I absolutely adore that these authors gave Fizzy her own story. I think we can all collectively agree that she was an amazing part of Soulmate. She's funny, direct, and has such a great personality. To be honest, I had no idea that this book was about her when I started reading it, seeing the name Christina Lauren made it an automatic request on NetGalley when I saw it was available. Once I realized the plot, I couldn't stop reading.

Then we get to meet Connor - this amazing and perfectly described MC that I quite literally could not get enough of. The chemistry that these authors managed to give these two characters was sizzling. I could not wait to get to the steamy parts - and they definitely didn't disappoint! I adored these two together and the writing was spectacular.

Unhoneymooners was my favorite of their books before this - but move that one out of the way because a new favorite is here! This book gave me all the emotions and I didn't want to set it down. Plus, it had such a unique storyline that I loved. Major bonus perks to the authors for Connor and Nat's relationship - I loved that it was such a good experience for their daughter and how they put her first. Dare I say we get Nat and Isau's story next???

Easily this book earned a 5-star review from me! I highly recommend that you pick it up when it gets released! These characters are amazing and this is a story you won't want to put down. I finished the last 70% of it in one day because I NEEDED to know how they ended up. If you haven't read The Soulmate Equation, you don't really need it to read this one - but it does give you great updates on Jess and River.

Big thanks to Christina Lauren, Gallery Books and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions!

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Ebook received for free through NetGalley.

Another awesome book. I read the soulmate equation and loved jumping back into the world and especially loved Fizzy and Connor. A great book that was hard to put down. Loved it.

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I have been a dedicated Christina Lauren fan for years now so it comes as no surprise but woah I loved this. It's been a minute since I loved a book so much that I was reading it in the morning, on my lunch break and before bed. Connor and Fizzy were such a great couple who I rooted for and believed in. I don't love a third act break up but I think they handled it pretty well. I'm so excited for my friends to read this book!

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Another 5 star book from Christina Lauren! I love their books, I'll read them all, and I always recommend them! Excellent in every way, shape, and form!

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The True Love Experiment is best summed up by the authors themselves as "our love letter to romance and fandom and fangirls everywhere." The book has a million meta moments as romance author Felicity "Fizzy" Chen agrees to be on a reality dating show. Unfortunately, Fizzy has lost her lust, er, love for dating. Will this show help her get it back, or will newfound feelings for her sexy producer ruin the whole thing?

Fizzy is, hands down, the most charismatic MC I've ever read. She's funny, adventurous, and bold in and out of the bedroom. I'm not sure I've ever read a romance where the MC was so unabashedly promiscuous, and that honestly felt like real feminist progress. Her lines made me laugh out loud at times, and her presence jumped off the page even when making crude jokes. No, especially when.

Before she agrees to be on the show, Fizzy demands that each contestant represent a romance novel archetype, like Cinnamon Roll, Hot Nerd, or The One That Got Away. The whole book is such a funny, heartfelt nod to the genre, and it exudes joy. Romance is joyful, and that's why readers keep coming back for more. Fizzy reclaims her joy (spoiler alert) in an incredible HEA, and she gives the readers a heaping helping of fun along the way.

Here's my one complaint: does every love interest have to be 6'5", built like a truck, and hung like a horse? Yes? Ok, please ignore.

I give it 9/10 stars and recommend it to anyone who loves romance, joyful reads, or reality shows.

A big thanks to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I want to thank Netgalley and Gallery Books for my ARC in exchange for an honest review. I loved this book more than The Soulmate Equation. Frizzy and Conner were made to go together. I loved her brassiness and loved that he was the one who was putting on the breaks.

Scenes that I wish I had more of:

Stevie & Fizzy --> Something to the effect that Fizzy asks Stevie if she can date Conner
Fizzy & Nat --> Girls night dishing on all of Conner's good and bad traits. Let Jess be there too. Eating pizza and drinking wine.
More scenes of Conner with Fizzy's dad
Conner having dinner with Fizzy's parents (& siblings)
Conner at Fizzy's book events
More of Fizzy's dates as we approached the finale
Rory saying how she was able to capture all those BTS clips we saw in the finale episode.

Lingering questions:

Will Fizzy ever write "that book" that her mom expects her to write?
How will Fizzy incorporate her writing career with co-producing reality TV?
How soon before she has a kid of her own?
Will Issac get together with his high school girlfriend?
What exactly was the level of match between Conner and Fizzy?

Can there be a real TV reality show tie in with the heroes that were on True Love Experiment?

Is Issac going to have his own spin off book next?

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