Member Reviews

I'm so sad. So so so sad. I've tried to read this book no less than 5 times, even picking up the audiobook to try and get through it. I LOVE THE PREMISE!!! but i think the book just isn't for me. When at 150 pages, i still didn't care about anything going on in the book, i figured it was time to give it up. I think it's good for people who like more sci fi multiverse books, but i prefer the lighter ones. The writing was fantastic, which is why I'm not giving it a low rating even though it was a DNF for me. It's a me thing, not a book thing.

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The writing is beautiful and to the point. The world building is just enough that you aren't broken apart by wondering how these events are occurring and simply free to enjoy what is happening.
This was absolutely a good read. A fascinating look at love and loss.

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I really enjoyed Shining Girls and sometimes expect a very similar book from authors that I have already read. I couldn't really get into this one. But that might have been my fault. I have also aged 10 years since that book came out and I am a much different person so even if it were very similar, I am not sure if it would be for me anymore anyways.

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3.5 stars

I feel like I should’ve liked "Bridge" more than I did.

It’s a sci-fi thriller about a young woman named Bridget who, after losing her neuroscientist mother to cancer, finds the mythical dreamworm in her mom’s freezer. Bridge grew up learning all about the dreamworm because her mom was obsessed with it, as she believed it to be a catalyst for travel through the multiverse, to other worlds and other versions of her life. With the dreamworm now in her hands, Bridge wonders if it can be used to not only find a better life for herself but to also find her mom, alive in another world.

What I appreciate about the book is how Lauren Beukes doesn’t overcomplicate the narrative. Multiverse stories can often be difficult to follow what with all the world jumping, but she gives us just enough science and complexity to satisfy those who don’t want their sci-fi dumbed down without sacrificing easy readability. There’s a few surprising twists along the way that make the story fun, and the character of Dom, Bridge’s best friend, adds a needed pop of humor and snark. The ending is terrific, too, and leaves the reader with an interesting moral dilemma to think on.

But even with all this, "Bridge" never crept into the realm of "ooh, I really, really like this book." And I know that at the end of 2024 it will fail to jump out at me as a favorite. Why, I don’t know, but there's something about it that's stopping me from rating it four stars.

My sincerest appreciation to Lauren Beukes, Mulholland Books, and NetGalley for the digital review copy. All opinions included herein are my own.

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I had so much fun reading this book. I was not expecting it to be as much of a thriller as it was! Explaining the premise to someone is some of the most fun I have at my job lately. It is absolutely insane in a great way. I love anything that involves jumping into other timelines. I was expecting more from the philosophical/emotional aspect of this story, but I have to give it four stars just because I was so entertained for the whole thing.

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This book was a bit too big for its britches.

I honestly have zero thoughts after finishing this book other than, it tried to do so much in so little time that everything ending up falling apart. I was very confused the whole time and when I reached the climax of the book, I just felt like it would’ve made more of an emotional impact on me if I had felt attached to ANY of the characters.

Maybe if you love constantly shifting timelines (among other shifting things) you’ll like this, but I just did not enjoy my time reading this.

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how wonderfully weird. A thriller with sci-fi elements that's ultimately unlike anything first! until it becomes a classic parallel universe tale that relies on your connection to the protag/her mom to be interesting. i just couldn't stay focused getting beyond 50% through the book. DNF

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Lauren Beukes is one of my favorite writers, though her books are hit or miss for me. As others have said, this is strange and unique, very science fiction based, with a strong start. Unfortunately, the end petered out, just a bit and struggled to hold my attention. I think I'll probably try this again at some point, as well as I'll always recommend Beukes in general!

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Definitely quite strange and unique. I highly appreciate that in today's world of homogeneous fiction. I highly recommend this book.

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dnf @40%
well written with a really interesting and unique premise, but i was confused and bored with all the characters and timelines...kept waiting for it to pick up for me and never did.

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I loved The Shining Girls by the author and I must say that the author's novels exhibit a remarkable diversity, each possessing unique elements of science fiction or fantasy.

In “Bridge,” we meet Bridget Kittinger, an adult daughter navigating the complexities of her troubled family dynamics following the sudden loss of her mother, Jo. Jo, a brilliant but enigmatic neuroscientist, had been consumed by her obsession with the dreamworm, a legendary psychedelic substance she believed could unlock doorways to alternate realities.

Assisted by her friend Dom, Bridge embarks on the task of sorting through Jo’s belongings and deciphering the mysteries surrounding the dreamworm. Guided by the clues found in her mother’s journals, Bridge begins to entertain the tantalizing possibility that Jo may still exist, but in another realm altogether.

Beukes possesses a unique talent for seamlessly intertwining the fantastical with the mundane aspects of everyday life, creating a narrative that feels not just believable but utterly immersive.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An enjoyable thriller that had me on the edge of my seat. The characters are well rounded and memorable. The plot and pace are good but the intensity does lack from time to time. As well the ending does leave something to be desired but overall a well rounded read. If you enjoy a book with twists and turns this is for you.

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Sometimes I couldn’t believe what I was reading. It’s an amazingly surprising mind-bending, eye-popping, makes-you-want-to-stay-up-all-night-to-read novel of searching for your family and what it means to be a daughter.

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Bridge is mourning the loss of her mother Jo to brain cancer. She is working on cleaning out her mom's house when she finds a "dreamworm", a drug that can help you visit alternate realities. This starts Bridge figuring out the mystery of dreamworm, and her mother's obsession with it. However, there are other dangerous people searching for the dreamworm as well.

Bridge's biggest strength was its' amazing premise. The mixture of speculative fiction elements within the thriller was very compelling. Bridge, Jo, and Dom were all great characters. Dom, Bridge's best friend, supports her on her path to discovery. The middle of the book felt a bit long with the best thriller moments not happening until about 70% in. Other than this issue with pacing this is one fascinating book.

I would recommend this book for those that want to explore alternate realities with Bridge.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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This is the third book I've read by Lauren Beukes and possibly my favorite. I've always been fascinated by parallel universes and alternate realities so Bridge got my immediate attention just from that alone. I'll admit there were some parts that were flat out confusing (for me) but, it didn't take away from the overall storytelling.

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I am so thankful to Mulholland Books, Netgalley, and Lauren Beukes for granting me both digital and physical access to this twisty thriller before it published on August 8, 2023.

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Lauren Beukes, and Mulholland Books for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

I am turning into such a sci-fi girlie, especially sci-fi written by women!! This was SUCH an intriguing read and such a unique take on the "multiverse". I loved the alternating perspectives, as the characters in Bridge were really intriguing. I found myself totally enamored by Bridge and her quest to find her mom with the dreamworm, and I would have loved to see even more of Dom. It is clear that Beukes did a ton of research into parasites and how she wanted things represented scientifically in this book, which I respect. Bridge had me hooked in from page one and kept my intrigue, although it did lag a bit in the middle because this is a fairly dense book with lots going on. I will say that there are times when this book was a little confusing, due to the scientific things being explained or the alternating perspectives, and I wish that some of the aspects of the dreamworm experience and Amber as a whole would have been better explained. It didn't take away from my immense enjoyment in reading this unique story, but I think it would have helped me to love it even more. For now, I'm super excited to check out more of Beukes' works, as I have a feeling this book will be sticking with me for a while to come.

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"Bridge" by Lauren Beukes is a mind-bending thriller that takes readers on a gripping journey through alternate realities, blending cosmic narrative with deeply personal exploration. The story follows Bridge, a young woman paralyzed by the multitude of choices she could have made in her life and struggling to find her identity after her mother's unexpected death.

The heart of the novel revolves around Bridge's late mother, Jo, a brilliant yet obsessed neuroscientist who believed in the existence of an artifact called the "dreamworm." This object, which could open doors to other worlds, had consumed Jo's life and relationships, ultimately leading to her downfall. As Bridge sorts through her mother's belongings, she stumbles upon the dreamworm and discovers that it works exactly as Jo had believed. With the ability to step into alternate realities, Bridge hopes to uncover the truth behind her mother's demise.

Lauren Beukes weaves a tale that is both high-octane thriller and deeply emotional family drama. The concept of infinite realities and the exploration of choices not taken lend a mind-bending quality to the story. The narrative engages readers in questions about identity, the paths we choose, and the consequences of our decisions. Beukes masterfully portrays the connection between Bridge and Jo, delving into the complex mother-daughter relationship that was strained by Jo's obsession.

As Bridge navigates different versions of reality, the tension escalates. The story is not only about personal exploration but also a race against others who seek the dreamworm, willing to go to great lengths, even murder, to possess it. The suspense keeps readers on the edge of their seats, while the emotional depth and introspection add layers to the narrative.

Beukes's writing is both evocative and immersive, making the alternate realities come to life vividly. The novel brilliantly balances the cosmic and the intimate, offering readers a unique blend of science fiction, thriller, and family drama. "Bridge" is an intellectual and emotional rollercoaster that explores the human desire for meaning and connection in a world of infinite possibilities. It showcases Lauren Beukes's talent for crafting compelling narratives that resonate on multiple levels, leaving readers with an exhilarating and thought-provoking experience.

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This was a surprise, i was not sure if I was going to like this or not. This was pretty much an impulse read, that cover is so gorgeous and appealing, In other less adept hands this might have one out to be confusing, but Beukes manages to keep a firm grip on the storyline and maintaining accessibility while still also being very clever, crammed full of alternating POVs and interesting sci fi elements.

I very much enjoyed this and it kept me reading into late into the night. Solid 4 stars.

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I enjoyed so much of this. Great characters, compelling, emotional story. My only gripe was that some portions of dialogue just felt…off. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

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