Member Reviews

Another fantastic audiobook. The author is clearly incredibly creative. This read like a satire/adult humor collection of short stories. I really loved the vocabulary used to describe each scene - so vivid and bizarre. I am not sure how I would describe this to other readers other than a "fever dream." I could listen to these stories all day long! Truly bizarre, but definitely engaging. I will continue to read/listen to this author and narrator's material.

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This is my first time exploring this authors work but man is it a crazy place to start. This is a work of short fiction which I find is always a good way to get an idea of how the author works. A few LOL moments in this collection. Certainly worth trying out as a taster of the author.

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3.5 stars

First and foremost, Connor Brannigan is an absolutely *STUNNING* narrator. Without them, I doubt I would have liked this audiobook as much as I did.

This book is WEIRD. But I really liked that about it. I could have done without how misogynistic a lot of the characters in this book were, Killing Teddy was probably my favorite story of the bunch and I really got Little Shop of Horror Vibes from $5 Electric Suzie.

I don't know if I would feel confident in recommending this book to most people, but if you're looking for something quick to listen to that's really weird - check this out.

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Original, twisting and darkly funny, Goddamn Electric Nights features six short stories. From a guy in love with a murderous VHS player to a guy who realllllly deserves to be dumped, the characters and plots are often nonsensical and weird, and I can honestly say I've not quite read anything like it. Even the story about zombies is a unique take and I loved the ending of that one. I was not a fan of Slime Night, I was expecting something different from the set-up and title, but the rest of the stories are well written and interesting. I will definitely be checking out William Pauley III's work again (oh, also, he's a local writer, so that's pretty cool!)

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

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I got this as an audiobook, and it was a lot of fun, weird by fun, the writing had a similar feel to Phillip K Dick, almost playful the way the stories unfold, some stories are more sci-fi like "The Spiders of Honeyville", while others more funny like "Spin Doctors Mixtape"

If you are looking for something quick and different, I’d suggest this.
The narrator was excellent, the tone and pace he used really suited the stories.
*Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.*

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Gross, as always. I liked the $5 Electric Suzie was my favourite out of all the stories - it's basically about a man who kills other people in order to feed his beloved VCR/girlfriend. I also think Killing Teddy was interesting (casually lists down 'important learning points' from this story; the title is very self-explanatory for that). Unfortunately, there was a lot misogynistic and slut-shaming in most of the stories, and that really took me out of the story. But other than that, it's a quick read (or listen) :D

I got a free copy from NetGalley and Doom Fiction in exchange for an honest review.

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There is something about William Pauley III’s writing that is smoothly dark and bizarre, with a brilliant sense of comedic timing that appears effortless. Some writers you just fall into a zone with and know that you’ll enjoy anything they put out there. Dude has skills.

Electric angels, inflatable mattress gods, the yellow stink, Super Happy Funtime, meatloaf dinner surprise and “I thought we were playing for cream soda”.

4+ Stars and Highly Recommended

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This book, if you’re looking for bizarre stories on bugs, VCRs, and gone-wrong romances, is it. I walked into this knowing it would be strange but to what level I was unsure. What I got were stories that I was either cringing from (VCR) or stories I was quite curious about, specifically the (giant ant one), the latter I’m hoping the author expands upon eventually cause there’s a haunting tale there. Overall, this book was enjoyable and each short story was so well-contained and developed kept my attention.

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This short story collection was a bit hit or miss for me. Some stories I really enjoyed and wanted more of, some I really couldn't get into.

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A collection of stories that fell more into the gross, made me cringe area than horror. Not a big fan of bugs or detailed descriptions of someone eating roaches or spiders hatching. Yeah, my skin crawled but not because of the story, but rather from the pictures my mind conjured. Some may enjoy these, the writing itself was good, just not for me.
Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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this was a collection of short stories meant to be funny and obscure instead it was just misogynistic. i would not recommend this to anyone

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I'm not averse to weird but this was Weird!

The first story is pretty mild up to the rest of the book and lulls you into a sense of false security even if parts of the "sex" scene made me feel a little nauseated.

It just gets stranger after that with a story about a snake head that poisons the whole town by gassing them. Its kind of funny though. Then there's odd ones about various objects being deified and a very peculiar one that'll put you off game shows for life. The last one is quite tame until you get to the cat.

I'm sure they're all analogies for something but I'm darned if I knew what. Not my thing at all but it was short enough to zip through. Had there been a lot more stories I might not have finished. William Pauley III clearly has a unique mind.

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This novella was weird as hell, but was entertaining as hell to listen to while I did a couple of tedious tasks at work.

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I listened to the ARC audiobook and could tell from the synopsis and the cover art that this was going to be a good’r! I loved it. The six stories were hilarious, weird and creepy and the narrator was absolute perfection!

We get some horny yet sweet coming-of-age, bizarro game show killings, a cursed VCR and one of the best zombie stories I have ever read.

I’ll definitely be looking for more from William Pauley

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"Goddamn Electric Nights" is a collection of wacky short stories by William Pauley III. I decided to receive the audiobook version of this book, and it was narrated by Connor Brannigan. There are six short stories in this collection, each full of strange, eccentric characters and wild situations. There are some stories that are more comedic in nature, while there is one in particular that is more focused on horror.

I really enjoyed this short story collection. William Pauley III has a rather unique writing style. He writes with a blunt, almost vulgar narrative voice. However, this isn't a bad thing. He revels in this vulgarity and uses it to elevate the stories and bring his eccentric group of characters to life. His writing style also tends to be sardonic and cynical. There are mostly no happy endings, and when there are, they're from the perspectives of deeply disturbed characters. This made each story darkly funny and, most importantly, deeply enjoyable.

I enjoyed all of the stories in this collection. Each one was unique, weird, darkly funny, and interesting. My favorite story was "$5 Electric Suzie." This tells the tale of Suzie, a demonic VCR, and the man who takes care of her and feeds her. It is the perfect mix of bizarre and horrific. It's graphic, it's shocking, and it's awesome. A close second was "Killing Teddy," a story so bizarre, it would be a disservice for me to explain it. I would recommend going into these stories blind, especially this one. I even enjoyed "Slime Night" and "Hypnagogia," despite them being my least favorite stories of the bunch.

One of my favorite aspects of this audiobook was the narrator, Connor Brannigan. With a voice deep and booming, he was the first thing that caught my attention when I started listening to "Goddamn Electric Nights." His voice is very versatile, and it is perfect for both comedic moments and horrific moments. Connor is very charismatic, and he is able to bring the characters to life in all their weird, hilarious glory. I will certainly be looking out for more audiobooks narrated by him in the future.

Overall, I really enjoyed this collection. The tales within were scary, crazy, funny, and engaging. They won't be for everyone, but they were certainly for me. Despite some pacing and narrative issues in a couple of the stories, it didn't lessen my enjoyment of them. I loved the writing style and the narration, too. I can't recommend this audiobook enough. If you're looking for a wild ride, definitely check out "Goddamn Electric Nights!" You won't be disappointed!

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I’ve written reviews for a few of William Pauley III’s books in the last year. I like his brand of weird. I feel right at home on Eighth Tower Block. I have owned the kindle version of Goddamn Electric Nights for a while now. I picked up the audiobook (and one other) on NetGalley a few weeks ago when my kindle had died an untimely death, having seen its existence there as a sign to revisit Eighth Block Tower. I have a new kindle now, thanks to the thoughtful generosity of my bff, so I followed along on that as I listened to the audiobook.

Once again, Connor Brannigan’s performance is great. I really enjoy his voice and delivery of the material. The only exception is the last story. It was like listening to Robert Stack narrating Unsolved Mysteries, a quality that was not bad in the observation parts of the zombie story but not quite fitting Spin Doctors Mixtape. I still love Brannigan’s narration though.

It’s difficult to choose a favorite in this collection of strange tales. Killing Teddy was a neat concept with a great ending. Does anyone ever really win? Parts of $5 Electric Suzie cracked me up. Imagine falling in love with a VCR with a taste for human flesh. Now imagine the levels of love and obsession that would drive a man to murder for 50 years to keep his love sated. I guarantee you’ll never look at a VCR’s, uh, lips the same way again.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me. I love Pauley’s writing. His stories are vividly descriptive and take you to worlds you never imagined. This collection gives a little more insight to how the mutants of Eighth Block Tower came to be and how they continue to exist and I want more.

Big thanks to William Pauley III, Doom Fiction, and NetGalley for providing an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review. You can read Goddamn Electric Nights as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription. Or just buy the book. The eBook is only a couple bucks and the print version would look great on your shelf. Do yourself a favor and grab the audio companion while you’re at it.

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I first read "White Fuzz" by this author and was intrigued enough to give this novella a shot. Unfortunately, I was not a fan and realized I just cannot get with the writing style. Like yes, I can read this and get something out of it if I try hard, but why even bother? Don't really want to bash, so, I'll suffice it to say this was not my cup of tea.

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A random collection of odd horror stories from the creator of ‘The Bedlam Bible’. Some are quite humorous, others just plain bizarre. ‘$5 Electric Suzie’ was especially creepy. William Pauley III delivers chills and chuckles again with this twisted collection of short stories. Poor Muffins.

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The stories were short enough that I could listen while working. Not my favorite while listening some of the content was a bit anti women but otherwise it was okay. 3.5/5

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ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this collection of short horror stories! The different narrators were great and each gave the story a vibrant and unique feel. The author really has a way of setting a scene and characters up quickly that allows the reader to dive right in without hesitation! I think my favorite was the last one about Dave, although I would never let him watch my cat haha! If you’re into horror, sexuality, and a touch of comedy to lighten the mood, I would definitely recommend this book!

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