Member Reviews

So you are straight to it as soon as this book starts! And it doesn’t stop! This was so addictive. When I wasn’t reading…all I could think about is when I would next be able to read it so I could get the answers! I NEEDED to know! And it was such a fun ride with dual timelines and multiple POVS that certainly keeps your interest piqued. Because I’m old and wise 😉 I figured it out early on but I think this actually added to my enjoyment as I was excited to find out if I was right and fit the clues into my theory!! If you enjoy Freida McFadden’s thrillers I recommend checking this book out. I would label this as an escapism thriller, perfect for after a heavier read! I will absolutely be reading more by this author (I see some of her books are available via KU).

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This was a nice thriller to read! There were some twists throughout the book. Some easier to figure out than others. Enjoyed it overall and look forward to reading more of this authors work!

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When I read the premise of this book, I was intrigued. I loved watching the I.D. Channel, and there's a show called <i>Fear Thy Neighbor</i> that this book reminded me off. I loved that show (even though it scares me and I keep shooting glances at my own neighbors) and I figured I would love this book too.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. This just did not hit the mark for me.

What I liked about this book, and what made me finish, is that I had to know who was stalking Gwen and how Noah came to be in the hospital with memory loss. I enjoyed the chapters alternating between different points of view and that kept me coming back for more.

Unfortunately, I had a really hard time liking the main character, and that makes it really hard for me to like the book. I just wanted Gwen to not annoy me so much. I can't even really explain what I disliked so much about her, but I just couldn't with her.

That would have been enough for me to give this book 3 stars. However, the ending was absolutely ridiculous. I was with it until the last chapter, and then that chapter dropped this book down to 2 stars for me. Did I finish it? Yes. Did the end ruin the entire book? Sure did.

Do yourself a favor. Find something better. This is a dud.

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3.5/4 stars (rounded up to 4 on here)

Thank you NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

This is my second Eva Mackenzie book and she does not disappoint! She definitely knows how to keep the readers attention and trying to figure out where the story is going to go! I will say that in the middle I was starting to get confused at all the different characters that had been introduced, but I feel like towards the end, you figure out what all is going on and figure out who is who in relation to the storyline. I really enjoyed the psychological aspect of the novel and the stalker trope and I feel like Mackenzie does a great job with the storyline. Overall, if you enjoy a slow burn thriller, you are going to enjoy this book!
This review will be posted to my Instagram blog (read_betweenthecovers) in the near future!

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Last Known Location
By Eva MacKenzie

Thank you to NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for an advance electronic copy of Last Known Location in return for my honest review.
Publish date: February 9, 2023

In a cabin on a mountain by the Appalachian woods lives Gwen, a beautiful nurse.

In a house near the cabin lives Gwen’s ex boyfriend, with whom she’s involved in an ongoing feud involving wild accusations after their messy breakup.

In these woods, along the Appalachian Trail is where Gwen meets and falls for Noah, a handsome hiker.

In this psychological mystery, the lives of three people collide - a nurse, a cop, and a private investigator. They are drawn together by one person, Noah, who now lies in the hospital with no memory of Gwen or how he got there.

This book is a wild, page turning ride!

The cover was the reason I requested an ARC of this book. It’s an atmospheric thriller, my favourite.

There are a lot of characters, and unfortunately many of them will drive you nuts. But try to stick with it… everything will make sense in the end.

There were many plot twists - some predictable and some not so much. A little far fetched? Maybe. But the ending definitely caught me off guard!

⭐️ 3.5 stars (rounded up to 4)

Read this if you like…

⛰️ Setting as a character
➕ Multiple timelines and POVs
🔍 Psychological mysteries
🏃‍♀️ Fast paced books
🫣 Stalker plots
🌪️ Twists and turns
🤯 Mind blowing endings

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Last Known Location started off with a very strong start. I was engrossed in the novel at the beginning. Gwen is an ER nurse, who meets a handsome stranger on The Appalachian Trail. He disappears the morning after they met, and she sees him next coming through the ER, all battered, bruised and injured. I have to say that this was the only part of the book that I enjoyed. Too many characters started being introduced, and I got rather confused. Also, once I got to about 79-80% through the book, I was just ready for it to be over with. The story was prolonged, full of some far-fetched drama, and I completely lost interest. I really wish the story would have ended with the same momentum as the beginning for me. 3 stars.

Note to publisher, I tried to post this review to GoodReads, but received an error message "Unable to find book with this ISBN on Goodreads".

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Gwen is a emergency room nurse who is being “stalked” by her ex boyfriend. After a chance encounter with a handsome stranger while camping she can’t stop thinking about him. When he comes into her ED with a head injury and no memory Gwen soon takes him in to help him heal. This book has a lot of unreliable characters and some twists. My problem though is some of them I saw coming from the start. And the ending felt disjointed in some ways. Overall though I enjoyed the book and would recommend it.
Thank you to Netgalley and to the publishers for allowing me to read this advanced copy.

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To put get a much needed break from her antagonistic stalker neighbor, Gwen spends a night out on the Appalachian Trail, where she meets a handsome stranger. They spend a few hours talking, then Noah takes of from the group campsite before she wakes up the next morning. She doesn't expect to see him again, but he's brought in to the hospital where she works, suffering from a head injury and loss of memory. Gwen only knows his fist name, but that's more information than anyone else has. Of course she offers him the apartment above her garage, because this really has the feel of a romantic suspense novel. The plot switches from Gwen to Charlie, a private investigator looking for Noah, to Drew, the police officer investigating the case. It's a quick, mildly entertaining thriller that didn't turn out the way I expected it to.

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New to me author and I loved everything about this book! It was a edge of your seat ride! Couldn’t put it down and I know others will love it too!

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Gwen is a nurse living in Virginia near The Appalachian Trail when her small town is rocked with murder, mystery and mayhem. A male hiker is found badly injured and when he wakes up, he has no memory. A few days later, another female is found on the brink of death out on the trail and is in a coma. Before long, Gwen finds herself in the middle of trying to figure out what happened. Just when you think you know what’s happening, PLOT TWIST! This book is filled with so many twists, one that was really easy to see coming and one that really was not expected, but made it really good!
This was a hard to put down book!

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I started reading this book and soon realized that I was holding my breath for most of it. The way the chapters were featured in alternating chapters was easy to follow . The story was very different to most thrillers and had me guessing until the last chapter. The descriptions of the scenery were vivid and graphic, and even though I had never been to these mountains and trails I felt as if I had lived in them my entire life.

This was a well written book that held my attention the entire read and Si would recommend it to anyone looking for a thought provoking, fast paced thriller. Kudos to the author.

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What a powerful read!

Gwen is a ER nurse and lives in a cabin by the trails she loves to hike, she also loves the small town she grew up in where everyone knows each other.

Adam is Gwen’s ex as well as her back door neighbor. Adam is also a paramedic in which the ambulance he is on frequents the hospital Gwen works at.

This has been a roller coaster ride of a break up for Gwen and Adam. Adam makes Gwen look like a love sick person unable to accept the breakup and Gwen feels Adam is setting her up to look as such.

Gwen takes off on a 3-4 day hike after Drew the local police officer as well as a friend of Gwen’s advises her to distance herself from Adams accusations When Gwen runs into Noah, a stranger at a camp site she feels an attraction toward Noah and then he disappears only to be found unconscious, with several wounds and no memory. Noah gets brought into the same hospital Gwen works at.

Charlie is a PI that was hired to find Noah which she uncovers interesting facts.

This story has a few turns unexpected.

This book is well written which made it a fast read for me, I look forward to reading more from this author.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I read this in a day. I guessed a few parts, but I didn't see that ending coming. The characters were described well and though I don't often like books that jump from before and after, this book did it well so the plot flowed. A book worth reading

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Thank you Craven Ink Press and Eva Mackenzie for this ARC of “Last Known Location”. This is one of the top books I have read in 2023. The characters were described with so much depth, Gwen, the mysterious Noah, Charlie the PI, and Gwen’s co-workers. This Stephanie beat them all, there was definitely something way off with her, that smacks you in the face as soon as you meet her. Talk about un-balanced, she fit the bill, however it was a great build to what she was really up to. Gwen also had some strange undertones or darkness as well. The ending brought it all together, you really felt some sadness and depravity. As well as joy and hope for the future of these characters. And Noah was a favorite of mine, he really didn’t know what was going on at all, and seemed so likable which is unusual for a male character. Many kudos to Eva Mackenzie, I’ll be looking for more of her books. Keep them coming!

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First of all I would like to say a big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Craven Ink Press, for choosing me to read this ARC copy of Last Known Location by Eva Mackenzie. When I read a book I really try to give my 100% honest feedback, in a constructive way. The following is my honest review after completing this book.

Last Known Location is an alternating perspective psychological thriller with a twist. The story follows ER nurse Gwen, who stumbles upon handsome and mysterious hiker Noah while out on the trails. After an unfortunate series of events in the woods, Noah ends up with memory loss and is admitted to the hospital as a patient of Gwen's.

The first half of the book was pretty slow going. When I start a book I always finish it, but I'll be honest and say that after the first 50 pages I was very close to putting this book down and giving up. The grammar and sentence structure really needs some extra tweaking in the editing room. For the first half of the book it was bad enough to really distract me from the plot, and made for an overall disjointed and borderline unenjoyable read. About 60% of the way through the book the action did pick up and I was able to overlook most of the grammatical chaos and actually enjoy the story. There were some nit-picky things that I thought could have been done better - like maybe streamline the cast and ditch some of the characters that really don't advance the storyline. I also have a hard time buying some things that were overlooked and/or discovered during the police investigation (I don't want to give away spoilers so I can't get specific here) but overall, I found the plot itself to be one of the stronger points of the book. I think the author has the potential to become a great storyteller and obviously has some creative ideas, so I'm interested to see what she does in the future.

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Book Title: Last Known Location
Author: Eva Mackenzie
Publisher: Craven Ink Press (Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op - an Indy Group of Publishers & Authors)
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: February 9, 2023
My Rating: 4 Stars

Story is set in Cedar Lake, Virginia, a small town near the Appalachian Trail.
Story is told from the POV of Gwen, Drew, and Charlie; however, Gwen seems to be the protagonist in this story
GWEN is an ER nurse and has been having serious -- call the police type- issues with her neighbor Adam who happens to be her Ex.
Gwen decides to take a break from all the drama and goes out of town for a long weekend. While on a hike she meets Noah. She finds him attractive but believes she will never see him again.
However, Noah is brought into the hospital with injuries but no memory of what happened.

DREW Turner is a small town police officer who is investigating who tried to kill Charlie.
Noah seems to be on Office Turner’s radar.

CHARLIE Hackett was a police officer but was stuck by a teen fleeing a crime. What seemed like a routine police procedure ended her short career. She is now a PI and is hired by Jane1234 to find a missing man.

Hmm they all end up crossing paths with the same man,

Gwen believes someone is stalking her and her home. Not sure if it is her ex Adam or Noah Severs.

There are sooo many characters ~ I was pleased to use the Kindle Highlight feature to help me!
Are Zane Gibson, Stephanie Zanic, Clair Montgomery, William Gats, Faith McMasters, Tammie Metcalf, or Jane1234 important? You will have to read and find out!

This turned out better than I expected - I love the twists and turns.
I look forward to reading another Eva Mackenzie story.
In the “About the Author” we find out that Ms. Mackenzie is intrigued by good people who do bad things for complicated reasons!

Want to thank NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for February 9, 2023

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This was a really dark and creepy thriller full.of crazy exes and revenge. Loved it and loved the character of Gwen xx

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Fear Thy Neighbor.

Gwen knows nature. The snap of a twig under an animal on the hunt or a change of season is easily understandable to her. People.. not so much.

Gwen lives in her old family home and she loves it there. The problem is her neighbor. He's on a terror campaign against her and he's very clever.

The disgruntled neighbor also happens to be her ex, Adam. He was controlling and manipulative. She wishes she'd never met him. It's true what they say, you really shouldn't crap where you eat.

On a hike to escape the harassment, she meets a handsome stranger who, days later, comes into the ER where she works with no memory. What happened to him and does Adam have anything to do with this?

I didn't know based on the summary that this was gonna be an ex who was the neighbor bugging her. For instance, he was sleeping with her friend and standing in front of his window naked, looking out to her. Too much love for sale here and the main character was annoying. This just never hooked me but it wasn't bad.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review!

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Gwen is a nurse and lives near the Appalachian trail. Being so close, she enjoys regular hikes. One day she runs into Noah on the trail and feels instantly drawn to him but doesn’t get his last name. Shortly thereafter an unidentified man is brought into the emergency room and Gwen recognizes him as Noah. When he wakes up from his injuries, he has no memories. Gwen helps him but the whole time she feels like she’s being watched - and it continues when she allows Noah her spare apartment. Will Gwen be able to help Noah to figure who he is before she herself is in danger? Or will it be too late for Gwen?

This book was so fun! Honestly, a psychological thriller was a great way to start my new year - especially since it was done so well. Some of this book was easy to figure out but some of it - just wow! The twists came out of left field - but not in a ridiculous way. The twist at the very end my amazing! I really enjoyed the alternating points of view for the different chapters – the characters who we heard the story through were interesting. This was my first book by this author, but I am very excited to read more!

Look for this one February 9th!

I received this e-arc from Craven Ink Press and @netgalley. Craven Ink Press is a group of independent writers working together to publish books - so that was fun to learn!

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I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. If you want to know what this book is about, read the book details above. I enjoy a good thriller and Last Known Location definitely delivers. It has a few plot twists, some are easy to figure out, others are quite surprising. These keep you engaged and turning the pages. Where I struggled with Last Known Location, was with Gwen, our protagonist, I did not like her, and if I don’t connect with the main character, I really struggle to enjoy a book. My only other problem was the repetition, there were quite a few details that were delivered many times and I was getting frustrated. Overall, a good read, and if you enjoyed The Girl on the Train, another book where I wanted to shake some sense into the main character, you will really like Last Known Location.

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