Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book! I wish I had started at the first one because I need the whole series. I have been on such an urban fantasy kick it isn't even funny and this book definitely scratched that itch! This is a highly recommended series for me!

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This is the second book in the series and I recommend that they be read in order. I enjoyed this second book even better than the first. It is a unique and exciting fantasy with likable characters.

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This is definitely a fast paced and adventurous story. I love tagging along with lane as she kicks butt after butt in this dynamic book. The world building is so amazing. It captures your attention and doesn't let it go. It's really an addicting series.

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Honestly I couldn’t get past the first few pages. The writing was not appealing to me and felt poorly done.

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This the second book in the Author's Blood Fae Druid series - and whilst it can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading book one first to set the worldbuilding and characters in place

This book takes up where the last book left off - Lane and her sisters are once again forced by the Council to investigate what has happened to missing Sun Fae . The fact she is no longer seen as an abomination by all Sun Fae leaves her feeling creeped out
The investigation leads Lane to uncover secrets the Sun Fae would rather she didn't - secrets that directly apply to her family . The pressure to find a solution to the secrets is only made worse by her accidental binding to Teddy's inner beast ....... the action moves swiftly between fae portals - just what is going on , who can be trusted ?
Thrown into the action are evil wyvern , shadow shifters , tunnelling grounders , druids and just to make matters worse the reappearance of her creepy druid relation Blackthorne
The action is swift , the dialogue snarky and the characters diverse - what more could you want in an enjoyable read

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This is a great second book, full of action, steam,I love Lane, I read critical reviews of her saying she just does what she wants regardless of the consequences, why do female characters get this complaint, when it’s a male character they’re badass, take no prisoners attitude etc, but when it’s a woman they’re self-centred and self involved, Lane is a strong woman, I love her and no internalised misogyny present from this reviewer, yeah she can make mistakes, wrong choices, who doesn’t , get over it, this is a great book, great character and I can’t wait for the next

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in return for an honest opinion

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Bad Girls Bite 2 -Blood Fae Druid series
4.5 Stars

I chose this book, not realizing it was the 2nd book in the Blood Fae Druid series. I really enjoyed the writing, so I bought the first book. Meanwhile, book 2 was archived on NetGalley.

Bad Girls Bite starts shortly after the events from Bad Girls Drink Blood. So I'd recommend reading this series in order for the most enjoyment they build.

We join Lane and the gang in another case forced on by the Fae court. I could see that getting old, but for now I enjoyed the fast-paced, action-packed adventure this book took me on. I am happy we get to learn more about Lane's sisters, Lane's creepy druid relation Blackthorne, and Teddy.

There's definitely more progress with her love interest. I appreciate the more natural pace of Lane and Teddy's relationship. I can't help but adore how well SL Choi wrote a mature and functioning relationship. They're well matched.

The writing and world building are awesome. There are several interesting side characters. I look forward to getting to know them more. However, one of my favorite things about this series is their badass sisterhood. Makes me want siblings! Overall, a fun, fast read. Looking forward to the next release.

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Picked this up - not knowing it was the second in the series and figured I could power through regardless.
For some reason I just couldn't get into it. I was expecting "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"-esque vibes, but this just wasn't it. Perhaps it's time for me to put down the paranormal romance and back away slowly.

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This story is the reason I avoid Paranormal romance series. The story starts off right away with sex. While it is part of a series as a reader I would like to know more about the characters and relationships before graphic sex is introduced.
After pushing though, the sexy time to get to the meat of the story. Bad Girls Bite is written from Lane’s point of view and while she has times of feeling broken it is hard to feel connected to the character who seems to do what she wants no matter what anyones else thinks.
The story moves quickly and readers who are new to the series will be caught up sooner or later.
The story falls flat for this reader.

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I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t know how a second book in a series feels like the fifth, but this felt like coming back into a world I knew well, and hit the right notes for me. This picks up pretty quickly after the last book, and carries a lot of the unfinished elements and plot, but brings some interesting new twists. I don’t want to give anything away, but if you liked the last, you will definitely like this one as well. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

Lane and the gang's all here. This book picks up right after the first. It can be read as a standalone but once you finish this one, you'll be waiting impatiently for the next. For the lover's of Teddy, more of his background is revealed.

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Oh the joy and angst of being Lane. This fast paced adventure has Lane growing into the woman she is supposed to be. She needs to learn to accept help she doesn’t have to go it alone. The relationship between Lane and Teddy heats up. I really enjoyed getting to know her sisters better and really love my visits to this world. Bring on the next installment.

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Bad Girls Bite takes place soon after the events in Bad Girls Drink Blood. Lane and the gang are patrolling the Outerlands, on the lookout for the sun stones and the bad guys (and gal) who stole them while navigating their new digs in a posh Las Vegas casino and unearthing some pretty big family secrets.

The druid Blackthorne plays a more prominent role in this book and I'm waiting to find out why, exactly, he helped the bad guys if he's more of a morally grey character than a villain himself. He doesn't need money, so what's the secret?? What drove him to ally with the corrupted moon fae??

My favorite aspect of this book is the increased focus on Teddy. But be warned: SL Choi is a huge tease. Throughout Bad Girls Bite, she drops hints about Teddy's mysterious alter ego, the black wolf - how different he is, how dangerous he could be, and why mating with him comes with a deadly caveat - but we still don't get to see him in all his glory!

He shows up in the shadows and is always lurking, but we've get to get the money shot.

Teddy and Lane's relationship is one of the rare fictional relationships that doesn't rely on miscommunication to propel the plot. There were SO MANY opportunities for one or both of them to make some drastic assumption that would tear them apart and I love that Choi never cheapened them in that way.

The presence of a strong, mature relationship, tons of action, and the shroud of mystery surrounding so many characters is why fans of Urban Fantasy should be devouring this series!

Favorite quotes:

"That place isn't a dungeon. It's the Airbnb everyone tries, but no one stays"

"From now until the end, I am yours."

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Blood Fae, magic, wyvern, and adventure from beginning to end. A fun fantasy with plenty of intrigue, bad guys versus good guys, a good amount of snark, and an undercurrent of romance, or more accurately, heat! A fun read with a satisfying ending, but enough to continue on ...

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This engrossing story arc shows Lane is a badass hunter. The unrelenting pace of the story is filled with action and mystery, right up to the twisty. Characters were spectacular, writing was let's jump right into the deep end. Highly recommend this series. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book for Netgalley.

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