Member Reviews

“I had lost it all. Willingly. Joyfully. While following my heart.
And because I’d lost it all, I’d gained…everything”.

We first met Travis Hale in Archer’s Voice. He was sneaky and underhanded and definitely a villain. Not someone you think is redeemable, When I first saw the book, I was skeptical, how could I learn to love this character? However, I also love Mia Sheridan and her amazing writing and I knew I had to read Travis’s story,

In Travis, Mia managed to write a character who you can forgive and completely redeems himself. He’s willing to lose it all to prove he’s changed and has become a better man, By the end of the book, you can’t help but love him and root for him to win over Haven’s heart. Haven Torres is running from her troubles. She is initially a bit of a mystery but as her story unfolds, you’re hooked, hanging on to every word to learn about her journey.

In true Mia Sheridan style, this is a story of redemption, growth and love. As a fun bonus, we get to visit with Archer and Bree from Archer’s Voice as well and see the growth in the relationship between Travis and Archer. I definitely recommend picking up this book and falling for Travis.

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I want to preface this by saying I haven’t read Archers Voice yet at the time of this review, so my opinion may be swayed by the events of that book.

This book was okay. Not great, but okay. There were parts I enjoyed. I appreciated Travis’s willingness to put himself out there, but I just feel like there was no real plot. Like I just read 350ish pages of…. Nothingness. I wish there had been some more action.

I did love the shame manifesto 😂 it left me very curious about what happened to Archers voice box and I will be reading his book.

I did like the authors writing style, so I’ll be reading more of hers.

I don’t think this book is a must read.

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I loved Archer’s Voice and Mia Sheridan so couldn’t wait to read Travis. I was disappointed to find that the storyline was bland and I did not find the characters particularly engaging, particularly Haven. I had a hard time finishing.

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I think i loved Travis and couldn't stand Haven as she grated of my nerve. It's a story about new changes and meeting the right person.
The author is good storyteller but the story wasn't my cup of tea.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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3 stars

Having not read Archer's Voice I started this not knowing anything about these characters and im kinda glad because I got to know Travis side of the story better that way and I have to say I get him and I love him.
This book started great and finished great but... the middle was a bit boring and messy.
I have to say although I adored Travis, our heroine Haven... I wasn't a fan of her. Also their romance, I feel was underdeveloped or lacking more chemistry for me to truly cheer for them.
Still I enjoyed the redemption arc story and Travis' growth by the end even with the things i didnt enjoyed so, I'm very happy to finally read this book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Travis Hale gets a redemption arc!

The plot in this was fairly standard. Two emotionally stunted people fall in love and then spend most of the book in various stages of denial. The whole town hall scene was completely unbelievable but, other than that, there was a fun supporting cast and some nice, if generic, character growth.

I think fan’s of Archer’s Voice will enjoy this if only to witness Travis’s maturity.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5⭐️ 2.75🌶

-Small Town
-Forced Proximity

Travis Hale has lived a life of regrets and has been let down in every way possible. Until Haven Torres shakes up his whole life and leaves Travis questioning his future.

Mia Sheridan does it again! Wow I’m speechless! Honestly, I went into this book unsure if I even wanted to read it because I really did not like Travis in Archer’s Voice. But I’m so happy I gave it a chance. Travis’s redemption journey was done very well. I really felt for him, he lived his life with so much pain and was always misunderstood. Mia did such a good job with all of the character developments and world building. And of course once again she brought me to tears, I felt so deeply for both MCs.

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2.5 stars…..This book was kind of disappointing. I don’t know if it’s just because the book I finished right before was I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and in comparison it was just lackluster, but I think just not much happens. I remember really enjoying Archer’s Voice, but this story didn’t have the likeable main characters or emotional pull of that story. The book is dual POV, but focuses a bit more on Travis as the main character, which is unusual (although I understand the rationale), and I think it did the book a disservice. I just didn’t care about the main characters or their relationship. Towards the end with the town meeting and Travis compiling a very, very long list of all the bad things he’d done, including every single time he’d been mean to Archer? That was so unrealistic. Even though Haven is supposedly an amazingly kind, thoughtful person….she treats Travis badly in the most insensitive way. Travis talked so much about how he was used to women worshiping him and him not caring at all…it was cringy. Overall, I’m sure some people who absolutely loved Archer’s Voice will enjoy this, it just have the emotional impact I had expected.
Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for providing me access to this eARC for my honest opinion!

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✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ /5

ok I didn’t like Travis in Archers Voice for obvious reasons, but this book was the perfect redemption story for him. I really loved the FMC, Haven. She also is a fellow plant lover so I really related to that 🪴😍 I loved that Travis really had to work for it & wasn’t let off the hook easy for everything he had done. I’m definitely a fan of him after this book.
I loved the bits with Archer & Bree And getting to see what they are up to. 🥹Overall, it was a cute story and the vibes of Pelion with the lake makes me want summer here already 🥹

• redemption story
• small town romance
• friends with benefits

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Travis by Mia Sheridan
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Genre: contemporary romance
Format: ebook
Length: 394 pages
Trigger Warnings: grief, death of a parent, addiction

✨Read this book if you enjoy✨
🩷Guy falls first
🏘️Small town setting
📖Archer’s Voice
🌶️Open Door Romance

Thank you to Netgalley, Bloom Books, and Mia Sheridan for an e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

I remember when I finished reading Archer’s Voice last year and I desperately needed more time in this world, with these characters. And this book delivered.

This book gave me all the feels. I never thought I would grow to care for Travis but I saw him in a whole new light. The best way I can summarize this book is two people who are struggling through their past traumas finally try to heal and move on. I absolutely loved the chemistry between Travis and Haven. I hope this isn't the last we see of this town and this family.

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Travis is a stunning tale that is both heartwarming and humorous. The author's writing style is impeccable, and I found myself chuckling, sighing, and even shedding a tear or two. This friends-to-lovers romance is captivating and will leave you feeling fulfilled and content.

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5/5 ⭐
2/5 🌶️

I was both so nervous and so excited for Travis' redemption story, but it was absolutely everything I was hoping for. This book was so sweet, I couldn't get enough.

Travis. Oh, Travis. I fell so freaking hard for this man over the course of this story. He was remorseful, funny, seggsy and sweet. Not only did he grow so much in the time since we left Archer's story, but he grew so much during the course of this book. I never would have imagine the Travis of AV to be so caring and sweet, but he really was here. And hilarious to boot, I loved his internal dialogue and banter with Haven.

I loved Haven too. She was so broken, constantly on the run from her past... But when she slowed down for just a little bit she fell hard for Travis and for Pelion. I think one of my favorite things about her is her love of plants, especially when we find out why. She gives and nurtures with her whole dang heart. As a somewhat side note, I loved Easton's character development and his part in this story as well. Such a little heathen, but he was great. I'm hoping he has or is getting his own story!

The grovel was amazing, Travis just threw himself so far under the bus he basically popped out the other side. I loved the ending and the epilogue to pieces, such a perfect little bow on these characters lives. I can not wait for more from Mia and Pelion, she's quickly become a favorite author of mine.

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Thank you to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books, Bloom Books for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

I fell in love with Archer's Voice years ago so it was so exciting to go back and visit the Hales. If you have read Archer's Voice and kind of hated Travis like I did it was nice to see him redeem himself. Overall, this is a book of redemption. Mia Sheridan is great at bringing out the emotions and make you fall for her characters. I'm glad he gets his HEA when he meets Haven. Great story line and who doesn't love a small town romance.

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OMG thos book was amazing! I read Archer's Voice at the end of last year and I fell in love with it. I was mad it took me so long to read it. So when I saw Travis was coming out and that I was except to read this AR' in advance I was thrilled. This was such a wonderful book. You will fall in love with Travis and Haven. The B&B they stay at ihas some interesting people and a non cat person becomes a cat person. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you Sourcebooks Bloom Books for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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Archer’s Voice is one of my favourite romance books, so I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book because I HATED Travis in Archer’s Voice. While I didn’t love this book as much as Archer’s Voice, I still really enjoyed it!

This book is Travis’ redemption story and it adds perspective to his previous actions. I loved his growth as a character and how he finally found his happy ending. I also really liked our plant-loving FMC Haven, who was kind, strong, and who really brought out the best in Travis. My favourite part of this book though was definitely the moments with Archer, Bree, and their cute little family.

If you liked Archer’s Voice and you’re a fan of the friends-to-lovers trope, I would definitely recommend reading Travis!

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

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Oh my heart. I absolutely loved this story. The Hale brothers are everything.

Travis thinks he has the one to finally settle down with only to find her in bed with a younger man. Swearing off of women, Travis’s bad luck continues. But meeting Haven Torres have made things more palatable.

Haven Torres and her brother have become nomads ever since their mother died. They never stay in one place for more than a few months. But Pelion, Maine, and Travis makes Haven start to wonder what it would be like to belong… to have roots.

This book was fantastic, the storyline superb. The folks at the Yellow Trellis Inn are hilarious and endearing. And watching Travis and his brother Archer repair their relationship was everything. And Haven learning to embrace instead of let go was a sight to behold. You should definitely one-click this book – you won’t be disappointed.

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If you'd asked me a few years ago how many stars I'd give Travis Hale, I'd have told you ZERO! After reading Archer's Voice I didn't like Travis very much and was pretty angry at him. Fast forward a few years and Travis' story appears. Do I want to read it? Am I willing to give him a chance? Turns out the answer to this is yes...and yes! And I'm so very glad I read this book.

There's a quote that goes something like this "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about"...turns out that includes fictional characters too. Hearing the story from Travis' perspective made me appreciate the hardships he went through that I had not considered when I read the original story. It also made me love him...something I would have not thought possible in the past. Learning about how much the family situation had hurt him and how much of that he still carried with him as an adult, as well, as getting a peek at his softer side, completely redeemed him in my eyes.

Add to this, the lovely Haven Torres and how, even though she carried a heavy load of her own, she brought love and light into Travis' life, and I was a very happy reader indeed. I will admit that by the time we got to the pivotal ending chapters I was feeling very protective of Travis and I didn't love what he had to do to redeem himself, but I did understand why he did just hurt my heart a bit. I really enjoyed the interactions between Travis and Archer and Bree and, of course, loved the quirky crew at the inn.

Overall, this was the redemption story that Travis needed and just the story I needed to read. Once again, Ms. Sheridan, you've given me a story that brought all the feels, and that made me reflect on my own thoughts and actions. This story, just like Archer's Voice, will stay with me for a long time!

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Archer's Voice was one of my favorite reads of last year, so going into reading Travis had me nervous because lately contempered romance sequels have not been living up to the first but Travis instantly has become one of my favorites. I didn't think I could love Travis Hale the way I loved Archer but that quickly changed. The way we get to see the raw emotions of Travis made me really understand him as a person. I also loved Haven, maybe even more than Bree (still love her). For me, Haven was more relatable as a person. She really was polar opposite of Travis but they mold together so well. It was also refreshing to visit Pelion again and I hope this isn't the last.

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I HATED Travis in Archer’s Voice. I mean I despised him so much. He had me feeling a type of way. However, This book was definitely his redemption story. It was so beautiful to read. I appreciated having the dual POV and seeing both sides of the story. It was also nice seeing how Travis reacts around Archer, Bree and the kiddos after the fact. Just from seeing his childhood trauma and then seeing who he has become. I just couldn’t believe how much my hate turned into love for Travis by the end of it.

Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books and NetGalley for allowing me to read and give my honest review

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Oh Travis Hale, how you redeemed yourself here. Archer’s voice has been and always will be one of my favorite books EVER written. To be honest, that book was one OF 3 books that got me hooked on reading and had me become this book junkie that I now am. 😅 I love the references we got here seeing some of Bree and Archer’s growth as a family and then kiddos.

But THIS ONE is all about TRAVIS! Travis is real, raw, emotional, witty, handsome but had hardships he dealt with his whole life with more being thrown at him and his experiences are very related because people do have these things happen to them in their lifetime. Trying to navigate his emotions from his past, succeed in his career, while a new heartache / summer “adventure”came along… TRAVIS, every reader that reads this, will fall in love with you and now UNDERSTANDS.

Oh, then there’s Haven Torres. I loved her introduction to this story… I was giggling and thinking, “YESSSS A HIPPIE LOVING PLANT GIRL! With some good come back lines.”

Haven, is from Los Angeles and at the lake for the summer with her brother, Easton, who has already started conflict from the start knowingly what he was doing but did he know deep down who that trouble would involve and the hurt it would inflict. Will that person make Easton suffer from a revenge for his wrong doings or does that person come to light and see it maybe was an unintentional eye opening experience? FATE?? Do they see that could have ended up hurting them more had they not found out or walked into it when they did?

Thank you Mia, for bringing these characters back to make my heart fall in love all over again. The love of this story grew a lot more if that’s even possible. Still to this day when people ask for a good Romance that had an affect on you… I, without hesitation say, “ARCHER’S VOICE… trust me!” I love that Travis is so good with Bree and Archer’s children and I was happy to experience that side of him. I loved the whit and narrative of the characters… had me giggling. I also hurt, cried and loved them like these were people I knew. 😂 Also, thank you for allowing me to get an ARC so close to your release. I stopped the two books I was reading just for this story. 😅 I can’t not wait to see what the rest of this book series and you bring to my cozy livingroom or patio.

Netgalley and @read_bloom , thank you for the advanced copy for an honest review. I felt the tight, curious, got to know more hold it had on me from the moment it downloaded on my kindle until the end.

*JUST NOTE YOU WILL CRY - but I absolutely loved to see the growth and became very understanding of how things make people the way they are. You can’t truly know someone’s pain until it is put into depth or in your face.*

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