Member Reviews

I devoured this stunning book. Rachel Griffin always delivers with beautiful writing and lush world building. The romance was epic! I would die for Wolfe Hawthorne. I want to live in this magical, witchy world and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this incredible book when it releases later this year.
Thank you to Sourcebooks Fire and Netgalley for the ARC!!

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This was so good. It was perfect to read at night curled up with a cup of coffee and a cozy blanket. I got lost in this world the author dreamed up. I loved it so much
I just reviewed Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin. #NetGalley
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I’ve enjoyed this authors previous work and her newest is no different.

Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin is brilliantly written with fascinating and extraordinary characters.
I loved reading this book! It was so original and well written and the word flow was completely captivating and the world building is just outstanding.
Rachel Griffin’s writing style flows beautifully and keeps you on the edge of your seat- always wanting more.
A unique, and enthralling tale of magic and love!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this eARC.

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I'm entirely unsurprised that Rachel has woven yet another spell around her characters! I fell so deeply in love with Mortana and Wolfe. Bring Me Your Midnight feels like the most beautiful magical love story while also diving into the pressure of obligation. How I wish more people could chase their truth the way Tana does at her age and not wait until they're older to realize their true passions and path. This is a richly woven story of what it means to choose yourself, to actualize your own future instead of the one that's been mapped out for you. It brought me such joy, made me cry, and healed childhood traumas i had long since buried beneath the currents.

I cannot wait to add this to her other books on my shelves, reread and annotate the physical copy, and live in her magical landscapes again. Honestly, I'm not sure Rachel will ever craft something I don't love.

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Ok, Rachel. This book WRECKED me, and now I officially have a bit of a hangover from the emotional toll it took on me. I loved everything about Mortana and Wolfe and really wish this wasn't a standalone novel so I could visit their world again and again.

Even though I could generally tell what was going to happen throughout the book, I was still eager to turn the pages and breathe in the ethereal way that Griffin brings us into the storyline. Who doesn't want "willing to wreck everything in my life" kind of love??

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It was a light and entertaining read, but I personally felt that many of the scenes and people I was able to read lacked development.

Personally, I read a lot of fantasy genre and I felt that it was, perhaps, for someone who is starting out in the world of fantasy literature. That doesn't mean it's bad, far from it. I'm not saying it was bad. It just didn't quite grab my attention, I felt it was simple, light, a bit predictable at times and basic.

Do not take those words as something negative, because it is something super personal for me and that clearly I cannot share with others. Maybe, in fantasy I look for other things that I couldn't find here.

I did not get to connect with any character, nor empathize. I saw the romance a bit rushed, but it's not a book with many pages so I can say that it was to be expected.

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I had enjoyed previous books from Rachel Griffin and was excited to read this book. It had what I was looking for from the description. I was invested in what was going on in this world and getting to know the characters in this book. It worked well overall and I'm glad I got to read this.

"Sometimes I think it is the shame, not the fear, that will ensure our survival as a coven. The rush is a pillar of the new order and what enabled us to begin a productive dialogue with the mainland; they didn’t stop trying to eradicate magic until we proved to them that the new order was not a threat. In many ways, the rush should be a celebration of survival and courage, of sacrifice and wit."

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This book swept me off my feet with its beautiful magic, and didn't let me go until after the last page. I could barely put it down and now that I'm done, I can't wait for it to get published, so I can reread it with a physical copy.

Bring Me Your Midnight has a beautiful world of magic, where witches have to live on an island (opposed to the non-magical people on the mainland) and only practice a gentle version of magic, so that the mainlanders are not scared of them, which keeps them safe.  I loved how even though magic was a little feared, in this book it wasn't a secret or hidden -how they used it to create products non-magical people could also use. (Even if by that it was degraded to these little tricks, which is indeed kind of sad.)

Our main character, Tana, is set to marry the governor's son on the mainland, thus solidifying a union between mainlanders and witches. That'd give protection for the witches, and more control to the mainland.

I loved seeing Tana's thoughts, attitude and feelings change regarding this situation, always reacting to what's happening along the way. It's a first-person POV book, and thanks to the amazing writing, I got to experience all emotions just as strongly. I felt thrilled, frustrated, angry, sad, as if these things were happening to me. It was an emotional rollercoaster, in the best possible way. 

I oftentimes find YA books to be very predictable, but this book was anything but that. I thought I knew what was going to happen, but in the end I kept getting unsure as the story kept twisting and turning. It kept me on the edge of my seat for sure, it was so exciting to me!

This book is proof that you don't need battles, war, and evil enemies to have a thrilling and adventure-filled story.

Bring Me Your Midnight is absolutely 5/5 for me.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Sourcebooks Fire and Rachel Griffin for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. I absolutely loved this book! I was hooked from the very beginning and devoured it in one day. I couldn’t put this book down, it was a 5/5 star read.

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An interesting story full of twists, turns, fun characters and overall a book I would consider reading time and time again.

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I was so excited for this book because it has all the tropes I love like enemies to lovers and forbidden romance also it had witches and magic and ugh that's literally the perfect book for me but sadly this book felt so flat to me.

The characters are one dimensional, there's no real tension between the love interests, the conflict felt like a last minute decision and the ending was rushed.

While the writing style is beautiful, the pacing was awful like you just found yourself in the story and then BAM you're being forced out of it. I also had massive issue to picture in which time period the story takes place.

There were moments where I really enjoyed it but most of the time I just struggled to get invested in the story.

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