Member Reviews

This has been an addictive read that I have devoured in just one sitting. This is one that grabs you from the very beginning.

We start at the Hen do From Hell where poor Gwen can’t help but check out the dating apps. After some bad dates, Gwen discovers that bodies of men she’s had a date with turn up dead.

This is such a unique and brilliant premise. I have loved everything about this one and can safely say that this is a debut that has converted me as a fan of this author.

Gwen is a brilliant character, I have loved her from early on. It’s been evident Sarah, her bestie is frustrated by her online dating and the men she chooses.

This is perfectly paced and unpredictable. My jaw has dropped as events have unfolded. This is a gem from beginning to end. I found this completely unputdownable.

This is a superb debut from an author to watch out for. I highly recommend getting this on the preorder list.

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This book started with a bang, but for me, it really didn't keep up the momentum. The more the book went on, the less interested I became.
I was really hoping that this would be like a new 'Sweetpea' but I was left disappointed! really far fetched - but not in a light-hearted comedic way like 'Sweetpea.'

Was left feeling a bit 'blah' - expected and wanted so much more from this.

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I really enjoyed this comic murder mystery. I have never used a dating app, and after reading this fun story I don’t think I ever will. There is lots of humour as the body count rises, some romance and many twists to keep you guessing. A YA smile a minute read. Thank you to Aria & Aries Publisher and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I had high hopes for this book, and I did enjoy it, but couldn't help but feel that the tropes and aspects present in it were over done. The characters could seem predictable sometimes because of this, and their personalities not relatable. That being said, the concept did stray from the predictable occasionally.

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Thank you for this ARC. For a debut book this was excellent and I’m giving it 5 stars. It had humour, good characters, and an insight into dating apps! The ending I did not guess. Will look out for more books by this author.

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— 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 —

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Don’t Swipe Right
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: N/A
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫(𝐬): L.M. Chilton
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Romantic Thriller
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝: 22nd June 2023
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝: 20th May 2023
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 4/5

‘I guess what I’m saying is, the quality I look for in a woman is her personality,’ he says.
‘Well, that’s good because I’ve got loads of them,’ I smile.”

This book is definitely one to look forward to.

Don’t Swipe Right is a killer debut detailing a murder mystery that echoes the sentiment: dating can be a killer.

This surprised me with how funny it was, from the inner monologue, to the banterous dialogue, to the dates themselves that were eye-rollingly, out-loud-groaningly, snort-through-the-nose ridiculous.

The author did an excellent job at making the main character, Gwen, affable and perhaps a touch (a lot) manic. To be brutally honest, I originally thought that a female author wrote this—I promise this is a compliment—simply because the attempted slut shaming and dating app harassment was so on point! Although Gwen made some truly outlandish decisions in the process of the story, I am impressed at how authentic the character was in this novel and that speaks to the skill of the author.

The plot of Don’t Swipe Right was thrilling, entertaining, exciting, and unputdownable. If you like amusing murder mysteries, take a stab at this.

@ Welsh Book Fairy🧚‍♀️✨

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This was such a fun, easy read! It had some truly hilarious moments, and definitely relatable moments for anyone who has been in the online dating world. Highly recommending to all my girlfriends. Thank you to Netgalley and Aria & Aries for the ARC copy!

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Many thanks to #NetGalley and publishers for an #ARC of #DontSwipeRight.
Full of dark humour, this book takes twists to a new level. I thought I had it all figured out but this book kept me guessing!!
Enjoyable book with situations that make you read between your fingers at times, either with embarrassment or horror.
Recommended read.

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Chilton's writing is witty and entertaining, with laugh-out-loud moments and relatable characters that will appeal to fans of romantic comedies. The novel also touches on deeper themes, such as the pressures of modern dating culture and the importance of self-discovery and personal growth.

Don't Swipe Right is a fun and engaging novel that will resonate with anyone who has ever tried their luck on a dating app. It is recommended for readers who enjoy lighthearted romances with a touch of humour and heart.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I was first attracted to this book by the cover. Then I read the blurb and it sounded right up my street. I was expecting this to hopefully be a thrilling, dark humour filled fun read. Unfortunately this book wasn't really to my taste.
From the start the writing style felt very light and easy to read, but at the same time it was all a bit basic.
The plot never once gripped me and it was never in the slightest bit thrilling or tense. If anything this read more like a cosy mystery. As the book went on I did lose a bit of interest.
I couldn't bring myself to like any of the characters, especially the main character Gwen, so was never invested in what would happen to them.
What is a shame about this it that it could have been SO much better. I understand this is the authors debut novel, but even so, it wasn't very good.
This book could have been improved in my opinion, by there being some humour put into it and chapters from Parker's perspective would have added some depth.
This whole thing felt flat from the beginning for me and I ended it feeling very disappointed

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I wanted to enjoy this book as I like to discover new writers and debut novels. Sadly I struggled with it - neither a traditional thriller, nor a rom-com, it didn’t fit into either category and I didn’t feel it sat well in either category.

I suspect it might well work better as a tv series where some of the more unlikely episodes could be papered over and some of Gwen’s quirkiness could be explained more but I’m afraid that as a novel it didn’t work too well for me. Nonetheless I was intrigued to discover “whodunnit” so I did continue reading to the end, but even that left me rather underwhelmed.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.

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Amazing read and amazing book loved every single chapter lots of twists that u really dont see coming !!!! Will defo read more by the same author :)

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This is a bit ridiculous and far-fetched, with some dubious policing and a main character who keeps unnecessarily putting herself in harms way. But, the ridiculousness of this was also part of its charm. In terms of the mystery I suspected almost everyone at some point except the actual killer, which is always good. Enjoy it for what it is - a fun, funny, outlandish, entertaining, fast-paced easy read.

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I loved the premise of this book - a woman who is going on dates with men from a popular dating app is surprised when they start turning up dead. Now she has to work out who the killer is to save the men she’s dated and discarded.

Gwen is such a well developed character and I enjoyed how much we got to see inside her mind through the rich imagery the author deployed. Thoroughly believable.

And each of her dates was sadly a date I or one of my friends could have been over the years. All cliches but all executed perfectly. The style of when and how the detail of the dates was released kept me hooked and turning the pages furiously.

The twists were plenty and at one point I was so convinced I knew who it was and that it was disappointing that I was wondering if I should keep going…I was so far off piste that I’m glad I kept going!

I knocked a star off for the fact that I did find myself groaning at Gwen towards the end as she didn’t seem to learn from previous actions which felt somewhat unrealistic. However, if I were fighting to keep people alive and protect myself, maybe I would be as shortsighted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

All in all, this was a really enjoyable read and will happily recommend to anyone who loves a lighthearted thriller with some humour and has used online dating apps.

I’d swipe right.

This was an ARC from NetGalley.

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I enjoyed this book. Gwen Turner has split up from her long term boyfriend and has joined a dating app. She has been on a number of dates which have not gone well. Then she discovers that these 'exes' have suddenly started being found dead, suspected of being murdered. It's a far fetched story but very enjoyable nevertheless. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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Don't Swipe Right can be described as a cosy murder mystery that follows the misfortunate events surrounding its zany main character, Gwen. It took me a while to get into this but once I did it was unputdownable. The mystery itself was hard to predict and several times it looked like it was close to being solved, when it wasn't - there were lots of twists and turns! As well as Gwen, there are also solid secondary characters who help bring out different sides to Gwen, eg. the romance element towards the end provided much needed relief from the serial killer storyline. However the thing I enjoyed the most about this book was the casual writing style which quickly made me feel like Gwen was a long lost bestie 🥰 I would definitely read more from this author!

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Gwen is currently stuck in a dating nightmare. Date after date, full of useless guys who are only after one thing. And it's not a long term relationship. Add in a useless coffee van, with equally useless assistant, and a ton of broken dreams and Gwens life couldn't really get any worse. Until all those dates start turning up dead, and Gwen turns into suspect number one.

This was a really fun, campy romantic suspense that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's very fast paced and easy to read, leaving the reader constantly guessing who the killer could be. I'd say it's similar in vein to [book:Sweetpea|33229410] in that it's far fetched, but as the reader you're just along for the ride. Although the conclusion definitely pulled me out of the story with how outlandish it got.

Gwen is an interesting, if not exactly likeable character. She's full of quick wits, but she's also pretty judgemental at times too - especially of poor old Audrey. She's also makes some very dubious decisions, often throwing herself in harms way for no reason that had me rolling my eyes. Because of her actions throughout the course of the plot I can't say I ever warmed to her as a character, and I reslly didn't like how the story arc played out, but I enjoyed the plot enough to see it through to the end.

Quick and exciting thriller, but the plot reached such a far fetched crescendo and took the main character in a direction I couldn't get on board with. However, I'd pick up another thriller by this author for the fun ride.

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While Gwen’s best friend and housemate Sarah is getting married, Gwen is struggling after a disastrous break-up with her long-term boyfriend and desperately looking for a new match on dating app Connector. While attending Sarah’s hen’s do, Gwen receives a disturbing message on Connector about a dead jogger, who turns out to be a man Gwen dated two weeks prior.
Men around Gwen keep dying, men Gwen all previously dated on the dating app Connector, to be exact. While the police investigate the murders, dead dates keep piling up and before long, Gwen takes matters into her own hands, trying to warn her past Connector dates of the cruel fate sure to befall them. The book is a good mix of romantic comedy and suspenseful murder mystery.
A great debut and I’m looking forward to reading more of Gwen’s adventures.

Thanks to NetGalley, Head of Zeus and L.M. Chilton for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Don't swipe right is humorous, ironic and serious all rolled into one fantastic read. Gwens quit witted remarks always relieve the tension but the twists and turns leave you wanting more.

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Gwen had just come out of a long term relationship, she’s using connector as a distraction, trying to mask her feelings by meeting new guys. Except all she chooses are the bad ones.
This book was such an easy read, gripping from the start and thoroughly enjoyable. Not once did I think “what am I reading” half way through. The chapters are short and punchy (exactly how I like them) and the book keeps you guessing. One minute you think you’ve got the suspect nailed and the next you’re second guessing yourself right until the end chapter. I love Gwen as a character, she is so easy to relate to and think that all late 20s/ early 30s women feel like she did when it comes to internet dating!
The book got me out of a reading slump and was 100% worth the read!
Ideal for people who love romance with a plot twist and if you like a fast paced book. 5 stars from me!

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