Member Reviews

This book will have you hooked from the beginning and oh!, what an ending you won’t see coming. Gwen a nurse at the local hospital and a avid hiker, meets a mysterious man (Noah) on a local hiking trail. Gwen feels a immediate mutual attraction but doesn’t see Noah again until he is suddenly admitted to the local Emergency Room. Noah has a serious head wound and having no memories of who he is, or of meeting Gwen. Having no where to go after being discharged from the hospital, Gwen offers Noah a place to live above her home in her garage apartment. Days later an unknown woman is found with a gunshot wound on the hiking trail exactly where Gwen met Noah. The woman remains unresponsive and hospitalized. Who is this woman and who really is Noah? Suddenly someone is stalking Gwen and vandalizing her property. This storyline is told from three points of view and tie together at the end. Highly recommend this book.

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This was a really good thriller, really enjoyed the story. Loved Gwen & Noah as the mc's. Gwen was just the most charming character (well until the end, IYKYK). This has stalking, knives/guns and murder attempts. Only 4* as I got a little bored in the middle but ending was good and surprising.

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This was a TRIP! I thought I knew where this was going, and I was somewhat correct, but I definitely hiked off-trail. What will you do to protect someone you love? Gwen has a fleeting interaction with a man on a hiking trail and he leaves before she wakes up the next day. She knows she won't see him again. Until Noah shows up in her ER with no memory. Unknown to Gwen or Noah, he's being tracked by a PI. An unconscious woman gets admitted to the hospital. Unraveling the why behind why these two people are here and what happened to them is a twisty ride you won't see coming.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of Last Known location by Eva MacKenzie
This novel was great, had me know the edge of my seat, did not want to put it down and certainly didn't see the twist at the end coming. Well done!
This novelb is told from two points of view, Gwen and Drew. Gwen is an ER nurse, working mostly nights, she is out hiking one night and meets a guy, Noah, there is something about him and she hopes to see him again. Drew is a cop, well acquainted with Gwen, he has been dealing with an ongoing feud between Gwen and her ex boyfriend and neighbor Adam.
I loved the character development and the story the author has written, will be looking for more books by Eva MacKenzie

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The cover and title of this book caught my attention right off the bat. It was a book I couldn’t wait to start on. I was absolutely NOT disappointed. This is such a well written book!

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So...this book is sort of a weird "meet". Gwen meets a guy on a hiking trail, but in the morning he's gone. Although nothing happened, she' wishes she could see him again. So surprise! when he shows up in the hospital where she works. The problem: he doesn't remember her. In fact, he doesn't even remember who he is!

Although Gwen's gut tells her he's a nice guy, her friend on the police force has his doubts. After a few shady incidents, even Gwen has to confess that she has suspicions that Noah may have a troubled past.

Although there were a few more coincidences than I would have liked, there were many twists and turns that threw me off my sleuthing track! This was a quick and entertaining read by a (new to me) indie author!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Craven Ink Press for an advance reader's copy.

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I was hooked from the first oage and I couldn't put it down. It was gripping and unpredictable with twists that kept me guessing.

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This book releases on February 9th, 2023. Thank you to @netgalley & craven ink press for the arc of this in return for my honest review.

This book has three povs: Gwen who is a nurse, Drew is the detective, and Charlie is a PI who was hired to find Noah (her pov is from the past). Gwen is being harassed by her ex boyfriend Adam, and he just happens to be her neighbor so no matter where she goes she can’t seem to escape him. Except for when she hikes through the trails surrounding her home, it’s her only escape from reality. This is where she meets Noah, and he leaves a lasting impression on her and she can’t stop thinking about him. As luck would have it, when she’s working a shift at the hospital a John Doe comes in, the man was attacked, it just so happens to be Noah. Gwen and Noah start to spend time together at the hospital. Gwen starts to realize she is being followed and watched, could it be Adam or this person who attacked Noah?

I gave this book 2.5 stars because the idea and storyline were really good. However, the entire book was a slow burn and nothing happened until the last 5% of the book. The twist was okay but I just expected more for the big finale being that nothing happened the entire book.

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Gwen’s been having issues with her ex-boyfriend; he wants to play mind games and since she was in too deep, it’s hard for her to break free and move on. When she goes on a quick hiking trip in her area, she meets a very nice, VERY good-looking man, but he’s left the campsite when she wakes up the next day so that’s that. Until a few days later when Gwen is on her shift as a nurse at the hospital and this stranger is brought in—bloody and without a memory. The story takes off from there, and while Gwen is trying not to get too involved with this stranger (who might be dangerous), it’s not until she realizes she’s being stalked that she knows for certain that something is up. I think this story had a pretty good premise, although Gwen comes across as a bit naïve at times. The problem was I didn’t find her very likeable, and then I found areas where the leaps of logic were just too great. I wanted to like this one more, but in the end, it was just okay for me.

3 Stars (rounded up)

Note: Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I had so much fun reading this story. The pacing is perfect, and I found myself not wanting to put it down. I wasn't realizing how much I had actually read each sitting because you just get sucked into the story from the start.

This book is told through 3 viewpoints, Gwen, a local cop and a PI. I liked how easy it was to follow and how things were laid out. Each POV adds so much. I really enjoyed watching the story unfold in the alternating perspectives and getting to know the characters through each.

There are also side characters that come into play that were seamlessly interwoven into the storyline. The author does such a great job.

This book is full of twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the very end. This book gets intense and will keep you at the edge of your seat. And THAT ENDING! What!?

This was my first book by this author, and I've heard her other books are very good as well. I'm going to be checking into those asap.

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This was a thoroughly entertaining story with A LOT going on. Just when I thought I had a grasp on things a curveball was thrown. I got whiplash.

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This is the freakiest book I've ever read, and I've read most of Stephen King's books.

The main character is Gwen, an ER nurse, who likes to live in the woods. Gwen has a small house that backs up to a national forest. She has one neighbor, Adam, a man she used to date. She owns his house but since he has a lease, she can't make him leave. They also both work at the same hospital so she sees him daily. They have an on-going bitter feud, particularly since he has a new girlfriend who frequently stays with him. This is like rubbing salt in the wound for Gwen.

Gwen retaliates when she thinks that he is responsible for a dead animal near her house which once again ends in a visit from the sheriff. The sheriff issues a protection order against her which prevents Gwen from living in her own house. Since she has to leave for a couple of days, she goes on an overnight hike. On the trail, she meets a man (Noah) that she would like to see more of, only he is gone when she wakes up the next morning.

Imagine her surprise when he shows up in her ER, unconscious, with no memory of meeting her. Meanwhile, someone is looking for Noah, someone who has hired a private investigator to find him. The private investigator also winds up in the hospital while Noah is still there, and is attacked in the hospital.

When Noah is released, still with no memory and nowhere to go, she offers to let him stay with her. Then a surprise fiancee shows up, a fiancee that Noah doesn't remember. Gwen is a glutton for punishment, and she offers to let the fiancee stay at her house.

You'll never guess what comes next. I highly recommend this book for readers who like mind-blowing mysteries.

I received an e-arc of this book from the publisher Craven Ink Press via NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed this unique mystery.

**Note to publisher: the book was not present on Barnes&Nobles, Waterstones, and Kobo.

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Eerie, suspenseful and oh so creepy! This book sucked me in from the very first page and I truly could not put it down. I loved it! It was my first by Eva Mackenzie but definitely won't be my last.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy for my honest review. I feel like there were alot of characters and some of them having different names made it hard to keep up. Other then that I thought it was a wonderful book can't wait to read more!

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WOW this book takes you for a ride. You definitely want to buckle up for this one!! I was hooked from beginning to end and didn't want it to end. There were a twist you will find out but the other I didn't see coming. I would highly recommend this book!

Thanks NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for allowing me to read this ARC in advance.

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I don’t think this one was for me. There was so much going on and so many twists I kept getting confused. Why did Noah shoot Charlie? If faith was so obsessed with Noah why did she leave him to die in woods?
I enjoyed it and it kept me hooked but I am left with more questions than answers.

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Wow! I was captivated by this one from the moment that I started reading it until the very end. I thought I had the twist figured out about halfway in, but I was wrong. Completely blown away!!

Noah Severs is missing, but why is he missing? What did he do? When a PI is hired to find him, all hell breaks loose.

Gwen, a small town nurse, happens to meet Noah on a chance encounter. Thinking she’ll never hear from him again, she tries to put him out of her mind. But then he crosses her path again and their lives become entwined.

You won’t want to miss out on reading this thriller!! I give this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

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The central character in this book is Gwen, a nurse who loves the great outdoors! The storyline moves back and forth between a few characters who are all intertwined with each other in some way!
This is a well written book, fast paced and hard to put down, you’ll want to keep reading! Gwen is interested in Noah, he’s lost his memory, Adam the ex seems to always be where he shouldn’t and the other characters all add to the mystery and suspense!
The storyline raises questions about who’s watching who, a psychological thriller with the wow factor! I will be looking for more books from this author!

Thanks to Craven Ink Press, NetGalley and Eva Mackenzie for the opportunity to read this thrilling book!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a pretty good thriller. I enjoyed it for the most part though I did think the character made some really stupid decisions that were frustrating to watch. Overall though I enjoyed the twists and mystery and it was a good read.

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This book took me by surprise and it was a good thriller! Alot of characters, though, which was hard to follow. Overall a good book

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