Member Reviews

Thanks to the publishers for sharing this novel. It made a nice change to read a murder mystery that was a bit lighter and more fun. My full review appears on

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This is everything I love in a book !!! Fast paced ! Twisty and entertaining with a hint of murder ! The characters are so well written !! Brilliant ! Cannot wait to read more from him !!!

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Finding true love can be murder.

Gwen Turner, 29, entrepreneur and part-time barista.

Likes: true-crime podcasts, cheese-based snacks (the more unnaturally orange the better) and constantly refreshing her dating apps.

Dislikes: two-day hangovers, people who refer to themselves as entrepreneurs… and discovering her latest match is actually a serial killer (probably should have put that top of the list).

They say romance is dead – but if Gwen can’t catch the mystery killer who’s targeting every man she’s ever dated – it’s about to get a whole lot more deadly…

This murder mystery with a twist kept me guessing all the way through, and I was always wrong, swapping one character with another for the murderer – the twists kept coming, but with plenty of humour too. I love the way the story is written, the author’s writing style is very readable and has a uniqueness to it. I absolutely flew through this book and I’m not by any means a fast reader.

“The phrase ghosting had taken on a whole new meaning.”

My thanks to the author and L. M. Chilton for my advance copy to read and review via Netgalley.

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A light hearted and comedic take on a murder mystery. Kept me entertained throughout. Thanks for the opportunity to read.

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Gwen’s hopeless connector (tinder) dates are starting to disappear. Against the backdrop of preparing for her best friend’s wedding this funny scream-esque murder mystery with its hopeless detective, is a page turner.

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I read this as our Bookclub read and we were kindly provided a copy each to review via NetGalley. I read this across 5 days and I REALLY enjoyed it!

It was both thrilling, funny and fast paced! I loved the dark witty humour and the gruesome depiction of the Connector app! The MC was SO well written and I was thoroughly engaged, I found myself thinking about it throughout the day.

The plot play out was entertaining and the twists that were thrown in for a good cocktail were just right! I didn't see the ending play out how it did, and I appreciated that too! Solid book club read, plenty to talk about and I loved the tongue in cheek aspects too!

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This book looked and sounded good from the front cover and blurb. Unfortunately I found it very basic and it struggled to keep my interest

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Following a break up with her boyfriend of 3 years, Gwen joins a dating app and finds that although the options may be more available, rekindling her love life isn't as straightforward as she was expecting...especially not when two of her dates suddenly show up dead! Is this the coincidence or are the deaths linked in some way? As the person who saw them last, Gwen finds herself as a person of interest in the middle of a murder mystery and can she solve it before any more people are harmed?

I enjoyed the fast pace of the book and it is satire, the suspense and thriller aspects did creep me out but the overall plot was interesting and I liked how between the story they discussed Gwen's issues with modern dating using apps and how the algorithm is manipulated to ensure certain people match and to entice consumers! The only downfall was the characters are not very likeable and as it is a redacted copy it interrupted the flow of the story whilst I was reading which is a shame so I rated it 3.5 but otherwise a fast paced entertaining thriller. Thank you @netgalley and @Aria_Fiction / @AriesFiction for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book from start to finish first time of trying this author and will definatley be reading more. From start to finish it has you guessing

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Don’t Swipe Right is a lighthearted fun crime read. I didn’t find Gwen particularly likeable, there was just something slightly annoying about her. However, her sarcasm and sense of humor did make me laugh. Who doesn’t love an awkward date story that you didn’t have to suffer through yourself? For a light fun read, there were more twists and turns than I expected and I didn’t guess who the killer was. I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Gwen and the main love interest but I still enjoyed the ride.

3.5 rounded up to 4

I received a copy of the ebook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Such a great concept, and so well executed. Topical and contemporary subject matter handled with brilliant dark humour - this is an excellent book, and I can't believe it's the author's debut. A refreshingly original and highly recommended read.

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An original and entertaining mix of thriller and rom com. it kept me hooked, guessing and I had fun.
It's the first i read by this author and won't surely be the last
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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This is not my normal genre but I absolutely loved this. Really fun storyline and concept executed so will. Have never read the author before but will happily read more

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I can’t resist a whodunnit and this is a whodunnit with a difference! Gwen has been a serial dater since she split up with her long term boyfriend. Her best friend is moving out and due to get married after a whirlwind romance, while Gwen is struggling to make ends meet and wondering if she’ll find a new flatmate, never mind a new partner.

I got into the story straight away and liked Gwen’s character. I liked the sense of humour she brought to the story and found her to be a relatable character.

Gwen has been meeting guys on a dating app, Connector, but hasn’t been having much luck. Then one of the men she’s dated is killed, and then another one. The police begin investigating and Gwen is the prime suspect.

The chapters in the book are nice and short and I couldn’t put it down! There are a few good twists and I didn’t guess the killer.

I read the story in a couple of days and would definitely recommend it. I’m surprised that this is a debut novel and I’ll definitely look out for more from this author.
Thanks to Head of Zeus, Bloomsbury Publishing and NetGalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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This is a debut novel for the author and, in my opinion, a pretty successful one at that.

Gwen is trying to move on after the end of a long-term relationship and she does this by throwing herself into finding a new man by using a dating app. Unfortunately, things don't work out quite how she would want with her experiencing some pretty dodgy dates but when those dates start turning up dead, Gwen comes under the spotlight of the police.

Gwen, for me, wasn't the most likeable character and she did do things that made me roll my eyes at times but I did like her sarcasm and sense of humour which made me giggle.

The plot is intriguing and engrossing, the writing is easy to read and the pace is good. There are twists and turns which kept me guessing who the murderer was until the end and it all came together very nicely.

Overall, a pretty good debut novel and one I would recommend and thank you to Aria & Aries, Head of Zeus and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Don't Swipe Right.

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Dating is a minefield to navigate at the best of times but when you discover some one is bumping off your previous dates, it goes to a whole different level!

Gwen is a serial dater. Let’s say she’s not the easiest to please when it comes to men. She’s been heartbroken and trying to find the replacement for her ex is a tough job. She seems to pick them strangest of characters who just rub her up the wrong way. But they’re not bad enough to be killed off in their prime.

As Gwen realises that someone has been tracking her dates and killing these unlucky fellows off, I was with her wanting to convince the police (great name for the detective I must admit) that these murders were linked. I was in Gwen’s head trying to work out who would do this.

Don’t Swipe Right is an entertaining and dark read, taking the dating app scene and giving it a twisted undertone. At points it was light hearted but not to the extent it became a comedy or cosy crime read. Gwen has a sense of humour that she uses as a defence. There is a likeness to Mackie’s How To Kill Your Family and in my humble opinion, Katy Brent’s How To Kill Men And Get Away With It. Chilton’s book 2 is definitely a publication I’ll be keeping an eye out for.

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This was a quirky read and I loved the honest, realistic writing style which added moments of humour to a dark read. The incorporation of a dating app leading to the murders of multiple men felt relevant and current, making it so much more enjoyable. A great Summer read!

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Gwen has been swiping right for the last few weeks, until the police inform her that one of her dates has been murdered; and then another one; and another one. What is the link – assuming there is one, of course. It could be coincidence! Eastbourne is a small town, after all, so the pool of available punters is quite small, and they are all using a new dating app called Connecter. The police don’t think Gwen is a suspect, but are convinced the murders are connected to her in some way. It seems likely that the killer bears her a grudge but she can’t think who that could be. Apart from the dates, she really hasn’t been doing anything except being matron of honour to her best friend, Sarah, who is due to get married in a few days, and selling coffees and snacks from a van on the seafront. The only possible guys seem to be her ex-boyfriend, but that was amicable, and Charlie her assistant at the coffee van. DC Lyons, newly minted in the homicide game, is her main police contact. He is also, by coincidence, a guy that she used to fancy at school – the older brother of her best friend.
The story is quite light hearted for a murder mystery, largely because Gwen is prone to quips, puns, and other comedic lines and the story is told from her POV. The plot is interesting and unfolds in a fairly linear way. There aren’t twists in the conventional sense, more incidents as Gwen tries to head off further deaths while eliminating suspects. As the story reaches its dénouement, the pace ramps up, and there are ultimately two related reveals. The final solution is acceptable and may well escape the reader until the first reveal. I have some issues with the mechanics of the plot, but the humour and the pace keep it from coming off the rails. I give it 3.5, which rounds up to 4 (a bit generous).

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Hellooo!! *taps screen*

Anyone there?! (I know I flatter myself to think there are maybe five of you that reads my reviews on the regular, yet as my mother always says, ‘live in hope; die in despair’… *snorts*)

Where are all my fellow dark comedy/murder mystery/thriller readers at?

Welcome! *waves you in*

Okay, you listening? Do yourself one favour this summer and swipe right on this debut release from author L.M. Chilton.

Considering my love language is sarcasm, I connected (ba-dum-tss!) with Gwen straight away and sped through the story in a day.

Let’s face it, I’m sure we’ve all got a tale or two to tell when it comes to the perils of online dating. The only difference between Gwen and me is my stories include the requisite mind bleach whereas Gwen’s include a body count and the unwanted attention of a serial killer *smirks*.

Although I had an inkling of who the killer may have been early on, I still found myself swept up by the red herrings and Gwen’s bad decisions. Cue me metaphorically face-palming and fighting the urge to stage an intervention despite the hilarity and suspense.

The great thing about fiction is even with you going, ‘aye, right!’ when something improbable happens you’re hooked, and hooked I was!

I look forward to seeing what the author releases next and if Gwen et al make another appearance as I have a few outstanding questions…

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This book was everything i wanted and more! I loved it so much! such an easy read i couldn't put it down!! I have never bee on a dating app however this book shows you, you never really know who is behind the profile. And be careful who you tell about your dates!!

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