Member Reviews

Yep. I’m a Christina Lauren die hard and this is my favorite. Sorry Jess and River, Josh and Hazel. Fizzy and Connor are IT. I’m down bad. This book was so good. I love a good romance novel with communication and transparency. I felt this book in my bones. They relayed every feeling so incredibly. This book will live in my brain for a while yet. Wow.

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This is an enjoyable sequel to Jess & River’s story. Jess’s best friend Fizzy, a popular romance author, is in a writing slump. To try to get her groove back, Fizzy and agrees to go on a reality show… a reality show with an extremely handsome producer named Connor.

Christina & Lauren say in the intro that this is an homage to their favorite genre; and that shines through. There are lots of fun trope-y references, and Fizzy schools Connor about how romance is NOT easy to write. All in all, a lot of fun.

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Christina Lauren just gets getting better and better. I won't shut up about the fact that I've been an avid fan since Beautiful Bastard. This is their 30th book and wow. and double wow.
I want to say, I might be bias because the story takes place in my home town of San Diego, same as The Soulmate Equation. Which if you haven't read, what are you waiting for? Although its not necessary for The True Love Experiment.
Our beautiful heroine on The True Love Experiment is Fizzy, a super successful romance author going through a writer's block. Enter Connor, a documentary producer who his boss makes him do a dating reality show and we have a beautiful, fun, real love story.
The book is written in 2 POV, this means we are inside Fizzy's mind! She is a handful in the best of ways. I want her as my best friend. Her comebacks, how her mind works, how easygoing and how she takes life by its horns and just enjoys everything surrounding her... is amazing. Glass full all the way.
Connors character deserves big hug. Other than this I don't want to say more to not spoil anything.
Throughout the book, there are references to fangirling about a music group, if you know CL, you'll know who they really are.. wink wink ;)
I'll say this, the book radiates positivity, healthy relationships and interactions, angst, slow burn, witt and flirting X10.
I wouldn't say the book is full of spice, it has the perfect amount of balance between tension, tons of flirty scenes and spicy scenes. Hello Connor! 🥵
The last chapter I was literally screaming and with a big smile in my face. Even though you could see it coming from a mile away, it didn't make it less surprising and magical.
Finally, if you did read The Soulmate Equation and loved River too, him and Jess makes several cameos in this book. River and Fizzy's interactions are goals.
Just in case it wasnt clear, this book is 5 stars all the way! It's a must read, and you won't be able to put down.

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Christina Lauren never fails to disappoint! Fizzy is promoted from sparkling sidekick to heartwarming heroine, and Connor is an incredibly swoony hero. It's sure to speak to any romance reader's soul, but never panders and explores what I feel like has to be a common question for the genre's lovers: what if it just the stuff of books? What if it is all so much easier on the page than it ever is in person - and what if that's a good thing?

It's laugh out loud funny, very steamy and the grand gesture at the end is the kind of thing I normally detest, but it felt so perfect and loving here that I couldn't help but love it. Another instant CLo classic!

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Fizzy's book is here and it is impossible to put down! Christina & Lauren make contemporary romance writing look effortless (I'm sure it is not) and give us all that meta look into romancelandia culture through Fizzy and her adoring (and sometimes overly probing) fans. FIzzy and Connor are a match made in heaven and his seriousness is such a lovely balance to Fizzy's effervescent humor and energy. Fizzy's transition from a colorful, larger-than-life side character in The Soulmate Equation to fully developed, deep feelings leading lady is so rich and full. It's a work of art, really. There is a lot of burning and pining and the conflict is so spot on perfect.
Read this if you're looking for romance between experienced adults (how do I say 'older' but they are really old at all - mid 30s), who are working to be emotionally mature (therapy, anyone) and communicate, but still full of fun, smoking hot good times.
Thanks so much for the ARC!!!

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Just in time for summer reading comes a new @christinalauren novel. “The True Love Experiment” gives Fizzy her love story. We first met Fizzy in “The Soulmate Equation”, and I would recommend reading this first, although it’s not necessarily necessary, but there will be spoilers if you don’t.

Love is in the air, and “The True Love Experiment” doesn’t disappoint. Thank you for another great story!

Themes: 💜🧪📺🗣️🗣️💋

My feelings: 😀😁😍🥰😘🤩🥳


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Soul Mate Equation was the first book I read by Christina Lauren and I was thrilled to see Fizzy have her own story in The True Love Experiment! This is a new favorite. The authors have said this book is a love letter to romance and fangirls and you feel that love.

I loved Fizzy and Connor and how their romance evolves through friendship while on the quest to rediscover their joy. The True Love Experiment had everything you hope for when diving into a romance for an escape and I’m sad it’s over.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this ARC!

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This was a super cute follow-up! The writing was witty and story was a quick read. I love reality TV and a good HEA and this was just perfect. Loved meeting Connor and learning even more about Fizzy! Thanks so much for the ARC!

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Thank you to @netgalley and @gallerybooks for my copy of The True Love Experiment, by the always wonderful @christinalauren! This incredible book comes out on May 16th, and if you liked The Soulmate Equation, you had best get this book preordered NOW.

The True Love Experiment picks up where The Soulmate Equation left off (so prepare for some spoilers if you haven’t read it). And y’all, Fizzy is a GEM. I adore everything about her - her job, her sense of humor, and especially how hard she loves her people. And then there’s Connor! Such a dreamboat. I loved him too, and how fabulous he is. Plus, you really get good background on him, and what made him into the person he is today.

I also thought the concept for the reality show was so interesting. I loved the format, and that it didn't end with an engagement, like the bachelor. It was a very creative, well thought out touch by Christina Lauren!

Y’all, I could go on, but I don’t want to spoil anything. If you like rom coms, get your hands on this book and The Soulmate Equation. You’re welcome in advance for the laughs and the awwwws.

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They book is the follow up to The Soulmate Equation. In this story Jess’s wild friend Fizzy gets her own story! She is a wild hot mess on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside! Fizzy who is a romance writer writing stalls and gets offered a job being the star of a new reality dating show The True Love Experiment. Wills what find true love among the show, will she be able to write her next love story! Read this amazing book to find out!!!

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I’m a huge Christina Lauren fan and was really excited to get the chance to read The True Love Experiment. The plot sounded enticing and I happen to love their writing style. I’ll admit, I hadn’t read the Soulmate Equation yet, but I don’t think it’s totally necessary, but I’d recommend it.

I literally almost screamed in excitement when I got approved for this one and honestly it did NOT disappoint.

What I loved:

◽️Dual POV, some steam, a bit of friends to lovers
◽️Fizzy. Fizzy has to be one of my fave FMC EVER. She’s fun, loving, flirty, and just literal sunshine. I want to be Fizzy’s friend!
◽️Connor. Omg Connor is total book boyfriend material. He’s sweet, funny, intelligent, talented, the list goes on.
◽️The whole plot honestly. A documentary producer and a romance writer team up to make a
◽️The romance. Christina Lauren know how to write a romance that feels real, because I was pulling for Fizzy and Connor so hard. Their banter is amazing and it’s clear they were made for each other.

Read if you liked: 

◽️The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren (or any of their work)
◽️ Not Here to Stay Friends by Kaitlyn Hill

All in all, this is HANDS DOWN my favorite Christina Lauren book! I’d give it more than five stars if I could. Definitely add this one to your list!

A massive THANK YOU to NetGalley, Christina Lauren and Gallery books for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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For fans of The Soulmate Equation, this is a great follow up. I'm so glad a strong, feminist character like Fizzy has her own book. I will definitely recommend this book.

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This is a fun, flirty, delightful read. I enjoyed it from start to finish, and it’s a great follow up to The Soulmate Equation. The premise was great (reality tv show), the chemistry was awesome and the steamy bits were, well… steamy. I loved all of the characters and, although you could see the ending coming from a mile away, I still loved it! I may have had saltwater in my eyes during the grand gesture.

My one qualm with this writing team is that they don’t have their characters connect enough emotionally and intellectually at the beginning. All of a sudden they’re just hot for each other based pretty much only on looks. By the end of the book it all works out because they’ve had those meaningful scenes by then, but I wish we could see those emotional connections earlier.

I love Fizzy Chen, and I LOVE Connor Prince the third! A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this advance copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I really enjoyed this book. Fizzy’s no filter brand of humor is not what I typically gravitate towards but I loved the premise of the reality show with the heroes and really liked her dynamic with Conner. His relationship with Stevie was so sweet too. I always love the writing duo Christina Lauren. I’ve never read anything they wrote that I didn’t enjoy. I might have dialed back a few of the graphic scenes/talk just to appeal to a wider audience.

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~ARC provided through NetGalley~

I've accidentally become a big Christina Lauren reader over the past couple years, and "The True Love Experiment" was such a nice return to what they do best. I remember being really captivated by "The Soulmate Equation," but felt like the tension between the two love interests were killed halfway through. "True Love" definitely does not have the same problem--in fact it's such a fun, slow burn that happens all the way through. I did struggle at times with the characterizations of the main characters (particularly when the male lead is described as "a mixture of Kendal Roy and a Lego man"), but overall it was just a cute, easy read that most rom-come readers will enjoy.

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thank you netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! release date for this beauty is may 16, 2023.

ali hazelwood was write when she wrote her review and said this book was horny, cause BOY was this book HORNY.

i really enjoyed this book! i read the soulmate equation last summer and loved that, and when i heard that jess's best friend fizzy was getting her own book i was SO EXCITED.

since this book isn't out yet, i won't write much. but the plot was SO UNIQUE, just like the soulmate equation was, and that right there makes it that much more fun to read. i also loved fizzy's chemistry with connor, and boy do we love single dads over here.

i adore christina lauren as an author, and i also really adore this book and can't wait for it to be released!

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I absolutely screamed when I got approved for this book. Christina Lauren is one of my fav authors. This writing duo can do no wrong. The premise of this book was great. The banter between Fizzy and Connor was too notch. Will probably live rent free on my head. The writing just pulls you right in. This book will make you laugh and it will you swoon. Connor is a single dad and you KNOW how I’m a sucker if there’s a kid involved. I loved the role Jess & River from book 1 played in this one. I couldn’t put this book down. The chemistry & tension between Fizzy & Connor was palpable. This book gets all the stars.

Thank you NetGalley & Gallery books for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Rounded up from 3.5 stars.

First, let me preface with the fact that I didn't realize this story was a sequel to The Soulmate Equation until I was halfway through the book. I did not read The Soulmate Equation, so I went in to this one knowing nothing about Fizzy or Jess and River's story. That said, I don't feel it is necessary to read The Soulmate Equation prior to reading The True Love Experiment. I don't feel like I was missing anything from not having read the first book.

Now that that's out of the way...Overall, I liked this book. I didn't love it...didn't hate it...just enjoyed it. It was a quick, easy read with short chapters. I thought the characters were well written, and I enjoyed the will they/won't they aspect to Fizzy and Connor's relationship. I also liked the overall storyline of the dating show and that it played on romance hero tropes so heavily. I loved the romance hero archetypes that were chosen.

I didn't love, however, just how many sexual innuendos were written in to this. I get that Fizzy is a romance author, but seriously, every other sentence from her was some sort of sexual joke. It got old pretty quickly, and I felt like I was constantly rolling my eyes.

Overall, I'd say that if you loved The Soulmate Equation or just love CLo, you will probably at least enjoy this book.

Read if you like:
✔️ Friends to lovers tropes
✔️ Short chapters
✔️ Light and flirty female leads

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I loved this book! It was a little slow in the beginning but the chemistry between Fizzy and Connor was undeniable. I loved the premise for the book and how their relationship blossomed from strangers, to friends and then to lovers. I thought Fizzy’s character was so funny and also embodied a strong woman. I thought I’d predicted the outcome but the way it was written completely shocked me. Definitely will be recommending this book to everyone when it is released.

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A romance author finds herself the star of a dating show to find her one true love... except her true love might actually be the hot British producer of the show. Felicity “Fizzy” Chen is a famous romance author but after a horrible breakup, she’s never had a real relationship since... and now just doesn’t even know if she’s ever really been in love. Fizzy is all about lust, but now... she’s tired of it, she wants something else. Cue Connor Prince, a documentary filmmaker and single father who was just ordered to create a reality TV show that is putting his job on the line if it doesn’t work. He is being given big money to do it and he has to make it a success, and who better than to star in it than a famous romance author. The only issue is that upon meeting Fizzy, Connor realizes that he actually lies her and now has to spend the next couple of weeks not only finding her a soulmate but dealing with the fact that he’s falling for her and that loving her is strictly forbidden. Fizzy finally finds herself feeling something she’s never felt when she begins spending time with Connor except he is adamant that they can’t be anything more than friends, he keeps rejecting her and setting boundaries... yet she’s willing to take anything he is giving her because one taste is enough for her. Yet despite it all, he is the Hero she wants in her story but can they make it work when everything is working against them and not only is his job on the line but both their hearts? Can this romance author make her own happily-ever after? This was a cute story about two people finding their second chance at love after their previous experiences, people who can’t stay away from one another but are forbidden from being together... all on the backdrop of a reality dating show. I love Christina Lauren’s books and this one was another sweet and fun read.

*Thanks Netgalley and Gallery Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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