Member Reviews

Read it in a day with barely any breaks, but the breaks that I took just meant that I was thinking about it and wanted to get back to it! With such believable characters because they are far from perfect, a really gripping read

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Book 1 in a new series. This book was fast paced and entertaining. Loved how the chemistry between the main characters flowed.

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This was a easy, enjoyable read, combining sport, technology and the obligatory romance.

It leaves you with a really good feeling.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read this story. I'm always interested in new authors and Leslie North did a great job with the first book in this series. For me, it was an original idea and I really enjoyed the instant chemistry and love/hate relationship between the characters. I would have loved to see more, even between other players and the background.

I'm looking forward to reading more in the series and from North.

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overall, i really like this book! i love seeing women in stem and i also really appreciated the emphasis on athletes off the court/field. i loved their relationship and i think they complimented each other really well. my only complaint is how fast their relationship developed. at first, there was a lot of banter and arguing between them but suddenly an attraction just popped up. i think the story could’ve been better if there was more tension and the book was a slow burn. i also wish we could’ve seen a deeper connection between the two. still, i really enjoyed this book and if you love sports romances than i definitely recommend this!!

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Relay Publishing for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the first in a new series. For me, this is sort of unbelievable, but what do I know. Maybe biofeedback technology is at this stage. The characters were complete opposites, but they still clicked. Sort of humorous to read. I liked it but didn't love it. 3.5 stars

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Claire desperately wants to have her wearable technology approved, and the way to do it is by getting an NFL player to demo it. I don’t see the link either, when there are so many soldiers available, but I was willing to take the risk.

The risk somewhat paid off. In this book is a couple with good chemistry, but I also got a feeling that the author doesn’t really watch football. That sort of ruined some of the action. All in all, I’m giving this 3 stars.

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Enemies to lovers sports romance between an unconventional scientist and an injured quarterback whose coaches want him to wear biofeedback technology she designed for military use/injured soldiers to analyze his game. Many obstacles are overcome before they reach their HEA.

Thank you to Net Galley for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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If you like football players and smart tech women you will enjoy this one. Would recommend as a fun easy read.

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This was my first novel by Leslie North and the synopsis had me downloading the "read now" book. There were a few things about this book that made it hard to love it. Even though this was book one of a series, there were times in the book that made me feel like I was missing backstory for both Marcus and Claire. It wasn't enough to change the book, but it would have been helpful to know more about Clay or Sol. There were times it felt like there was a big jump between topics in a short span of time; one paragraph would be about Claire's technology, the next might be about The Hive and it would take me a minute to catch up. It disrupted the flow of my reading. The same thing happened with the relationship between Claire and Marcus, they'd were enemies and then they were fighting their attraction to each other a few pages later. I wanted more of a slow build, back and forth with them. I enjoyed the military aspect, the glimpse into Clay's service, his sacrifice and how it impacted those around him. A main character who was a women in science/tech was empowering and the things Marcus did off the field showed there are more to professional athletes that are not always broadcasted. I'm glad this was a "read now" option instead of a book I requested and I'll read book two at some point, but I'm not rushing to pick it up.
Thank you NetGalley and Relay Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I’ve read a fair number of sports romances and I enjoyed the science premise on this one. Overall it was a fast read with some interesting conflict and it raised some good questions for me about AI in the future of sports.

It wasn’t a book that received a higher rating from me as I found some parts a little slow and wasn’t overly compelled to keep reading.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC copy to read. All my thoughts and opinions are my own and weren’t influenced by receiving an ARC.

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Firstly I have to say that I tend not to read sport romances very often, but there was something about this one that got my interest from the start. Claire is developing biofeedback technology to help soldiers in combat, having lost her brother on his last deployment. She is trialling it on a football team, and comes up against the team’s star quarterback, who is carrying an injury and doesn’t want to be sidelined in favour of a newer and potentially fitter newcomer. As they get to know more about each other will their initial feelings change? This book grabbed my attention from the start, there are some really descriptive paragraphs relating to seeing colour for the first time, and for those of you like me who aren’t true sports fans there is just enough for us to get to grips with. I read this book in one sitting, and thoroughly recommend it.

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This was a good read. At first I had a hard time following but the more I read it got easier. I am always look for books by this author. Marcus had a hard life growing up and didn't let that hold him back a become a better person. He was so much more than just a football player.

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It had been a while since my latest Leslie North.

That was not because I don’t like her books any more. But they always come in three. And my OCD head then just needs to read them all. My to read pile was a bit high though, so adding another three to the pile was not an option. Now that my pile was a bit more manageable (J’m not saying low…), I went out and requested the Solomon Pro Athletes series.

And as usual, the story is sweet, sparks are flying and we have a strong woman keeping standing in a male world. Claire is one tough cookie and a bit of a geek. She is working her ass off to create wearables, which will be able to help soldiers be better in combat. All in honor of her brother, who lost his life in Afghanistan. You can’t help but admire her. And as for grumpy Marcus? He is the marshmallow of the story: hard exterior, but with a heart of gold. And if you bring cookies and marshmallow together? You get yummie s’mores!

Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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Marcus strongly disagree aboit using Biotech analyze to make him better athlete after injury. He think an Athlete is hardwork not technology made. Especially with scientist who dosnt know anything about Football. Claire not interested in Football, not understand why people crazy about it but her job make her getting close to football. If she succes in this project she would have her dream contract in military. With their own reason, they agree to cooperation.

Too fast, i enjoy when they are bickering but suddenly there are kiss and everything change. After that the flirt and teasing was good, they open up telling each other past, hope, dream. 2 chapter till ends the sotry build so good, i can feel Claire confused with her data, real experience in field, her first goal, her feeling. Butt the end was rush..i want more chapter about Claire research progress, about Marcus future in football, about their relationship heading where..

#NoMoreSidelines #LeslieNorth #RelayPublishing #ARCProvidedbyVictoryEditing #VictoryEditing #NetGalley #NetGalleyCoop #ARC

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This is the 1st book in the “Solomon Pro Athletes Series”. This is the romantic journey for Marcus and Claire. Marcus is the NFL star quarter back and he sustains an almost career ending injury. Claire is a scientist and has no interest in sports. Claire has developed a program with sensors to monitor bodily movements. Marcus’s coach wants him to wear the sensor monitor. Marcus wants to continue to play football so he agrees to wear the monitor. Marcus is also afraid that with him wearing the sensor monitor Claire might find out that he is not able to continue playing the sport he so loves. Claire wants a government contract for her sensor monitor to help the soldiers in combat. The more time that these two are spending together they are growing closer and closer. The chemistry between Marcus and Claire is awesome.

Can Claire’s sensor monitor help Marcus, will Claire land the government contract for her monitor, is there an HEA in store for Claire and Marcus?

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What starts as a series of adversarial encounters leads to a cease-fire that evolves into friendship then love for Claire and Marcus in this thoughtful, compressed story about grief and moving forward from different types of loss. Their story offers an immersive sense of the volatile dynamics of competitive environments in professional sports and performance innovation.

[note: original copyright date of 2018 is probably why the Washington Commanders NFL team is referred to by their previous name in the eARC NetGalley provided]

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Definitely a 5 star review!

This book had me reading it at every opportunity. I normally only read before bed, but I was reading this in the mornings and on my kindle app on my phone. (Something I never usually do)

The suspense is amazing and timed really well. Not too long to reach climaxes and I just wanted to be fed more and more at each climax. A short book in length, but very well executed.

I felt instantly connected to the characters- all of them. I even wanted some of Marcus 🫣🤣

I am 100% intrigued by the other titles of this author, having read this book.

Leslie North is a new author for me and one that I will happily keep.

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Another great book by Leslie North.
This is Claire and Marcus' story. It is.a sweet, quick read, with some serious moments sprinkled in. Loved the characters and rooted for them throughout. Both had things in their pasts to overcome in order to move forward.
Truly enjoyed reading this book.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review .

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Marcus lives in fear that his football career is coming to an end. He can't imagine life without football. Claire is desperate to get her wearable tech seen by the US military because she believes it can save lives. She didn't think she would need to work with a football team to prove it could work.

I like a lot of aspects of this story. First, the author introduced a lot of reasons why there would be friction between Marcus and Claire. The characters work their way through the issues by fighting and talking and getting to know one another. There are some nice scenes with other characters helping them to see their way through frustrations. Second, there is a bad guy but he's just getting trying to get what he wants just like everyone else in the story. Yes, he's worthy of hate but his motivations are clear and he's not "hurting" anyone with his actions. Third, the side characters are strong and interesting. I am looking forward to more books in this series.

I did have trouble with the timeframe of the story. Claire "proves" her tech works very quickly. That didn't completely make sense to me. I also had trouble with how fast Marcus goes from A to Z in the story. He starts out totally committed to football and shuns the tech but then totally embraces the tech.

All that being said, this is a short book so there are details missing that an author would likely include in a longer book but I still think it's a good overall story. This is a contemporary book set in Portland. There is some football talk with a little wearable tech mixed in. I will definitely read more from this author in the future.

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