Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for this ARC! This was a twisty and heart-racing thriller! I loved the setting in Virginia (born and raised) and how creepy this book got towards the end. The ending was perfect as well, my favorite part!

This was my first read by this author and i want more!!

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I received this Ebook from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I have to say, this was one of the best books I’ve read this year. It kept me on my toes and I never knew what was coming next. The characters were good, and the plot was excellent!

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Thank you to Craven Ink Press, Netgalley and the author for an e-ARC of this new thriller.
Unfortunately, this one just didn't work for me. I started reading it thinking the premise seemed interesting. I initially was interested in the story and did like the chapters alternating between different character's perspectives... What made this a 2 star read for me was the main character. I never liked her, and often found myself thinking she just wasn't believable and somewhat annoying.

I do have to say that the ending did have some surprises that I hadn't figured out but also seemed a little random and far-fetched.

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4.5 stars! Thank you for this ARC of Last Known Location. I was not familiar with this author but the premise was intriguing. And it did not disappoint. It was a little slow to start and I had a hard time getting into it. But once I was last the first 50 pages I could not put it down. I spent most of the book getting frustrated with Gwen and her seemingly naïveté. Which is what made the plot twist SO fabulous and unexpected! I read a lot of books in the genre so am not often surprised but this one got me. The one thing which I wish was explained more was the Adam and Gwen relationship. Still not entirely sure what went on there. But overall, fantastic read and I will be looking to read more from this author.

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Yay! I snagged this the second I saw the author's name. I read 'If She Only Knew' by Eva Mackenzie and absolutely loved it, so I had to read this.

Gwen meets a guy while hiking the Appalachian trail. They get along great but she forgets to ask for his number. Luckily, or unluckily, he shows up at the emergency room she works in bruised up and missing memory. As she nurses him back to health she falls in love with him. But women's bodies are showing up on the trail and a PI hired to hunt for him is in a coma after an attack and she starts to question this man . . .

I was hooked and fully invested in this story and its characters from the first few pages. I had no one DEA what was really going on until the big twist in the last few chapters. This was so good; I couldn't put it down and read it way past my bed time. A must read.

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I honestly don’t know what to make of this book. I wrote pieces of my review as I read, which I often do to keep track of how I’m feeling about certain characters or plot developments. Most of what I’d initially written was how annoyed I was with the characters and how unnecessary I felt some of their storylines were to the overall plot. In this instance, though, the end negates nearly everything I felt while I was reading and I ended up tossing my initial notes. I can honestly say I did not see that ending coming. I’m still trying to decide if that’s the mark of a really good thriller or if the author didn’t develop the plot/characters enough for that ending to make sense. Ultimately, I hope this review is intriguing enough for you to pick up the book and make your own decision.

Thank you to NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This felt a bit slow to start off but once it picks up a bit then it's just such a good read. They're are so many amazingly well written twists and turns and red herrings, every time I was in utter shock and reevaluating everything that I thought that I knew. My only downside would be Gwen falling for a man within about 3 days and when he's currently undergoing a brain Injury which isn't the most professional for a nurse and the guy isn't really able to consent if he's in the middle of a traumatic brain injury but hey ho, it's a fiction so ignoring the creepiness of that part (because let's be honest, how weird would it be if the genders were reversed and a male Dr was suddenly obsessing about this brain damaged vulnerable female patient? We'd all find that super illegal!) But anyways, it's well written and the characters are clealry morally weak but they are fascinating and you just end up rethinking everything that you thought that you knew. The tension ramps up throughout and you'll find yourself second guessing absolutely everyone and still being wrong.

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I loved the first book in this series so I was anxious for this one. At first I wasn't convinced I would like it. The pacing is a bit slow. Once it got going though I was completely invested. I kept questioning everything! I enjoyed the characters. The suspense and tension are high. There's just the right amount of romance. And the ending sealed the deal. It's a jaw dropper and I loved it!

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Read through Netgally for an honest review.
A story of suspense about Gwen who lives in a remote woodland and has terrible choice in men, she meets Noah, however, is he all he seems to be? I really enjoyed this book, the story flowed well and I do enjoy books from the main characters perspective in the different chapters. I had never read any books by Eva Mackenzie before and I will definitely be reading this authors books in the future. Last known location was a page turner which keeps you guessing until the very end, couple of twists that I personally didn't see coming and I read alot of books with this type of genre, the book was very well written, characters development was paced well, and everything in the story was the right amount of relevance, there was no pointless droning to fill out the book. Would definitely recommend and 5 stars for an enjoyable read.

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Last Known Location by Eva Mackenzie.
Cedar Lake Series.
Gwen’s life has turned into a nightmare after an ongoing feud with her neighbor turns volatile. Malicious allegations and police intervention drive Gwen out of her home for a long weekend, where she meets a mysterious, handsome stranger on the local hiking trail.Gwen’s never fallen for someone so quickly, but when he’s gone by morning, she never expects to see him again.Three days later, while Gwen is working in the ER, the man is brought in with unexplained injuries and no memory of what happened to him.Soon, Gwen can sense someone stalking her home and vandalizing her things. She’s sure it’s her bitter neighbor. But what if it isn’t? What if this mysterious man’s past is catching up with him?How can she protect herself from an enemy she can’t identify?
Really enjoyable read. Great story. 4*.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Gwen’s boyfriend dumps her but. Continues to harass her or is it him - he says he. isn’t but can she believe him?
She’s had it and decides to go hiking in the woods where she runs into a handsome man.
A few days later when she begins work she finds Noah, the man she ran into in the woods, in a hospital bed hurt not remembering his name etc. Who would have hurt him and why? She offers him her garage apartment after leaving. The hospital. Is she safe- rumor has it he murdered a woman. Then who should pop in but a woman claiming to be his fiancé. Things become interesting and scary.
What a thrilling read —- you won’t want to miss this book!

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The book summary introduces the various storylines. There is the primary storyline: Gwen inviting a fellow hiker, Noah, that she met on the local trail, to stay in her home after he was mysteriously injured and released from the hospital with amnesia. There is another storyline that was pretty vague in the book summary and that is there is a PI, Charlie, who has been hired, by a mysterious client, to find Noah. Lastly, there is the storyline of Gwen’s neighbor, and ex BF, Adam, who is harassing and terrorizing (ie, vandalizing her property, leaving dead animals on her porch, etc) Gwen for breaking up with him.

The story flips back and forth between three narrators: Gwen, Charlie and Drew, a local cop. Early in the story (around 25% mark), Charlie is attacked and shot and is found by Drew and is, subsequently, hospitalized and in a coma. The first half of the story revolves around the investigations of Charlie’s and Noah’s attacks and Gwen and Noah getting to know each other better. Weird crap continues to happen to Gwen and on her property and she automatically assumes it’s Adam still harassing and terrorizing her. Hmmm…..I’m not so quick to assume Adam. I have no suspicions towards anyone else but at that point in the story, I chose to keep an open mind.

The second half of the story continues Drew’s investigations including a new one: the appearance of Adam’s long-lost fiancé. Around the 90% mark, all the different storylines and investigations begin to merge, and the last two chapters are scary and intense. However, it was the final few paragraphs that had me screeching, OMG, WTF!!! Creepy ending!!!!! This was another two sitting read for a really good story. I will definitely be checking out Eva MacKenzie's other work!

I want to thank NetGalley and Craven Ink Press for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

@NetGalley @CravenInkPress @LastKnownLocation

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All I can say is WOW - what a ride this book was !

Meet Gwen - a nurse that is living in a nice cabin by the woods on a mountain with plenty of trails to hike - which she loves.
She grew up in that cabin, which she inherited from her parents.

Also, meet Adam - an EMT that works in the same hospital as Gwen, who is her neighbor up there on the mountain - and her ex.

I did not like either of the characters at first, since they seemed to be very childish and not ready to be "real" exes yet.
Each accuses the other of doing horrible things like dumping a dead animal on the doorstep of the other and other stupid things (slashed tires, etc.)...

The whole town knows about their back and forth quibbling and accusations, but there is never any proof of whom did what, and orders of protections are not lightly handed out by the court without any proof of either side.

So this at first is very annoying - and that annoyance seems to come up during the whole story, again and again...
But then...well, I won't spoil it for you, dear reader - but all the bickering is making more and more sense, the closer you will get to the end of this story.

Now meet Noah - a guy that was found by the side of the road with injuries and seems to be a bloody mess, when he gets admitted to the hospital.

Gwen is being told of the new patient arrival - and as Gwen enters his room, she knows the guy:
On her last hike on the mountain, she met Noah, whom offered her a sandwich and whom she had a great conversation with - you might even say, that a few shy sparks were exchanged.
But when she woke up in her hammock the next morning, the handsome stranger was gone - until she met him in the hospital again.

However - one of Noah's injuries was a rather serious head-wound and he has lost his memory.
And all Gwen knows is, that the gorgeous stranger introduced himself as "Noah", whom she met that one day on the hiking trail.

Of course Noah has no clue about Gwen, or who he is in general.

Now through Drew - the local cop - we find out, that Noah might have murdered women, since he has been missing for 4 years...and that Noah might not be his real name.

Parallel to this, we get introduced to Charlie - a female PI that is searching for Noah, but lands a day later in the same hospital with a gun shot wound and unconscious. And the local police force assumes, Charlie might have been a victim of the suspicious Noah after finding out that women in Noah's previous life went missing.

The day that Noah gets released from the hospital, Cop Drew asks him to stick around - and Gwen offers him a small apartment on top of her garage.
The spark between Gwen and Noah is still there - even that Noah has no clue that there was one in the first place, due to his memory loss.

And it looks like that Gwen's ex - Adam - is now in full blast stalker mode, even that nobody can prove it - as usual.

After a few days, a new person walks into their lives - Meet Stephanie, who claims to be Noah's fiancé... and therefor Gwen and Noah break their just slightly blooming relationship off.

But remember Charlie, the PI ?
Well, she is surviving another murder attempt - right at the hospital.

To find out what happens, you really have to read this book, because it is so twisted, I would have never thought I could have been so wrong in figuring out, if Noah is a killer.
There is a lot going on in this story, but I will not give the real interesting parts away !

And finally - at the end - it makes all sense - especially the seemingly childish bickering of exes.

Very good novel, I highly recommend to get yourself a copy and enjoy !

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Loved it!

Fellow hikers, Gwen meets Noah.
3 Days later he ends up beaten unconscious in the hospital that Gwen works at, and he wakes up with no memory. She remembers him.
Then the story goes into who-done-its. With some of their pasts being told.

A great mystery, thriller, suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat!
Crazy page turner that I found so hard to put down.

Much thanks to NetGalley for my free ebook to review & thanks to Eva MacKenzie for such an amazing book, you’ve got a new fan now!

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This was a very quick read for me. I found te book enjoyable. Small town Virginia setting was relatable. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book blew me away! I was fully engaged right from the beginning, and it kept my attention throughout. The story is told from two timelines, the now and the before, but the before is only a short period of time before the now, so that aren’t so far apart. MacKenzie artfully keeps the reader guessing as to what is going on. I couldn’t put the book down because I needed to know how it was all going to play out. I did figure out one twist, but I think the author wanted the reader to figure it out before “announcing” it. However, there was one twist that I did NOT see coming at ALL. My mind was blown! I can’t recommend this book enough!

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Quick, enjoyable mystery read with several fun twists. Enjoyable characters and I loved the mountain setting. Highly recommended for those who love a fast-paced easy read. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Cedar Lake is a small town nestled inside the Virginia mountains. Gwen owns a home with five acres of land and has access to a hiking trail that winds up and through a thick forest. Her ex, Adam, lives next door and although their relationship has been over, Gwen feels like Adam is deliberately sabotaging her life.

While on a hiking excursion above her property, she decides to camp out at a well known campground full of drifters. While sitting around a fire, she meets a handsome man named Noah.

Weeks later, when Gwen was working at the local hospital, a patient was brought in who had looked to be beaten. Gwen realized it was Noah and wonders what happened to him. When Noah wakes up and has lost all memory, it’s up to Gwen and the town police officer, Drew, to piece together the clues.

This was a great story but I didn’t feel any suspense, and the ending felt rushed. The main character, Gwen, was dense and unlikable. For someone that has a book of penal codes on her coffee table, she trusted too many strangers and withheld valuable evidence from the police for her own satisfaction.

Overall, it was a good book but I guessed the ending before it was revealed at the end.

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The synopsis of this book was so intriguing, I had to request his ARC. The idea of Gwen trying to get over a terrible ex, Adam, and then meets another guy, Noah, who then forgets who he is because of an accident is like a typical romance movie. But then throw in the fact that this Noah guy could have a terrible past made this whole story even better. Think of the movie 50 First Dates but make it a thriller. I loved how cohesive the story was told between 3 different points of view: Gwen, Drew (the cop in town), and Charlie (a private eye who is trying to find out more information on Noah and his past.) Even when it bouncing back and forth between the past and present.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This story is told from the point of view of 3 people. Gwen has bad luck with men. Her ex is causing her all kinds of trouble. Drew is a small town police officer with a family. Charlie is a PI and has taken on a case to find a missing man. They all end up crossing paths with the same man, for better or for worse.

I will compare this book to when you’re watching a horror movie, and the character does something incredibly stupid. While this book is a thriller, and not horror, Gwen does things that made me want to yell at her for doing stupid things.

One twist was fairly easy to guess, but another twist was not. Overall an enjoyable book!

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